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3GPP Work Item mapping to Change Requests

3GPP Work Item = 60041 (GERAN)

This page lists the approved Change Requests to 3GPP Technical Specifications and Reports associated with the above work item. Click on the CR find it in the CR table associated with the spec to which it pertains. Click on the spec to open its web page.

Spec CR number and Revision CR Title
04.18 A248 Usage of CBQ2
04.60 A981 Changes to chapter 8 for GERAN
04.60 B090 PLMN-Id description on PBCCH
23.002 0026 rev 1 Introduction of Iu-CS and Iu-PS interfaces to BSS of type GERAN in the network architecture for REL-4
23.002 0034 Introduction of Iu-CS and Iu-PS interfaces to BSS of type GERANin the network architecture
23.002 0042 Removal of Iu for GERAN in Rel 4
23.221 0012 rev 1 The introduction of area concepts for GERAN R5
23.221 0013 rev 1 Basic principles for MS controlled Cell/Interface selection/re-selection
23.221 0014 rev 1 Use of the terms Iu mode and A/Gb mode
23.221 0015 rev 2 Editorial corrections
24.008 0264 rev 1 GSM 700 addition into MS classmark & radio access capability IE
43.051 0001 Editorial corrections of sections 2 and 3
43.051 0002 Corrections of section on GERAN architecture
43.051 0003 Changes to clause 6
43.051 0004 rev 1 Clarification wrt TFI unicity
43.051 0005 Definition of the MAC functions
43.051 0006 rev 1 Editorial corrections to Annex C
43.051 0007 RLC/MAC for ECSD channels
43.051 0008 Change of MAC modes into MAC states; corrections related to PDTCH on DPSCH
43.051 0009 Clarification of RRC functions
43.051 0011 rev 1 TFI, RBid, DPSCH
43.051 0012 rev 2 Working assumptions for RRC design
43.051 0013 rev 2 Introduction of RRC connection mobility assumptions for GERAN
43.051 0015 rev 1 Clarifications and corrections to section 6.3 and Annex C
43.051 0016 Removal of physical layer muxing
43.051 0017 rev 1 RLC SDU Discard
43.051 0018 Removal of the QR
43.051 0019 Inclusion of the decision of adopting RLC/MAC as layer 2 on the control plane
43.051 0020 43.051-020 Iur-g
43.051 0021 rev 1 43.051-021 rev 1 Definition of Signalling Radio Bearers
43.051 0022 rev 1 43.051-022 rev 1 On security issues
43.051 0023 43.051-023 Ciphering of signaling radio bearers
43.051 0024 rev 1 43.051-024 rev 1 Introduction of Enhanced Power Control
43.051 0025 43.051-025 Editorial Changes Related to Fast Power Control for ECSD and other minor clean-ups
43.051 0026 rev 2 43.051-026 rev 2 Working assumption on mode selection
43.051 0027 rev 1 43.051-027 rev 1 Introduction of area concept in GERAN (Rel 5)
43.051 0034 rev 2 Inclusion of GERAN Iu Internal Cell Identity CI
43.051 0035 rev 1 Removal of Fast Random Access from GERAN Rel5 Iu
43.051 0037 Mandatoriness of the P channels and procedures on PCCCH
43.051 0041 rev 2 MAC multiplexing and scheduling
43.051 0041 rev 3 MAC multiplexing and scheduling
43.051 0041 rev 8 MAC multiplexing and scheduling
43.051 0044 rev 1 Clean-up
43.051 0045 Count input to ciphering algorithm
43.051 0049 rev 2 TBF reallocation
44.004 0006 Enhanced Power Control Alignment with 48.058
44.004 0006 rev 1 Layer 1; General Requirements
44.018 0036 Broadcast of CCN mode support in neighbour cells
44.018 0036 rev 1 Broadcast of CCN mode support in neighbour cells
44.018 0161 Iu mode Indication on BCCH in Rel-5
44.018 0161 rev 1 Iu mode Indication on BCCH in Rel-5
44.018 0161 rev 2 Iu mode Indication on BCCH in Rel-5
44.018 0164 Usage of CBQ2
44.018 0165 Usage of CBQ2
44.018 0181 Description of SI13alt
44.018 0181 rev 1 Description of SI13alt
44.060 0017 Broadcast of CCN mode support in neighbour cells
44.060 0017 rev 1 Broadcast of CCN mode support in neighbour cells
44.060 0017 rev 2 Broadcast of CCN mode support in neighbour cells
44.060 0029 Introduction of GERAN
44.060 0063 rev 1 [Iu mode] Updates to 44.060 §§ 1 to 3
44.060 0063 rev 2 Updates to 44.060 §§ 1 to 3
44.060 0068 Clarification of network behaviour for NACC
44.060 0068 rev 1 Clarification of network behaviour for NACC
44.060 0076 rev 1 Introduction of GERAN Rel5
44.060 0076 rev 2 Basic changes to chapter 8 for Iu mode
44.060 0077 rev 1 Introduction of GERAN Rel5
44.060 0077 rev 2 Basic changes to chapter 9 for Iu mode
44.060 0090 rev 1 Radio Link Control/Medium Access Control (RLC/MAC)
44.060 0091 Updated Section 7
44.060 0091 rev 1 to 44.060 section 7
44.060 0100 rev 1 Introduction of RLC/MAC for FACCH, SACCH and SDCCH
44.060 0120 rev 1 REL-5 Packet Paging Request message
44.060 0136 Basic for Section 5 of 44.060
44.060 0137 Basic for Section 6 of 44.060
44.060 0167 REL-5 Packet Control Acknowledgement message
44.060 0168 REL-5 Packet DBPSCH Assignment
44.060 0169 Introduction of multiple TBFs to section 7
44.060 0179 PLMN-Id description on PBCCH
44.060 0180 PLMN-Id description on PBCCH
44.160 0017 SFACCH operation
44.160 0017 rev 1 SFACCH operation
44.160 0017 rev 2 SFACCH operation
45.001 0004 Introduction of adaptive half rate speech channels with 8-PSK modulation
45.002 0025 rev 1 Introduction of adaptive half rate speech channels with 8-PSK modulation
45.003 0004 rev 1 45.003-004 rev 1 Introduction of EPC and SACCH/TP (Rel.5)
45.003 0012 rev 1 Update of channel coding and interleaving organization
45.005 0007 rev 3 Introduction of requirements for adaptive half rate speech channels with 8-PSK modulation
45.008 0062 Introduction of adaptive half rate speech channels with 8-PSK modulation
45.008 0113 rev 1 Iu mode Indication on BCCH in Rel-5
45.009 0003 Introduction of adaptive half rate speech channels with 8-PSK modulation
48.018 0057 rev 3 Introduction of RAN Information Management in 48.018
48.018 0057 rev 4 Introduction of RAN Information Management in 48.018
48.018 0058 rev 1 Introduction of Global CN-Id when CS paging is done via the PS domain
48.018 0061 rev 2 Introduction of flow control per PFC
51.010-2 0253 Table B.1: Correction of applicability for a mobile terminal supporting card application
51.010-2 0253 rev 1 Table B.1: Correction of applicability for a mobile terminal supporting card application

page generated from database: 2024-09-26 11:02:35

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