The 5G Standard


3GPP Working Procedures

The rule book, covering participation in 3GPP, the 3GPP Structure, Partners Responsibilities, the Project Coordination Group & Technical Specification Groups, the Work Programme and Technical Coordination, 3GPP Deliverables, Reporting and External Relations.


Change Requests

The Change Request (CR) procedure is used to create revised versions of 3GPP specifications after their initial approval. The three main reasons why a change might be required are to add a new feature, correct-clarify-enhance an existing feature of a Release still under development or to correct an error in a specification which is functionally frozen.



3GPP uses a system of parallel "Releases" which provide developers with a stable platform for the implementation of features at a given point and then allow for the addition of new functionality in subsequent Releases.


Delegates FAQs

Delivers information that expands on the 3GPP Working Procedures; providing detailed help on meeting registration and participation, connecting to the server, registering a change of employer, deciding which TSGs or WGs may be of interest, how to contribute documents, on drafting Technical Specifications and Technical Reports, what is responsible behaviour and on Voting rights and the use of a proxy.


Elections & Technical Votes

We keep details of the candidates, the registrations and about the results of each election. This section also shows any technical votes that have been raised.


Specification Numbering

All 3GPP specifications have a specification number consisting of 4 or 5 digits. (e.g. 09.02 or 29.002). The first two digits define the series. Our Spec. numbering page gives links to listings of the specifications and reports in each series.


Email Lists

Each 3GPP TSG and WG has its dedicated email list and may also have additional email discussion strings – over their own email list.


3GPP Work Plan

The Work Plan provides details of co-operation between all the 3GPP TSGs and WGs on reaching common targets. These targets are called "Features" and are either new or bring enhanced functionality to the existing system.


3GU Portal

This new section serves as an introduction to the 3GU portal. Up-to-the-minute meeting information, T-Docs, Change Requests, Release data and links to the specifications are here.


Recommended Pages


This slideset is a Quick-start for newcomers to the project and those in need of a refresher course on a variety of topics.

The presentation looks at the key areas of:

  • What the 3rd Generation Partnership Project is
  • What the 3GPP 'Outputs' are
  • Details on the structure of the groups
  • How to contribute to the work

Meeting Calendar

The Mobile Competence Centre (MCC) provides support to the 3GPP. The support team is an integrated unit of people comprising of support Officers, Assistants and Contracted Experts.