Generations of Mobile Standards


"Working Agreements" are tentative decisions reached by 3GPP groups in order to make progress on matters where consensus [1] cannot be reached. See the 3GPP Working Procedures, article 25. See document PCG20_04 (slides 4 & 5) for further background information.

To propose additions to this page:

Only working agreements explicitly documented in meeting reports will be included. Where appropriate, reference may be made to a meeting contribution (TDoc) supporting the working agreement, or giving further details.

To challenge a working agreement, contact the Chair of the meeting where the challenge would be resolved. The challenge will normally result in a formal vote at the earliest possible meeting. See the 3GPP Working Procedures, articles 25 & 26.

#TextDate of inclusionChallenge to be addressed at meetingSupporting Tdocchallenge-by datemeeting at which createdStatus
66CT1 Chair concluded that a working agreement is declared for agreeing
C1-246694, C1-246210 , C1-246211, C1-246212, C1-246213, and C1-246215
21 November 2024CT#106C1-246694
2-Dec-24CT1#152Challenged and the CR pack is referred back to CT1 by TSG CT#106 decision
65The SA WG4 Chair declared that based on the discussion of Tdoc S4-241568 on SA assigned action with regards to SWG, “SA4 have assessed that their current SWG should continue in their current form. Compliance with Working procedures requires that ToRs submitted at SA#104 be re-submitted to SA#105 for approval. Also the Audio SWG structure will be such that current “co-chairs” will become respectively Chair and Vice-Chair.” is a Working Agreement.23 August 2024SA#105S4-241568

03 September 2024SA4#129-eChallenged and Compromise solution achieved
64The SA WG2 Chair declared the Feasibility Study on 5GS Enhancement for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Key Issue #1 conclusion updates contained in S2-2409296 as a Working Agreement.23 August 2024SA#105S2-2409296
03 September 2024SA2#164Challenged but confirmed by vote at SA#105
63The SA3 Chair declared the contents of S3-243505 as a working agreement23 August 2024SA#105S3-243505 03 September 2024SA3#117Challenged and Compromise solution achieved
62The SA3 Chair declared the contents of S3-243680 as a working agreement23 August 2024SA#105S3-243680 03 September 2024SA3#117Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
61CT1 Chair concluded that a working agreement is declared for agreeing
C1-243701 and C1-243702
31 May 2024CT#104C1-243701
09 June 2024CT1#149Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
60The SA WG2 Chair declared during SA2#160 meeting that the CR on 'PDU Set based QoS Handling for uplink transmission' in S2-2313912 (23.501 CR4744R7) was agreed as a working agreement.22 November 2023SA#102S2-231391204 December 2023SA2#160Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
59The SA5 Chair stated that the revised WID in tdoc S5-236538 was agreed. This was declared a working agreement13 October 2023SA5#152S5-23653806 November 2023SA5#151Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
58CT3 Chair concluded that a working agreement is declared for agreeing C3-23455012 October 2023CT3#131C3-23455006 November 2023CT3#130Challenged and overturned by vote
57CT1 Chair concluded that a working agreement is declared for agreeing C1-235990 and C1-235994.25 August 2023CT1#143C1-235990
04 September 2023CT#101Challenged and overturned by vote
56SA1 Chair concluded that a Working Agreement is declared for agreeing S1-232633 (pCR), S1-232595 (new version of the TR 22.841), S1-232289 (WID) and S1-232371 (CR).25 August 2023SA1#103S1-232633
04 September 2023SA#101Challenged and overturned by vote
54The Chair declared as a working agreement the following: For ProSe TR33.740 key issue #1 on the protection of U2U discovery set and direct discovery set, two sets of key materials shall be used, and not one set.27 April 2023SA3-110-adhoc-eNo supporting tdoc15 May 2023SA3#111Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
53The SA5 Chair declared the contents of tdoc S5-232888 was approved as a Working agreement.07 March 2023SA5#147S5-23288815 March 2023SA#99Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
55The Chair declared a working agreement on the content of tdoc S3-23304730 May 2023SA3#111S3-23304705 June 2023SA#100Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
49The SA3 Chair declared a working agreement approving S3-221072 on 5GFBS - Conclusion for solution#17.30 May 2022SA3#107-eS3-22107208 August 2022SA3#108-eUnchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
52The SA5 Chair declared the contents of tdoc S5-232887 was approved as a Working agreement.07 March 2023SA5#147S5-23288715 March 2023SA#99Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
50The SA3 Chair declared a working agreement that ProSe key is generated by the AUSF (not in the PRoSE Anchor function PAnF). It is also agreed that the keys 5GPRUK and 5GPRUK ID are stored in PRoSE Anchor function PAnF and accessed via AUSF. There is no specific Tdoc related to this.30 May 2022SA3#107-e08 August 2022SA3#108-eUnchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
51The TSG SA Chairman declared during TSG SA#96 meeting that CR Pack SP-220412 was approved as a working agreement.17 June 2022SA#96SP-22041204 September 2022SA#97-eUnchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
46The SA WG5 Chair declared during SA5#142e that the document S5-222759 “Add requirements for data management” was approved as a working agreement.14 April 2022SA5#142-eS5-22275917 May 2022SA5#143e-Bis (24-25 May)Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
45CT3 Chair declared during CT3#121e that the pCR on EDGEAPP (unification of APIs) C3-222576 was agreed as a working agreement11 April 2022CT3#121-eC3-22257617 May 2022CT3 exceptional meeting (24th to 25th of May)Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
48The CT1 Chair declared during CT1#136-e that the CR in C1-223442 on “Addition of lower bound IEs for #78, alt 2” was agreed as a working agreement23 May 2022CT1#136-eC1-22344211 August 2022CT1#137-eUnchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
43The SA WG2 Chair declared during SA2#149-e meeting that the CR on 'SMF+PGW-C assigned PDU Session ID' in S2-2201675 (23.502) was approved as a working agreement.18 February 2022SA2#149-eS2-220167507 March 2022SA#95-eChallenge withdrawn
44RAN2 Chair declared a working agreement regarding REL-17 WI NR_UE_pow_sav_enh-Core:
- UE can start/stop RLM/BFD relaxation by itself if it meets/fails the relaxation criteria.
- The feature is configured by RRC dedicated signalling, this is the only enable disable function that is supported
22 February 2022RAN2#117-eR2-220399210 March 2022RAN#95-eResolved via compromise (see RP-221003)
41During the SA3#104eAd-Hoc meeting, the SA3 Chair declared that the content of the document S3-213611 is considered approved as a working agreement.04 October 2021SA3#104eAd-HocS3-21361101 November 2021SA3#105-eCompromise solution achieved. See S3-214156
42The SA5 Chair declared during the SA5#139e meeting that the CR in S5-215534 was agreed as a Working Agreement.19 October 2021SA5#139-eS5-21553408 November 2021SA5#140-eUnchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
47The SA WG5 Chair declared during SA5#142e that the document S5-222633 “Management data collection” was approved as a working agreement.14 April 2022SA5#142-eS5-22263317 May 2022SA5#143e-BisUnchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
37The TSG SA Chairman declared during TSG SA#89-e meeting that the content of SP-200870 was endorsed as a working agreement.23 September 2020SA#89-eSP-20087002 December 2020SA#90-eUnchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
38The RAN4 Chairman declared during RAN4#97-e meeting that the content of R4-2016850 was approved as a working agreement.12 November 2020RAN4#97-eR4-201685030 November 2020RAN#90-eUnchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
35The CT1 Chairman declares during CT1#125e meeting that the Change Requests in C1-205249, C1-205183 and C1-205184 are agreed as a working agreement.27 August 2020CT1#125-eC1-205249
07 September 2020CT#89-eChallenge withdrawn
36The SA6 Chair declared during SA#39-e meeting that the pCRs (related to Application Context Relocation Scenarios) in S6-201679S6-201680S6-201681S6-201635, and S6-201682 were approved as a working agreement.15 September 2020SA6#39-eS6-201679
05 October 2020SA6#39 BIS-eUnchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
39The SA6 Chairman declared during SA6#42-e meeting that the pCR S6-210730 (Service-based interfaces interaction within EDGEAPP) was approved as a working agreement.11 March 2021SA6#42-eS6-21073005 April 2021SA6#42BIS-eChallenge withdrawn
40The SA2 Chairman declared during SA2#145-e meeting that the CRs on ' Function Description for Multi-USIM devices' in S2-2105148 (23.401) and S2-2105149 (23.501) were approved as a working agreement.31 May 2021SA2#145-eS2-2105148, S2-210514908 June 2021SA#92-eUnchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
29The following 3 CRs on "Capability for aperiodic CSI-RS triggering with different numerology between PDCCH and CSI-RS" were approved by RAN #83 with a working agreement: RP-190632 (38.214 REL-15), RP-190633 (38.331 REL-15), RP-190634 (38.306 for REL-15) due to sustained objection from 2 companies.25 March 2019RAN#83RP-190632
27 May 2019RAN#84Challenged and overturned by vote.
34The TSG SA Chairman declared during TSG SA#88-e meeting that the Change Requests in SP-200549 and SP-200550 were approved as a working agreement.06 July 2020SA#88-eSP-200549
08 September 2020SA#89-eUnchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
32The CT6 Chairman declared during the CT6#94 meeting that the Change Request in TD C6-190279 was agreed as a working agreement.28 June 2019CT6#94C6-19027909 September 2019CT#85Compromise solution achieved
30The SA6 Chairman declared during the SA6#30 meeting that the Change Request in TDoc S6-190869, was agreed as a working agreement.17 April 2019SA6#30S6-19086913 May 2019SA6#31Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
33The SA6 Chairman declared during the SA6#34 meeting that the Rel-16 Change Request in TDoc S6-192217 be agreed as a working agreement due to objections from only 2 companies while 12 companies were in favour of the CR. The CR removes the ‘temporary re-group procedures’ from Rel-16 due to no progress on corresponding security solution. As a compromise, the procedures have been included in Rel-17 to allow for potential resolution during Rel-17 timeframe.15 November 2019SA6#34S6-19221702 December 2019SA#86Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
31The SA2 Chairman declared during the SA2#133 meeting that the Change Request in TD S2-1906569 was agreed as a working agreement.21 May 2019SA2#133S2-190656929 May 2019SA#84Challenged and overturned by vote.
23"The Chair has declared in SA3#91-Bis that the Change Request in the tdoc S3-182010 will be agreed as a working agreement"23 May 2018SA3#91-BisS3-18201006 June 2018SA#80Compromise solution achieved
28The CT1 Chairman declared in CT1#115 that the Change Request in Tdoc C1-191571 was agreed as a working agreement.04 March 2019CT1#115-01 April 2019C1-116Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
26The Chairman declared in CT1#113 that the Change Request in Tdoc C1-188888 was agreed as a working agreement.03 December 2018CT1#113-14 January 2019CT1#114Sustained objection withdrawn thus implicitly confirmed
27The Chairman declared in CT1#113 that the Change Request in Tdoc C1-188578 was agreed as a working agreement.03 December 2018CT1#113-14 January 2019CT1#114Sustained objection withdrawn thus implicitly confirmed
25The Chairman has declared in RAN3#102 that the draft Change Request in TDoc R3-187266 was agreed as a working agreement. It will be reviewed by RAN2 and will become a formal CR.20 November 2018RAN3#102R3-18726603 December 2018RAN#82Compromise solution achieved
19RAN4 way forward on NR BS EVM had sustained opposition by a small minority preventing consensus. The working agreement was made for the way forward in R4-1706969 .11 July 2017RAN4-NR#2R4-170696914 August 2017R4-84Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
22At SA1#81, the following Working Agreement is made: “Subject to Home MNO policy as well as its service and operational needs, a legacy USIM instead of a 5G USIM may be used to authenticate a user in a 5G system to get services according to her/his subscription, without introducing undue security risks.”13 March 2018SA1#81S1-18061014 March 2018SA#79Sustained objection withdrawn thus implicitly confirmed
24The Chair has declared in CT1#112 that the Change Request in Tdoc C1-185794 (or a further revision) will be agreed as a working agreement. An LS will be sent to SA2 for information, and if concerns are raised, the agreed / approved change will  be reverted.27 August 2018CT1#112C1-18579408 October 2018CT1#112bisUnchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
18Approve TS 22.261 CR0031R1 in CR Pack SP-170443.
Send guidance to SA WG3 to provide guidance on alignment with this CR in LS (SP-170581).
13 June 2017SP-76SP-170582
06 September 2017SP#77Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
17CT1 has agreed that UEs supporting enhanced coverage are mandated to support restriction on use of enhanced coverage, see CR #2860 to TS 24.301 (and its companion CR #3062 to TS 24.008).09 April 2017C1-103C1-171925
08 May 2017C1-104Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
20RAN4 way forward on NR sync raster had a sustained opposition by a small minority preventing a consensus. The working agreement was made for the way forward in R4-1803438.05 March 2018RAN4#86R4-180343809 April 2018RAN4#86bisChallenged but confirmed by vote
14SA4 at its ad hoc teleconference 2016-03-10 agreed that draft TS 26.179 v0.2.0 (tdoc S4-AHT011, produced following the teleconference) was agreed to be converted to version 1.0.0 and sent to TSG SA#71 for information and approval. The agreement was supported by eighteen organizations. Two organizations sustained objection to the agreement.10 March 2016S4-MCPTT codecs and media handlingS4-AHT01104 April 2016S4-88Sustained objection withdrawn thus implicitly confirmed
21RAN4 way forward on NR sync raster had a sustained opposition by a small minority preventing a consensus. The working agreement was made for the way forward in R4-1803438.05 March 2018RAN4#86R4-180343809 April 2018RAN4#86bisChallenged but confirmed by vote
15CT1 has decided that an explicit indication in the SIB of support for "attach without PDN connectivity" by the network, will prevent the UE from having to discover availability of such a feature by using trial and error in Attach request and will facilitate handling when UE moves across tracking areas or changes PLMNs.13 April 2016C1-97-16 May 2016C1-98Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
13The 3GPP System shall provide a secure mechanism via the 3GPP network to remotely provision an IOT-device, that has not been pre-provisioned, with its 3GPP subscription credentials18 February 2016S1-73S1-16052922 February 2016SP-71Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
11RAN4 way forward on Band 28 as global band had sustained opposition by a small minority preventing a consensus. The working agreement was made for the way forward in R4-146724. RAN4 received an LS from CEPT (R4-143812) requesting to harmonise the out of band requirements for 700 MHz mobile terminals between Europe and other regions. Agreement was to delete NS_24 from Rel-12 and add the -42dBm/8MHz associated to NS_01 for 10MHZ E-UTRA carrier within 703-733MHz, Otherwise -25 dBm/8MHz apply. -42dBm/8MHz will be specified in Rel-11 version of TS36.101. CRs for Rel-11 and Rel-12 will be approved in RAN4-73.

This working agreement process will continue in RAN4-73. In case of challenge the questions to be vote for is:
“Shall the UE out of band emission limit for Band 28 be specified as proposed in way forward on Band 28 as global band in R4-146724?”
15 October 2014R4-72bR4-14672410 November 2014R4-73Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
10RAN4 CR on Maximum allowed UL TX power for Band XXVI coexistence with Public Safety: CR 1041 (R4-144970) to TS 25.101 Rel-11, and CR 1042 (R4-144971) to 25.101 Rel-12, had sustained objection from Qualcomm. The topic had already been discussed at length in the previous RAN4 meetings, and the working assumption was made that these two CRs were agreed. The two CRs introduce UL power restrictions for single and dual carrier for certain uplink center frequencies for coexistence with Public Safety and Band 27 and they allow power averaging for the 6.25 kHz measurement bandwidth similar to requirements for protection of Public Safety in the 700 MHz band.25 August 2014R4-72R4-144970
02 September 2014RP-65Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
12RAN4 way forward on LAA bands had sustained opposition by a small minority preventing a consensus. The working agreement was made for the way forward in R4-156785. The way forward is:
1) LAA operation is defined with a single operating band with the frequency range of 5150-5925MHz.
2) Sub-bands can be introduced in the BS specification in order to reflect specific regulatory requirements or restrictions.
3) The duplex method for 5GHz unlicensed band will be TDD subject to RAN1 design of new frame structure.
– UL requirements are not defined in this version of specifications. 
19 October 2015R4-76bR4-15678509 November 2015R4-77Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
9Proposal 3: Take the average of the average of all companies' proposed figures and the 2nd least stringent figure. (this is in fact the average of figures coming out of Proposal 1 and 2)06 June 2014G1-62GP-14033119 August 2014G1-63Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
8Exception sheet for work item "Enhancement to FEC for MBMS" (EMM-EFEC, uid 530148) was agreed, with a formal objection by Broadcom Corporation.15 November 2012S4-71S4-12156203 December 2012SP-58Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
7TR 45.860 CR0009r3 "Conclusion of SI Signal Precoding Enhancements for EGPRS2 DL (SPEED)" (Rel-11) was approved, with a formal objection by Nokia Siemens Networks.05 February 2012G1-53GP-12039307 May 2012GP-54Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
6"The emission requirement for Band 26 shall be -53 dBm / 6.25 kHz."

The OOBE limit for co-existence with narrow band systems in the 851-859 MHz range is the only remaining issue blocking the approval of the WI e850_UB-Core. The topic has been discussed for a long time without reaching consensus. A substantial majority of individual members are in favour of -53 dBm / 6.25 kHz emission requirement for Band 26 but there is sustained opposition preventing consensus on this value.
09 February 2012R4-62R4-121040
21 February 2012RP-55Confirmed by vote at RP-55

Possible status values:

  • Not yet challenged
  • Challenged
  • Challenged but confirmed by vote (or subsequent consensus)
  • Challenged and overturned by vote (or subsequent consensus)
  • Unchallenged by date limit thus implicitly confirmed
  • Sustained objection withdrawn thus implicitly confirmed
  • Commpromise solution achieved

Note: On April 19, 2016 the Working agreement Status (table above) the term “withdrawn” was clarified and now reads “Sustained objection withdrawn thus implicitly confirmed.”

1 Consensus is defined as the lack of sustained opposition. A working agreement representing the majority view is typically arrived at if only a very small number of individual members sustain opposing views.