3GPP Working Procedures

version: see change history



These Working Procedures of the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) are effective from 07 February 2025.

An electronic version of these Partnership Project Working Procedures is available from the following address:





Article 1:      Description

Article 2:      Purpose

Article 3:      Scope and objectives


Article 4:      Categories

Article 5:      Partnership

Article 6:      Organizational Partnership

Article 7:      Market Representation Partnership

Article 8:      Individual Membership

Article 9:      Termination of Individual Membership

Article 10:         Observers and Guests


Article 11:         Structure of 3GPP


Article 12:         Organizational Partners’ Collective Responsibilities

Article 13:         Collective responsibilities of all Partners


Article 14:         PCG tasks

Article 15:         PCG participation

Article 16:         PCG appointment of Chair and Vice Chair

Article 17:         PCG Chair and Vice Chair Responsibilities

Article 18:         PCG meetings

Article 19:         PCG decision making


Article 20:         TSG tasks

Article 21:         TSG participation

Article 22:         TSG and WG election of Chair and Vice Chair

Article 23:         TSG Chair and Vice Chair responsibilities

Article 24:         TSG and WG Chair and Vice Chair dismissal

Article 25:         TSG and WG decision making

Article 26:         TSG and WG voting during a meeting

Article 27:         TSG or WG voting by correspondence

Article 28:         TSG or WG voting for the election of TSG or WG Chair and Vice Chair

Article 29:         TSG or WG appeal process

Article 30:         TSG and WG meetings

Article 31:         TSG and WG meeting invitation

Article 32:         TSG and WG meeting agenda

Article 33:         TSG and WG meeting registration

Article 34:         TSG and WG meeting document and file naming

Article 35:         TSG and WG Voting Membership List

Article 36:         TSG Sub Working Groups


Article 37:         Work Programme

Article 38:         Work Items

Article 39:         Work Item creation

Article 40:         Work Item adoption by PCG

Article 41:         Work Item stopping

Article 42:         Technical co-ordination


Article 43:         Deliverable types

Article 44:         Approval process

Article 45:         Drafting rules

Article 46:         Copyright and ownership

Article 47:         Conversion by Organizational Partners


Article 48:         Chair’s reporting obligations

Article 49:         Changes to structure and officials

Article 50:         Calendar of meetings


Article 51:         Relationship with the ITU

Article 52:         Relations with other groups


Article 53:         Resources

Article 54:         Support Team

Article 55:         Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy

Article 56:         Working language

Article 57:         Duration

Article 58:         Review of activities

Article 59:         Dissolution, winding up

Article 59A:      Exhaustion of appeal procedures

Article 60:         Amendments to 3GPP Working Procedures

Annex A:     Definitions

Annex B:     Abbreviations

Annex C:     Individual member application form

Annex D:     External Liaison Approval Process

Annex E:     Guidance for MRP applicants

Annex F:     Guidance on meeting organization

Annex G:     Working agreements

Annex H:     Calculation of quorum in TSGs and WGs

Annex I:     Special procedures for exceptional situations restricting travel

Annex J:     Change history




Article 1:       Description

The Partnership Project is not a legal entity but is a collaborative activity between the following recognized Standards Development Organizations:

ARIB      (Japan)

CCSA     (China)

ETSI       (Europe)

ATIS      (US)

TTA       (Korea)

TTC        (Japan)

TSDSI    (India)

The Partnership Project is entitled the “THIRD GENERATION PARTNERSHIP PROJECT” and may be known by the acronym “3GPP”.


Article 2:             Purpose

The purpose of 3GPP is to prepare, approve and maintain globally applicable Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for

-     a 3rd Generation Mobile System based on the evolved GSM core network, and the Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA),

-          further development of radio technologies such as LTE, coupled with evolution of core network elements such as the Evolved Packet Core (EPC),

-          continuing evolution of the 2nd generation GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network (GERAN),

to be transposed by the Organizational Partners into appropriate deliverables (e.g., standards).


Article 3:       Scope and objectives

The 3rd Generation Mobile System and its capabilities shall be developed in a phased approach. Initially, 3GPP shall prepare, approve and maintain the necessary set of Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a 3rd Generation Mobile System including:

·       UTRAN (including UTRA; in Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) and Time Division Duplex (TDD) modes);

·       3GPP Core Network (Third Generation networking capabilities evolved from GSM. These capabilities include mobility management, global roaming, and utilisation of relevant Internet Protocols);

·       Terminals for access to the above (including specifications for a UIM); and

·       System and service aspects.

3GPP shall prepare, approve and maintain the necessary set of Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for:

- the Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) including GSM evolved radio access technologies (e.g., General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE)).

3GPP shall consider the long term evolution.

The Technical Specifications and Technical Reports shall be developed in view of global roaming and circulation of terminals.

The set of 3GPP Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for the 3GPP core network and the specifications for the GSM core network should be common to the greatest extent possible and should not be unnecessarily different.

Options in the form of a regulatory requirement particular to one or more regions / nations shall be included in 3GPP specifications.  TSGs should not debate the inclusion or rejection of such options.

The results of the 3GPP work shall form the basis of member contributions to the ITU in accordance with existing procedures.

3GPP shall take account of emerging ITU recommendations on interworking between IMT-2000 family members.

In the framework of agreed relationships, the 3GPP Technical Specifications and Technical Reports will form the basis of standards, or parts of standards, of the Organizational Partners.



Article 4:       Categories

Participation in 3GPP shall be classified into one of the following categories:

·       Partners;

·       Individual Members;

·       ITU Representatives;

·       Observers;

·       Guests.


Article 5:       Partnership

Partners in 3GPP shall be classified into one of the following two categories:

·       Organizational Partners;

·       Market Representation Partners.


Article 6:       Organizational Partnership

Organizational Partnership is open to any Standards Organization, irrespective of its geographical location, which has:

·       a national, regional or other officially recognized status and the capability and authority to define, publish and set standards within the 3GPP scope, in that nation or region;

·       an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy which is compatible with those of the Organizational Partners;

·       committed itself to all or part of the 3GPP scope;

·       signed the Partnership Project Agreement.

Standards Organizations may apply to become an Organizational Partner by writing to any of the existing Organizational Partners.


Article 7:       Market Representation Partnership

The Organizational Partners may invite Market Representation Partners to take part in 3GPP.

An invitation for Market Representation Partnership is open to any organization, irrespective of its geographical location, which:

·       has the ability to offer market advice to 3GPP and to bring into 3GPP a consensus view of market requirements (e.g., services, features and functionality) falling within the 3GPP scope;

·       does not have the capability and authority to define, publish and set standards within the 3GPP scope, nationally or regionally;

·       has committed itself to all or part of the 3GPP scope;

·       has signed the Partnership Project Agreement.

Organizations may apply to become Market Representation Partners by writing to any of the existing Partners. Further guidance for MRP applicants can be found in annex E.


Article 8:       Individual Membership

Membership in an Organizational Partner is a pre-requisite for Individual Membership of 3GPP. All entities registered as members of an Organizational Partner and eligible for participation in the technical work of that Organizational Partner, can become Individual Members of 3GPP if they are committed to support 3GPP and:

·       to contribute technically or otherwise to one or more of the Technical Specification Groups within the 3GPP scope;

·       to use the 3GPP results to the extent feasible.

An Individual Member has the right to participate in the work of 3GPP by attending meetings of the Technical Specification Groups and subtending groups.

Applications for Individual Membership of a Technical Specification Group shall be made in writing to the relevant Organizational Partner using the form given at annex C. Applications may also be made on-line using the template available at http://www.3gpp.org.

Each Individual Member shall declare which corporate group it is associated to.  The group may consist of a single Individual Member.  These declarations are visible to other IMs.  The association with a corporate group is to be used solely for the purpose of determining voting rights for formal voting in accordance with Articles 26 or 27. An Individual Member that does not self-declare is implicitly declaring that they are a corporate group consisting only of themselves.

The "Corporate OP designation" is to be used solely in the context of chair and vice chair candidacies.

Each Corporate Group or Individual Member shall declare a "Corporate OP designation" in accordance with the OP membership associated with the individual membership of the Corporate Group’s HQ (refer to Note 2). The "Corporate OP designation" is visible to other IMs.
Note that a chair or vice chair candidate from a given Corporate Group may run under any of the Individual Memberships of the corporate group.

List of corporate OP designations:

1.       ARIB-TTC designation (for ARIB or TTC members only)

2.       ATIS designation (for ATIS members only)

3.       CCSA designation (for CCSA members only)

4.       ETSI designation (for CEPT headquartered ETSI members only)

5.       TTA designation (for TTA members only)

6.       TSDSI designation (for TSDSI members only)

7.       General designation (e.g. ETSI non-CEPT headquartered groups, and any other designation)

Note 1:   PCG should assume the role of overseeing the Corporate Group declaration and Corporate OP designation.

Note 2:   Corporate OP designations are static (in the same way as Corporate Group), but are only needed for Company Groups putting up candidates. The corporate OP designation shall be done at the latest 30 days before the election (if not previously done).

Note 3:   Designations 1-6 above require an Individual Membership with the OP of the "Corporate OP designation"; otherwise, the "General designation" applies.

Individual Members act in 3GPP in their own right and carry the full responsibility for their contributions.


Article 9:       Termination of Individual Membership

Individual Membership of 3GPP may be terminated by dissolution, abolition, resignation or expulsion from the related Organizational Partner.


Article 10:     Observers and Guests

The status of Observer may be granted by the Organizational Partners to an entity which has the qualifications to become a future Partner.

An Observer may send a single representative to an Organizational Partners or PCG meeting. An Observer may also have representatives at TSG meetings. Representatives of Observers may receive documents and contribute documents for information, but shall not submit documents that propose changes to the specifications, reports, work item descriptions, work plan, or any other document under the control of the TSG. Observers shall not take part in decision making or hold any leadership positions.

Additional participation rights of an Observer shall be decided by the Organizational Partners on a case-by-case basis.

The status of Guest may be granted for a limited period, by the Organizational Partners to an entity which has the qualifications to become a future Individual Member. The limited period shall be decided by the Organizational Partners on a case-by-case basis.

A Guest may have representatives at TSG and subtending group meetings. Representatives may receive documents but shall not take part in decision making, participate in discussions, contribute documents, or hold any leadership positions.



Article 11:     Structure of 3GPP

3GPP shall consist of a Project Co-ordination Group (PCG) and Technical Specification Groups (TSGs). The Technical Specification Groups may establish Working Groups if required.

The Organizational Partners may decide to call a meeting of the full 3GPP membership if required.



Article 12:     Organizational Partners’ Collective Responsibilities

The Organizational Partners shall determine the general policy and strategy of 3GPP.

In addition the Organizational Partners shall perform the following tasks:

·       approval and maintenance of the 3GPP scope;

·       maintenance of the Partnership Project Description;

·       taking decisions on the creation or cessation of Technical Specification Groups, and approving their scope and terms of reference;

·       approval of Organizational Partner funding requirements;

·       allocation of human and financial resources provided by the Organizational Partners to the Project Co-ordination Group;

·       acting as a body of appeal on procedural matters referred to them.

acting as a body of appeal on procedural matters referred to them;

conduct compliance training at least annually for elected leadership,  relevant Support Team personnel and interested parties on best practices to follow to

·         avoid issues with respect to antitrust/competition laws and regulations;

·         fulfil the leadership/support role with impartiality and in the interests of 3GPP.


Article 13:     Collective responsibilities of all Partners

Organizational Partners and Market Representation Partners shall perform the following tasks:

·       maintenance of the Partnership Project Agreement;

·       approval of applications for 3GPP partnership;

·       taking decisions relating to the dissolution of 3GPP.



Article 14:     PCG tasks

The PCG shall perform the following tasks:

·       appointment of PCG Chair and Vice Chairs;

·       allocation of human and financial resources provided by Organizational Partners to TSGs;

·       allocation of voluntary human and financial resources provided by Market Representation Partners and Individual Members;

·       management of the 3GPP Support Team;

·       handling of appeals from Individual Members on procedural matters referred to them;

·       propose and approve modifications to the Partnership Project Working Procedures;

·       handling of appeals from Individual Members on technical matters referred to them;

·       determination of the overall time frame and manage overall work progress;

·       final adoption of new and stopped work items proposed by the TSGs within the agreed 3GPP scope and objectives;

·       when a work item is outside the scope of the 3GPP, and where a common global solution is desired, recommend how to achieve a global solution;

·       appointment or dismissal of TSG Chairs and Vice Chairs, as proposed by TSGs based on election results. (The proposed candidate shall be appointed unless there are extraordinary reasons that prevent such an appointment, e.g., severe company or geographical imbalance within 3GPP. In such cases the TSG shall be requested to elect an alternative candidate. The decision not to appoint a candidate shall be made by consensus.);

·       authorizing requests from the TSGs for approval to liaise with external organizations, and maintain a list of approved requests;

·       maintenance of the register of Individual Members eligible to participate in 3GPP;

·       maintenance of the register of IPR declarations relevant to 3GPP, received by the Organizational Partners.

·       maintenance of the voting and voting rights process integrity, to include disciplinary action if required.


The PCG may decide to call a meeting of the full 3GPP membership if required.


Article 15:     PCG participation

The following shall have a right to participate in the PCG:

·       Typically, a maximum of five representatives of each Organizational Partner (not counting the Chair and Vice-Chairs);

·       A maximum of three representatives of each Market Representation Partner. (MRPs are however urged to limit their participation to one representative wherever possible.);

·       The Chairs and Vice Chairs of the TSGs as ex-officio members;

·       A maximum of three ITU representatives;

·       One representative of each Observer.


Article 16:     PCG appointment of Chair and Vice Chairs

The PCG shall appoint their Chair and Vice Chairs from amongst the Organizational Partner representatives.

The Chair and Vice Chairs shall be appointed for a one year term of office.

The Chair and Vice Chairs shall normally serve one term of office. If no other candidates are available, the Chair or Vice Chairs may be appointed for a further term.

Successive Chairs and Vice Chairs should not be from the same Organizational Partner, the same region or from the same group of companies, unless no other candidate is available.


Article 17:     PCG Chair and Vice Chair Responsibilities

The PCG Chair is responsible for the overall management of the co-ordination work within 3GPP.

The Chair has the overall responsibility to ensure that the Partnership Project Agreement, Partnership Project Description and Partnership Project Working Procedures are followed.

The Chair may nominate officials to assist in the work.

The Chair may be assisted by the Support Team.

The Chair may delegate tasks to the Vice Chairs.

In performing their leadership role, the Chair and Vice Chairs shall maintain impartiality and act in the interests of 3GPP.

At the commencement of each meeting of the PCG, the group shall be reminded that:       

(i) compliance with all applicable antitrust and competition laws is required; and

(ii) the leadership will conduct the meeting with impartiality and in the interests of 3GPP.


Article 18:     PCG meetings

A meeting of the PCG shall be held at least twice per year.

At least thirty days before the due date, a calling notice, draft agenda and supporting documents shall be issued.


Article 19:     PCG decision making

In any meeting of the PCG, the quorum required for decision making shall be 50% of the total number of Organizational Partners. Proxies shall not be permitted.

The PCG shall endeavour to reach consensus on all issues.  The views and opinions of the Market Representation Partners and the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the TSGs shall be taken into account during the consensus building process. If consensus cannot be achieved, the PCG Chair can decide to take a vote. The vote may exceptionally be performed by a secret ballot if decided by the PCG.

Each Organizational Partner shall have one vote. A proposal shall be deemed to be approved if 71% of the votes cast are in favour. Abstentions or failure to submit a vote shall not be included in determining the number of votes cast.



Article 20:     TSG tasks

The TSGs shall prepare, approve and maintain the 3GPP Technical Specifications and Technical Reports taking into account the market requirements provided by Market Representation Partners.

The TSGs shall also perform the following tasks:

·       Propose to the PCG for appointment TSG Chair and Vice Chairs based on election results;

·       Creation of TSG Working Groups and approval of their terms of reference;

·       When a new Working Group is created, the appointment of TSG Working Group Convenor;

·       Allocation of resources within the TSG;

·       Allocation of voluntary human and financial resources provided by Market Representation Partners and Individual Members;

·       Handling of appeals from Individual Members on technical matters;

·       Preparation of a detailed time frame and management of detailed work progress;

·       Management of work items;

·       Technical Co-ordination;

·       Proposal and approval of work items within the agreed scope and terms of reference of the TSG;

·       Where a work item is outside the scope of the 3GPP, but a common global solution is desired, recommend an approach to the PCG;

·       Assignment of work to Partners. (Specification development may be accomplished using various methods, including the assignment of work to Partners.);

·       Maintenance of the list of Individual Members eligible to vote within the TSG (Voting Members).


Article 21:     TSG participation

The following shall have a right to participate in the TSGs:

·       Representatives of members of participating Organizational Partners (i.e. Individual Members);

·       Representatives of Organizational Partners;

·       Representatives of Market Representation Partners;

·       Representatives of Observers;

·       Representatives of Guests.


Article 22:    TSG and WG election of Chair and Vice Chairs

22.1      TSG elections

Regular TSG elections shall be held every two years in the first semester of odd numbered years.

The TSG Chair and Vice Chairs shall be elected by the Technical Specification Group from amongst the Individual Member representatives. Each TSG shall elect a maximum of three Vice Chairs.

A candidate for election to a TSG Chair or Vice Chair position shall provide a letter of support from the Individual Member that they represent. The support letter from the Individual Member shall indicate that the candidate will avail or has availed themselves of 3GPP supplied antitrust and competition law training in order to comply with all applicable antitrust/competition laws and regulations while acting in the capacity of TSG Chair or Vice Chair.

Nominations may be made up to the point when an election takes place.

The Chair and the Vice Chairs shall be elected for a two year term of office. The Chair and Vice Chairs may offer themselves for election for a second consecutive term. The term "consecutive" is taken to mean terms one after the other without another person being elected to the position in the interim.  Exceptionally, they may offer themselves for further consecutive terms, subject to the following:

  • A two week deadline that expires at noon Central European Time on the Friday which falls between 20 and 14 days prior to the first day of the meeting at which elections are due to be held shall be established.
  • A Chair is not permitted to stand for another consecutive term if another candidate is announced via the 3GPP web site or via the relevant 3GPP email reflector prior to this deadline.
  • A Chair is not permitted to stand for another consecutive term until after this deadline.
  • A Vice Chair is not permitted to stand for another consecutive term in a Vice Chair position for which there is a candidate announced via the 3GPP web site or via the relevant 3GPP email reflector prior to this deadline.
  • A Vice Chair is not permitted to stand for another consecutive term until after this deadline.  If, by the deadline, the number of candidatures is less than the number of Vice Chair positions, then any incumbent Vice Chair may put forward their candidature.

There is no restriction on a Vice Chair whose term of office is due to expire offering himself for the position of Chair; neither is there any restriction on a Chair whose term of office is due to expire offering himself as a Vice Chair.  There is no restriction of a retiring Chair or Vice Chair of one TSG offering himself for election as either Chair or Vice Chair of any other TSG (or WG).

Should the office of Chair or Vice Chair of a TSG become vacant for reasons other than expiration of term of office, a special election shall be conducted to fill the unexpired term. This special election shall be conducted at a meeting of the TSG, and shall be announced in the agenda according to the provisions of article 32.

When such a special election is held to fill the office of Chair, and one or more of the Vice Chairs of the TSG intends to stand for election to that position, the announcement shall also indicate that there will be an election to fill the position of Vice Chair in the event that a Vice Chair be elected to the office of Chair. If at the special election the Vice Chair is elected to the office of Chair, that individual shall become Chair immediately, and, the position of Vice Chair thus being vacant, an election shall be held for the office of Vice Chair.

Similarly, if an incumbent Chair intends to stand for election to the position of Vice Chair, the same applies, with the necessary changes to the text above.

If a Chair or Vice Chair changes the Individual Member that they represent  (e.g., job change, merger or acquisition) during their term of office, a new letter of support shall be provided. In order to provide a new letter of support, a Chair or Vice Chair may request a grace period allowing their term to be extended the lesser of 6 weeks or until the day before the next scheduled regular term (e.g., every 2 years) election. Although the term is extended, under the rules of article 22, the Chair or Vice Chair can only chair meetings when representing an Individual Member.  This rule continues to apply during the grace period. If the change of company affiliation is due to a move to another company, then the decision for the Chair or Vice Chair to continue in office to the end of the present term shall be made by consensus of the TSG. If consensus cannot be achieved, a special election shall be held for the office. The incumbent Chair or Vice Chair is permitted to offer their candidacy in a special election even if they have held the position for 2 terms or more.

The term of office for a Chair or Vice Chair elected at a special election is a partial term lasting until the end of the current term. If a new Chair or Vice Chair is elected at a special election then the partial term of office does not count towards the two consecutive term limit. If the previous Chair or Vice Chair is re-elected at a special election then the entire term (of two parts) is considered as a single term and does count towards the two consecutive term limit. 

Chairs and Vice Chairs should not be from the same region [See Note 1], or the same Corporate OP Designation, or the same Corporate Group, unless no other candidate is available.

When a new TSG is established, the Organizational Partners shall appoint a convenor for the first two TSG meetings. The election for TSG Chair and Vice Chairs shall take place at the second TSG meeting. If the election takes place other than at the normal time for TSG elections (see above), the elected Chair and Vice Chairs shall serve until the next regular TSG election. This partial term of office does not count towards the two consecutive term limit. The provisions of this paragraph may be overridden by consensus of the PCG where a new TSG is formed by the merger of existing TSGs; under these circumstances, the PCG shall establish a set of ad hoc rules for the creation of the new TSG.

Following election by the TSG, the TSG Chair and Vice Chairs shall be appointed by the PCG on the proposal of the TSG.

In order to encourage interaction with the candidates as well as allow timely voting, elections which are likely to be contested should occur during face to face meetings.

Note 1:   region is the ITU region that is associated with the location of the Corporate Group headquarters.


22.2      WG elections

The provisions concerning the election of WG Chairs and Vice Chairs shall be as for TSG Chairs and Vice Chairs as defined in 22.1 above, changing TSG to WG wherever TSG is mentioned, with the following differences.

Each WG shall elect a maximum of two Vice Chairs.

Within a WG, the number of elected leaders (WG Chair and WG Vice Chairs) from IMs with the same Corporate OP Designation shall not exceed 2, unless no other candidate is available.

A WG shall not have more than 1 elected leader (WG Chair or WG Vice Chair) from IMs with the same Corporate OP designation for more than 4 consecutive years [See Note 1], unless no other candidate is available. Once a WG has had more than 1 elected leader from IMs with "Corporate OP designation-X" for 4 consecutive years [see Note 1], this WG shall not have more than 1 elected leader from IMs with "Corporate OP designation-X" for the subsequent 4 years [see Note 2], unless no other candidate is available.

Note 1:     4 consecutive years is counted as the quarter in which the election is occurring, and the 15 previous calendar quarters. A Corporate OP designation-X is considered to have more than 1 elected leader if at any time during a quarter, there is simultaneously more than 1 elected leader from Corporate OP designation-X.

Note 2:     Subsequent 4 years is counted as the remainder of the quarter in which the election is occurring, and the 15 subsequent calendar quarters. A Corporate OP designation-X is considered to have more than 1 elected leader if at any time in a quarter, there is simultaneously more than 1 elected leader from Corporate OP designation-X.

WG elections shall be held when the corresponding terms of office expire or when an existing Chair or Vice Chair resigns.  WG elections need not be synchronized within the WG (i.e. elections for Chair and each Vice Chair may occur at different times), across different WGs of the same or other TSGs, nor with the regular TSG elections.

WG Chairs and Vice Chairs are always elected for a period of two years (and not, as is the case with special elections in TSGs, for the unexpired period of the present term of office). An exception to this is where the previous Chair or Vice Chair is re-elected in the special election. In this case the Chair or Vice Chair continues for the unexpired period of the present term of office.

Note 3:     For this reason, elections for WG Chairs and Vice Chairs are likely to become spread over a period of time, rather than being grouped like the TSGs' regular elections.

When a new WG is established, the parent TSG is responsible for appointing a convenor for the first two meetings.

Following election by the WG, the Chair and Vice Chairs hold office immediately, without need of appointment by TSG or PCG.


Article 23:    TSG and WG Chair and Vice Chair responsibilities

The TSG Chair is responsible for the overall management of the technical work within the TSG and its Working Groups. The Chair has an overall responsibility to ensure that the activities of the TSG follow the Partnership Project Working Procedures.

The WG Chair is responsible for the overall management of the technical work within the WG and its sub-groups.

The Chair may nominate officials to assist in the work.

The Chair may delegate tasks to the Vice Chairs.

The Chair may be assisted by the Support Team.

The Chair shall form a Management Team, including the Vice Chairs and Support Team, in order to assist in discharging the Chair's duties.

Recognizing the need to balance the requirement of rapid specification development with the limited resources of delegates, the Chair should encourage a minimum number of meetings, especially parallel meetings, and maximize the use of electronic means to advance the work.

In performing their leadership role, the Chair and Vice Chairs shall maintain impartiality and act in the interests of 3GPP.

At the commencement of each meeting of a TSG or WG, the group shall be reminded that:             

(i) compliance with all applicable antitrust and competition laws is required;

(ii) timely submissions of work items in advance of TSG or WG meetings are important to allow for full and fair consideration of such matters; and

(iii) the leadership will conduct the meeting with impartiality and in the interests of 3GPP. 


A secret ballot shall be taken for the proposal to dismiss a TSG or WG Chair or Vice Chair because of a failure to effectively perform their duties, if requested by 30% of the TSG or WG membership list. 71% of the votes cast are required to recommend dismissal.

Dismissal votes shall occur during ordinary face to face meetings.

The PCG shall dismiss a Chair or Vice Chair on the proposal of the TSG.


TSGs and WGs shall endeavour to reach consensus on all issues, including decisions on Technical Specifications and Technical Reports. Informal methods of reaching consensus are encouraged (e.g., a show of hands). If consensus cannot be achieved, the Chair can decide to take a vote. The vote may exceptionally be performed by a secret ballot if decided by the TSG or WG. A vote may be conducted during a TSG or WG meeting or by correspondence.

A proposal shall be deemed to be approved if 71% of the votes cast are in favour. Abstentions or failure to submit a vote shall not be included in determining the number of votes cast.

It is the responsibility of the Chair to ensure that questions to be voted upon are phrased in a positive yes/no manner, with 71% required to approve the question. Questions should not be phrased as the TSG shall not do something. Examples of appropriate questions are; Shall the TSG approve the Specification and send it to the SDOs? Shall the liaison be approved? Shall the new WI be approved? Shall the existing WI be stopped? If the issue is to choose option A or B, the question should be split into two questions, with the Chair selecting the order. First, shall the TSG take option A as the way forward? If this question fails the second question is, shall the TSG take option B as the way forward?

Contributions on which decisions will be based should be made available in good time before each meeting. TSGs may establish informal guidelines for dealing with late contributions.

If a WG does not meet physically with enough frequency to maintain an up to date voting list, the working group may elect to escalate the voting to the parent TSG.

Working Agreements may be used to establish tentative agreements in cases where consensus cannot be obtained.  The working agreement process is described in annex G.


The following procedures apply for voting during a TSG or WG meeting:

·         before voting, a clear definition of the issues shall be provided by the Chair;

·         Voting Members shall only be entitled to one vote;

  • the Voting Member shall not vote if 16 Voting Members associated with the same Corporate Group (as the Voting Member) have previously voted in the same ballot;
  • the Voting Member shall not vote if 8 Voting Members associated with the same Corporate Group and Organizational Partner (as the Voting Member) have previously voted in the same ballot;

·         if a Voting Member has more than one representative present, only one representative may vote;

·         each Voting Member may only cast the vote once;

·         each Voting Member may carry proxy votes for up to five other Voting Members. All proxy votes shall be accompanied by a letter of authority from the authorising Voting Member. Proxies will not be taken into account when determining the quorum;

·         the quorum required for voting during a TSG or WG meeting shall be 30% of the total number of Voting Member companies on the TSG or WG voting list;

·         the result of the vote shall be recorded in the meeting report.

For the determination of the quorum, see annex H.

In order to encourage consensus as an alternative to voting, votes should occur during face to face meetings.

If voting occurs in the context of an Electronic Meeting, then:

  • Proxies are not allowed;
  • The voting period shall be a minimum of 18 consecutive hours excluding the period 12:00 UTC Friday to 11:59 UTC Monday which excludes Saturday and Sunday in every time zone. The use of 18:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC the next day is recommended for the voting period;
  • The voting period shall commence no earlier than the start of the Electronic meeting and complete before the closure of the meeting. Voting for elections may exceptionally extend past the scheduled end of the meeting if additional rounds are required to complete the election of all open positions.  Such elections are considered to be part of the meeting in which the elections started;
  • The list of Voting Members (IMs that are eligible to vote) is as defined in article 35.  Delegates vote on behalf of the IM under which they have registered, and only delegates checked in to the meeting may vote;
  • If, in accordance with Article 25, the TSG or WG decides that a secret ballot is required, voting shall preserve the secrecy of the votes cast;
  • A secure voting tool provided by the MCC shall be used for elections, and is also encouraged for other matters where voting is required.


The following procedures apply for voting by correspondence:

·         before voting, a clear definition of the issues shall be provided by the Chair and disseminated to all on the TSG or WG membership list;

·         Voting Members shall only be entitled to one vote;

  • the Voting Member shall not vote if 16 Voting Members associated with the same Corporate Group (as the Voting Member) have previously voted in the same ballot;
  • the Voting Member shall not vote if 8 Voting Members associated with the same Corporate Group and Organizational Partner (as the Voting Member) have previously voted in the same ballot;

·         each Voting Member may only cast the vote once within the voting period;

·         the voting period shall be 30 days;

·         there are no quorum requirements;

·         The result of the vote should be disseminated to the TSG or WG.


In the case where there is more than one candidate for TSG or WG Chair or Vice Chair, a secret ballot shall be used. For interpreting the result of the secret ballot the following procedure shall apply:

When, in the first ballot, no candidate has obtained 71% of the votes cast, a second ballot shall be held. In the second ballot, in cases where there are only two candidates, the candidate obtaining the higher number of votes is elected. In cases where there are more than two candidates, if none of them has obtained 71% of the votes, a third and final ballot shall be held among the two candidates who have obtained the highest number of votes in the second ballot. The candidate obtaining the higher number of votes in the third ballot is then elected.

The TSG or WG Chair shall be responsible for the voting process and shall ensure that confidentiality is maintained.

If an election is held during an electronic meeting, the voting shall use the voting procedures described in Article 26.


An Individual Member of 3GPP who opposes a Chair’s ruling on a vote taken within a TSG or WG may submit their case to the PCG for decision. In such cases the Individual Member shall also inform the relevant TSG or WG Chair.

When a TSG or WG Chair has made a ruling, their decision shall be taken as the basis for future operations, unless or until overturned by the PCG.

If an Individual Member in a TSG or WG believes that a Chair or Vice Chair of any such group is acting without impartiality and not in the interests of 3GPP, such Individual Member may object to such actions within the relevant group, and may request that such objection be recorded in the minutes of the applicable group meeting and it shall be so recorded. The objecting Individual Member may ultimately take their objection to the PCG for consideration.  In such cases the Individual Member shall also inform the relevant TSG or WG Chair.


TSGs and WGs shall meet as necessary to complete their work within the prescribed timeframe. TSGs should endeavour to hold their meetings at the same time and place to assist in the overall co-ordination of the work.

Meeting locations should reflect the geographical diversity of the TSG and WG delegates.

Further information on meetings is given in annex F.


IMs wishing to progress work on topics in 3GPP are expected to participate in both face to face meetings and electronic meetings.

If a 3GPP IM is materially interested in a specific topic but is unable to participate in a meeting by sending a delegate, the IM is urged to engage the support of other IMs whose delegates will be present at the meeting to present its views.  If this is not possible for any reason, the IM may advise the Chair of the situation and may provide documents supporting their position. The Chair may facilitate the introduction of these documents during the meeting and the record of the meeting can include the discussion and outcome. The option to engage the Chair is intended for exceptional situations. The Chair has the right to decline the request.


The invitation to a TSG or WG meeting and the necessary logistical information should be disseminated as soon as practically possible, taking into account the need to obtain travel documentation. It shall be disseminated at least 28 days before the meeting to all on the TSG or WG membership list.


The draft agenda for a TSG or WG meeting shall be disseminated by the responsible Chair to all on the TSG or WG membership list at least 21 days before a meeting. The draft agenda should indicate subject matters where voting may be required. The draft agenda shall indicate elections to be held (including known candidates). The draft agenda shall indicate the deadlines (dates and times) for registration and meeting document submission to the TSG/WG meeting. The draft agenda shall indicate the start and end dates and times of the meeting.  The draft agenda shall indicate if the meeting counts toward maintenance of voting rights. Other deadlines may also be indicated (whenever required).


Delegates and officials must register before participating in any 3GPP meeting. Each delegate or official who represents an Individual Member shall declare the precise name of that Individual Member. A delegate or official may only register to represent one Individual Member.

The deadline for registration for all delegates and officials is one week in advance of the start of the meeting. Registrations after this deadline will still be processed, but timely receipt of meeting related information is not guaranteed for late registrants.

To aid in communication, delegates or officials at co-located meetings may briefly visit a meeting they have not registered for. However, any extensive involvement such as presenting a contribution or formally objecting requires prior registration to the meeting.



Documents for a TSG or WG meeting shall follow a consistent numbering system as shown in the following example:


This numbering system has six logical elements:

1)   x:                a single letter corresponding to the TSG;

where x :         R (Radio Access Network)

N (Core Network) [TSG closed March 2005]

S (Service and System Aspects)

T (Terminals) [TSG closed March 2005]

G (GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network)

C (Core network and Terminals)

2)   m                A single character corresponding to the Working Group identity  (typically 1, 2, 3, etc) or, in the case of the TSG itself, the letter "P".

3)   i:                 Normally the hyphen character "-".  May take on other values depending on the nature of the meeting at which the document is presented, eg the identity of a subgroup.

4)   nn:             two digits to indicate the year, i.e. 99, 00, 01, etc;

5)   zzzz:          unique number of the document

No provision is made for the use of revision numbers. Documents which are a revision of a previous version should indicate the document number of that previous version.

The filename of documents shall be the document number.  Documents may be compressed to .Zip files (and thus bear a file extension ".zip").  For example, document S1-060357 will be contained in file S1-060357.zip.


35.1      Voting list

Each TSG and WG shall maintain a list of Individual Members eligible to vote in that group.

The voting list shall be used to establish quorum and for determining those eligible to take part in a vote.

NOTE 1:  The term "membership list" has no particular significance in the context of TSG and WG meetings. The term "attendance list" is used for a list of individuals who attend a given meeting representing an Individual Member or other entity entitled to participate in meetings – see annex F.

For the determination of the quorum, see annex H.


35.2      On creation of new TSG or WG

When a new TSG or WG is formed an Individual Member is added to the voting list at the first meeting at which it is represented, and may vote at the second meeting where it is represented.

Exceptionally, if inadequate notice (less than the period of time given in article 31) had been given for the first meeting of the new group, an Individual Member shall be added to the voting list on its delegate's attending the second meeting (the election meeting) and vote at that meeting even if it had not been represented at the group’s first meeting.

Only an Individual Member that had been represented at the group’s first meeting may provide a proxy for the second meeting.


35.3      Established TSGs and WGs

To qualify for the voting list it is necessary for at least one delegate of an Individual Member to fulfill the voting rights establishment provisions of article 35.4 for the group concerned, without being removed according to the provisions of article 35.4..

An Individual Member having attained voting rights according to clause 35.4 has the right to cast a vote by proxy (see article 26). Thus an Individual Member may not cast a vote by proxy during a meeting at which it is not represented unless it had already attained voting rights as described in clause 35.4.


35.4      Removal from and reinstatement to voting list

An Individual Member shall be removed from the voting list when either of the following happens:

1.       The Individual Member is not represented at three consecutive face to face ordinary meetings of the group (TSG or WG),

2.       The Individual Member is not represented in two consecutive ordinary meetings of the group (TSG or WG) of which at least one is electronic


The right to vote shall be instated or reinstated for an Individual Member at either of the following events:

1.       the second face to face ordinary meeting which a delegate of the Individual Member attends without missing the number of consecutive face to face ordinary meetings mentioned in the previous paragraph,

2.       the third consecutive ordinary meeting which a delegate of the Individual Member attends



Note: See article 35.3 for eligibility to cast a proxy vote.


EXAMPLE 1:      If Individual Member Z is represented at face to face ordinary meeting K and K+3 (and is thus eligible to vote) but is not represented at face to face ordinary meetings K+4, K+5 and K+6, it is removed from the voting list.

EXAMPLE 2:      If Individual Member X, not previously having been represented at an face to face ordinary meeting of the group, is represented at face to face ordinary meetings N and N+3, it may cast a vote at face to face ordinary meeting N+3.

NOTE:      Individual Member X might choose to cast a vote by proxy at face to face ordinary meeting N+3, even though its delegate is physically present. This is sometimes useful for coordinating company positions where one large company has several Individual Memberships, possibly via several different Organizational Partners.

EXAMPLE 3:      If Individual Member Y, not previously having been represented at a meeting of the group, is represented at ordinary meeting N only, it may not cast a vote by proxy at ordinary meeting N+2.

EXAMPLE 4:      If Individual Member A is represented at electronic ordinary meetings N, N+1, and N+2 (and is thus eligible to vote) but is not represented at electronic ordinary meetings N+3 and N+4, it is removed from the voting list.

EXAMPLE 5:      If Individual Member B, not previously having been represented at an ordinary meetings of the group, is represented at electronic ordinary meetings N, N+1, and N+2, it may cast a vote at electronic ordinary meeting N+2.



35.5      (void)


A Working Group may establish a Sub Working Group (SWG) with defined Terms of Reference. The Working Group shall appoint a SWG Chair (and optionally a Vice Chair). The SWG shall work by consensus. The meeting notice requirements for a SWG meeting are the same as for TSGs and WGs. The Individual member that the SWG Chair or Vice Chair represents shall ensure that the official will avail or has availed themselves of 3GPP-supplied antitrust and competition law training in order to comply with all applicable antitrust/competition laws and regulations while acting in the capacity of SWG Chair or Vice Chair.

At the commencement of each meeting of a SWG, the group shall be reminded that:

(i) compliance with all applicable antitrust and competition laws is required;

(ii) timely submissions of work items in advance of SWG meetings are important to allow for full and fair consideration of such matters; and

(iii) the leadership will conduct the meeting with impartiality and in the interests of 3GPP.



The 3GPP Work Programme shall consist of Work Items defined by the TSGs.



A 3GPP Work Item is a specification task defined in terms of the following principal parameters:


intended output (i.e. Technical Specifications or Technical Reports);

impact on other Technical Specifications and Technical Reports;

technical scope, including the field of application of the intended output;

impact on other 3GPP Work Items;

the schedule of tasks to be performed;

the identities of the supporting Individual Members;

the identity of the Work Item Rapporteurs.


Each proposed new Work Item shall be supported by at least four Individual Members, and their names shall be recorded in the Work Item definition prepared for the TSG approval. One or more persons shall be named as Rapporteur for the proposed Work Item, and the Rapporteur shall act as the prime contact point on technical matters and for information on progress throughout the drafting phases. The supporting Individual Members are expected to contribute to and progress the new work item throughout the drafting phases.

In addition to the above, TSGs shall approve new Work Items, giving all essential parameters. The proposal shall be entered into the 3GPP work programme, clearly marked as a new entry, for which a unique reference identity shall be allocated.



The 3GPP work programme shall be made available to all Individual Members. A new Work Item shall remain flagged as "new" until the end of the month following the month during which the 3GPP work item was entered into the 3GPP work programme. A new Work Item shall be adopted by the PCG unless a substantial objection is received from an Individual Member or Partner during this period. At the end of the period, the "new" flag shall be removed (even if there is an objection) and it is the responsibility of any objecting Individual Member or Partner to discuss their objections with the TSG Chair. If it is not possible to resolve the objection, it is the responsibility of the Individual Member or Partner to raise the issue with the PCG.

The TSGs shall ensure that the 3GPP Work Item details are maintained at regular intervals.


Prior to completion of the intended 3GPP output, the responsible TSG may conclude that a Work Item is no longer required. Any Work Item shall automatically be considered by a TSG for stopping, if no progress has been achieved in a given period of time, typically six months, e.g. due to a lack of contribution. In such cases, the Work Item shall be flagged as "stopped" in the Work Programme. The proposal to stop a Work Item shall be fully justified.

The Work Programme shall be updated accordingly, and shall show the Work Item as "stopped" until the end of the month following the month during which the Work Item was initially flagged.

The Work Item will be stopped by the PCG unless substantial objection is received from an Individual Member during this period. It is the responsibility of any objecting Individual Member to discuss their objections with the TSG Chair. If it is not possible to resolve the objection, it is the responsibility of the Individual Member to raise the issue with the PCG.


The PCG shall be responsible for determining the overall time frame and for managing the overall work progress. The System Aspects TSG shall have a particular responsibility for the technical co-ordination of work being undertaken within 3GPP, and for overall system architecture and system integrity. Problems encountered in performing this technical co-ordination role shall be reported immediately to the PCG.



3GPP shall prepare, approve and maintain documents known as Technical Specifications and Technical Reports. Such documents shall be drawn up by the TSGs and shall, following approval at that level, be submitted to the participating Organizational Partners to be submitted to their respective standardization processes.


Approval of Technical Specifications and Technical reports by a TSG shall normally be by consensus.

Where consensus cannot be achieved in the TSG a vote may be taken.

When Technical Specifications and Technical Reports become sufficiently stable, they shall be put under change control of the relevant TSG. The further elaboration of these Technical Specifications and Technical Reports shall be achieved by change requests to be approved by the TSG.


The Technical Specifications and Technical Reports drafted by the TSGs shall follow the 3GPP drafting rules, using document processing facilities, format, languages and notations agreed by the Organizational Partners, and on a medium suited for electronic document handling and publishing.



The Organizational Partners will have joint ownership (including copyright) of the Technical Specifications and Technical Reports produced by 3GPP.



Organizational Partners shall use their best endeavours to convert the Technical Specifications and Technical Reports approved by the Partnership Project into national/regional deliverables in a timely manner through their normal processes.

The Organizational Partners are urged not to change the technical parts of the Technical Specifications and Technical Reports; they may add non-technical parts required by their own deliverable schemes and they may add descriptions of options selected.

Organizational Partners should ensure that all unresolved comments raised during their public enquiry and approval phases are delivered to the appropriate TSG.


A report shall be prepared by the Chair following all PCG and TSG meetings.


The Chair of each TSG shall inform the PCG of all organizational changes concerning Working Groups and their officials. An up to date record of the 3GPP structure shall be maintained.



The PCG and TSGs shall maintain an up to date calendar of the dates and venues for future meetings.



3GPP results should be submitted to the ITU as appropriate.

For working groups, the following handling of communications toward ITU shall apply:

1    Working groups shall send ITU submissions which are destined to become part of ITU deliverables to their parent TSG for review. 

2    Working group communications towards the ITU which are NOT destined to become part of an ITU deliverable must be reviewed by the TSG Chair and the appropriate ITU sector convener (if one exists for the given ITU sector).  The working group’s TSG Chair and ITU sector convener will determine if such a communication should be sent to the parent TSG for review.  If for some reason either the TSG Chair or ITU sector convener is not available, then it is sufficient for the remaining person to review the document and determine if it should be escalated to the TSG or not. 

3    If the working group communication does not require TSG review, then it shall be conveyed to the ITU from the WG using one of the mechanisms described below.

For TSGs, the following handling of communications toward ITU shall apply:

1    TSGs shall send ITU submissions which are destined to become part of ITU deliverables to the PCG for review. 

2    TSGs communications towards the ITU which are deemed sensitive by the TSG shall be sent to the PCG for review.

3    If the TSG does not judge the communication as sensitive, then it shall be conveyed to the ITU from the WG using one of the mechanisms described below.

To convey a communications towards the ITU, one of the following mechanisms shall be used based upon determination of the sending body (a body may determine a default mechanism).

a)   The communication shall be sent from the OPs as a deliverable from their organizations (applicable to PCG reviewed communications only)

b)   The communication shall be made by Individual Members who are also members of the ITU. In such a circumstance, the appropriate ITU sector convener will coordinate and handle the administrative matters for the submission.  3GPP Technical Specifications and Technical Reports may be taken as the technical content of such contributions (applicable to PCG reviewed communications or TSG reviewed communications).

c)   The communication shall be sent directly from the 3GPP liaison coordinator to the appropriate ITU receiver in the ITU (applicable to TSG reviewed communications or WG reviewed communications).

Representatives of ITU-D, ITU-R and ITU-T are invited to participate in the Project Coordination Group for the efficient coordination and exchange of information.


TSGs and WGs are encouraged to liaise directly with the relevant technical bodies within the 3GPP and Partners as appropriate.

A liaison statement shall clearly communicate what is expected from the receiver, i.e., which parts are for information, which questions are expected to be clarified and by whom (especially if there are multiple receivers), and also when an answer is needed, e.g., when is the next meeting of the group sending the liaison statement.  

A TSG or any subtending Working Group may send individual liaisons to any external organization (other than ITU) without PCG approval, except if the statement is considered sensitive by the TSG Chair, in which case PCG clearance is needed.

It is not necessary to have all external liaisons copied to the PCG and/or TSG SA. The liaison originating TSG should decide, at its own discretion, which should be copied. External liaisons that may have management implications such as schedules, organization, process, procedures, and policy shall be copied to the PCG, or approved by the PCG if sensitive.

Relations with the ITU are described in article 51.


The resources for the operation of 3GPP shall be managed by the Organizational Partners. The resources are allocated to the TSGs by the PCG.



The Partners shall provide logistical support to, and assist in the operation of, 3GPP. The support shall be in the form of a Support Team which shall operate under the overall management of the PCG and the day to day management of TSGs.



Individual Members shall be bound by the IPR Policy of their respective Organizational Partner.

Individual Members should declare at the earliest opportunity, any IPRs which they believe to be essential, or potentially essential, to any work ongoing within 3GPP. Declarations should be made by Individual Members to their respective Organizational Partners.

Organizational Partners should encourage their respective members to grant licences on fair, reasonable terms and conditions and on a non-discriminatory basis.


The working language for 3GPP shall be English.

Meetings of the PCG and TSGs shall be conducted in English.

3GPP Technical Specifications and Technical Reports shall be prepared in English (as defined by the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary).


3GPP shall be task oriented and on completion of the tasks the future of 3GPP shall be re-considered. The continuation of 3GPP shall therefore be confirmed by the Organizational Partners on an annual basis.



An evaluation of the activities of 3GPP should be made by the Organizational Partners at regular intervals.



In the event of a voluntary dissolution of 3GPP, the Partners shall determine the terms of liquidation by consensus. All issues shall be documented and distributed at least 30 days prior to decisions being made.


In connection with any claim or dispute of an Individual Member arising from or relating to any activity of any 3GPP meeting or action, including in connection with a TSG or WG meeting, such Individual Member shall, prior to commencing any such legal proceeding against 3GPP, its leadership, support staff, or one or more Organizational Partners in a court, an arbitral panel or other adjudicatory body, exhaust all appeal procedures provided in the 3GPP Working Procedures. Exhaustion of appeal procedures shall be diligently expedited by both the appealing party and the appeal body.



These Partnership Project Working Procedures may only be amended by decision taken by the PCG.


Ad hoc Meeting                                  A meeting called to address one or more particular topics that is not an ordinary meeting (see F.3)

Consensus:                                          General agreement, characterized by the absence of sustained opposition to substantial issues by any important part of the concerned interest and by a process that involves seeking to take into account the views of all parties concerned and to reconcile any conflicting arguments. (Note: consensus need not imply unanimity).

Conversion:                                         The transformation of a 3GPP output document into an Organizational Partners deliverable following the Organizational Partners’ recognized processes.

Corporate Group:                               A group of 3GPP Individual Member organizations belonging to the same Group of Companies.

Delegate:                                              An individual taking part in a TSG/WG meeting physically or by electronic means.

Drafting Rules:                                   A document approved by the Organizational Partners providing rules for the drafting of 3GPP Technical Specifications and Technical Reports.

Election:                                               The voting process used to identify an individual from a number of individuals.

Electronic meeting:                             A electronic meeting is one where all the participants connect to the meeting using electronic means such as audio/video conference, email, etc.

Face to face meeting:                         A face to face meeting, also referred to as a physical meeting, is one held at a designated physical location where participants are invited to attend in person.

Group of Companies:                        An economic entity composed of distinct legal entities consolidated in the financial statements of the said economic entity. One of the legal entities is the Parent Company and the others are the Subsidiaries. A Group of Companies is composed of more than one (1) legal entity.

Guest:                                                   An entity fulfilling the criteria to become a future Individual Member, which has been granted temporary participation rights in the 3GPP

Individual Member:                           A member of an Organizational Partner having participation rights within that Organizational Partner and which has registered to take part in 3GPP.

ITU Representative                           Representatives of ITU-D, ITU-R and ITU-T invited to participate in the Project Coordination Group for the efficient coordination and exchange of information.

Leadership:                                          A Chair, Vice-Chair, or Convenor of an OP/PCG/TSG/WG/SWG/Ad-Hoc or any other 3GPP meeting.

Market Representation Partner:       A Partner invited by the Organizational Partners to participate in 3GPP to offer advice and to bring into 3GPP a consensus view of market requirements.

Observer:                                              An Organization fulfilling the criteria to become a future Partner which has been granted temporary participation rights in 3GPP.

Ordinary Meeting                               A meeting where the ordinary business of a group is conducted (see F.2).

Organizational Partner:                     A recognized Standards Organization which has been accepted as a Partner in 3GPP.

Parent Company:                               The ultimate operational controlling legal entity of Subsidiary(ies) within a Group of Companies. The Parent Company may or may not be a 3GPP Individual Member.

Partner:                                                 An Organizational Partner or a Market Representation Partner of 3GPP.

Partnership Project Agreement:        The document signed by 3GPP Partners defining their rights and obligations.

Partnership Project Description:       A document which describes the overall structure and operation of 3GPP.

Represent:                                            Attend on behalf of.
A person who attends a meeting on behalf of an Individual Member represents that Individual Member. The person is not necessarily employed by that Individual Member, but may be, for example, employed by a subsidiary company in the same group as the represented Individual Member; or the person may be an independent consultant under contract to the Individual Member. "Representation" sometimes influences the eligibility to vote – see article 35 and annexes A and F.

Sub Working Group                           A subordinate body of a Working Group.

Subsidiary:                                            A legal entity consolidated in the financial statements of a Group of Companies.

Support Team:                                    A number of persons dedicated to support 3GPP.

Technical Report:                               A 3GPP output document containing mainly informative elements approved by a Technical Specification Group.

Technical Specification:                   A 3GPP output document containing normative provisions approved by a Technical Specification Group.

Voting Member                                  An Individual Member who has voting rights within a TSG/WG (subject to conditions in Article 26 and 27).

Work Item:                                          The documented record of a specific technical activity of 3GPP.

Work Programme:                             The documented record of the all technical activities of 3GPP.

Working Group:                                 A subordinate body of a Technical Specification Group.


3GPP      Third Generation Partnership Project

ARIB     Association of Radio Industries and Businesses

ATIS      Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (successor to T1)

CCSA     China Communications and Standards Association (successor to CWTS)

CDMA   Code Division Multiple Access

CWTS    China Wireless Telecommunications Standards Group (superseded by CCSA)

ETSI       European Telecommunications Standards Institute

FDD        Frequency Division Duplex

GSM       Global System for Mobile Communication

IM          Individual Member

IMT-2000             International Mobile Telecommunication

ITU         International Telecommunication Union

MRP       Market Representation Partner

PCG        Project Co-ordination Group

SWG       Sub Working Group

T1           Standards Committee T1 (superseded by ATIS)

TDD       Time Division Duplex

TSDSI    Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India

TSG        Technical Specification Group

TTA        Telecommunications Technology Association

TTC        Telecommunication Technology Committee

UIM       User Identity Module

UTRA    Universal Terrestrial Radio Access

UTRAN Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network

WG         Working Group





Please complete this form and return it to your Organizational Partner

COMPANY NAME               .................................................................

Please indicate below which ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNER you are a member of















Please indicate below which Technical Specification Groups you wish to participate in:

Radio Access Network






Core Network and Terminals


Service and System Aspects


GSM EDGE Radio Access Network (GERAN)



Upon your approval as an Individual Member of the Third Generation Partnership Project you agree that you will be bound by the Working Procedures of the Third Generation Partnership Project then in effect and as they may be amended from time to time.   

Signed by (Authorized Representative)

(See Note 1)


Print name












Company Website URL



Contact person’s family name

(See Note 2)


Contact person’s given name


Job title


Mailing address








Note 1:   Is either the official contact person or voting contact of a company.

Note 2:   People attending meetings and who can also have signing authority.



E.1       Introduction

The conditions for the acceptance of Market Representation Partners (MRPs) in 3GPP are given in article 7 of these Working Procedures. This annex provides additional guidance to MRP Applicants.


E.2       Guidance

During the application process, the Organizational Partners will need to be assured that an Applicant:

(a)           Has a field of interest directly or indirectly related to the work being undertaken by 3GPP;

(b)           Has attained a demonstrable level of recognition within this field of interest;

(c)           Has an understanding of the market requirements relevant to 3GPP;

(d)           Is willing to actively contribute to the work of 3GPP and has sufficient resources for this purpose;

(e)           Fully supports the goals and objectives of 3GPP and does not take part in activities that conflict with these goals and objectives.

In processing an application, the Organizational Partners will peruse openly available documentation published by an Applicant, including material posted on its Website, in order to confirm that the points listed above have been satisfied.


Annex F:      Guidance on TSG and WG meeting Organization

F.1        Meeting classification

TSG and WG Meetings are classified either:

·         ordinary; or

·         ad hoc.

·         top

F.2        Ordinary meetings

Ordinary meetings are ones where the regular business of the TSG or WG is conducted.  Such meetings are normally chaired by the Group's Chair or, if unavailable, a Vice Chair.  Ordinary meeting should be announced at least six months prior to the opening day of the meeting. An ordinary meeting may be held as a face to face meeting or as an electronic meeting.

TSG and WG ordinary meetings shall follow an incrementing number sequence.  If an additional ordinary meeting is required between two ordinary meetings, the sequence may be preserved, even though this means renumbering subsequent meetings, or the additional meeting may be numbered using the ‘bis’ suffix as a numbering scheme. Ordinary meetings that are held electronically shall be designated with an ‘e’ suffix.

Attendance at an ordinary meeting counts towards an Individual Member's eligibility to cast a vote in the Group (see articles 26 and 27).  The Support Team shall record the participation in an ordinary meeting (each person and organization represented) and the attendance list shall be included in the meeting report.

Guidelines for supporting remote participation are available on the 3GPP website. The face to face meeting shall proceed even if there is loss or degradation of the capabilities provided for the remote participants. In a meeting designated as face to face, only those participating face to face and checked in (see F.4) are counted toward quorum or attendance. Only those participating face to face at the meeting are eligible to vote (provided they are checked in and have voting rights) or raise an objection.

Following each ordinary meeting, the Support Team shall make available the voting list of that group.


F.3        Ad hoc meetings

An ad hoc meeting of a WG or a TSG is one called to address one or more particular topics.  An ad hoc meeting may be held as a face to face or as an electronic meeting. The ad hoc meeting shall be called by decision of the WG (or its parent TSG) or TSG concerned; the decision to hold any subsequent ad hoc meetings on the same topic may be made by the ad hoc meeting participants themselves without reference to the parent WG or TSG, although the parent WG or TSG shall review any ad hoc activity at every Ordinary meeting and determine to either continue or to close the ad hoc activity, even if the previous ad hoc meeting suggested a further meeting.  The scope of each subsequent ad hoc meeting shall be indicated by the Chair at least 21 days before the meeting. The ad hoc meeting shall not expand or change the scope originally determined by the parent group. An ad hoc meeting is allowed to make decisions only within its pre-defined remit, and any such decisions shall be ratified by the parent WG or TSG unless, in the case of a WG, a decision was previously explicitly delegated by the WG to the ad hoc meeting.

An ad hoc meeting may be chaired as described for an ordinary meeting above, or, with the agreement of the WG or TSG concerned, by a Work Item rapporteur, or other appropriate person.  Although open to all 3GPP Individual Members, ad hoc meetings may attract only a subset of Individual Member representatives who would normally participate in ordinary meetings.

Ad hoc meetings shall not be considered when calculating voting rights.  That is, attendance at (or absence from) an ad hoc meeting shall not influence voting rights, which are determined solely by attendance at "ordinary" meetings.

No voting shall occur at ad hoc meetings.


F.4        Attendance register

A delegate is deemed to have attended a given meeting if the individual confirms their participation by checking in.  If a delegate does not check in during the meeting, the secretary shall assume that the individual did not attend.  Checking in must be performed between the start and end of the meeting.  In addition, the check in process shall clearly inform the delegate that ‘Checking in carries the responsibility for participating in relevant parts of the meeting’.

A delegate, having registered and checked in to a meeting, is not allowed to change their represented organization during the course of that meeting.  An individual delegate is not allowed to simultaneously represent two or more Individual Members at a meeting.

F.4.1  (void)



F.4.2  (void)



Annex G:     Working agreements

"Working agreements" are tentative decisions reached by 3GPP groups in order to make progress on matters where consensus (as defined in annex A) cannot be reached.  It is intended to be used in situations where there is a clear majority in favour of one approach, but a small minority has sustained opposition to that approach.

The working agreement process has the following steps:

-     Consensus cannot be reached on an issue.  A substantial majority of individual members prefer a given approach, but there is sustained opposition by a small minority of individual members, preventing consensus.

-     The Chair declares a working agreement.  The working agreement is documented in the meeting report

-     The approach agreed to by the majority and documented in the working agreement can continue unimpeded.

-     The working agreement is entered into the 3GPP working agreements page on the 3GPP web site.  The window for challenging the working agreement is now open.

-     Working agreements may be challenged, resulting in a formal vote.  This potential vote would be held at the next meeting of the WG or parent TSG (whichever comes first).  If the next meeting is less than 14 days after the establishment of the working agreement, then that meeting is skipped in determining the next meeting.  The meeting for potential voting is documented on the 3GPP working agreements page of the 3GPP web site (http://www.3gpp.org/TSG-Working-Agreements).

-     The challenge cut-off date is established. This is 7 days before the start of the meeting for potential voting.  The cut-off date is documented on the 3GPP working agreements page of the 3GPP web site.

-     Organizations wishing to challenge the working agreement may do so until the challenge window closes.  A challenge may be made by informing the Chair of the group which will do the voting.  Any received challenge is documented on 3GPP working agreements page of the 3GPP web site. 

-     The group which will be voting is informed of the intention to have a working agreement challenge vote and the specific voting question.

-     If no challenge is received by the challenge cut-off date, then the working agreement is confirmed.  The confirmation of the working agreement is documented on the 3GPP working agreements page of the 3GPP web site.  The issue is closed. 

-     If a challenge is received, then a formal vote on the working agreement will occur at the designated meeting. If the draft agenda for the designated meeting has already been issued, then it will be updated to include the potential for voting on the working agreement. Voting is as described in articles 25, 26 and 32 of the working procedures with the exception that the requirement for quorum is waived.

-     If the challenge fails (at least 71% in favour of the working agreement), then the working agreement is confirmed.  The confirmation of the working agreement is documented on the 3GPP working agreements page of the 3GPP web site.  The issue is closed. 

-     If the challenge succeeds (less than 71% in favour of the working agreement), then the working agreement fails.  All changes which were made based on the working agreement shall be reversed and the group must continue to search for consensus.  The overturning of the working agreement is documented on the 3GPP working agreements page of the 3GPP web site.

-               Organizations may withdraw a challenge at any time in the process.  If the last challenge is withdrawn after the challenge cut-off, then the working agreement is confirmed. The confirmation of the working agreement is documented on the 3GPP working agreements page of the 3GPP web site.  The issue is closed.


Working Agreements should be declared such that any necessary challenge voting would occur during a face to face meeting.


Annex H:      Calculation of quorum in TSGs and WGs

Where calculation of a quorum is required in the context of a vote conducted in a TSG or a WG, the quorum shall be deemed to have been met if:

(C1+C2) / V >= Q


C1 is the number of votes cast in person.

C2 is the number of votes cast by proxies given from a checked-in Individual Member; An Individual Member is considered checked in if a delegate registered for that Individual Member is checked in at the time the ballot closes.

V is the number of Individual Members having the right to vote at the meeting (after the application of the voting cap as stated in Article 26 and 27);

Q is the required quorum value given in article 26.


Annex I:      Special procedures for exceptional situations restricting travel

3GPP working procedures are designed around the concept of periodic face to face meetings. This is not always possible. This annex implements modifications to the working procedures intended to allow 3GPP to function in the absence of face to face meetings. The PCG has the responsibility of activating and deactivating this annex.

The following changes in the working procedures are in effect when this annex is activated:

The following subclause is added to Article 35:

35.6      OP Voting Rights Hardship Exemption

For an IM belonging to an OP that has a voting rights hardship exemption for a given meeting, then missing the meeting is not counted in the voting rights algorithm. (In other words, for that IM, it is treated as though the meeting did not occur). If an IM covered by a voting rights hardship exemption for voting rights does attend the meeting, then it is counted as normal attendance.

If an IM covered by voting rights hardship exemption misses a meeting, there will be a permanent record (e.g., in the relevant meeting report) to note the list of IMs who have the voting rights hardship exemption for that meeting, and the voting rights list will also indicate the voting rights hardship exemption for the relevant meeting.

Voting rights hardship exemptions are granted on a per OP, per meeting basis.



 Annex J:      Change history



PCG Doc.















Changes agreed at PCG meeting incorporated.  [No formal change control system yet in place]






ETSI proposal: Article 10
Clarify the rights of observers and guests



ETSI proposal: Article 15
To allow leeway in the number of delegates representing each OP at PCG
(To reflect the decision already taken by PCG#14 on PCG participation)



ETSI proposal: Article 34
To cater for current TSG structure and to reflect common practice of Tdoc numbering



Article 3
Reflect decision on regional options
(To incorporate PCG#7 decision)



Article 22
Clarification and codification of the rights to stand for elected positions in TSGs and WGs



Article 30 & annex F
Inclusion of an annex giving guidance on meeting organization






Article 35
Clarification of voting rights






Changes resulting from the OP ad hoc group on improvements report and conclusions of OP#20.

Articles affected:







Annex D

plus sundry spelling corrections.






Rules on eligibility to cast votes at TSG and WG level.






Bring statement of purpose of 3GPP up to date






Adding Working Agreements to working procedures






Change of ITU liaison process

Note:      PCG meeting #22 approved contribution PCG22_30r1 but this was subsequently revised to r3 after the meeting with the apparent approval of the PCG.






Decision PCG22/11: clause 22.1 changed wording from "in the March time frame in" to "in the first semester of".






Editorial correction to implementation of CR15r3. (article 52).






TSG vs WG election












Communication with ITU






Attendance register for meetings






Update to 3GPP Working Procedures article 22






Anti-trust / competition law requirements
articles 12, 17, 22.1, 23, 29, 59A, annex C






Anti-trust recommendations v1.1.






Addition of TSDSI to list of OPs in annexes B and C.

Minor formatting and spelling corrections, consistent capitalization.






Article 22.1
Modification to clarify obligation on elected officials regarding antitrust/competition law training.





Article 55
Correction of text to reflect actual practice.

Note: Decision taken by email in response to Action PCG42/7.






Article 22.2
Adds text allowing WGs which meet infrequently to escalate elections of their officials to the parent TSG.


Article 25
Adds text allowing WGs which meet infrequently to escalate technical votes to the parent TSG.


Article 30A (new)

Introduces procedures for situations where an IM is unable to send a delegate in person to a meeting but nevertheless wishes to contribute to the proceedings.


Secretary's note 1:
Annex B

Added abbreviation 'IM', though this was not included in PCG42_18.


Secretary's note 2:

Corrected the CR numbers in the previous two change history entries.






Annex G: Removal of the statement that voting on working agreements was to be a standard element of every meeting agenda. Addition of a reference to article 32. Removal of the requirement for a quorum during voting on working agreements.






Addition of "crisis annex".






Update to 3GPP Working Procedures Annex I ("crisis annex").




Correction of the Table Of Content






Voting Rights pCR to Annex I






Hardship Exemption pCR to Annex I





Working Procedures P-CR for Registration






Working Procedures pCR to introduce Voting Limitations on Corporate Groups






Working Procedures : Annex I migration






Working Procedures : Changes to Annex H






pCR for Sub-Working-Group (SWG) clarifications






pCR for Remote participation clarifications






pCR introducing Corporate OP Designation






pCR introducing rules for Working Group (WG) balance






pCR updating the TSG leadership balance rules
