Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Video Archive


Interview with our TSG Chairs (Dec. 2024)

In Madrid, during the December 3GPP Plenary meetings, two of our TSG Chairs discussed the current state of Rel-19, then looked towards the next release and beyond – towards 6G.

Wanshi Chen first covered RAN Rel-19 progress, saying that progress is good, with some important check-points met, he mentioned Ambient-IoT as an example of a feature that is currently moving from the study phase towards normative work (TSs). The release is on schedule for its functional freeze date of September 2025....

Peter Schmitt talked about the main highlights of CT’s work this week. Release 18 is now completed and the group is working - in the main - on Release 19, with some requirements still to come in from SA2.

Moving on to discuss the two workshops held in Madrid, during TSGs#106, Wanshi described the parallel tracks in Rel-20, one for 5G Advanced specifications work and the other for early 6G studies. The TSG RAN endorsed Workshop summary is in RP-243292

Turning to the TSG SA Workshop, Peter discussed 5G Advanced in Rel-20 and the process this week that led to the number of proposals to be refined to around 14 features. The SA summary (SP-241989) was send to SA2 (Architecture) for them to prepare 5G Advanced study item descriptions for the core proposals by March, and for the remaining proposals in June.

Other topics covered:

  • How will TSG RAN keep 5G Advanced and 6G on two separate pathways in Rel-20?
  • What will the March joint workshops on 6G (March 10-11) cover?
  • How will 6G studies affect TSG CT & its decisions on future protocols?
  • How will IMT-2030 aspects be dealt with in TSG RAN?

Interview with Jan Ellsberger, ETSI Director General

As ETSI’s head of delegation in 3GPP, Jan Ellsberger not only leads ICT standards development in Europe, but also sits at the top table of global standards making for next generation mobile.

In this short video interview we ask Jan about his first six months as the ETSI Director General and about the progress he has seen at the recent 3GPP TSG meetings in Madrid. We also discuss the potential of emerging technologies for 3GPP and ETSI as the planning for 6G gets underway.

Jan Ellsberger speaks about his long association with ETSI and his fifteen year engagement with 3GPP. The conversation also touched on the key takeaways from this week’s meetings and on some of the ways that ETSI members – in partnership with 3GPP’s industry members from around the globe - are bringing in the next generation of features for the system.

An interview with Puneet Jain, TSG SA Chair

In December 2023 we caught up with Puneet Jain, to ask him about the latest progress - made during TSG SA#102 - on Release 18 and about the plan for Release 19.

Puneet also talks about the start of planning for 6G, which will have early studies written as early as Release 20.

More 3GPP Videos...

Wanshi Chen


In December 2023, during the TSG Plenary week, our Head of 3GPP MCC - Issam Toufik - sat down with Wanshi Chen, to go through some of the RAN highlights from the meeting.

Interview with
Peter Schmitt


During the recent Technical Specification Group (TSG) plenaries we recorded a short video with each of the group Chairs. The first one completed was with Peter Schmitt, TSG CT Chair.

The ETSI CTO and Head of the 3GPP MCC - Issam Toufik - asked Peter about the status of Release 18 work, the status of Release 19 planning and about the groups' joint decisions about the 3GPP plan for 6G.

3GPP - The
place to be


A short video about 3GPP. Join us!

3GPP SA6 Webinar (2019)

Following the modification of the group’s Terms of Reference (ToR) in 2017, 3GPP SA6 Working Group has gradually expanded its activities. While mission-critical applications are still very much central to the SA6 charter, fresh initiatives - since the beginning of Release 15 work - are paving the way for the standardization of new vertical applications within the 3GPP ecosystem, and also promoting the adoption of 3GPP 5G technology across a variety of industries.

Changing 3GPP


This video, recorded at TSG#86 in Sitges, December 2019, brings together:

  • Joachim Walewski, Siemens
  • Roland Beutler, EBU
  • Nicolas Chuberre, Thales Alenia Space
  • Georg Mayer, 3GPP SA Chair, Huawei.

They discuss the reasons why their sector is interested in 3GPP.

Lionel Morand Interview


Guy Daniels interviews Lionel Morand, TSG CT Chair at a time when Rel-16 Stage 3 is ongoing.

  • What do we mean by ‘Stage 3?
  • Release 16 is in Stage 3. When is it due for completion?
  • What is the next phase of work for you?


See our full Archive of over 40 videos on the 3GPP Vimeo site.