Four Generations of Mobile Standards

20th Anniversary approaches for 3GPP

20th Anniversary approaches for 3GPP

Oct 22, 2018

October 23, 2018

3GPP Working Group SA2 celebrated the 20th anniversary of 3GPP at their recent meeting – SA2#129, held in Dongguan China – by wearing a special commemorative pin (pictured here) and by attending a celebratory social event.

Yingtao Li, President of Products & Solutions at Huawei - who hosted the meeting – congratulated 3GPP on two decades of hard work and for remaining relevant to the success of the industry. He presented commemorative gifts to seven of the original 1999 - SA2 delegates, who are still active in the group, including the current SA2 Chairman, Frank Mademann.

 From left to right: Yingtao Li (from the host), Chris Pudney, Magnus Olsson, Nicolas Drevon, Aki Noda, Laurent Thiebaut, Stefano Faccin, Frank Mademann.

During the meeting, the SA2 delegates were also invited to visit some new 5G use case equipment demonstrations, from the host’s industry partnerships, including remote surgery and ultrasound equipment that operate over wireless and some exciting connected drones – used for video broadcast or for transportation. The showcases at SA2#129 successfully demonstrated how 5G will enhance cross-industry cooperation as well as giving the attendees a vision of how products and services are shaping up.

 SA2 group large
SA2 Group Portrait (October 18, 2018) 

Note to Editors

The first 3GPP technical meeting was “3GPP#1 (CN, RAN, SA, T)” held in Sophia Antipolis, December 7-8, 1998. Consequently, 3GPP will formally celebrate the 20th anniversary of the project at the December 2018 Plenary meetings of the Technical Specifications Groups (CT, RAN and SA), in Sorrento, Italy, December 10 – 14.


Contact for this article: Kevin FLYNN, Marketing and Communications Officer, 3GPP