Four Generations of Mobile Standards

CT Chairman re-elected - Hannu Hietalahti

Mar 09, 2009
The 3GPP Core Networks and Terminals (CT) Technical Specification Group have re-elected Mr Hannu Hietalahti, Nokia Corporation, for a third term.

TSG CT is responsible for specifying terminal interfaces, terminal capabilities and the Core network part of 3GPP systems.

As Chairman Mr. Hietalahti has the reputation of delivering results even under the most challenging circumstances, without sacrificing impartiality and fairness.

These qualities have served him well, as his candidature was un-opposed and the election was completed by acclamation. The formal approval of the appointment will now be sought from the 3GPP Project Coordination Group, meeting in Kyoto on the 27th April 2009.

For the next two years Hannu Hietalahti will be supported by three new Vice-Chairmen (see table below). After the CT elections he thanked the out-going Vice Chairmen for their massive contribution to the work and their support.The Outgoing CT Officials.

Hannu Hietalahti is a Technology Fellow in Nokia and is currently Chief Technical Officer for standardization and industry relationships. In his TSG-CT chairman role he is the 3GPP contact person towards IETF for IMS related issues.

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TSG CT Vice Chairmanship (Result)
(Appointment by the PCG will follow in due course)
  Name Company / Partner  
  Mr Rouzbeh FARHOUMAND HuaWei Technologies Co., Ltd / CCSA  
  Mr Adrian NEAL Vodafone Group Plc / ETSI  
(Appointment by the PCG will follow in due course)

Results of the Service & Systems Aspects (SA) TSG election will follow shortly. All of the TSG election results are available on-line at;