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New Fellows

                                                                                 Standardization  activities  during  the
                                                                                 1990s  and  up  to  2006,  including
                                                                                 the  creation  of  3GPP,  to  guiding  and
                                                                                 leading  standardization  organizations
                                                                                 and related industry bodies, enabling
                                                                                 mobile     communications     and
                                                                                 supporting the world’s most successful
                                                                                 standardized   eco-system.   Within
                                                                                 ETSI, Dirk has chaired the IPR Special
                                                                                 Committee (2008–2018), the General
       Isabelle Valet-Harper                Dirk Weiler                          Assembly (2010–2014), and the Board

       Retired, former Standards            Retired, former Head of              (2014–2023).
       Expert, CommLedge, France            Standards Policy, Nokia,             He  was  also  a  member  of  the  CEN-
                                            Germany                              CENELEC-ETSI Joint Presidents’ Group
       Isabelle  Valet-Harper,  was  a  senior                                   and  the  3GPP  PCG/OP  delegation,
       Standards  Adviser  at  Microsoft,  then   Dirk  Weiler  is  a  firm  believer  in  the   and  representative  for  the  European
       a  Standards  Expert  at  CommLedge.   power of standardization. He has been   Commission   ICT   Standardization
       She  has  more  than  30  years  of   involved in standardization throughout   MSP. Dirk is a renowned advocate for
       experience  in  Standardization  in  a   his  successful  career  in  Siemens  and   global,  open,  and  consensus-based
       number  of  French,  European  and   Nokia. This spanned from contributing   standardization  with  FRAND  IPR
       International  organizations  including   to technical work for GSM in ETSI in 1988   policies, allowing for the incorporation
       AFNOR, ETSI, ISO/IEC JTC1, IETF, W3C,   and  leading  Siemens  Communication   of the most appropriate technologies.
       3GPP,  Ecma  International,  OMA,  the
       Multi  Stakeholders  Platform,  etc.
       Within  these  organizations,  Isabelle
       had  various  roles  and  responsibilities
       by  occupying  a  number  of  positions,
       including  Delegate,  Editor,  Chair,
       President,   Board   Member,   and
       Liaison Officer. She has been a regular
       participant  at  ETSI  GAs  (and/or  TAs),
       attending all of them since 1989, and
       has  also  been  a  member  of  the  ETSI
       Board since 2011.
       During  this  time,  she  has  been  a
       member  of  several  Review  Groups
       and  has  taken  on  the  roles  of  Board
       Champion  or  Ad-hoc  Group  Chair
       on  multiple  occasions,  and  she  also
       chaired  the  Board  Process  Group.
       Isabelle  has  been  especially  involved
       in  matters  of  governance,  making
       sure  that  ETSI  Directives,  including
       the Technical Working Procedures, are
       fit for the rapidly evolving purpose of
       serving  a  highly  dynamic  standard-
       setting organization, and for its liaisons
       with the standards sector.

                                                                          Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024    29
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