Page 25 - ETSI_Enjoy_MAG_2024_NO2_August
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Working Together

       This is the feedback from the Course                                      ETSI is convinced that conveying the
       Director, Dr Olia Kanevskaia (pictured                                    value of standardization in the market
       on the far right) on yesterday’s lecture                                  economy  not  only  raises  awareness
       by  Alex  Leadbeater  (pictured  in  the                                  and interest in the field but expands
       centre), ETSI’s Chair of the Technical                                    horizons  and  may  open  exciting
       Committee on Cybersecurity.                                               and  rewarding  career  avenues.  Our
                                                                                 education  material  has  also  been
       He  gave  his  guest  lecture  to  an   New Collaboration                 successfully  used  in  company  in-
       international  audience  (pictured)    with University Utrecht            house trainings.
       enrolled  in  the  week-long  course
       on  ‘Global  Power  and  Technology’   the  work  in  Delft  (NL)  in  June.  ETSI
       provided  by  the  University  Utrecht:   also  participates  in  EDU4Standards: This hands-  a  research  project  funded  by  the
       on  dissemination  of  standardization   European Union (ETSI is a member of
       knowledge is just one aspect of our   the External Advisory Group).
       collaboration  with  this  high-level
       educational  institution  –  whilst   Strongly  committed  to  supporting
       clearly a highlight.                 young -and indeed all- professionals
                                            in mastering tech standardization, the
       Other   activities   include   being   ETSI General Assembly has created a
       involved  in  the  EC  High-Level  Forum   Training  in  Standardization  project
       (HLF)  on  European  Standardization:   that will run over several years and
       Workstream 1 – Horizontal Workstream   aims  to  extend  and  enhance  the
       Education and Skills (HWES), there will   currently available material with the
       be a series of workshops to progress   help of an external consultant.

                                                                          Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024    25
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