Page 24 - ETSI_Enjoy_MAG_2024_NO2_August
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Working Together

       Mastering Tech Standardization

       with ETSI

       The importance of tech standardization
       and  the  standardization  processes
       is  continuously  growing,  and  both
       education  and  training  are  beneficial.
       Standardization  is  a  profession  which
       requires  specific  knowledge,  skills,
       and  insights.  These  include  not  only
       technical  but  also  institutional,  legal,
       cultural and social dimensions.

       ETSI,  as  the  ICT  standards  body  in
       Europe  with  global  outreach,  is
       conscious  that  most  universities  and
       other educational organizations have yet
       to develop and offer relevant modules
       and courses in ICT standardization.

       To  bridge  this  gap,  ETSI  established
       an  ‘Education  about  Standardization’
       (EaS)  programme.  Aimed  not  only
       at  lecturers  and  students  but  also
       administrations, NSOs and companies,
       our  comprehensive  teaching  material
       comprises  a  substantial  slide  set  and
       an  accompanying  textbook.  This          We had a fantastic lecture from Alex –
       material is soon to be complemented   “
       with  eLearning  modules  and  specific   very engaging, the students really liked
       teaching sets.                        it and learned a lot! Alex talked about

       Recent activity has seen lectures being   many fascinating things, but perhaps a
       given at the University of Luxemburg in   message that explicitly stood out is that
       the framework of their Master MTECH
       course  (led  by  ILNAS  in  collaboration   standards should first and foremost benefit
       with  the  University  of  Luxembourg   the society, and that there is no such
       and  the  Chamber  of  Employees):    thing as legal certainty in cybersecurity
       master-in-technopreneurship           standardization. He also outlined the
       ETSI  collaborated  with  the  Utrecht   shortcomings of EU regulations when it
       University   Summer   School   on     comes to cybersecurity, and how the legal
       ‘Global  Power  and  Technology’
       covering  ‘Competition,  Innovation  &   instruments sometimes do not interact.                     ”
       Technological  Advancement  through
       Standardization in the EU’ in mid-July   – Dr. Olia Kanevskaia –
       in the Netherlands.

       24      Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024
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