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What’s On?

       Join us at Upcoming ETSI Events

       ETSI Events (September to December 2024)

       ETSI WEBINAR:                        4  C-V2X Plugtests                   ETSI Security Conference
       ETSI STF 642 - ACEMCOM                   Malaga, Spain                        ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, France
       Project - Accessibility and
       Interoperability of Emergency              10-13 September 2024                14-18 October 2024
       Communications and for               Organized by ETSI in partnership with   This  exclusive  annual  face-to-face
       Answering of Emergency               the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA)   event offers a unique opportunity for
       Communications                       and  co-funded  by  the  European    the  security  community  to  convene,

             Online                         Commission  (EC)  and  the  European   exchange  insights  with  experts,
                                            Free Trade Association (EFTA), this 4th
                                                                                 network  with  peers,  and  discuss  the
             5 September 2024               edition  of  the  ETSI  C-V2X  Plugtests   most  pressing  topics  in  cybersecurity
       The ETSI STF 642 (ACEMCOM Project,   event  will  be  hosted  by  DEKRA.  This   standardization. This year’s event will
       co-funded  by  the  EC  and  the  EFTA)   event  will  focus  on  testing  direct   address  AI,  Impacts  of  Regulation  on
       expert  team  will  present  and  speak   communication   between   devices   Zero  Trust  and  Consumer  devices,
       about the EC-requested standards TS   using ETSI TC ITS Release 2 standards,   Societal   Impact   of   Technology-
       103  919  and  EN/HS  303  919,  titled   including   Collective   Perception   Fraud,   Security   and   Standards
       Accessibility  and  interoperability  of   Services  (CPS)  and  Vulnerable  Road   Convergence,  5G  to  6G,  Privacy  and
       emergency  communications  and  for   Users (VRU).                        Considerations of Employing Encryption
       answering emergency communications                                        Technologies,  Transport,  Public  safety
       by  the  PSAPs  (including  to  the  single   6  NG112 Emergency          and  Critical  Communications,  and
       European Emergency number 112).      Communications with NG eCall         Consumer verticals.
       ETSI / CEN Workshop on EU                Malaga, Spain and remote         Software & Standards for Smart
       Digital Identity Framework                                                Networks & Services Conference
       Standards                                  30 September - 4 October 2024  and Hackfests

            ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, France,   Organized by ETSI in cooperation with         ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, France
                                            the  European  Emergency  Number
           & Online (Hybrid)                Association  (EENA),  this  6th  edition     12-14 November 2024
             10-12 September 2024           of  the  ETSI  NG112  Emergency      The  ETSI  SNS4SNS  event  will  bring

       The Workshop is conducted by ETSI ESI   Communications  Plugtests  event  will   together  experts  from  the  fields
       Technical Committee and CEN/TC 224.   be hosted by the University of Malaga.   of  software,  standards,  and  smart
       ETSI and CEN are working together to   Remote  participation  is  possible.   networks.  It  will  feature  engaging
       develop  several  standards  to  support   The  tests  will  be  based  on  the  Next   talks, panel discussions and hackfests
       the  new  European  Digital  Identity   Generation  112  Long  Term  Definition   focused  on  the  integration  of  open
       regulatory framework, building on the   document (NG112 LTD), 3GPP, ETSI and   source  and  standardized  solutions  in
       latest  globally  recognized  standards   IETF  standards.  During  the  event,  the   modern communication technologies.
       for  website  authentication,  open   interoperability  between  NG112  and   This  event  serves  as  a  platform  for
       identities  and  mobile  based  wallets.   NG eCall solutions will be tested, based   industry  leaders,  decision  makers,
       The  workshop  will  present  the  latest   on ETSI TS 103 683 and ETSI TS 103 795-  technologists,   researchers,   and
       status of these standards and aims to   2. NG112 interoperability of end-to-end   developers to collaborate and innovate
       include  demonstrations  from  large   emergency  services  communications   for  building  sustainable,  resilient,
       scale  pilots  applying  the  EU  Digital   will be tested based on the draft of ETSI   and  interoperable  communication
       Identity Wallet.                     TS 103 480 to verify the requirements   networks and services.
                                            defined in ETSI TS 103 479.

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