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What’s On?

                                                                                 Events endorsed by ETSI
            SAVE                                                                 ETSI is pleased to endorse the following

                                                                                 events, featuring ETSI speakers:

                                                                                 IET India Future Tech Congress
            THE                                                                  2024

                                                                                     Bengaluru, India

                                                                                     2 September 2024

            DATE                                                                 Open Telco Cloud Summit 2024

                                                                                       Mexico, Hybrid
             ITU-T - ETSI                                                             3 September 2024
             Sustainability Symposium                                            FutureNet Asia

                  Geneva, Switzerland                                                  Singapore

                 11-12 December 2024                                                  17-18 September 2024

                                                                                 TelecomTV Cloud
                                                                                 Native Telco Summit

                                                                                      17-19 September 2024

                                                                                 TelecomTV AI
                                                                                 Native Telco Summit

                                                                                      15-16 October 2024

                                                                                 Network X Event

                                                                                       Paris, France
                                                                                      8-10 October 2024

                                                                                 The Great Telco Debate
                                                                                       London, UK

                                                                                      5 December 2024

                                                                                 For more details, please visit

                                                                          Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024    31
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