Generations of Mobile Standards

Organisation Partners
ARIB (Japan)
ATIS (North America)
Contact: Rich Moran, via the ATIS online form... here
CCSA (China)
ETSI (Europe)
TTA (South Korea)
TTC (Japan)
TSDSI (India)


Article 10 of the Working procedures covers 3GPP Observers and Guests.

The status of Observer may be granted by the Organizational Partners to an entity which has the qualifications to become a future Partner in the project. Observer organizations can send representatives to 3GPP meetings, but cannot take part in decision making or hold any leadership positions.

We currently have two Observers in 3GPP:

Communications Alliance- Former ACIF
United States


The 3GPP Working Procedures (Article 10) state:


"The status of Guest may be granted for a limited period, by the Organizational Partners to an entity which has the qualifications to become a future Individual Member. The limited period shall be decided by the Organizational Partners on a case-by-case basis.
A Guest may have representatives at TSG and subtending group meetings. Representatives may receive documents but shall not take part in decision making, participate in discussions, contribute documents, or hold any leadership positions."


If you wish to join 3GPP on a time-limited (6 months) Guest basis, please complete the request form here: