Generations of Mobile Standards



The task of the RAN AH1 group is to act as a focus to ensure a proper flow of information and contributions between 3GPP and ITU-R.

Terms of Reference

The latest terms of reference were approved at RAN#51 in document RP-110626.

  • The primary role of RAN AH1 is to act as a focal point to ensure a proper flow of information and contributions between 3GPP TSG RAN and ITU.
  • All contributions developed by RAN AH1 should be submitted to ITU following the 3GPP Working Procedures in Article 51 (Relationship with ITU). Specific communications utilizing the provision of being submitted by Individual Members should include the footnote: “This contribution was developed in 3GPP TSG [list of contributing TSGs]”.
  • All the technical discussion has to take place inside the relevant WGs which are responsible for the development of Technical Specifications and Technical Reports.
  • RAN AH1 should work mainly by correspondence; ad hoc meetings can be held as appropriate.
  • If there are matters related to the work of other TSGs, then the RAN AH1 will liaise, as appropriate, with these TSGs and/or coordinate appropriately with the relevant identified ITU contact persons in the TSG .
  • All contributions developed by RAN AH1 should be submitted for approval to TSG RAN or circulated through the TSG RAN reflector for approval by correspondence (the response cut off date will be indicated on a case by case basis); this will ensure the support of all TSG RAN members.
  • As appropriate, the approval of contributions developed by RAN AH1 that involve inter-TSG participation should also be coordinated with the other TSGs.
  • The contact person of the RAN AH1 is appointed by TSG RAN and will act as chairman, managing the group as appropriate

Useful Links and Information

General Information