Note that this page shows only those active (i.e. not yet completed) WIs where s4 is the sole responsible group.
There may be other active WIs for which this group holds joint responsibility, particularly hierachically higher WIs which comprise WIs from several groups: such WIs are not shown on this page.
Building Block: Codec for low bitrate multimedia telephony service | Low_bit_rate_codec_for_MM_Tel.,H.324M | R99 |
Building Block: Mandatory speech codec for narrowband telephony service | Mandatory_Speech_Codec,AMR-NB,AMR | R99 |
Feature or Study Item: Tandem Free aspects for 3G and between 2G and 3G systems | TFO | Rel-4 |
Building Block: Tandem Free AMR | TFO-AMR | Rel-4 |
Building Block: Specification of Cellular Text telephone Modem | GTT-CTM | Rel-4 |
Feature or Study Item: Speech Recognition and Speech Enabled Services | SRSES | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Performance characterisation of default codecs for PS conversational multimedia application | CODCAR | Rel-6 |
Building Block: Codec Work to Support Speech Recognition Framework for Automated Voice Services | SRSES-Codec | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Rel-6 Multimedia Messaging (MMS) enhancements | MMS6 | Rel-6 |
Building Block: MMS formats and codecs for MMS6 | MMS6-Codec | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Video Codec Performance Requirements | VICPer | Rel-7 |
Building Block: Stage 3 for codec aspects | CSICS-Codec | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: Dynamic and Interactive Multimedia Scenes | DIMS | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: Performance Characterization of VoIMS over HSDPA\EUL channels | VoIMS-PCVoIMS | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: Encoding formats, transport formats and media description signalling for interworking, QoE, and other enhancements to MTSI-MHI | MTSI_eMHI | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Transferring of emergency call data – in-band modem solution | eCALLIBMS | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: AoIP (A-interface over IP) | AoIP | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: IMS based PSS and MBMS User Service extensions | IMS_PSS_MBMS_US_EXT | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Surround Sound codec extension for PSS and MBMS | FS_SS_PSS_MBMS | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Codec specific part of FS_EV_EPS | FS_EV_EPS-S4 | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhanced voice service requirements for the Evolved Packet System (EPS) | FS_EV_EPS | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Mobile 3D Video Coding | FS_M3DVC | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Enhancement to FEC for MBMS | EMM-EFEC | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Download Delivery Enhancements for MBMS | EMM-DDE | Rel-11 |
Building Block: IMS-based PSS and MBMS Streaming Synchronization Enhancements | EMM-IPME | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Video Telephony Robustness Improvements | VTRI | Rel-12 |
Building Block: S4 aspects of End-to-End Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions | E2EMTSI | Rel-12 |
Building Block: TR on Evaluation of High Efficiency Video Coding for 3GPP Services | HEVC-SA4TR | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on HTML5 for a new presentation layer in 3GPP services | FS_HTML5 | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Video Coding Enhancements in IMS Messaging and Presence | VCEIMP | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Enhanced MBMS Operation | MI-EMO | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Coordination of Video Orientation | CVO | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Mobile stereoscopic 3D services extensions | M3DV_Ext | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: IMS-based Streaming and Download Delivery Enhancements | IMS_SDE | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Acoustic Requirements and Test methods for IMS-based conversational speech services over LTE | ART_LTE | Rel-12 |
Building Block: TR on Profiling and Extensions of MBMS | MEPRO | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Specification of MBMS Extensions and Profiling | MEPRO | Rel-13 |
Building Block: TR on Video Telephony Robustness Improvements | VTRI_EXT | Rel-13 |
Building Block: TR on TV video profile | TVProf-SA4TR | Rel-13 |
Building Block: TR on Media Handling Aspects of IMS-based Telepresence | IMS_TELEP_S4 | Rel-13 |
Building Block: SA4 part of QoS End-to-end Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions (Stage 3) | QOSE2EMTSI | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Video enhancements by Region-Of-Interest information signalling | ROI | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Codec aspects for eMBMS Delivery of Media and TV Services | AE_enTV-S4 | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Improved Streaming QoE Reporting in 3GPP | IQoE | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Server and Network Assisted DASH for 3GPP | FS_SAND | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: MBMS Transport Protocol and APIs | TRAPI | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on MBMS usage and codecs for MCPTT call and MC Video Service | FS_MCP_V | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on MBMS Extensions for Provisioning and Content Ingestion | FS_xMBMS | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Extension of UE Delay test methods and requirements | EXT_UED | Rel-14 |
Building Block: Overall aspects of MMCMH_Enh | MMCMH_Enh | Rel-14 |
Building Block: Specification on TV video profile | TVProf-SA4 | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Specification on Media Handling Aspects of IMS-based Telepresence | IMS_TELEP_S4 | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: TV video profile | TVProf | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced LTE UE Delay test methods and requirements | E_LTE_UED | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: HTML5 Presentation Layer | HTML5 | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Support of EVS in 3G Circuit-Switched networks | EVSoCS | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP in 3GPP) | eDASH | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: QoS End-to-end Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions (Stage 3) | QOSE2EMTSI | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Extended Transparent End-to-End PS Streaming Service | PSS-E | Rel-5 |
Building Block: Floating-point ANSI-C code for the AMR-WB speech codec | AMRWB-FP | Rel-5 |
Work task: TFO AMR-WB | AMRWB-TFO | Rel-5 |
Work task: AMR-WB and narrrowband interworking | AMRWB-IWG | Rel-5 |
Building Block: RAN-Assisted Codec Adaptation in MTSI | LTE_VoLTE_ViLTE_enh-S4 | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Wideband Telephony Service - AMR | AMRWB | Rel-5 |
Building Block: Multimedia codecs and protocols for conversational PS services | IMS-CODEC | Rel-5 |
Building Block: Codec aspects for MMCMH | MMCMH | Rel-13 |
Building Block: TR on improved end-to-end QoS handling for MTSI | QOSE2EMTSI | Rel-13 |
Building Block: High Efficiency Video Coding in 3GPP services PSS, MBMS, DASH, MMS, MTSI, IMS Messaging and Presence | HEVC-SA4 | Rel-12 |
Work task: MCVideo codecs and media handling | MCImp-MCVideo | Rel-14 |
Building Block: Mobile Network Interface for MBMS Delivery of Media and TV services | AE_enTV-MI_MTV | Rel-14 |
Building Block: S4 aspects of Media Handling Extensions of IMS-based Telepresence | IMS_TELEP_EXT | Rel-14 |
Building Block: TR on IMS-based Streaming and Download Delivery Enhancements | IMS_SDE-SA4TR | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Acoustic Requirements and Test methods for IMS-based conversational speech services over LTE - NarrowBand and WideBand aspects | ART_LTE-NBWB | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Specification on IMS-based Streaming and Download Delivery Enhancements | IMS_SDE-SA4 | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Acoustic Requirements and Test methods for IMS-based conversational speech services over LTE - UE Delay aspects | ART_LTE-UED | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Acoustic Requirements and Test methods for IMS-based conversational speech services over LTE - Super wideband and fullband aspects | ART_LTE-SUPER | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: High Efficiency Video Coding | HEVC | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Codec for Enhanced Voice Services | EVS_codec | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Stage 2/3 for Codec for Enhanced Voice Services | EVS_codec-SA4 | Rel-12 |
Building Block: TR on Performance characterization of Codec for Enhanced Voice Services | EVS_codec-SA4TR | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Video Telephony Robustness Improvements Extensions | VTRI_EXT | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Acoustic Test methods and Performance Objectives for Speakerphone Performance in Noisy Environments | ATeMPO_SPINE | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Video Enhancements in 3GPP Multimedia Services | FS_VE_3MS | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: MBMS Improvements | MI | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: End-to-End Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions | E2EMTSI | Rel-12 |
Building Block: MBMS operation on Demand | MI-MooD | Rel-12 |
Building Block: TR on Enhanced MBMS Operation | MI-EMOTR | Rel-12 |
Building Block: TR on MBMS operation on Demand | MI-MooDTR | Rel-12 |
Building Block: SA4 aspects of Video enhancements by Region-Of-Interest information signalling | ROI | Rel-13 |
Building Block: SA4 aspects of EVS in 3G Circuit-Switched networks | EVSoCS-S4 | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Study on media, codecs and MBMS enhancements for MCPTT | MCPTT | Rel-13 |
Building Block: MCPTT Codecs and media handling | MCPTT | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: MBMS Extensions and Profiling | MEPRO | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Improved Support for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP in 3GPP | FS_IS_DASH | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Extensions of Acoustic Test Specifications in TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 | Ext_ATS | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Specification on Video Telephony Robustness Improvements | VTRI_EXT | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Mobile 3D Video Coding | M3DV | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements to Multimedia: PSS, MMS, and MBMS Enhancements and Performance Improvements | EMM | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Optimization of IMS based PSS and MBMS User Service | OPT_IMS_PSS_MBMS_US | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: HTTP-based Streaming and Download Services | HTTP_SDS | Rel-10 |
Building Block: HTTP-based Streaming and Download Services in 3GPP | HTTP_SDS | Rel-10 |
Building Block: SA4 part of Coordination of Video Orientation | CVO-SA4 | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications | ECSRA_LAA | Rel-10 |
Building Block: TR on Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications | ECSRA_LAA | Rel-10 |
Building Block: SA4 review of TR on Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications | ECSRA_LAA | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Distortion Measurement Test Methods and Requirements | DTMR | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: System aspects of vocoder rate adaptation for LTE | LTEimp-Vocoder | Rel-9 |
Building Block: SA4 system aspects of vocoder rate adaptation for LTE | LTEimp-Vocoder | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Timed Graphics | TG | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Managing MTSI Media Adaptation | M3A | Rel-9 |
Building Block: PSS and MBMS extensions | PMA-MBS_Ext | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Improved Video Support for PSS and MBMS | PMA-IVS | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: PSS and MBMS Aspects | PMA | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Syndicated Feed Reception within 3GPP environments | SFR | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Video Coding Enhancements in MTSI | VCEM | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: PSS and MBMS enhancements | MBS_Enh | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements and Addition of Audio Tests to 26.131 and 26.132 | EAAT | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Improved Video Coding Support | FS_IVCS | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Media Requirements for CS over IP based User Plane | AoIP-CSoIP | Rel-8 |
Building Block: SA4 aspects of Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications | ECSRA_LAA | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: 3G-324M Video Telephony Call Setup Times Improvements | VTCSTI | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: Optimizations for Multimedia Telephony over IMS | OMTIMS | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: End-to-End Multimedia Services Performance Metrics | E2EMSPM | Rel-7 |
Building Block: Deleted - Characterisation of Adaptive Jitter Management Performance for VoIP Services | OMTIMS-CAJMP | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: MBMS User Service Extensions | MBMSUSE | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: Packet Switched Streaming Enhancements | PSSe | Rel-7 |
Building Block: MTSI Video - Dynamic Rate Adaptation/Signalling of Image Size | MTSI_eMHI-DRASIS | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: eCall data transfer Phase 2: Comparison of alternative in-band modem solutions and standardization of one in-band modem solution | eCall_Phase2 | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: Extending PSS and MBMS User Services for optimized Mobile TV | PSS_MBMS_OMTV | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: Requirements and Test methods for Wideband Terminals | RETEM_WB_T | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: IMS initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS User Service | IMS_PSS_MBMS_US | Rel-8 |
Building Block: SA4, SA3 part of IMS initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS User Service | IMS_PSS_MBMS_US | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: Combinational Services | CSICS | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS | MTSI | Rel-7 |
Building Block: Media handling and interaction in MTSI | MTSI-MHI | Rel-7 |
Building Block: QoS for Speech and Multimedia Codec | QoS_for_Speech_&_MM_Codecs_/_AMR | R99 |
Building Block: Tandem Free Operation - Adaptive Multi-Rate codec types | TFOAMR | R99 |
Building Block: 3G Audio-Visual Terminal characteristics | WI5TAC,3G-AVT,Terminal_Acoustic_Characteristics | R99 |
Building Block: Noise Suppression for AMR | AMRNS | R99 |
Work task: Codecs for Multimedia Telephony Service | Multimedia_Codec | R99 |
Work task: Codecs for Multimedia Telephony Service | CSM | R99 |
Work task: Codecs for Multimedia Telephony Service | WI2MMC | R99 |
Work task: Codecs for Multimedia Telephony Service | Codec(s)_for_CS_MM_Tel._Serv | R99 |
Work task: Codecs for Multimedia Telephony Service | Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service | R99 |
Feature or Study Item: Global Text Telephony | GTT | Rel-4 |
Feature or Study Item: Transparent End-to-End PS mobile streaming application | PSTREAM | Rel-4 |
Feature or Study Item: Presence Capability | PRESNC | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service | MBMS | Rel-6 |
Building Block: Codecs for Multimedia Telephony Service | Codec_for_Multimedia_Telephony | R99 |
Feature or Study Item: 3GPP Enablers for services like Push to Talk over Cellular (PoC) | PoC | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Packet Switched Streaming Services Rel-6 | PSSrel6 | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: AMR-WB extension for high audio quality | AMRWB+ | Rel-6 |
Building Block: Stage 3 for Packet Switched Streaming Services Rel-6 | PSSrel6-Stage3 | Rel-6 |
Building Block: Media Codecs and Formats for IMS Messaging and Presence | PRESNC-COFIMP | Rel-6 |
Work task: Definition of MBMS user services, media codecs, formats and transport/application protocols using MBMS | MBMS-TSMBMS | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Codec Enhancements for Packet Switched Conversational Multimedia Applications | CEPSCM | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: 3G-324M Improvements | 3G-324MI | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Media and Quality Aspects of SRVCC Enhancements | FS_SETA_S4 | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Development of super-wideband and fullband P.835 | DESUDAPS | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Interactivity Support for 3GPP-based Streaming and Download Services | FS_IS3 | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Enhanced Acoustic Test Specifications | FS_SEATS | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on User Services Enhancements in 3GPP for TV Services | FS_USE_3GPP_4_TV | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Virtual Reality | FS_VR | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: STOPPED - Study on UE characteristics and performance for Video | FS_UE_VTPerf | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: FEC and ROHC Activation for GCSE over MBMS | FRASE | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Media Handling Aspects of 5G Conversational Services | 5G_MTSI_Codecs | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on 3GPP codecs for VR audio | FS_CODVRA | Rel-15 |
Work task: S4 aspects of FS_eVoLP | FS_eVoLP | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Receive acoustic output test in the presence of background noise | RAOT | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Speech quality in the presence of ambient noise for super-wideband and fullband modes | SPAN | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: SAND for MBMS | SAND4M | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Test Methodologies for the Evaluation of Perceived Listening Quality in Immersive Audio Systems | LiQuImAS | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Addition of HDR to TV Video Profiles | HDR | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Virtual Reality Profiles for Streaming Media | VRStream | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Update to fixed-point basic operators | FS_BASOP | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Server and Network Assisted DASH for 3GPP Multimedia Services | SAND | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on FEC for MC Services | FS_FEC_MCS | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Framework for Live Uplink Streaming | FLUS | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced QoE Reporting for MTSI | EQoE_MTSI | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on 5G enhanced Mobile Broadband Media Distribution | FS_5GMedia_Distribution | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on MBMS User Services for IoT | FS_MBMS_IoT | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Study on Media Handling Aspects of Conversational Services in 5G Systems | FS_5G_MEDIA_MTSI | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on QoE metrics for VR | FS_QoE_VR | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on V2X Media Handling and Interaction | FS_mV2X | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Study on E2E_DELAY | FS_E2E_DELAY | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on EVS Float Conformance Non Bit-Exact | FS_EVS_FCNBE | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Service Interactivity | SerInter | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements to Framework for Live Uplink Streaming | E_FLUS | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Alternative EVS implementation using updated fixed-point basic operators | Alt_FX_EVS | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Addition of HLG HDR to TV Video Profiles | HLG_HDR | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Usage of CAPIF for xMB API | CAPIF4xMB | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Removal of H.263 and MPEG-4 Visual from 3GPP Services | RM_H263_MP4V | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: EVS Floating-point Conformance for Non Bit-Exact | EVS_FCNBE | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Media streaming architecture | 5GMSA | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Media Handling Extensions for 5G Conversational Services | 5G_MEDIA_MTSI_ext | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on ambient noise test methodology for evaluation of acoustic UE performance | FS_ANTeM | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Stage 2 of E2E_DELAY | E2E_DELAY | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Media Handling Extensions for 5G Conversational Services | 5G_MEDIA_MTSI_ext | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Coverage and Handoff Enhancements for Multimedia | CHEM | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Stage 2 of MC_XMB | MC_XMB | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Typical Traffic Characteristics of Media Services | FS_TyTrac | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on eXtended Reality (XR) in 5G | FS_5GXR | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: VR QoE metrics | VRQoE | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G Media Streaming stage 3 | 5GMS3 | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Support of Hybrid DASH/HLS over eMBMS | DAHOE | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Ambient noise test methodology for evaluation of acoustic UE performance | ANTeM | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on UEs Supporting Handset Mode with Non-Traditional Earpieces | FS_HaNTE | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: RTCP Verification for Real-Time Services | RTCPVer | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: 5GMS AF Event Exposure | EVEX | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on VR Streaming Conformance and Guidelines | FS_VR_CoGui | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on 5G Glass-type AR/MR Devices | FS_5GSTAR | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Extension for headset interface tests of UE | HInT | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on 5G Video Codec Characteristics | FS_5GVideo | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on the use of NBMP in FLUS | FS_FLUS_NBMP | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Multicast Architecture Enhancements for 5G Media Streaming | FS_5GMS_Multicast | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Streaming Architecture extensions For Edge processing | FS_EMSA | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Handsets Featuring Non-Traditional Earpieces | HaNTE | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Support of Immersive Teleconferencing and Telepresence for Remote Terminals | ITT4RT | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G Multicast-Broadcast Protocols | 5MBP3 | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Edge Extensions to 5GMS Stage 3 | 5GMS_EDGE_3 | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on 5G media streaming extensions | FS_5GMS_EXT | Rel-17 |
Building Block: Stage 2 of EVEX | EVEX | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Edge Extensions to the 5G Media Streaming Architecture | 5GMS_EDGE | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G Multicast-Broadcast User Service Architecture and related 5GMS Extensions | 5MBUSA | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: 8K Television over 5G | 8K_TV_5G | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Media Production over 5G NPN | FS_NPN4AVProd | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Points for 8K VR 360 Video over 5G | 8K_VR_5G | Rel-17 |
Building Block: EVS Codec Extension for Immersive Voice and Audio Services | IVAS_Codec | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on 5G Media Service Enablers | FS_5G_MSE | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: IMS-based AR Conversational Services | IBACS | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: UE Testing Phase 2 | eUET | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Generic architecture for RT and AR/MR | GA4RTAR | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Split Rendering Media Service Enabler | SR_MSE | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Real-time Transport Protocol Configurations | 5G_RTP | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G Media Streaming Architecture Phase 2 | 5GMS_Ph2 | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Media Streaming aspects of Network Slicing Phase 2 | FS_MS_NS_Ph2 | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on AR and MR QoE Metrics | FS_ARMRQoE | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Audio Aspects for Glasses-type AR/MR Devices | FS_Audio_5GSTAR | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on immersive Real-time Communication for WebRTC Phase 2 | FS_eiRTCW | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Smartly Tethering AR Glasses | FS_SmarTAR | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Immersive Real-time Communication for WebRTC | iRTCW | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Media Capabilities for Augmented Reality | MeCAR | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Terminal Audio quality performance and Test methods for Immersive Audio Services | ATIAS | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Traffic Models and Quality Evaluation Methods for Media and XR Services in 5G Systems | FS_XRTraffic | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on new HEVC profiles and operating points | FS_HEVC_Profiles | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G Media Streaming Protocols Phase 2 | 5GMS_Pro_Ph2 | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G-Advanced media profiles for messaging services | PROMISE | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Multiparty RTT | MP_RTT | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Immersive Audio for Split Rendering Scenarios | ISAR | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G Media Streaming Audio codec phase 2 for 5G-Advanced | 5GMS_Audio_Ph2 | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Diverse audio Capturing system for End-user Devices | FS_DaCED | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Film Grain Synthesis | FS_FGS | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Video Operating Points - Harmonization and Stereo MV-HEVC | VOPS | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Split rendering over IMS | SR_IMS | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Media enerGy consumption exposuRE and EvaluatioN framework | FS_MediaEnergyGREEN | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Media Messaging | FS_MeMe | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Advanced Media Delivery | FS_AMD | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study of 5G Real-time Transport Protocol Configurations, Phase 2 | FS_5G_RTP_Ph2 | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Beyond 2D Video | FS_Beyond2D | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Audio Codec APIs | FS_ACAPI | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study of Avatars in Real-Time Communication Services | FS_AVATAR | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on immersive Real-Time Communication for WebRTC, Phase 2 | FS_iRTCW_Ph2 | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Terminal Audio quality performance and Test methods for Immersive Audio Services, Phase 2 | ATIAS_Ph2 | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Haptics in 5G Media Services | FS_HapticsMedia | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: EVS Codec Extension for Immersive Voice and Audio Services, Phase 2 | IVAS_Codec_Ph2 | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Spatial Computing for AR Services | FS_ARSpatial | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for Media | FS_AI4Media | Rel-19 |