Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items per TSG/WG

Active 3GPP Work Items for group: R1

Note that this page shows only those active (i.e. not yet completed) WIs where R1 is the sole responsible group.
There may be other active WIs for which this group holds joint responsibility, particularly hierachically higher WIs which comprise WIs from several groups: such WIs are not shown on this page.

Click on WI title for details

Building Block: Node B synchronization for TDD RANimp-NBsync Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: Low Chip Rate TDD option LCRTDD Rel-4
Building Block: Physical layer for Low Chip Rate TDD option LCRTDD-Phys Rel-4
Building Block: FS on Radio link performance enhancements RInImp-Rlperf Rel-6
Work task: HS-DPCCH ACK/NACK Enhancement RANimp-RABSE-ACKNACK Rel-6
Building Block: Beamforming Enhancements RANimp-BFE Rel-6
Building Block: FS on Improvement of inter-frequency and inter-system measurements for 1.28 Mcps TDD RInImp-IfIsMLCR Rel-6
Building Block: FS for the analysis of OFDM for UTRAN enhancement RInImp-FSOFDM Rel-6
Building Block: FS on Uplink Enhancements for Dedicated Transport Channels RInImp-FSUpDTrCh Rel-6
Building Block: FS on Analysis on Higher Chip Rates for UTRA TDD evolutions RInImp-FSVHCRTDD Rel-6
Building Block: FS on Uplink enhancements for UTRA TDD RInImp-FSUpEnhTDD Rel-6
Work task: Optimization of downlink channelisation code utilisation RANimp-RABSE-CodeOptFDD Rel-6
Work task: optimization of channelisation code utilisation for 3.84 Mcps TDD RANimp-RABSE-CodOptTDD Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: 7.68 Mcps TDD option VHCRTDD Rel-7
Building Block: VHCRTDD: Stage 2 VHCRTDD-Stage2 Rel-7
Building Block: VHCRTDD: Physical Layer VHCRTDD-Phys Rel-7
Building Block: EDCHTDD: Physical Layer EDCHTDD-Phys Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Study on Continuous connectivity for packet data users RANFS-cont-packet Rel-7
Building Block: Continuous connectivity for packet data users RANimp-CPC Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on Performance Improvements in Small Cells using HSDPA/EDCH SMALLCELLS Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: 1.28 Mcps TDD Enhanced Uplink LCRTDD-EDCH Rel-7
Building Block: 64QAM for HSDPA (FDD) RANimp-64QamDownlink Rel-7
Building Block: Introduction of 16QAM in HSUPA (FDD) RANimp-16QamUplink Rel-7
Building Block: MBMS FDD Physical layer Enhancements MBMSE-RANPhysFDD Rel-7
Building Block: MBMS TDD Physical layer Enhancements MBMSE-RANPhysTDD Rel-7
Building Block: MBMS Low Chip Rate TDD Physical Layer Enhancement MBMSE-RANPhysLCRTDD Rel-7
Building Block: Continuous Connectivity for packet data users for 1.28 Mcps TDD RANimp-LCRCPC Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on Dual-Cell HSDPA operation FS_RAN-DCHS Rel-8
Building Block: MIMO for 1.28 Mcps TDD. Linked to Rel-8 Study on Scope of future HSPA Evolution for 1.28 Mcps TDD (UID_370041) TR 25.824 RANimp-MIMOLCR Rel-8
Building Block: Dual-Cell HSDPA operation on adjacent carriers RANimp-DCHSDPA Rel-8
Building Block: Positioning Support for LTE LCS_LTE Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: LTE improvements LTEimp Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Study on E-UTRAN Mobility Evaluation and Enhancement FS_EUTRAN_mob Rel-9
Building Block: Cell Portion for 1.28 Mcps TDD CP_LCRTDD Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Multi-User Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MU-MIMO) for 1.28Mcps TDD MUMIMO_LCR_TDD Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: MU-MIMO for 1.28Mcps TDD MUMIMO_LCR_TDD-Core Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Carrier Aggregation for LTE LTE_CA Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Downlink Multiple Antenna Transmission for LTE LTE_eDL_MIMO Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Uplink Multiple Antenna Transmission for LTE LTE_UL_MIMO Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Latency reductions for LTE LTE_LATRED Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Relays for LTE LTE_Relay Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on Coordinated Multi-Point operation for LTE FS_CoMP_LTE Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Network-Based Positioning Support for LTE LCS_LTE-NBPS Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Network-Based Positioning Support for LTE LCS_LTE-NBPS-Core Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Further Enhancements to CELL_FACH Cell_FACH_enh Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Further Enhanced Non CA-based ICIC for LTE eICIC_enh_LTE Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Eight carrier HSDPA 8C_HSDPA Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Uplink Transmit Diversity for HSPA HSPA_UL_TxDiv Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on further Downlink MIMO enhancements for LTE-Advanced FS_LTE_eDL_MIMO_enh Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation FS_LTE_TDD_eIMTA Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTE COMP_LTE Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Enhancement of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN eMDT_UMTSLTE Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: HSDPA Multiflow Data Transmission HSDPA_MFTX Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Four Branch MIMO transmission for HSDPA 4Tx_HSDPA Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on LTE Coverage Enhancements FS_Cov_Enh_LTE Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on Enhanced performance requirement for LTE UE FS_enh_perf_UE_LTE Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced downlink control channel(s) for LTE Advanced LTE_enh_dl_ctrl Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on HSPA feedback and signalling efficiency enhancements for LCR TDD FS_LCRTDD_HSPAenh Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: E-UTRA Small cell enhancements - Physical layer aspects LTE_SC_enh_L1 Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Dual connectivity for LTE LTE_SC_enh_dualC-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: E-UTRA Small cell enhancements - Physical layer aspects LTE_SC_enh_L1-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Inter-eNB Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) for LTE COMP_LTE_IeNB-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Further Enhanced Uplink (EUL) enhancements EDCH_enh-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Heterogeneous Networks enhancements UTRA_HetNet_enh-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced Broadcast of System Information UTRA_SIBenh-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Further MBMS operations support for E-UTRAN MBMS_LTE_OS-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE FS_LTE_NAICS Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Further Downlink MIMO Enhancement for LTE Advanced LTE_eDL_MIMO_enh Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation LTE_TDD_eIMTA Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation LTE_TDD_eIMTA-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: HSPA signalling enhancements for more efficient resource usage for LCR TDD LCR_TDD_HSPA_sign_enh-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Downlink Multiuser Superposition Transmission for LTE FS_LTE_MUST Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Downlink TPC Enhancements for UMTS UTRA_EDL_TPC Rel-13
Building Block: Core part: Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for UMTS UTRA_NAICS-Core Rel-13
Work task: Core part: Narrowband Internet of Things (IOT) NB_IOT-Core Rel-13
Work task: Core part: LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancement Beyond 5 Carriers LTE_CA_enh_b5C-Core Rel-13
Work task: Core part: Support of EVS over UTRAN CS EVSoCS_UTRAN-Core Rel-13
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced LTE Device to Device Proximity Services LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core Rel-13
Building Block: Core part: Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on Small data transmission enhancements for UMTS FS_UTRA_SDATA Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on Downlink enhancements for UMTS FS_UTRA_EDL Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on Elevation Beamforming/Full-Dimension (FD) MIMO for LTE FS_LTE_EBF_FDMIMO Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on Licensed-Assisted Access using LTE FS_LTE_LAA Rel-13
Building Block: Enhancement on the DSCH hard split mode RInImp-DSCHhsp Rel-5
Building Block: Node B Synchronisation for 1.28 Mcps TDD RANimp-NBSLCR Rel-5
Building Block: FS on USTS RInImp-USTS Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements on Full-Dimension (FD) MIMO for LTE LTE_eFDMIMO Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Uplink Capacity Enhancements for LTE LTE_UL_CAP_enh Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: eMBMS enhancements for LTE MBMS_LTE_enh2 Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: SRS (sounding reference signal) switching between LTE component carriers LTE_SRS_switch Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Downlink Multiuser Superposition Transmission for LTE LTE_MUST Rel-14
Building Block: Study on Multi-Carrier Enhancements for UMTS FS_UTRA_MCe Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Study on further enhancements to Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) Operation for LTE FS_feCOMP_LTE Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Study on New Radio (NR) Access Technology FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14
Building Block: Core part: Enhancements on Full-Dimension (FD) MIMO for LTE LTE_eFDMIMO-Core Rel-14
Building Block: Core part: Uplink Capacity Enhancements for LTE LTE_UL_CAP_enh-Core Rel-14
Building Block: Core part: eMBMS enhancements for LTE MBMS_LTE_enh2-Core Rel-14
Building Block: Core part: SRS (sounding reference signal) switching between LTE component carriers LTE_SRS_switch-Core Rel-14
Building Block: Core part: Downlink Multiuser Superposition Transmission for LTE LTE_MUST-Core Rel-14
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced LAA for LTE LTE_eLAA-Core Rel-14
Building Block: Core part: Support for V2V services based on LTE sidelink LTE_SL_V2V-Core Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Study on channel model for frequency spectrum above 6 GHz FS_6GHz_CH_model Rel-14
Work task: RAN1 Study on LTE-based V2X Services FS_LTE_V2X Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Support of EVS in 3G Circuit-Switched networks EVSoCS Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC LTE_MTCe2_L1 Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on Indoor Positioning Enhancements for UTRA and LTE FS_UTRA_LTE_iPos_enh Rel-13
Building Block: Beamforming requirements for UE RANimp-BFR-UE Rel-5
Building Block: Support of Site Selection Diversity Transmission in UTRAN RANimp-SSDT Rel-5
Building Block: Physical Layer for High Speed Downlink Packet Access HSDPA-Phys Rel-5
Work task: Core part: LTE-based V2X Services LTE_V2X-Core Rel-14
Building Block: Core part: Further enhanced MTC for LTE LTE_feMTC-Core Rel-14
Building Block: Core part: Enhancements of NB-IoT NB_IOTenh-Core Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Study on Enhanced Multiuser Transmissions and Network FS_MUIC_LTE Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for UMTS FS_UTRA_NAICS Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on Enhanced Multiuser Transmissions and Network Assisted Interference Cancellation for LTE FS_LTE_MUTX_NAIC Rel-13
Building Block: Support of EVS over UTRAN CS EVSoCS_UTRAN Rel-13
Building Block: Deleted - Core part: Carrier based HetNet ICIC for LTE LTE_CA_HetNet_ICIC-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Carrier based HetNet ICIC for LTE LTE_CA_HetNet_ICIC Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Dedicated Channel (DCH) enhancements for UMTS UTRA_DCHenh-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE LC_MTC_LTE-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: LTE TDD-FDD joint operation including Carrier Aggregation LTE_CA_TDD_FDD-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: LTE Coverage Enhancements Cov_Enh_LTE-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Licensed-Assisted Access using LTE LTE_LAA Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Elevation Beamforming/Full-Dimension (FD) MIMO for LTE LTE_EBF_FDMIMO Rel-13
Building Block: Core part: Downlink TPC Enhancements for UMTS UTRA_EDL_TPC-Core Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE LC_MTC_LTE Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: LTE TDD-FDD joint operation including Carrier Aggregation LTE_CA_TDD_FDD Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: LTE Coverage Enhancements Cov_Enh_LTE Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) operation for LTE with Non-Ideal Backhaul FS_COMP_LTE_nibackhaul Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Licensed-Assisted Access using LTE LTE_LAA-Core Rel-13
Building Block: Core part: Elevation Beamforming/Full-Dimension (FD) MIMO for LTE LTE_EBF_FDMIMO-Core Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on RF and EMC requirements for active Antenna Array System (AAS) Base Station FS_AAS_BS_LTE_UTRA Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on Mobile Relay for E-UTRA FS_LTE_mobRelay Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Provision of low-cost MTC UEs based on LTE FS_LC_MTC_LTE Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Further Downlink MIMO Enhancement for LTE Advanced LTE_eDL_MIMO_enh-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Deleted - Core part: New Carrier Type for LTE LTE_NCT-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on UMTS heterogeneous networks FS_UTRA_HetNet Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - New Carrier Type for LTE LTE_NCT Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Dual connectivity for LTE LTE_SC_enh_dualC Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Enhanced Broadcast of System Information FS_UTRA_SIBenh Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on Scalable UMTS FDD bandwidth by Filtering FS_UTRA_SCAL_FILT Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Inter-eNB Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) for LTE COMP_LTE_IeNB Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: UMTS Heterogeneous Networks enhancements UTRA_HetNet_enh Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Broadcast of System Information UTRA_SIBenh Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for UMTS UTRA_NAICS Rel-13
Building Block: RAN aspects of CIoT aka Narrowband Internet of Things (IOT) NB_IOT Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE LTE_NAICS Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Rel-11 LTE Carrier Aggregation LTE_CA_Rel-11 Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: MIMO with 64QAM for HSUPA MIMO_64QAM_HSUPA-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced downlink control channel(s) for LTE Advanced LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE LTE_NAICS-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Further MBMS operations support for E-UTRAN MBMS_LTE_OS Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Dedicated Channel (DCH) enhancements for UMTS UTRA_DCHenh Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTE – Uplink COMP_LTE_UL-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Enhancement of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN eMDT_UMTSLTE-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: HSDPA Multiflow Data Transmission HSDPA_MFTX-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Four Branch MIMO transmission for HSDPA 4Tx_HSDPA-Core Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: MIMO with 64QAM for HSUPA MIMO_64QAM_HSUPA Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: 1.28 Mcps TDD Multi-carrier HSUPA TDD_MC_HSUPA Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Four carrier HSDPA 4C_HSDPA Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on Solutions for Energy Saving within UTRA Node B FS_Energy_UMTS Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on RAN improvements for Machine-Type Communications FS_NIMTC_RAN Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTE – Downlink COMP_LTE_DL-Core Rel-11
Building Block: LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements LTE_CA_enh Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: LTE E850 - Lower Band for Region 2 (non-US), Band 27 LTE_e850_LB Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Eight carrier HSDPA 8C_HSDPA-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Uplink Transmit Diversity for HSPA - Closed Loop HSPA_UL_TxDiv-CL-Core Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on Uplink MIMO FS_UTRA_UL_MIMO Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on HSDPA Multipoint Transmission FS_HSDPA_MP_TX Rel-11
Work task: Core part: LTE Device to Device Proximity Services LTE_D2D_Prox-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Dual-Cell HSUPA RANimp-DC_HSUPA Rel-9
Building Block: Combination of DC-HSDPA with MIMO RANimp-DC_MIMO Rel-9
Building Block: Enhanced Dual-Layer transmission for LTE LTEimp-eDL Rel-9
Building Block: Transmit Antenna Array (TxAA) extension for non-MIMO UEs RANimp-TxAA_nonMIMO Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: HSPA signalling enhancements for more efficient resource usage for LCR LCR_TDD_HSPA_sign_enh Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on LTE Device-to-Device Proximity Services - Radio Aspects FS_LTE_D2D_Prox Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Scalable UMTS FDD bandwidth FS_UTRA_SCAL Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Dedicated Channel (DCH) enhancements for UMTS FS_UTRA_DCHenh Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Small Cell Enhancements for E-UTRA and E-UTRAN – Physical-layer aspects FS_LTE_SC_enh_L1 Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on 3D-channel model for Elevation Beamforming and FD-MIMO studies for LTE FS_LTE_3D_channel Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Further Enhanced Uplink (EUL) enhancements FS_EDCH_enh Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Further Enhancements to CELL_FACH Cell_FACH_enh-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Further Enhanced Non CA-based ICIC for LTE eICIC_enh_LTE-Core Rel-11
Work task: Core part: LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements LTE_CA_enh-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: LTE E850 - Lower Band for Region 2 (non-US), Band 27 LTE_e850_LB-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Uplink Transmit Diversity for HSPA - Open Loop HSPA_UL_TxDiv-OL-Core Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on HetNet mobility enhancements for LTE FS_HetNet_eMOB_LTE Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on Enhanced Uplink Transmission for LTE FS_eUL_TX_LTE Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on Scope of future HSPA Evolution for 1.28 Mcps TDD FS_RAN-LCRTDDHSPAEvo Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Study on Synchronized E-DCH for UTRA FDD FS_RAN-UplinkSync Rel-8
Building Block: Combination of 64QAM and MIMO for HSDPA (FDD) RANimp-64QamMimoHsdpa Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - UTRAN 2 ms TTI uplink range improvement RANimp-2mTTI_ULimp Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on Improvements of distributed antenna for 1.28Mcps TDD FS_distr_ant_LCR_TDD Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Control (ICIC) for non-Carrier Aggregation (CA) based deployments of heterogeneous networks for LTE eICIC_LTE Rel-10
Building Block: LTE – Physical Layer LTE-Phys Rel-8
Building Block: MIMO - Physical layer MIMO-Phys Rel-7
Building Block: Optimization of channelisation code utilisation for 1.28 Mcps TDD RANimp-RABSE-CodOptLCRTDD Rel-7
Building Block: Core part: Carrier Aggregation for LTE LTE_CA-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced Downlink Multiple Antenna Transmission for LTE LTE_eDL_MIMO-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: UL multiple antenna transmission for LTE LTE_UL_MIMO-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Deleted - Core part: Latency reductions for LTE LTE_LATRED-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: Relays for LTE LTE_Relay-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: Four carrier HSDPA 4C_HSDPA-Core Rel-10
Building Block: 1.28 Mcps TDD Enhanced Uplink: Physical Layer LCRTDD-EDCH-Phys Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: MBMS Enhancements MBMSE Rel-7
Building Block: 7.68 Mcps TDD Enhanced Uplink RANimp-VHCRTDD-EDCH Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antennas MIMO Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Study on LTE-Advanced FS_RAN_LTEA Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: 3.84 Mcps TDD MBMS over a Single Frequency Network (MBSFN) Integrated Mobile Broadcast MBSFN-DOB Rel-8
Building Block: 64QAM for 1.28 Mcps TDD HSDPA RANimp-64Qam1.28TDD Rel-8
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Control (ICIC) for non-Carrier Aggregation (CA) based deployments of heterogeneous networks for LTE eICIC_LTE-Core Rel-10
Building Block: DSCH power control improvement in soft handover RInImp-DSCHsho Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: FDD Enhanced Uplink EDCH Rel-6
Building Block: FDD Enhanced Uplink - Physical Layer EDCH-Phys Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: LCS for LTE and EPS LCS_LTE_EPS Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Even further enhanced MTC for LTE LTE_eMTC4 Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Further enhancements to Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) Operation for LTE feCOMP_LTE Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Highly Reliable Low Latency Communication for LTE LTE_HRLLC Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements on LTE-based V2X Services LTE_eV2X Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements for high capacity stationary wireless link and introduction of 1024 QAM for LTE DL LTE_1024QAM_DL Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements to LTE operation in unlicensed spectrum LTE_unlic Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Further NB-IoT enhancements NB_IOTenh2 Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: New Radio Access Technology NR_newRAT Rel-15
Building Block: Study on a simplified HS-SCCH for UMTS FS_UTRA_simple_HSSCCH Rel-15
Building Block: Core part: Even further enhanced MTC for LTE LTE_eMTC4-Core Rel-15
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancements to Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) Operation for LTE feCOMP_LTE-Core Rel-15
Building Block: Core part: Highly Reliable Low Latency Communication for LTE LTE_HRLLC-Core Rel-15
Building Block: Core part: V2X phase 2 based on LTE LTE_eV2X-Core Rel-15
Building Block: Core part: Enhancements for high capacity stationary wireless link and introduction of 1024 QAM for LTE DL LTE_1024QAM_DL-Core Rel-15
Building Block: Core part: Enhancements to LTE operation in unlicensed spectrum LTE_unlic-Core Rel-15
Building Block: Core part: Further NB-IoT enhancements NB_IOTenh2-Core Rel-15
Building Block: Core part: New Radio Access Technology NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15
Building Block: Study on NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum FS_NR_unlic Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Study on Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) for NR FS_NR_NOMA Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Addition of NR UE measurements to enable OTA conformance testing NR_OTA_Uemeas Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: Addition of NR UE measurements to enable OTA conformance testing NR_OTA_Uemeas-Core Rel-16
Building Block: Study on channel modeling for indoor industrial scenarios FS_IIIOT_CM Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Cross Link Interference (CLI) handling and Remote Interference Management (RIM) for NR NR_CLI_RIM Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Additional MTC enhancements for LTE LTE_eMTC5 Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Additional enhancements for NB-IoT NB_IOTenh3 Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements on MIMO for NR NR_eMIMO Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: DL MIMO efficiency enhancements for LTE LTE_DL_MIMO_EE Rel-16
Building Block: Study on LTE-based 5G terrestrial broadcast FS_LTE_terr_bcast Rel-16
Building Block: Study on NR positioning support FS_NR_pos Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Study on remote interference management for NR FS_NR_RIM Rel-16
Building Block: Study on UE power saving in NR FS_NR_UE_pow_sav Rel-16
Building Block: Study on physical layer enhancements for NR UR Low Latency Cases FS_NR_L1enh_URLLC Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Study on NR Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) FS_NR_V2X Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: Cross Link Interference (CLI) handling and Remote Interference Management (RIM) for NR NR_CLI_RIM-Core Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: Additional MTC enhancements for LTE LTE_eMTC5-Core Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: Additional enhancements for NB-IoT NB_IOTenh3-Core Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: Enhancements on MIMO for NR NR_eMIMO-Core Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: DL MIMO efficiency enhancements for LTE LTE_DL_MIMO_EE-Core Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum NR_unlic Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: 2-step RACH for NR NR_2step_RACH Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum NR_unlic-Core Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: 2-step RACH for NR NR_2step_RACH-Core Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Physical Layer Enhancements for NR Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communication (URLLC) NR_L1enh_URLLC Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: UE Power Saving in NR NR_UE_pow_sav Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: LTE-based 5G terrestrial broadcast LTE_terr_bcast Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: NR positioning support NR_pos Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: 5G V2X with NR sidelink 5G_V2X_NRSL Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: Physical Layer Enhancements for NR URLLC NR_L1enh_URLLC-Core Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: UE Power Saving in NR NR_UE_pow_sav-Core Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: LTE-based 5G terrestrial broadcast LTE_terr_bcast-Core Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: NR positioning support NR_pos-Core Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: 5G V2X with NR sidelink 5G_V2X_NRSL-Core Rel-16
Building Block: Perf. part: Further enhancements on MIMO for NR NR_feMIMO-Perf Rel-17
Building Block: Perf. part: Extending current NR operation to 71GHz NR_ext_to_71GHz-Perf Rel-17
Building Block: Perf. part: Additional enhancements for NB-IoT and LTE-MTC NB_IOTenh4_LTE_eMTC6-Perf Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancements on MIMO for NR NR_FeMIMO-Core Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: Extending current NR operation to 71GHz NR_ext_to_71GHz-Core Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: NR Sidelink enhancement NR_SL_enh-Core Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: NR DSS NR_DSS-Core Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: Additional enhancements for NB-IoT and LTE-MTC NB_IOTenh4_LTE_eMTC6-Core Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on XR (Extended Reality) evaluations for NR FS_NR_XR_eval Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on NB-IoT/eMTC support for NTN FS_LTE_NBIOT_eMTC_NTN Rel-17
Building Block: Study on NR positioning enhancements FS_NR_pos_enh Rel-17
Building Block: Study on support of reduced capability NR devices FS_NR_redcap Rel-17
Building Block: Study on on NR coverage enhancements FS_NR_cov_enh Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on supporting NR from 52.6 GHz to 71 GHz FS_NR_52_to_71GHz Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Extending current NR operation to 71GHz NR_ext_to_71GHz Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: NB-IoT/eMTC support for Non-Terrestrial Networks LTE_NBIOT_eMTC_NTN Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: NB-IoT/eMTC support for Non-Terrestrial Networks LTE_NBIOT_eMTC_NTN-Core Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: New bands and bandwidth allocation for 5G terrestrial broadcast - part 1 LTE_terr_bcast_bands_part1 Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: New bands and bandwidth allocation for 5G terrestrial broadcast - part 1 LTE_terr_bcast_bands_part1-Core Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: NR positioning enhancements NR_pos_enh-Core Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: NR_cov_enh NR_cov_enh-Core Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: NR_redcap NR_redcap-Core Rel-17
Building Block: Perf. part: NR positioning enhancements NR_pos_enh-Perf Rel-17
Building Block: Perf. part: NR_cov_enh NR_cov_enh-Perf Rel-17
Building Block: Perf. part: NR_redcap NR_redcap-Perf Rel-17
Building Block: Study on network energy savings for NR FS_Netw_Energy_NR Rel-18
Building Block: Study on expanded and improved NR positioning FS_NR_pos_enh2 Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on evolution of NR duplex operation FS_NR_duplex_evo Rel-18
Building Block: Study on NR network-controlled repeaters FS_NR_netcon_repeater Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) for NR air interface FS_NR_AIML_air Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on low-power wake-up signal and receiver for NR FS_NR_LPWUS Rel-18
Building Block: Study on further NR RedCap (reduced capability) UE complexity reduction FS_NR_redcap_enh Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: Enhancement of NR Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS) NR_DSS_enh-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: Multi-carrier enhancements for NR NR_MC_enh-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: Further NR coverage enhancements NR_cov_enh2-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: NR MIMO evolution for downlink and uplink NR_MIMO_evo_DL_UL-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: NR sidelink evolution NR_SL_enh2-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Perf. part: Enhancement of NR Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS) NR_DSS_enh-Perf Rel-18
Building Block: Perf. part: Multi-carrier enhancements for NR NR_MC_enh-Perf Rel-18
Building Block: Perf. part: Further NR coverage enhancements NR_cov_enh2-Perf Rel-18
Building Block: Perf. part: NR MIMO evolution for downlink and uplink NR_MIMO_evo_DL_UL-Perf Rel-18
Building Block: Perf. part: NR sidelink evolution NR_SL_enh2-Perf Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: NR network-controlled repeaters NR_netcon_repeater-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced support of reduced capability NR devices NR_redcap_enh-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Perf. part: NR network-controlled repeaters NR_netcon_repeater-Perf Rel-18
Building Block: Perf. part: Enhanced support of reduced capability NR devices NR_redcap_enh-Perf Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: Network energy savings for NR Netw_Energy_NR-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: Expanded and improved NR positioning NR_pos_enh2-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: NR MIMO Phase 5 NR_MIMO_Ph5-Core Rel-19
Building Block: Core part: Evolution of NR duplex operation: Sub-band full duplex (SBFD) NR_duplex_evo-Core Rel-19
Building Block: Core part: Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) for NR air interface NR_AIML_air-Core Rel-19
Building Block: Core part: Low-power wake-up signal and receiver for NR (LP-WUS/WUR) NR_LPWUS-Core Rel-19
Building Block: Core part: Enhancements of Network energy savings for NR Netw_Energy_NR_enh-Core Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on channel modelling enhancements for 7-24GHz for NR FS_NR_7_24GHz_CHmod Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on solutions for Ambient IoT (Internet of Things) in NR FS_Ambient_IoT_solutions Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on channel modelling for Integrated Sensing And Communication (ISAC) for NR FS_Sensing_NR Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) for NR air interface Phase 2 FS_NR_AIML_air_Ph2 Rel-19
Building Block: Core part: LTE-based 5G Broadcast Phase 2 LTE_terr_bcast_Ph2-Core Rel-19
Building Block: Core part: Solutions for Ambient IoT (Internet of Things) in NR Ambient_IoT_Solutions-Core Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Multi-carrier enhancements for NR Phase 2 NR_MC_enh2 Rel-19
Building Block: Core part: Multi-carrier enhancements for NR Phase 2 NR_MC_enh2-Core Rel-19
Building Block: Core part: Introduction of IoT-NTN TDD mode IoT_NTN_TDD-Core Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on evaluation methodology of new V2X use cases for LTE and NR FS_LTE_NR_V2X_eval Rel-15
Building Block: Core part: Shortened TTI and processing time for LTE LTE_sTTIandPT-Core Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Study on NR to support non-terrestrial networks FS_NR_nonterr_nw Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Study on scheduling enhancements with CA for UMTS FS_UTRA_CA_sched_enh Rel-15

page generated from database: 2025-01-24 14:24:14