Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items per TSG/WG

Active 3GPP Work Items for group: C4

Note that this page shows only those active (i.e. not yet completed) WIs where C4 is the sole responsible group.
There may be other active WIs for which this group holds joint responsibility, particularly hierachically higher WIs which comprise WIs from several groups: such WIs are not shown on this page.

Click on WI title for details

Feature or Study Item: System enhancements for Fixed Broadband access to IMS FBI Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Location Services enhancements LCS3 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Support of SMS over generic 3GPP IP access SMSIP Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: CAMEL Trunk Triggers TTCAMEL Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Mobile Termination whilst the MS is moving to another MSC MTmovMS Rel-7
Building Block: Maintenance of TISPAN R1 MAINT_R1 Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 3 Overlap (CT4) Overlap Rel-8
Building Block: Deleted - Issues for CT4 TR 29.803 SAES Rel-8
Building Block: CT4 aspects of IMS_Corp IMS_Corp Rel-8
Work task: Stage 3 CIMS_3GPP2 (CT4) REDOC_3GPP2 Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: 3GPP2 Input to Common IMS CIMS_3GPP2 Rel-8
Building Block: CS Fallback in EPS SAES-CSFB Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Maintenance of TISPAN documentation MAINTISP Rel-8
Work task: Documentation of TISPAN R1 and R2 in CT4 REDOC_TIS-C4 Rel-8
Work task: Mobile IPv4 (MIPv4) based Mobility protocols SAES-SA-FP_LTE-IETF Rel-8
Work task: MME to MSC interface for SRVCC SAES-SRVCC Rel-8
Building Block: InterWorking Function (IWF) between MAP based and Diameter based interfaces SAES-MAP2Diam Rel-8
Work task: CT4 aspects - Stage 3 for ICSRA ICSRA Rel-8
Building Block: Stage 3 CIMS_3GPP2 REDOC_3GPP2 Rel-8
Building Block: CT4 part of Stage 3 for IMS-Sec IMS-Sec Rel-8
Building Block: CT4 part of GBAPush GBAPush Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: IMS Restoration Procedures IMS_RP Rel-8
Building Block: SAE for Interoperation between LTE and legacy cellular PS accesses SAES-SA-FP_3GPP Rel-8
Building Block: SAE for support for non-3GPP accesses SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System ETWS Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: IMS Multimedia Telephony and Supplementary Services IMSTSS Rel-8
Building Block: General aspects of IMS Sup Services IMSSS-Gal Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Security Enhancements for IMS IMS-Sec Rel-8
Building Block: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity for 3GPP (SRVCC) SAES-SRVCC Rel-8
Building Block: Stage 3 for PNM PNM Rel-8
Work task: SAES-SA-FP_LTE with GTP variant SAES-SA-FP_LTE-GTP Rel-8
Work task: SAES-SA-FP_LTE with PMIP variant SAES-SA-FP_LTE-IETF Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements for Voice Group Call Service (VGCS) Applications (EVA) EVA Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Value-Added Services for Short Message Service VAS4SMS Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: CS-IBCF and CS-TrGW definition in 3GPP specifications CS-IBCF Rel-9
Building Block: CT4 aspects of CS-IBCF and CS-TrGW definition in 3GPP specifications CS-IBCF Rel-9
Building Block: LCS Control Plane Solution for EPS LCS_EPS-CPS Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: MBMS support in EPS MBMS_EPS Rel-9
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Multiple PDN Connection to the Same APN for PMIP-based Interfaces MUPSAP Rel-9
Work task: CT4 aspects of IMS Media Plane Security MEDIASEC_CORE Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: 128 bit encryption for GSM and GPRS A5/4-GEA4 Rel-9
Building Block: Deleted - CT4 part of Network Domain Security (NDS) enhancements to support backhaul security NDS_Backhaul Rel-9
Building Block: CT4 part of 128 bit encryption for GSM and GPRS A5/4-GEA4 Rel-9
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 for SIPTO for macro networks SIPTO Rel-10
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 for Local IP Access LIPA Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced User Data Convergence (UDC) Model eUDC Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on User Data Convergence (UDC) evolution FS_UDCe Rel-10
Building Block: CT aspects of Multi Access PDN Connectivity MAPCON-St3 Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) enhancements (Stage 3) eSRVCC Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: PCRF failure and restoration PCRF_FR Rel-10
Building Block: CT4 part of Stage 3 for SRVCC enhancements eSRVCC Rel-10
Work task: CT4 aspects of Multi Access PDN Connectivity MAPCON-St3 Rel-10
Building Block: CT4 part of PCRF failure and restoration PCRF_FR Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Rel-10 Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P) OAM10 Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2/3 for Local IP Access LIPA Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: VPLMN Autonomous CSG Roaming VCSG Rel-11
Building Block: User Data Convergence (UDC) Data Model UDC_DM Rel-11
Building Block: CN aspects of Single Radio Video Call Continuity for 3G-CS vSRVCC-CT Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: enhanced Nodes Restoration for EPC (Stage 2/3) eNR_EPC Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Reference Location Information (Stage 3) RLI Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Anonymous Call Rejection in the CS domain ACR_CS Rel-11
Work task: CT4 aspects of Single Radio Video Call Continuity for 3G-CS vSRVCC-CT Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA rSRVCC Rel-11
Building Block: CN Stage 3 for Full Support of Multi-Operator Core Network by GERAN Full_MOCN-GERAN Rel-11
Building Block: CT aspects of Network-provided Location information for IMS (Stage 3) NWK-PL2IMS-CT Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 for GBA extensions for re-use of SIP Digest credentials GBA-ext-St3 Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: S2a Mobility based On GTP and WLAN access to EPC SaMOG_WLAN Rel-11
Building Block: CT aspects of VPLMN Autonomous CSG Roaming VCSG-St3 Rel-11
Work task: Deleted - Stage 2 CS aspects for SIMTC SIMTC-CS Rel-11
Building Block: CT aspects for Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA (Stage 3) rSRVCC-CT Rel-11
Building Block: Deleted - CT4 part of GCSMSC and GCR Redundancy for VGCS/VBS RT_VGCS_Red Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of CT aspects of Proximity-based Services ProSe-CT Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Diameter Overload Control Mechanisms DOCME Rel-12
Building Block: HSS based solution PCSCF_RES Rel-12
Building Block: Common for HSS & PCRF solutions PCSCF_RES Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of CT aspects of WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking (Stage 2/3) UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw-CT Rel-12
Building Block: CT impacts of codec for Enhanced Voice Services EVS_codec-CT Rel-12
Building Block: CT aspects of Dual connectivity for LTE LTE_SC_enh_dualC-CT Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced S2a Mobility Over trusted WLAN access to EPC eSaMOG Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Network-provided Location information for IMS Trusted WLAN Access Network (TWAN) case NETLOC_TWAN Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of Common for HSS & PCRF solutions PCSCF_RES Rel-12
Work task: Stage 3 for BB1: Small Data and Device Triggering Enhancements MTCe-SDDTE-CT Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE, IETF RFC 5245) impacts on IMS H.248 profiles ICEH248 Rel-12
Building Block: CT aspects of Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) Access to IMS IMS_WebRTC-CT Rel-12
Building Block: CT aspects of Core Network Overload – User Location Information reporting improvements CNO_ULI-CT Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Support of ALT-C attribute ALTC Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of Network-provided Location information for IMS Trusted WLAN Access Network (TWAN) case NETLOC_TWAN-CT Rel-12
Building Block: CT4 part of Support of ALT-C attribute ALTC Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 3 for Enhanced S2a Mobility Over trusted WLAN access to EPC eSaMOG-St3 Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of IMS Telepresence (Stage 2/3) IMS_TELEP Rel-12
Work task: Stage 3 for BB1: Policy and Charging Control for supporting traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks P4C-F-CT3 Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of CT aspects of End-to-End Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions E2EMTSI-CT Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: GPRS Tunnelling Protocol for the Control plane (GTP-C) Overload Control Mechanisms GOCMe Rel-12
Building Block: CT aspects for LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON (Stage 3) LTE_HRPD_SON-CT Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Proxy Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF) restoration enhancements (Stage 2/3) PCSCF_RES Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: eMBMS restoration procedures eMBMS_Rest Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 3 for SMS submit and delivery without MSISDN in IMS SMSMI-CT Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: IMS-based Telepresence IMS_TELEP Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of CT aspects of Extended IMS media plane security features eMEDIASEC-CT Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Reporting Enhancements in Warning Message Delivery (Stage 2/3) REP_WMD Rel-12
Building Block: CT4 part of Reporting Enhancements in Warning Message Delivery (Stage 2/3) REP_WMD-CT4 Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: IM-SSF Application Server Service Data Descriptions (Stage 2/3) IMS_SSFDD Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 3 for IM-SSF Application Server Service Data Descriptions IMS_SSFDD Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Diameter based interface between SGSN and SMS central functions (Stage 2/3) Dia_SGSN_SMS Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Diameter based interface between SGSN-GMLC (Stage 3) Dia_SGSN_GMLC Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Diameter Overload Control Mechanisms FS_DOCME Rel-12
Building Block: Stage 3 for Diameter based interface between SGSN and SMS central functions Dia_SGSN_SMS Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: LIPA Mobility and SIPTO at the Local Network LIMONET Rel-12
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Mobile Equipment Identity signalling over WLAN MEI_WLAN Rel-13
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Controlling IMS Media Plane with SDP Capability SDPCN_IMS Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: User Plane Congestion management UPCON Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects for Non-IP for Cellular Internet of Things for EC-EGPRS NonIP_GPRS-CT Rel-14
Building Block: deleted -CT4 aspects of MTSI Extension on Multi-stream MMCMH-CT Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: SCC AS Restoration SCCAS_RES Rel-14
Work task: CT4 aspects of MMCMH_Enh MMCMH_Enh-CT Rel-14
Work task: CT4 aspects of EWE EWE-CT Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Shared Subscription Data Update eSDU Rel-14
Building Block: CT4 part of IMS Signalling Activated Trace ISAT Rel-14
Work task: CT4 aspects of 5G Trace management NETSLICE-5GTRACE-CT Rel-15
Building Block: CT4 Aspect of H.248 Aspects of WebRTC Data Channel on IMS Access Gateway WebRTCH248DC Rel-13
Building Block: CT aspects of EVS in 3G Circuit-Switched Networks EVSoCS-CT Rel-13
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Enhanced P-CSCF discovery using signalling for access to EPC via WLAN ePCSCF_WLAN Rel-13
Building Block: Study on Diameter Load Control Mechanisms FS_DLoCME Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Shared Data Update for Multiple Subscriber SHARED_SubData_UPD Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on EPC Signalling Improvement for Race Scenarios FS_EPC_SIG_RACE Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: P-CSCF Restoration Enhancements with WLAN PCSCF_RES_WLAN Rel-13
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Warning Status Report in EPS WSR_EPS Rel-13
Work task: CT4 part of CT aspects of User Plane Congestion Management for BB1 UPCON-DOTCON-CT Rel-13
Work task: CT4 part of CT aspects of voice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy Differentiation voE_UTRAN_PPD-CT Rel-13
Building Block: CT aspects of voice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy Differentiation voE_UTRAN_PPD-CT Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Support of EVS in 3G Circuit-Switched networks EVSoCS Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: QoS End-to-end Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions (Stage 3) QOSE2EMTSI Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: voice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy Differentiation voE_UTRAN_PPD Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects of Indoor Positionning UTRA_LTE_iPos_enh-CT Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Support of Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) / Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) multiplexing (signalling) in IMS RTCP_MUX Rel-13
Building Block: CT4 part of Support of RTP / RTCP multiplexing (signalling) in IMS RTCP_MUX Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects of system architecture enhancements for TV service AE_enTV-CT Rel-14
Work task: CT4 aspects of Diameter Base Protocol Specification Update DBPU Rel-14
Building Block: CT4 aspects of MCPTTProtoc1 MCPTTProtoc1 Rel-14
Work task: CT4 aspects of eDecor eDecor-CT Rel-14
Work task: CT4 aspects of SEW2 SEW2-CT Rel-14
Work task: CT4 aspects of V2X Services V2X-CT Rel-14
Work task: CT4 Aspect of AULC AULC-CT Rel-14
Work task: CT4 aspects for CUPS CUPS-CT Rel-14
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Diameter Load Control Mechanism DLoCMe Rel-14
Work task: CT4 aspects of ERP ERP-CT Rel-14
Building Block: CT4 aspects of P-CSCF Restoration Enhancements with WLAN PCSCF_RES_WLAN Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Warning Status Report in EPS WSR_EPS Rel-13
Building Block: CT Aspects of QoS End-to-End MTSI Extensions QOSE2EMTSI-CT Rel-13
Work task: CT4 Aspects of QoS End-to-End MTSI Extensions QOSE2EMTSI-CT Rel-13
Work task: Stage 3 CN aspects of SIPTO at the Local Network LIMONET-SIPTO Rel-12
Work task: Deleted - Stage 3 CN aspects of LIPA Mobility LIMONET-LIPA-del2 Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Short Message Service (SMS) submit and delivery without MSISDN in IMS SMSMI Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Codec for Enhanced Voice Services EVS_codec Rel-12
Work task: CT4 aspects of enhancements to Proximity-based eProSe-Ext-CT Rel-13
Building Block: Monitoring Enhancements CT aspects MONTE-CT Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Mobile Equipment Identity signalling over WLAN MEI_WLAN Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on SCC AS Restoration FS_SCCAS_RES Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Controlling IMS Media Plane with SDP Capability SDPCN_IMS Rel-13
Building Block: CT aspects of Optimizations to Support High Latency HLcom-CT Rel-13
Building Block: CT aspects of Group based Enhancements GROUPE-CT Rel-13
Building Block: CT Aspects of Video Enhancements by Region-Of-Interest information signalling ROI-CT Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on S6a/S6d Shared Data Update FS_eSDU Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects of IP Flow Mobility support for S2a and S2b Interfaces NBIFOM-CT Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects of Architecture Enhancements for Service capability Exposure AESE-CT Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects of Monitoring Enhancements MONTE-CT Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects of Group based Enhancements GROUPE-CT Rel-13
Work task: CT4 Aspects of Video Enhancements by Region-Of-Interest information signalling ROI-CT Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects of EVS in 3G Circuit-Switched Networks EVSoCS-CT Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: H.248 Aspects of WebRTC Data Channel on IMS Access Gateway WebRTCH248DC Rel-13
Work task: TR on Extended IMS media plane security features and TCP related NAT traversal support; IMS H.248 profiles aspects eMEDIASEC-CT Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of CT aspects of Coordination of Video Orientation CVO-CT Rel-12
Building Block: CT4 part of Signalling of Image Size SIS_CT Rel-12
Work task: Deleted - CT4 aspects of CT aspects of IMS registration control (Stage 3) IMS_RegCon-CT4 Rel-12
Building Block: CT aspects of Coordination of Video Orientation CVO-CT Rel-12
Building Block: CT aspects of End-to-End Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions E2EMTSI-CT Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: CT aspects of Signalling of Image Size (Stage 2/3) SIS_CT Rel-12
Building Block: Deleted - CT aspects of IMS registration control IMS_RegCon-CT Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON LTE_HRPD_SON Rel-12
Building Block: CT4 part of eMBMS restoration procedures eMBMS_Rest Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 for SMS submit and delivery without MSISDN in IMS SMSMI-CT Rel-12
Work task: Deleted - CT4 part of CN aspects of LIPA Mobility LIMONET-LIPA-del4 Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 CN aspects of SIPTO at the Local Network LIMONET-SIPTO-CT4 Rel-12
Work task: CT4 aspects of Enhancements for Mission Critical Push To Talk MCImp-eMCPTT-CT Rel-14
Work task: CT4 aspects of MCData MCImp-MCDATA-CT Rel-14
Work task: CT4 aspects 3 of MCVideo MCImp-MCVIDEO-CT Rel-14
Work task: CT4 aspects of extended architecture enhancements for Cellular Internet of Things CIoT_Ext-CT Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Group Communication System Enablers for LTE GCSE_LTE Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Policy and Charging Control for supporting fixed broadband access networks P4C Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - IMS Registration Control IMS_RegCon Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of Group Communication System Enablers for LTE GCSE_LTE-CT Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of CT impacts of codec for Enhanced Voice Services EVS_codec-CT Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 for Enhanced S2a Mobility Over trusted WLAN access to EPC eSaMOG-St3 Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of HSS based solution PCSCF_RES Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Dual connectivity for LTE LTE_SC_enh_dualC Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Shared Data Update for Multiple Subscribers FS_SHARED_SubData_UPD Rel-12
Building Block: CT aspects of Network-provided Location information for IMS Trusted WLAN Access Network (TWAN) case (Stage 3) NETLOC_TWAN-CT Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 for BB1: Policy and Charging Control for supporting traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks P4C-F-CT3 Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw Rel-12
Building Block: TR on Proxy Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF) restoration enhancements PCSCF_RES Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Core Network Overload - User Location Information reporting improvement CNO_ULI Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: EPC Signalling Improvements for race scenarios EPC_SIG_RACE Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on Impacts of the Diameter Base Protocol Specification Update FS_DBPU Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects for Dedicated Core Networks CT aspects DECOR-CT Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects for Enhancements to WebRTC interoperability eWebRTCi-CT Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects for MCPTT protocol aspects MCPTT-CT Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects of extended DRX cycle eDRX-CT Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects of Support of Emergency services over WLAN – phase 1 SEW1-CT Rel-13
Work task: Deleted - CT4 part of Stage 3 for BB3: UE Power Consumptions Optimizations (UEPCOP) MTCe-UEPCOP-CT4 Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Coordination of Video Orientation CVO Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Extended IMS media plane security features eMEDIASEC Rel-12
Building Block: CT4 part of enhanced Nodes Restoration for EPC eNR_EPC Rel-11
Building Block: CT4 part of Reference Location Information (Stage 3) RLI Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERAN (Stage 2/3) SIRIG Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2/3 for CS aspects for SIMTC SIMTC-CS Rel-11
Building Block: BB1: Stage 3 (CS+PS) Reachability Aspects of SIMTC SIMTC-ReachCSPS Rel-11
Building Block: Core Network aspects of Anonymous Call Rejection in the CS domain ACR_CS-CN Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 3 BB I - Core Network impacts: BBF interworking with home routed traffic for WLAN and H(e)NB BBAI_BBI-CT Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 3 BB II - Core Network impacts: BBF interworking with offload in access network for WLAN and for H(e)NB BBAI_BBII-CT Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 for BB1: Small Data and Device Triggering Enhancement MTCe-SDDTE-CT Rel-12
Building Block: CT4 part of ICE impacts on IMS H.248 profiles (Stage 2/3) ICEH248 Rel-12
Building Block: CT4 part of IMS Operator Determined Call Barring IODB Rel-11
Building Block: CT4 part of Enhanced T.38 FAX support MMTel_T.38_FAX Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of CT aspects of Network-provided Location information for IMS NWK-PL2IMS-CT Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 2/3 for SMS in MME architecture option and related PS-only service subscription SIMTC-PS_Only Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of CN Stage 3 for Full Support of Multi-Operator Core Network by GERAN Full_MOCN-GERAN Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: PS Additional Number (Stage 3) PSAN Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Generic IMS User Group Over Sh GenUG_Sh Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 2/3 for SMS in MME architecture option and related PS-only service subscription SIMTC-PS_Only Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: IMS Operator Determined Call Barring IODB Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced T.38 FAX support (Stage 3) MMTel_T.38_FAX Rel-11
Building Block: BB1: Small Data and Device Triggering Enhancements (SDDTE) MTCe-SDDTE Rel-12
Building Block: BB1: Policy and Charging Control for supporting traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO (Non Seamless WLAN Offload) traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks (P4C-F) P4C-F Rel-12
Building Block: CT part for IMS Telepresence (Stage 2/3) IMS_TELEP Rel-12
Building Block: CT aspects of Extended IMS media plane security features (Stage 2/3) eMEDIASEC-CT Rel-12
Work task: TR on Stage 3 BB I for BBAI; Home (e)Node B – Security Gateway Interface BBAI_BBI-CT Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of CT aspects of LOcation-Based Selection of gaTEways foR WLAN LOBSTER-CT Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of CN aspects of Mobility based On GTP & PMIPv6 for WLAN access to EPC SaMOG_WLAN-CN Rel-11
Building Block: Deleted - TR Study on enhancement of protocols for SMS service over SGs PROTOC_SMS_SGs Rel-11
Building Block: CT4 part of Enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) – Gateway Control Priority eMPS_Gateway Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of CN aspects of Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERAN SIRIG Rel-11
Building Block: Stage 3 for GBA extensions for re-use of SIP Digest credentials GBA-ext-St3 Rel-11
Building Block: Deleted - CT4 part of Enhancement of the Protocols for SMS over SGs PROTOC_SMS_SGs Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of CT aspects of Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) Access to IMS IMS_WebRTC-CT4 Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of CT aspects of Core Network Overload – User Location Information reporting improvements CNO_ULI-CT Rel-12
Work task: CT4 part of Core Network aspects of Anonymous Call Rejection in the CS domain (Stage 2/3) ACR_CS-CN Rel-11
Building Block: CT aspects of LOcation-Based Selection of gaTEways foR WLAN LOBSTER-CT Rel-11
Building Block: CN aspects of Mobility based On GTP & PMIPv6 for WLAN access to EPC SaMOG_WLAN-CN Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Generic Bootstrapping Architecture (GBA) extensions for re-use of SIP Digest credentials GBA-ext Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Enhancement of the Protocols for SMS over SGs (Stage 3) PROTOC_SMS_SGs Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) – Gateway Control Priority eMPS_Gateway Rel-11
Building Block: CN aspects of Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERAN SIRIG Rel-11
Building Block: CN part of Stage 3 for Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications NIMTC-CN Rel-10
Work task: Stage 3 for SIPTO for macro networks SIPTO Rel-10
Work task: Stage 3 for Local IP Access LIPA Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 3 for Optimal Media Routing OMR Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on Interworking Proxy between GTP based and PMIP based interfaces FS_GTP-MIP-IW Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Local IP Access and Selected Internet IP Traffic Offload LIPA_SIPTO Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2/3 for SIPTO for macro networks SIPTO Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications ECSRA_LAA Rel-10
Building Block: CT4 aspects for EPC Signalling Improvements for race scenarios EPC_SIG_RACE Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects of MBMS enhancements MBMS_enh-CT Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Diameter Message Priority DiaPri Rel-13
Building Block: CT4 aspects of DiaPri DiaPri Rel-13
Building Block: CT aspects of Indoor Positionning UTRA_LTE_iPos_enh-CT Rel-13
Work task: CT4 aspects of CIoT CIoT-CT Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Relays for LTE LTE_Relay Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service eMPS Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Support for BroadBand Forum Accesses Interworking BBAI Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: User Data Convergence - Data Model UDC_DM Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 BB1: Reachability Aspects of SIMTC SIMTC-ReachCSPS Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 BB I: BBF interworking with home routed traffic for WLAN and H(e)NB BBAI_BBI-CT Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 BB II: BBF interworking with offload in access network for WLAN and for H(e)NB BBAI_BBII-CT Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part for Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA rSRVCC-CT Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Single Radio Video Call Continuity for 3G-CS vSRVCC Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on EPC Nodes Restoration FS_EPC_NR Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: System Improvements to Machine-Type Communications SIMTC Rel-11
Building Block: TR on User Data Convergence (UDC) Data Model UDC_DM Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Network-provided Location information for IMS (NETLOC) NWK-PL2IMS Rel-11
Building Block: CT4 aspects of VAS4SMS Interface and Signalling Flow VAS4SMS Rel-9
Building Block: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) support for IMS Emergency Calls IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS-SRVCC Rel-9
Building Block: Stage 2/3 for User Data Convergence (UDC) Technical Realization UDC-CN Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Multiple PDN Connection to the Same APN for PMIP-based Interfaces MUPSAP Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: IMS Media Plane Security MEDIASEC Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Completion of IMS Restoration Procedures eIMS_RP Rel-9
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Completion of IMS Restoration Procedures eIMS_RP Rel-9
Work task: CT4 aspects of Control Plane LCS in the EPC LCS_EPS-CPS Rel-9
Building Block: CT4 aspects of MBMS support in EPS (Stage 3) MBMS_EPS Rel-9
Work task: CT4 aspects of SRVCC support for IMS Emergency Calls IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS-SRVCC Rel-9
Building Block: Stage 3 for Public Warning System PWS-St3 Rel-9
Work task: CT4 aspects of Stage 3 for Public Warning System PWS-St3 Rel-9
Building Block: Stage 3 for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Rel-9
Work task: CT4 aspects - Stage 3 for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPSC4 Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: EPC Node Restoration without Idle mode Signalling Reduction (ISR) activated EPC_NR Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Mobile Terminating Roaming Forwarding with pre-paging MTRF Rel-10
Building Block: Core Network Impacts for Relay Nodes LTE_Relay-CN Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: EPC Node Restoration with Idle mode Signalling Reduction (ISR) activated EPC_NR_ISR Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: S2b Mobility based on GTP SMOG Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: LOcation-Based Selection of gaTEways foR WLAN LOBSTER Rel-11
Work task: CT4 part of CN aspects of Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications ECSRA_LAA-CN Rel-10
Work task: CT4 part on Stage 3 on enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service eMPS-CN Rel-10
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 for S2b Mobility based on GTP SMOG-St3 Rel-10
Building Block: CN aspects of Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications ECSRA_LAA-CN Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 3 on enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service eMPS-CN Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 3 for S2b Mobility based on GTP SMOG-St3 Rel-10
Building Block: Stage 2/3 for CN aspects of Local Call Local Switch LCLS-CN Rel-10
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 for Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications NIMTC-CN Rel-10
Work task: Deleted - CT4 part of Stage 3 for Optimal Media Routeing OMR Rel-10
Building Block: CT4 part of Enhancement of interworking between MTSI and CS networks MTSI_eMHI Rel-8
Work task: CT4 part of Service Level Tracing in IMS OAM8-Trace Rel-8
Building Block: Core Network Impacts for A-Interface User Plane over IP AoIP-CN Rel-8
Building Block: IMS Restoration Procedures (CT4) IMS_RP Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Encoding formats, transport formats and media description signalling for interworking, QoE, and other enhancements to MTSI-MHI MTSI_eMHI Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Generic Bootstrapping Architecture Push Function GBAPush Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Study on IMS Restoration Procedures FS_IMS_RP Rel-8
Work task: Deleted - CT4 aspects of SAES SAES Rel-8
Building Block: SAE for LTE access SAES-LTE Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: CN aspects of Local Call Local Switch LCLS-CN Rel-10
Building Block: TR on CN aspects of Local Call Local Switch LCLS-CN Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Multi Access PDN Connectivity MAPCON Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications NIMTC Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: IMS System enhancements for corporate network access IMS_Corp Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Support of (G)MSC-S – (G)MSC-S Nc Interface based on the SIP-I protocol SIP_Nc Rel-8
Building Block: SIP-I based circuit-switched core network; Stage 2 SIP_Nc-St2 Rel-8
Building Block: Application of SIP-I Protocols to Circuit Switched (CS) core network architecture; Stage 3 SIP_Nc-St3C4 Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Study on IMS Application Server Service Data Descriptions for AS interoperability FS_IMS_ASIO Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Study on Customized Alerting Tone (CAT) solution for voice and video call in CS domain FS_CAT_VVC_CS Rel-8
Building Block: High level and common (for all accesses) functions EPS-ComF Rel-8
Work task: Stage 3 for interfaces within EPC SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP Rel-8
Work task: CT4 Stage 3 for PMIP protocol within EPC SAES-SA-FP_LTE-IETF Rel-8
Building Block: CT4 part of Stage 3 for PRIOR PRIOR_EMR Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: IMS Centralized Service control ICSRA Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: IMS Enhancements for support of Packet Cable access PktCbl Rel-8
Work task: CT4 aspects of PktCbl-Sec PktCbl-Sec Rel-8
Work task: CT4 Stage 3 for GTP v2 protocol SAES-SA-FP_LTE-GTP Rel-8
Work task: Stage 3 for EPC - GPRS SAES-SA-FP_3GPP Rel-8
Work task: Stage 3 for Interfaces EPC - non-3GPP IP access SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP Rel-8
Work task: Stage 3 for AAA/HSS related SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP Rel-8
Work task: Stage 3 for EPC - AAA interface SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP Rel-8
Work task: CT4 Stage 3 for protocol between EPCs SAES-LTE Rel-8
Work task: Stage 3 for MME - SGSN signalling free protocol SAES-SA-FP_3GPP Rel-8
Work task: Stage 3 (CT4) of SAE impact on existing capabilities SAES Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Rel-8 Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P) OAM8 Rel-8
Building Block: Rel-8 Trace Management OAM8-Trace Rel-8
Work task: Deleted - CT4 aspects of Stage 3 PNM PNM Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Multimedia Priority Service PRIOR_EMR Rel-8
Building Block: IMS Enhancements for Security Requirements in Support of Cable Deployments PktCbl-Sec Rel-8
Building Block: Deleted - CT aspects of SAES SAES-St3 Rel-8
Work task: Stage 3 for EPC - HSS interface SAES-LTE Rel-8
Work task: Deleted - User and Control plane protocols SAES-St3-prot Rel-8
Work task: Stage 3 for SAE / LTE identities SAES Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Customized Alerting Tone (CAT) service CAT Rel-8
Building Block: CT4 aspects of EVA EVA Rel-8
Building Block: CT aspects of WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking (Stage 2/3) UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw-CT Rel-12
Building Block: CT aspects of Group Communication System Enablers for LTE GCSE_LTE-CT Rel-12
Building Block: CT4 part of Diameter Overload Control Mechanisms DOCME Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: AoIP (A-interface over IP) AoIP Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System (non RAN aspects) SAES Rel-8
Building Block: Procedures description Mp-PROCc4 Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 3 for SMSIP SMSIP-St3 Rel-7
Work task: CT4 aspects for SMSIP SMSIP-St3-c4 Rel-7
Work task: TCAPsec Gateway SEC7-TCAP Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Mp (MRFC - MRFP) interface Mp Rel-7
Building Block: CAMEL Trunk Originated Trigger Detection Points CamelR7 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Study on Routeing of MT-SMS via the HPLMN SMS7 Rel-7
Work task: CT4 aspects of FBI for TISPAN R1 FBI-TIS1-st3-c4 Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 3 for Mp (MRFC - MRFP) interface Mp-St3c4 Rel-7
Work task: CT4 aspects of EVGCS EVGCS Rel-7
Work task: Deleted - CT4 aspects of IVGCS IVGCS-St3-c4 Rel-7
Work task: Deleted - CT4 aspets for WLAN-PNA WLANPNA-st3 Rel-7
Building Block: CT4 aspects for LCS UEPos-LBS LCS3-UEPos-LBS Rel-7
Work task: CT4 PS domain aspects to support IMS Emergency sessions EMC1-GPRSc4 Rel-7
Work task: CT4 aspects of Stage 3 for Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN) VCC-St3-c4 Rel-7
Building Block: Stage 3 CT4 on support of QoS over 3GPP/WLAN Interworking WLANQOS Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: User Data Convergence (UDC) UDC Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: IMS – Interconnection Border Control Function (IBCF) – Transition Gateway (TrGW); Ix Interface; Stage 3 IMS_IBCF Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: IMS Application Level Gateway Control Function (ALGCF) – IMS Access Media Gateway (IMA-MGW); Iq Interface; Stage 2 and Stage 3 IMS_AGCF Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Public Warning System PWS Rel-9
Building Block: Emergency Call Enhancements for IP& PS Based Calls – stage 3 EMC1 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Study on using M2PA in 3GPP network FS-M2PA Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Feasibility Study on the TCAPsec Gateway concept FS_SEC7-TCAP Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Interoperability between VGCS/VBS and A/Gb flexibility VGCSFlex Rel-7
Building Block: CT4 aspects of VGCSFlex VGCSFlex-c4 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements of VGCS for public authority officials EVGCS Rel-7
Building Block: Architecture and protocol aspects EVGCS Rel-7
Building Block: WLAN-PNA - Stage 3 WLANPNA-st3 Rel-7
Building Block: TISPAN Rel 1 related aspects FBI-TIS1 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Study on Support of (G)MSC-S - (G)MSC-S Nc Interface based on the SIP-I protocol NcSIP Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Routeing of MT-SMS via the HPLMN SMSviaH Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Support for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Rel-9
Work task: CT aspects of SRVCC support for IMS Emergency Calls IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS-SRVCC Rel-9
Building Block: CN aspects of IMS Media Plane Security MEDIASEC_CORE Rel-9
Work task: User Data Convergence (UDC) Protocol Description UDC-CN Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Security enhancements SEC7 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Multimedia interworking between IMS and CS networks MIW-IMS Rel-8
Work task: CT4 part of Stage 3 for CS Fallback in EPS SAES-CSFB Rel-8
Building Block: CAT Service in 3GPP CS domain CAT-3G_CS Rel-8
Building Block: CT4 aspects of ETWS ETWS Rel-8
Work task: CT4 part of CAT Service in 3GPP CS domain CAT-3G_CS Rel-8
Work task: Management of UE based network performance measurements OAM-PM-UE Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Home NodeB / eNodeB HomeNB Rel-8
Building Block: Maintenance of TISPAN R2 MAINT_R2 Rel-8
Building Block: CT4 part of Network Attachment Subsystem (NASS) Bundled Authentication NBA-CT4 Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Support of Overlap signalling Overlap Rel-8
Building Block: Mn interface (MGCF – IM MGW) MIW-IMS-St3C4 Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Study on InterWorking Function between MAP based and Diameter based interfaces FS_MAP2Diam Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Conferencing enhancements for Mp interface eMp Rel-8
Building Block: Stage 2 for eMp eMp Rel-8
Building Block: Stage 3 for eMp eMp Rel-8
Work task: Stage 3 for EPC to UTRAN SAES-SA-FP_3GPP Rel-8
Work task: Stage 3 for EPC to 3GPP2 SAES-SA-FP_3GPP Rel-8
Building Block: Domain Name System Procedures for Evolved Packet System (DEPS) SAES-DEPS Rel-8
Building Block: Stage 3 for ICSRA – Protocol, Addressing, Subscriber Data ICSRA Rel-8
Work task: CT4 part of Core Network Impacts for A-Interface User Plane over IP AoIP-CN Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: IMS Application Server Service Data Descriptions for AS interoperability IMS_ASIO Rel-8
Building Block: CT4 part of IMS – Interconnection Border Control Function (IBCF) – Transition Gateway (TrGW); Ix Interface; Stage 3 IMS_IBCF Rel-9
Work task: User Data Convergence (UDC) Technical Realization (Stage 2) UDC-CN Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: LCS for LTE and EPS LCS_LTE_EPS Rel-9
Building Block: SS7 TCAP security Gateway SEC7-NDS-TCAPsec Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: PS domain and IMS impacts for supporting IMS Emergency calls (EMC1) EMC1 Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN) VCC Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements to support QoS provisioning over 3GPP/WLAN Interworking WLANQOS Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: WLAN Interworking – Private Network access from WLAN 3GPP IP Access WLANPNA Rel-7
Work task: CT4 aspects of VoWLAN VoWLAN-CT Rel-15
Work task: CT4 aspects of ProSe_WLAN_DD ProSe_WLAN_DD_Stage3 Rel-15
Work task: CT4 aspects of PS Data Off Phase 2 PS_DATA_OFF2-CT Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Study on User Plane Protocol in 5GC FS_UPPS Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: 5GS Enhanced support of Over the air (OTA) mechanism for UICC configuration parameter update 5GS_OTAF Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Shared Data Handling on Nudm and Nudr Shared_Data Rel-16
Work task: deleted- CT4 aspects of ePWS (Possible impacts) ePWS Rel-16
Building Block: Study on Load and Overload Control of 5GC Service Based Interfaces FS_LOLC Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of 5WWC 5WWC Rel-16
Building Block: CT aspects of UDICOM UDICOM Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of Vertical_LAN Vertical_LAN Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of 5G_CIoT 5G_CIoT Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of 5G_eLCS 5G_eLCS Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of eNA eNA Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of eNS eNS Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of ETSUN ETSUN Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of ATSSS ATSSS Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of 5G_eSBA 5G_eSBA Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of PARLOS PARLOS Rel-16
Work task: CT4 Aspects of E2E_DELAY E2E_DELAY Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Nudsf Service Based Interface NUDSF Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Nsoraf Service Based Interface NSORAF Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of IABARC IABARC Rel-16
Building Block: CT4 aspects of SBIProtoc16 SBIProtoc16 Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of RACS RACS Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspect of 5G_SRVCC 5G_SRVCC Rel-16
Work task: CT4 Aspects of 5G_URLLC 5G_URLLC Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of eIMS5G_SBA eIMS5G_SBA Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of V2XAPP V2XAPP Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of eV2XARC eV2XARC Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Study on Nudsf Service Based Interface FS_NUDSF Rel-16
Building Block: C4 aspects of 5GS_OTAF 5GS_OTAF Rel-16
Building Block: C4 aspects of LOLC LOLC Rel-16
Work task: CT4 aspects of xBDT xBDT Rel-16
Building Block: CT4 aspects of eNAPIs eNAPIs Rel-16
Building Block: CT4 aspects of ReP_UDR ReP_UDR Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects for EDGEAPP EDGEAPP Rel-17
Building Block: CT4 aspects on enhancement of RAN slicing for NR NRslice Rel-17
Building Block: CT4 aspects of BEPoP BEPoP Rel-17
Building Block: CT4 aspects of NB-IoT/eMTC Non-Terrestrial Networks in EPS IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Rel-17
Building Block: CT4 aspects of NR_redcap ARCH_NR_REDCAP Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Repository for the 3GPP Allocated Port Numbers for New 3GPP Interfaces PortAl Rel-17
Building Block: CT4 aspects of NSWO NSWO_5G Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 3 CT4 for eCryptPr eCryptPr Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of N7 Interfaces Enhancements to Support GERAN and UTRAN TEI17_NIESGU Rel-17
Building Block: CT4 aspects of NBI17 NBI17 Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of TEI17_SE_RPS TEI17_SE_RPS Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of MINT MINT Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Restoration of Profiles related to UDR ReP_UDR Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Enhancement on the GTP-U entity restart EGTPUR Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 3 (CT4) of eCPSOR_CON eCPSOR_CON Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Enhancement of Inter-PLMN Roaming EoIPR Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of 5GC architecture for satellite networks 5GSAT_ARCH-CT Rel-17
Building Block: CT4 aspects of FS_eIMS5G2 FS_eIMS5G2 Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of TEI17_N3SLICE TEI17_N3SLICE Rel-17
Building Block: CT4 aspect of 5MBS 5MBS Rel-17
Building Block: CT aspects of Integration of GBA into SBA GBA_5G Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Start of Pause of Charging via User Plane SPOCUP Rel-17
Building Block: CT4 aspects of SMS_SBI SMS_SBI Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of AKMA AKMA-CT Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of eNS_Ph2 eNS_Ph2 Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects on TEI17_SPSFAS TEI17_SPSFAS Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of 5G eEDGE eEDGE_5GC Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of 5G_eLCS_ph2 5G_eLCS_ph2 Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of ATSSS_Ph2 ATSSS_Ph2 Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of support of enhanced Industrial IoT IIoT Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of Enabling Multi-USIM Devices MUSIM Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of eNPN eNPN Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects for ID_UAS ID_UAS Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of 5G_ProSe 5G_ProSe Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects on TEI17_DCAMP TEI17_DCAMP Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects on TEI17_GEM TEI17_GEM Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of eNA_Ph2 eNA_Ph2 Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on Port Number Allocation Alternatives for New 3GPP Interfaces FS_PortAl Rel-17
Work task: CT4 aspects of MPS2 MPS2 Rel-17
Building Block: CT4 aspects of SBIProtoc17 SBIProtoc17 Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on restoration of profiles related to UDR FS_ReP_UDR Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Restoration of PDN Connections in PGW-C/SMF Set RPCPSET Rel-17
Building Block: CT4 aspects of SBIProtoc18 SBIProtoc18 Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on NRF API enhancements to avoid signalling and storing of redundant data FS_NRFe Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on IETF QUIC Transport for Service Based Interfaces FS_QUIC Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: NRF API enhancements to avoid signalling and storing of redundant data NRFe Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of NSCALE NSCALE Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects on Dynamically Changing AM Policies in the 5GC Phase 2 TEI18_DCAMP_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects on TEI18_SLAMUP TEI18_SLAMUP Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of IVAS_Codec IVAS_Codec Rel-18
Building Block: CT aspects of home network triggered primary authentication HN_Auth Rel-18
Building Block: Stopped – CT4 aspects of Slice-based PLMN Selection PLMNsel_NS Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of MPS_WLAN MPS_WLAN Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of PIN PIN Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of UAS Ph2 UAS_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Ranging_SL Ranging_SL Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of GMEC GMEC Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of AIML AIMLsys Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects for 5MBS_Ph2 5MBS_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Network Slicing Phase 3 eNS_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of XRM XRM Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of NG_RTC NG_RTC Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of ATSSS_Ph3 ATSSS_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of eUEPO eUEPO Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of 5G AM Policy AMP Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of VMR VMR Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of eNA_Ph3 eNA_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of UEP18 UEP18 Rel-18
Building Block: 5GS support of NR RedCap UE with long eDRX for RRC_INACTIVE State NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects on TEI18_MLR TEI18_MLR Rel-18
Building Block: CT aspects of 5G_eLCS_Ph3 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Enhancement of Shared Data ID and Handling ShDatID_H Rel-18
Building Block: CT aspects of eNSAC eNSAC Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of UPF enhancement for exposure and SBA UPEAS Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements on Service-based support for SMS in 5GC eSMS_SBI Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of 5GSATB 5GSATB Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of 5G_eLCS_Ph3 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of 5G_ProSe_Ph2 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of NR_REDCAP_Ph2 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: deleted - CT4 aspects of eMCSMI_IRail eMCSMI_IRail Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of EDGE_Ph2 EDGE_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of eNPN_Ph2 eNPN_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of 5WWC_Ph2 5WWC_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of eNSAC eNSAC Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Seamless UE context recovery SUECR Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of SFC SFC Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Detnet DetNet Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of TEI18_IPv6PD TEI18_IPv6PD Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of TEI18_SDNAEPC TEI18_SDNAEPC Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of TRS_URLLC TRS_URLLC Rel-18
Building Block: CT4 aspects of MCProtoc18 MCProtoc18 Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Reducing Information Exposure over SBI FS_RedInfExp_SBI Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on IMS Disaster Prevention and Restoration Enhancement FS_IMS_RES Rel-19
Building Block: CT aspects of Identifying non-3GPP Devices Connecting behind a UE or 5G-RG UIA_ARC Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Subscriber Data Migration SUBDMIG Rel-19
Building Block: CT Aspects on Minimize the Number of Policy Associations TEI19_MINPA Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on Protocol for AI Data Collection from UPF FS_PAIDC_UPF Rel-19
Building Block: CT aspects of UPF enhancement for Exposure And SBA Phase 2 UPEAS_Ph2 Rel-19
Building Block: CT aspects of On-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data TEI19_OBGAD Rel-19
Building Block: CT aspects of NF discovery and selection by target PLMN TEI19_NFsel_by_tPLMN Rel-19
Building Block: CT aspects of Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5G Core network - Phase 3 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Rel-19
Building Block: CT aspects of MPS for IMS Messaging and SMS services MPS4msg Rel-19
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Service Based Interface Protocol Improvements Release 19 SBIProtoc19 Rel-19
Work task: CT4 Aspects on Minimize the Number of Policy Associations TEI19_MINPA Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of Providing per-subscriber VLAN instructions from UDM and DN-AAA TEI19_VLANSUB Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of Enhancing Parameter Provisioning with static UE IP address and UP security policy TEI19_IP_SP_EXP Rel-19
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Protocol enhancements for Mission Critical Services MCProtoc19 Rel-19
Building Block: CT4 aspects of Enhancement of controlling RAT utilization ECRATU Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 3 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of integration of satellite components in the 5G architecture Phase 3 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of Core Network Enhanced Support for Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) AIML_CN Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5G Core network - Phase 3 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of Multi-Access (ATSSS_Ph4) MASSS Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of Application enablement for mobile metaverse services Metaverse_App Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of MPS for IMS Messaging and SMS services MPS4msg Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Phase 2 NG_RTC_Ph2 Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of indirect network sharing TEI19_NetShare Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of NF discovery and selection by target PLMN TEI19_NFsel_by_tPLMN Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of On-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data TEI19_OBGAD Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of ProSe support in NPN TEI19_ProSe_NPN Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of QoS monitoring enhancement TEI19_QME Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of Architecture support of roaming value-added services TEI19_RVAS Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of Identifying non-3GPP Devices Connecting behind a UE or 5G-RG UIA_ARC Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of UPF enhancement for Exposure And SBA Phase 2 UPEAS_Ph2 Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of Vehicle Mounted Relays Phase 2 VMR_Ph2 Rel-19
Building Block: CT aspects of Subscription control for reference time distribution in EPS TEI19_TIME_SUB_EPS Rel-19
Building Block: CT aspects of 5G NR Femto 5G_Femto Rel-19
Building Block: Reducing Information Exposure over SBI RedInfExp_SBI Rel-19
Building Block: CT aspects of Deferred 5GC-MT-LR Procedure for Periodic Location Events based NRPPa Periodic Measurement Reports TEI19_DLPMR Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of Extended Reality and Media service (XRM) Phase 2 XRM_Ph2 Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of Deferred 5GC-MT-LR Procedure for Periodic Location Events based NRPPa Periodic Measurement Reports TEI19_DLPMR Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of Subscription control for reference time distribution in EPS TEI19_TIME_SUB_EPS Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of UAS, UAV and UAM Phase 3 UAS_Ph3 Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of 5G NR Femto 5G_Femto Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Reducing Information Exposure over SBI RedInfExp_SBI Rel-19
Work task: CT4 aspects of EvoLP eVoLP-CT Rel-15
Work task: CT4 aspects of INOBEAR INOBEAR-CT Rel-15
Work task: CT4 aspects of IMSo5G 5GS_Ph1-IMSo5G Rel-15
Work task: CT4 aspects of EDCE5 EDCE5-CT Rel-15
Building Block: Stage 3 of USOS USOS-CT Rel-15
Work task: CT4 aspects of NAPS NAPS-CT Rel-15
Work task: Stopped - CT4 aspects of LTE_LIGHT_CON LTE_LIGHT_CON-CT Rel-15
Work task: CT4 aspects of 5G System - Phase 1 5GS_Ph1-CT Rel-15

page generated from database: 2025-01-24 14:24:14