Generations of Mobile Standards

Specifications arising from 3GPP Technical Specification Group (TSG) plenary meetings

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3GPP Specifications arising from TSG RP-78

Click on meeting name above for meeting details

Click here to go to directory holding complete set of specifications current following this meeting: 2017-12

Important: this table lists only those specifications presented to or resulting from this meeing. It does not show specs unchanged from previous meetings. The directory above contains all specs current as a result of this meeting, including unchanged ones.

Releases info

(click for Spec details)
Release Version Remarks Available on Working Group
(current; may differ from WG responsible at the time)
ETSI doc
(click to retrieve corresponding ETSI publication)
21.914 Rel-14 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑19 SP -
25.101 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
25.104 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
25.123 Rel-13 13.2.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0425123vd20
25.123 Rel-14 14.3.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0425123ve30
25.123 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
25.133 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
25.141 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
25.331 Rel-11 11.18.0 - 2018‑01‑17 RP RTS/TSGR-0625331vbi0
25.331 Rel-12 12.15.0 - 2018‑01‑17 RP RTS/TSGR-0625331vcf0
25.331 Rel-13 13.8.0 - 2018‑01‑17 RP RTS/TSGR-0625331vd80
25.331 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑17 RP RTS/TSGR-0625331ve50
25.331 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑15 RP -
25.423 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑12 R3 RTS/TSGR-0325423vf00
25.433 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑12 R3 RTS/TSGR-0325433vf00
25.461 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑12 R3 -
25.466 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑12 R3 -
34.121-1 Rel-14 14.3.0 - 2018‑01‑03 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534121-1ve30
34.121-1 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑03 R5 -
34.123-1 Rel-14 14.3.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534123-1ve30
34.123-2 Rel-14 14.2.0 - 2018‑01‑04 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534123-2ve20
34.123-3 Rel-14 14.1.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534123-3ve10
34.229-1 Rel-14 14.1.0 - 2018‑01‑11 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534229-1ve10
34.229-2 Rel-14 14.1.0 - 2018‑01‑04 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534229-2ve10
34.229-3 Rel-14 14.1.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534229-3ve10
36.101 Rel-8 8.29.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436101v8t0
36.101 Rel-11 11.22.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436101vbm0
36.101 Rel-12 12.18.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436101vci0
36.101 Rel-13 13.10.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436101vda0
36.101 Rel-14 14.6.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436101ve60
36.101 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R4 -
36.104 Rel-8 8.14.1 Fixes error on open 2018‑03‑14 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436104v8e1
36.104 Rel-9 9.14.1 Fixes error on open. 2018‑03‑14 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436104v9e1
36.104 Rel-10 10.12.1 Fixes minor file corruption which produced warning on opening v10.12.0. 2018‑03‑13 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436104vac1
36.104 Rel-13 13.10.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436104vda0
36.104 Rel-14 14.6.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436104ve60
36.104 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R4 -
36.106 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436106vf00
36.113 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
36.124 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
36.133 Rel-12 12.18.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436133vci0
36.133 Rel-13 13.10.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436133vda0
36.133 Rel-14 14.6.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436133ve60
36.133 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R4 -
36.141 Rel-13 13.10.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436141vda0
36.141 Rel-14 14.6.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436141ve60
36.141 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
36.143 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436143vf00
36.211 Rel-13 13.8.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136211vd80
36.211 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑09 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136211ve50
36.211 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑16 R1 -
36.212 Rel-12 12.9.0 - 2018‑01‑05 R1 -
36.212 Rel-12 12.9.0 - 2018‑01‑05 R1 -
36.212 Rel-12 12.9.1 Clean-up fixing ident issues 2018‑01‑20 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136212vc91
36.212 Rel-13 13.7.0 - 2018‑01‑05 R1 -
36.212 Rel-13 13.7.0 - 2018‑01‑05 R1 -
36.212 Rel-13 13.7.1 Clean-up fixing ident issues 2018‑01‑20 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136212vd71
36.212 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑05 R1 -
36.212 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑05 R1 -
36.212 Rel-14 14.5.1 Clean-up fixing indent issues 2018‑01‑20 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136212ve51
36.212 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑09 R1 -
36.212 Rel-15 15.0.1 Logo replacement; "5G" logo on spec cover sheet 2018‑01‑16 R1 -
36.213 Rel-13 13.8.0 - 2018‑01‑09 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136213vd80
36.213 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑10 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136213ve50
36.213 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑16 R1 -
36.214 Rel-14 14.4.0 - 2018‑01‑05 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136214ve40
36.214 Rel-15 15.0.1 Logo replacement - add "5G" logo on spec cover sheet 2018‑01‑16 R1 -
36.300 Rel-13 13.10.0 - 2018‑01‑07 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236300vda0
36.300 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑07 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236300ve50
36.300 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑07 R2 -
36.302 Rel-13 13.7.0 - 2018‑01‑07 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236302vd70
36.302 Rel-14 14.4.0 - 2018‑01‑07 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236302ve40
36.304 Rel-13 13.8.0 - 2018‑01‑07 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236304vd80
36.304 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑07 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236304ve50
36.306 Rel-13 13.8.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236306vd80
36.306 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236306ve50
36.321 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑07 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236321ve50
36.321 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑07 R2 -
36.322 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑07 R2 -
36.323 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑07 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236323ve50
36.331 Rel-12 12.16.0 - 2018‑01‑07 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236331vcg0
36.331 Rel-13 13.8.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236331vd80
36.331 Rel-13 13.8.1 Corrects an ASN.1 problem 2018‑01‑09 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236331vd81
36.331 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236331ve50
36.331 Rel-14 14.5.1 A NB-IoT UE or network vendor wishing to support Rel-14 NB-IoT UE capability signalling must use version 14.5.1 or later of TS 36.331. See CR#3113 (in R2-1714000) for details. 2018‑01‑09 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236331ve51
36.331 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R2 -
36.331 Rel-15 15.0.1 Fixes an ASN.1 error. 2018‑01‑09 R2 -
36.355 Rel-14 14.4.0 - 2018‑01‑07 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236355ve40
36.401 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑12 R3 RTS/TSGR-0336401vf00
36.413 Rel-14 14.4.1 - 2018‑01‑12 R3 RTS/TSGR-0336413ve41
36.413 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑12 R3 -
36.423 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑12 R3 RTS/TSGR-0336423ve50
36.423 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑12 R3 -
36.424 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑12 R3 RTS/TSGR-0336424vf00
36.455 Rel-14 14.4.0 - 2018‑01‑12 R3 RTS/TSGR-0336455ve40
36.508 Rel-14 14.4.0 - 2018‑01‑12 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536508ve40
36.508 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑12 R5 -
36.509 Rel-13 13.6.0 - 2018‑01‑04 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536509vd60
36.509 Rel-14 14.2.0 - 2018‑01‑04 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536509ve20
36.521-1 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑23 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536521-1ve50
36.521-1 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑23 R5 -
36.521-2 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑19 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536521-2ve50
36.521-2 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑19 R5 -
36.521-3 Rel-14 14.4.0 - 2018‑01‑19 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536521-3ve40
36.521-3 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑19 R5 -
36.523-1 Rel-14 14.3.0 - 2018‑01‑12 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536523-1ve30
36.523-1 Rel-15 15.0.0 To keep all parts in step. No technical change wrt v14.3.0. ^ 2018-01-12: Administrative release upgrade to match the release of 3GPP TS 36.508 which was upgraded at RAN#78 to Rel-15 due to Rel-15 relevant CR(s) 2018‑01‑12 R5 -
36.523-2 Rel-14 14.4.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536523-2ve40
36.523-2 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 -
36.523-3 Rel-14 14.2.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536523-3ve20
36.579-1 Rel-13 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R5 -
36.579-2 Rel-13 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R5 -
36.579-4 Rel-13 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R5 -
36.714-00-02 Rel-14 14.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
36.746 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑11 R2 -
36.757 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R4 -
36.757 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑19 R4 -
36.759 Rel-15 1.0.0 This version was approved to come under change control, not v2.0.0. 2017‑12‑13 R4 -
36.759 Rel-15 2.0.0 - R4 -
36.759 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
36.777 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑14 R2 -
36.777 Rel-15 1.1.0 - 2018‑01‑06 R2 -
36.777 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑06 R2 -
36.790 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑14 R4 -
36.790 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
36.873 Rel-12 12.7.0 - 2018‑01‑05 R1 -
36.903 Rel-13 13.4.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 RTR/TSGR-0536903vd40
36.905 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 RTR/TSGR-0536905ve50
37.104 Rel-13 13.8.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0437104vd80
37.104 Rel-14 14.6.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0437104ve60
37.104 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
37.105 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
37.113 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
37.114 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
37.141 Rel-13 13.9.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0437141vd90
37.141 Rel-14 14.6.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0437141ve60
37.141 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
37.144 Rel-14 14.5.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0437144ve50
37.145-2 Rel-13 13.5.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0437145-2vd50
37.145-2 Rel-14 14.3.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0437145-2ve30
37.171 Rel-14 14.4.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 RTS/TSGR-0437171ve40
37.324 Rel-15 2.0.0 This version not provided. R2 -
37.324 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑06‑20 R2 RTS/TSGR-0237324vf00
37.340 Rel-15 2.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R2 -
37.340 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑04 R2 -
37.544 Rel-14 14.4.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 RTS/TSGR-0537544ve40
37.571-1 Rel-14 14.4.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 RTS/TSGR-0537571-1ve40
37.571-1 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 -
37.571-2 Rel-14 14.3.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 RTS/TSGR-0537571-2ve30
37.571-2 Rel-15 15.0.0 Bring all parts up to Rel-15. ^ 2018-01-09: Administrative release upgrade to match the release of 3GPP TS 37.571-1 which was upgraded at RAN#78 to Rel-15 due to Rel-15 relevant CR(s) 2018‑01‑09 R5 -
37.571-3 Rel-14 14.3.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 RTS/TSGR-0537571-3ve30
37.571-3 Rel-14 14.3.1 corrected version on coversheet 2018‑01‑30 R5 RTS/TSGR-0537571-3ve31
37.571-3 Rel-15 15.0.0 Bring all parts up to Rel-15. ^ 2018-01-09: Administrative release upgrade to match the release of 3GPP TS 37.571-1 which was upgraded at RAN#78 to Rel-15 due to Rel-15 relevant CR(s) 2018‑01‑09 R5 -
37.571-4 Rel-14 14.1.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 RTS/TSGR-0537571-4ve10
37.571-5 Rel-15 15.0.0 Bring all parts up to Rel-15. ^ 2018-01-09: Administrative release upgrade to match the release of 3GPP TS 37.571-1 which was upgraded at RAN#78 to Rel-15 due to Rel-15 relevant CR(s) 2018‑01‑09 R5 -
37.843 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑15 R4 -
37.843 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑17 R4 -
37.876 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R3 -
37.910 Rel-15 0.0.1 RP-172539 2018‑02‑02 RP -
38.101-1 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑15 R4 -
38.101-1 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑09 R4 -
38.101-2 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑15 R4 -
38.101-2 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑09 R4 -
38.101-3 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑15 R4 -
38.101-3 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑09 R4 -
38.104 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R4 -
38.104 Rel-15 2.0.0 - R4 -
38.104 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑09 R4 -
38.113 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R4 -
38.113 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑09 R4 -
38.124 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑12 R4 -
38.124 Rel-15 2.0.0 - R4 -
38.124 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑09 R4 -
38.133 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑15 R4 -
38.133 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑09 R4 -
38.201 Rel-15 2.0.0 - 2017‑12‑15 R1 -
38.201 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑03 R1 RTS/TSGR-0138201vf00
38.202 Rel-15 2.0.0 - 2017‑12‑14 R1 -
38.202 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑03 R1 -
38.211 Rel-15 2.0.0 - 2017‑12‑14 R1 -
38.211 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑03 R1 -
38.212 Rel-15 2.0.0 RP-172668 2018‑01‑03 R1 -
38.212 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑03 R1 -
38.213 Rel-15 2.0.0 - 2017‑12‑15 R1 -
38.213 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑03 R1 -
38.214 Rel-15 2.0.0 - 2017‑12‑15 R1 -
38.214 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑03 R1 -
38.215 Rel-15 2.0.0 - 2017‑12‑15 R1 -
38.215 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑03 R1 -
38.300 Rel-15 2.0.0 - 2017‑12‑12 R2 -
38.300 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑04 R2 -
38.306 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑13 R2 -
38.306 Rel-15 2.0.0 - R2 -
38.306 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑04 R2 -
38.321 Rel-15 2.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R2 -
38.321 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑04 R2 -
38.322 Rel-15 2.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R2 -
38.322 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑04 R2 -
38.323 Rel-15 2.0.0 - 2017‑12‑13 R2 -
38.323 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑04 R2 -
38.331 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑14 R2 -
38.331 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑04 R2 -
38.401 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R3 -
38.401 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑19 R3 -
38.425 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R3 -
38.425 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑13 R3 -
38.470 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R3 -
38.470 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑13 R3 -
38.471 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R3 -
38.471 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑19 R3 RTS/TSGR-0338471vf00
38.472 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R3 -
38.472 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R3 -
38.473 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R3 -
38.473 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R3 -
38.474 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2018‑01‑13 R3 -
38.474 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑13 R3 -
38.806 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R3 -
38.806 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R3 -
38.810 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑15 R4 -
38.811 Rel-15 0.2.1 RP-172179 2017‑11‑21 RP -
38.811 Rel-15 0.3.0 RP-172794 2018‑02‑05 RP -
38.816 Rel-15 1.0.0 - 2017‑12‑11 R3 -
38.816 Rel-15 15.0.0 - 2018‑01‑18 R3 -
38.901 Rel-14 14.3.0 - 2018‑01‑05 R1 RTR/TSGR-0138901ve30
44.018 Rel-11 11.10.0 - 2018‑01‑17 RP RTS/TSGR-0644018vba0
44.018 Rel-12 12.7.0 - 2018‑01‑17 RP RTS/TSGR-0644018vc70
44.018 Rel-13 13.8.0 - 2018‑01‑17 RP RTS/TSGR-0644018vd80
44.018 Rel-14 14.4.0 - 2018‑01‑17 RP RTS/TSGR-0644018ve40
44.018 Rel-15 15.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 RP -
44.031 Rel-12 12.4.0 - 2018‑01‑17 RP RTS/TSGR-0644031vc40
44.031 Rel-13 13.1.0 - 2018‑01‑17 RP RTS/TSGR-0644031vd10
44.031 Rel-14 14.3.0 - 2018‑01‑17 RP RTS/TSGR-0644031ve30
45.002 Rel-14 14.4.0 - 2018‑01‑15 RP RTS/TSGR-0645002ve40
45.005 Rel-14 14.3.0 - 2018‑01‑15 RP RTS/TSGR-0645005ve30
45.010 Rel-14 14.3.0 - 2018‑01‑15 RP RTS/TSGR-0645010ve30
49.031 Rel-14 14.3.0 - 2018‑01‑17 RP RTS/TSGR-0649031ve30
51.010-2 Rel-13 13.7.0 - 2018‑01‑08 R5 RTS/TSGR-0551010-2vd70
51.021 Rel-14 14.3.0 - 2018‑01‑15 RP RTS/TSGR-0651021ve30

page generated from database: 2025-01-24 14:24:14

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