Generations of Mobile Standards

Specifications arising from 3GPP Technical Specification Group (TSG) plenary meetings

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3GPP Specifications arising from TSG RP-65

Click on meeting name above for meeting details

Click here to go to directory holding complete set of specifications current following this meeting: 2014-09

Important: this table lists only those specifications presented to or resulting from this meeing. It does not show specs unchanged from previous meetings. The directory above contains all specs current as a result of this meeting, including unchanged ones.

Releases info

(click for Spec details)
Release Version Remarks Available on Working Group
(current; may differ from WG responsible at the time)
ETSI doc
(click to retrieve corresponding ETSI publication)
25.101 Rel-11 11.10.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0425101vba0
25.101 Rel-12 12.5.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0425101vc50
25.104 Rel-12 12.4.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0425104vc40
25.105 Rel-11 11.7.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0425105vb70
25.113 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0425113vc10
25.133 Rel-12 12.5.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0425133vc50
25.141 Rel-10 10.11.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0425141vab0
25.141 Rel-11 11.9.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0425141vb90
25.141 Rel-12 12.5.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0425141vc50
25.211 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑09‑26 RP RTS/TSGR-0125211vc00
25.212 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑09‑26 RP RTS/TSGR-0125212vc00
25.213 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑09‑26 RP RTS/TSGR-0125213vc00
25.214 Rel-11 11.10.0 - 2014‑09‑26 RP RTS/TSGR-0125214vba0
25.214 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑09‑26 RP RTS/TSGR-0125214vc00
25.215 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑09‑26 RP RTS/TSGR-0125215vc00
25.225 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑09‑26 RP RTS/TSGR-0125225vc00
25.300 Rel-12 12.2.0 - 2014‑09‑23 RP DTS/TSGR-0225300vc20
25.302 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑09‑23 RP RTS/TSGR-0225302vc00
25.304 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑26 RP RTS/TSGR-0225304vc30
25.306 Rel-11 11.9.0 - 2014‑09‑23 RP RTS/TSGR-0225306vb90
25.306 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑23 RP RTS/TSGR-0225306vc30
25.308 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑09‑24 RP RTS/TSGR-0225308vc10
25.319 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑09‑26 RP RTS/TSGR-0225319vc10
25.321 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑09‑24 RP RTS/TSGR-0225321vc10
25.331 Rel-9 9.19.0 - 2014‑09‑23 RP RTS/TSGR-0225331v9j0
25.331 Rel-10 10.17.0 - 2014‑09‑23 RP RTS/TSGR-0225331vah0
25.331 Rel-11 11.11.0 - 2014‑09‑23 RP RTS/TSGR-0225331vbb0
25.331 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑23 RP RTS/TSGR-0225331vc30
25.423 Rel-12 12.2.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R3 RTS/TSGR-0325423vc20
25.425 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R3 RTS/TSGR-0325425vc10
25.427 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R3 RTS/TSGR-0325427vc10
25.433 Rel-12 12.2.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R3 RTS/TSGR-0325433vc20
25.435 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R3 RTS/TSGR-0325435vc10
25.453 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R3 RTS/TSGR-0325453vc10
25.469 Rel-12 12.2.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R3 RTS/TSGR-0325469vc20
34.108 Rel-11 11.11.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534108vbb0
34.114 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534114vc10
34.121-1 Rel-11 11.5.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534121-1vb50
34.121-1 Rel-12 12.0.0 CR 1597 producing this version was not implemented as written to a non-existant version of the spec. 2016‑03‑17 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534121-1vc00
34.121-2 Rel-11 11.4.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534121-2vb40
34.122 Rel-11 11.9.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534122vb90
34.123-1 Rel-11 11.4.0 - 2014‑09‑29 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534123-1vb40
34.123-2 Rel-11 11.4.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534123-2vb40
34.123-3 Rel-11 11.4.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534123-3vb40
34.229-1 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534229-1vc30
34.229-2 Rel-12 12.2.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534229-2vc20
34.229-3 Rel-10 10.4.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R5 RTS/TSGR-0534229-3va40
34.229-4 Rel-11 2.1.0 RP-141156 2014‑09‑22 R5 -
34.229-4 Rel-11 11.0.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 DTS/TSGR-0534229-4vb00
36.101 Rel-8 8.25.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436101v8p0
36.101 Rel-9 9.20.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436101v9k0
36.101 Rel-10 10.16.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436101vag0
36.101 Rel-11 11.10.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436101vba0
36.101 Rel-12 12.5.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436101vc50
36.104 Rel-11 11.10.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436104vba0
36.104 Rel-12 12.5.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436104vc50
36.111 Rel-11 11.4.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436111vb40
36.113 Rel-12 12.2.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436113vc20
36.133 Rel-9 9.21.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436133v9l0
36.133 Rel-10 10.16.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436133vag0
36.133 Rel-11 11.10.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436133vba0
36.133 Rel-12 12.5.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436133vc50
36.141 Rel-11 11.10.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436141vba0
36.141 Rel-12 12.5.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436141vc50
36.211 Rel-11 11.6.0 - 2014‑09‑26 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136211vb60
36.211 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑26 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136211vc30
36.212 Rel-11 11.5.1 editorial 2014‑09‑26 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136212vb51
36.212 Rel-12 12.2.0 - 2014‑09‑26 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136212vc20
36.213 Rel-11 11.8.0 - 2014‑09‑26 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136213vb80
36.213 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑26 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136213vc30
36.214 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑09‑26 R1 RTS/TSGR-0136214vc00
36.300 Rel-11 11.11.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236300vbb0
36.300 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236300vc30
36.302 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236302vc10
36.304 Rel-12 12.2.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236304vc20
36.306 Rel-11 11.8.0 - 2014‑09‑24 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236306vb80
36.306 Rel-12 12.2.0 - 2014‑09‑24 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236306vc20
36.307 Rel-8 8.12.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436307v8c0
36.307 Rel-9 9.13.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436307v9d0
36.307 Rel-10 10.12.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436307vac0
36.307 Rel-11 11.9.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436307vb90
36.307 Rel-12 12.5.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0436307vc50
36.314 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236314vc00
36.321 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236321vc30
36.322 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 -
36.322 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 -
36.323 Rel-11 11.4.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236323vb40
36.323 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236323vc10
36.331 Rel-10 10.14.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236331vae0
36.331 Rel-11 11.9.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236331vb90
36.331 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 RTS/TSGR-0236331vc30
36.413 Rel-9 9.10.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R3 RTS/TSGR-0336413v9a0
36.413 Rel-10 10.9.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R3 RTS/TSGR-0336413va90
36.413 Rel-11 11.8.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R3 RTS/TSGR-0336413vb80
36.413 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R3 RTS/TSGR-0336413vc30
36.423 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R3 RTS/TSGR-0336423vc30
36.508 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536508vc31
36.508 Rel-12 12.3.1 editorial 2014‑09‑29 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536508vc31
36.509 Rel-10 10.3.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536509va30
36.521-1 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑29 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536521-1vc30
36.521-2 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536521-2vc30
36.521-3 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536521-3vc30
36.523-1 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑29 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536523-1vc30
36.523-2 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536523-2vc30
36.523-3 Rel-11 11.5.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R5 RTS/TSGR-0536523-3vb50
36.833-2-25 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 -
36.833-5-41 Rel-12 1.0.0 RP-141426 2014‑09‑22 R4 -
36.833-6-41 Rel-12 1.0.0 RP-141427 2014‑09‑22 R4 -
36.853 Rel-12 2.0.0 RP-141217 not approved 2014‑09‑22 R4 -
36.873 Rel-12 2.1.0 RP-141207 2014‑09‑22 R1 -
36.873 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑09‑30 R1 -
36.903 Rel-12 12.3.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTR/TSGR-0536903vc30
36.904 Rel-11 11.1.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTR/TSGR-0536904vb10
36.978 Rel-12 1.0.0 RP-141125 2014‑09‑22 R5 -
37.104 Rel-11 11.10.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0437104vba0
37.104 Rel-12 12.5.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0437104vc50
37.113 Rel-12 12.2.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0437113vc20
37.141 Rel-11 11.10.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0437141vba0
37.141 Rel-12 12.5.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTS/TSGR-0437141vc50
37.320 Rel-11 11.4.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 RTS/TSGR-0237320vb40
37.320 Rel-12 12.2.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R2 RTS/TSGR-0237320vc20
37.571-1 Rel-11 11.2.0 - 2014‑09‑29 R5 RTS/TSGR-0537571-1vb20
37.571-1 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑09‑29 R5 RTS/TSGR-0537571-1vc00
37.571-2 Rel-10 10.8.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0537571-2va80
37.571-3 Rel-11 11.0.0 upgraded without tachnical change from v10.7.0 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0537571-3vb00
37.571-3 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0537571-3vc00
37.571-4 Rel-10 10.7.0 - 2014‑09‑23 R5 RTS/TSGR-0537571-4va70
37.571-5 Rel-10 10.9.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTS/TSGR-0537571-5va90
37.804 Rel-11 11.1.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 -
37.814 Rel-12 1.0.0 RP-141341 for approval 2014‑09‑22 R4 -
37.814 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 -
37.842 Rel-12 1.0.0 RP-141259 2014‑09‑22 R4 -
37.846 Rel-12 12.1.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 -
37.901 Rel-11 11.12.0 - 2014‑09‑22 R5 RTR/TSGR-0537901vbc0
37.902 Rel-12 12.0.0 - 2014‑10‑03 R4 RTR/TSGR-0437902vc00

page generated from database: 2025-01-24 14:24:14

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