Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Item mapping to Change Requests

3GPP Work Item = 60125 (USSD)

This page lists the approved Change Requests to 3GPP Technical Specifications and Reports associated with the above work item. Click on the CR find it in the CR table associated with the spec to which it pertains. Click on the spec to open its web page.

Spec CR number and Revision CR Title
02.04 A022 rev 1 Use of USSD for application-to-application communication
02.04 A026 Use of USSD for application-to-application communication
02.90 A004 Clarification of USSD transmission
02.90 A005 rev 2 Use of USSD for application-to-application communication
03.38 A008 USSD
09.02 A236 rev 1 Correction of the USSD procedure in the HLR
09.02 A277 Correction of the USSD procedure in the HLR
09.02 A308 rev 2 Corrections and clarifications for USSD procedures on the HLR - gsmSCF interface
09.02 A309 rev 2 Corrections and clarifications for USSD procedures on the HLR - gsmSCF interface
29.002 0069 Correction of the USSD procedure in the HLR
29.002 0166 rev 3 Corrections and clarifications for USSD procedures on the HLR - gsmSCF interface
29.002 0167 rev 3 Corrections and clarifications for USSD procedures on the HLR - gsmSCF interface
29.002 0192 rev 2 USSD corrections for Follow Me
29.002 0193 rev 2 USSD corrections for Follow Me
31.111 0116 Alignement with requirements regarding USSD usage
31.111 0122 Description of the USSD flow
31.111 0144 Clarification on the coding of the DCS field for USSD data download
31.115 0005 Introduction of secured data download for USSD
31.130 0014 Addition of new events EVENT_FORMATTED_USSD and EVENT_UNFORMATTED_USSD

page generated from database: 2024-12-11 16:42:19

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