Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Item Description document history

3GPP WID documents for work item Unique_ID = 650233

This page shows the history of the Work Item Description (WID) for the work item who//s Unique_ID value is shown above. The WID may be revised to vary its scope, its supporting organizations, etc. A WID is rarely revised to reflect changes in time scales (which are most accurately represented on the Gantt Chart). The latest approved WID is the last one in the table.

Click on the UID number above to see this work item//s entry in the Gantt chart.

Click on the Tdoc to open the WID file.

Click on the Meeting to go to the corresponding entry in the meetings list.

Tdoc Meeting
RP-141660 RP-65
RP-141865 RP-66
RP-150492 RP-67

page generated from database: 2024-10-07 07:52:06

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