Building Block: Codec for low bitrate multimedia telephony service | Low_bit_rate_codec_for_MM_Tel.,H.324M | R99 |
Building Block: Mandatory speech codec for narrowband telephony service | Mandatory_Speech_Codec,AMR-NB,AMR | R99 |
Feature or Study Item: Tandem Free aspects for 3G and between 2G and 3G systems | TFO | Rel-4 |
Building Block: Tandem Free AMR | TFO-AMR | Rel-4 |
Building Block: Specification of Cellular Text telephone Modem | GTT-CTM | Rel-4 |
Feature or Study Item: Speech Recognition and Speech Enabled Services | SRSES | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Performance characterisation of default codecs for PS conversational multimedia application | CODCAR | Rel-6 |
Building Block: Codec Work to Support Speech Recognition Framework for Automated Voice Services | SRSES-Codec | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Rel-6 Multimedia Messaging (MMS) enhancements | MMS6 | Rel-6 |
Building Block: MMS formats and codecs for MMS6 | MMS6-Codec | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Video Codec Performance Requirements | VICPer | Rel-7 |
Building Block: Stage 3 for codec aspects | CSICS-Codec | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: Dynamic and Interactive Multimedia Scenes | DIMS | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: Performance Characterization of VoIMS over HSDPA\EUL channels | VoIMS-PCVoIMS | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: Encoding formats, transport formats and media description signalling for interworking, QoE, and other enhancements to MTSI-MHI | MTSI_eMHI | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Transferring of emergency call data – in-band modem solution | eCALLIBMS | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: AoIP (A-interface over IP) | AoIP | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: IMS based PSS and MBMS User Service extensions | IMS_PSS_MBMS_US_EXT | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Surround Sound codec extension for PSS and MBMS | FS_SS_PSS_MBMS | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Codec specific part of FS_EV_EPS | FS_EV_EPS-S4 | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhanced voice service requirements for the Evolved Packet System (EPS) | FS_EV_EPS | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Mobile 3D Video Coding | FS_M3DVC | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Enhancement to FEC for MBMS | EMM-EFEC | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Download Delivery Enhancements for MBMS | EMM-DDE | Rel-11 |
Building Block: IMS-based PSS and MBMS Streaming Synchronization Enhancements | EMM-IPME | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Video Telephony Robustness Improvements | VTRI | Rel-12 |
Building Block: S4 aspects of End-to-End Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions | E2EMTSI | Rel-12 |
Building Block: TR on Evaluation of High Efficiency Video Coding for 3GPP Services | HEVC-SA4TR | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on HTML5 for a new presentation layer in 3GPP services | FS_HTML5 | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Video Coding Enhancements in IMS Messaging and Presence | VCEIMP | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Enhanced MBMS Operation | MI-EMO | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Coordination of Video Orientation | CVO | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Mobile stereoscopic 3D services extensions | M3DV_Ext | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: IMS-based Streaming and Download Delivery Enhancements | IMS_SDE | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Acoustic Requirements and Test methods for IMS-based conversational speech services over LTE | ART_LTE | Rel-12 |
Building Block: TR on Profiling and Extensions of MBMS | MEPRO | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Specification of MBMS Extensions and Profiling | MEPRO | Rel-13 |
Building Block: TR on Video Telephony Robustness Improvements | VTRI_EXT | Rel-13 |
Building Block: TR on TV video profile | TVProf-SA4TR | Rel-13 |
Building Block: TR on Media Handling Aspects of IMS-based Telepresence | IMS_TELEP_S4 | Rel-13 |
Building Block: SA4 part of QoS End-to-end Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions (Stage 3) | QOSE2EMTSI | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Video enhancements by Region-Of-Interest information signalling | ROI | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Codec aspects for eMBMS Delivery of Media and TV Services | AE_enTV-S4 | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Improved Streaming QoE Reporting in 3GPP | IQoE | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Server and Network Assisted DASH for 3GPP | FS_SAND | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: MBMS Transport Protocol and APIs | TRAPI | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on MBMS usage and codecs for MCPTT call and MC Video Service | FS_MCP_V | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on MBMS Extensions for Provisioning and Content Ingestion | FS_xMBMS | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Extension of UE Delay test methods and requirements | EXT_UED | Rel-14 |
Building Block: Overall aspects of MMCMH_Enh | MMCMH_Enh | Rel-14 |
Building Block: Specification on TV video profile | TVProf-SA4 | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Specification on Media Handling Aspects of IMS-based Telepresence | IMS_TELEP_S4 | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: TV video profile | TVProf | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced LTE UE Delay test methods and requirements | E_LTE_UED | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: HTML5 Presentation Layer | HTML5 | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Support of EVS in 3G Circuit-Switched networks | EVSoCS | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP in 3GPP) | eDASH | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: QoS End-to-end Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions (Stage 3) | QOSE2EMTSI | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Extended Transparent End-to-End PS Streaming Service | PSS-E | Rel-5 |
Building Block: Floating-point ANSI-C code for the AMR-WB speech codec | AMRWB-FP | Rel-5 |
Work task: TFO AMR-WB | AMRWB-TFO | Rel-5 |
Work task: AMR-WB and narrrowband interworking | AMRWB-IWG | Rel-5 |
Building Block: RAN-Assisted Codec Adaptation in MTSI | LTE_VoLTE_ViLTE_enh-S4 | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Wideband Telephony Service - AMR | AMRWB | Rel-5 |
Building Block: Multimedia codecs and protocols for conversational PS services | IMS-CODEC | Rel-5 |
Building Block: Codec aspects for MMCMH | MMCMH | Rel-13 |
Building Block: TR on improved end-to-end QoS handling for MTSI | QOSE2EMTSI | Rel-13 |
Building Block: High Efficiency Video Coding in 3GPP services PSS, MBMS, DASH, MMS, MTSI, IMS Messaging and Presence | HEVC-SA4 | Rel-12 |
Work task: MCVideo codecs and media handling | MCImp-MCVideo | Rel-14 |
Building Block: Mobile Network Interface for MBMS Delivery of Media and TV services | AE_enTV-MI_MTV | Rel-14 |
Building Block: S4 aspects of Media Handling Extensions of IMS-based Telepresence | IMS_TELEP_EXT | Rel-14 |
Building Block: TR on IMS-based Streaming and Download Delivery Enhancements | IMS_SDE-SA4TR | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Acoustic Requirements and Test methods for IMS-based conversational speech services over LTE - NarrowBand and WideBand aspects | ART_LTE-NBWB | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Specification on IMS-based Streaming and Download Delivery Enhancements | IMS_SDE-SA4 | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Acoustic Requirements and Test methods for IMS-based conversational speech services over LTE - UE Delay aspects | ART_LTE-UED | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Acoustic Requirements and Test methods for IMS-based conversational speech services over LTE - Super wideband and fullband aspects | ART_LTE-SUPER | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: High Efficiency Video Coding | HEVC | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Codec for Enhanced Voice Services | EVS_codec | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Stage 2/3 for Codec for Enhanced Voice Services | EVS_codec-SA4 | Rel-12 |
Building Block: TR on Performance characterization of Codec for Enhanced Voice Services | EVS_codec-SA4TR | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Video Telephony Robustness Improvements Extensions | VTRI_EXT | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Acoustic Test methods and Performance Objectives for Speakerphone Performance in Noisy Environments | ATeMPO_SPINE | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Video Enhancements in 3GPP Multimedia Services | FS_VE_3MS | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: MBMS Improvements | MI | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: End-to-End Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions | E2EMTSI | Rel-12 |
Building Block: MBMS operation on Demand | MI-MooD | Rel-12 |
Building Block: TR on Enhanced MBMS Operation | MI-EMOTR | Rel-12 |
Building Block: TR on MBMS operation on Demand | MI-MooDTR | Rel-12 |
Building Block: SA4 aspects of Video enhancements by Region-Of-Interest information signalling | ROI | Rel-13 |
Building Block: SA4 aspects of EVS in 3G Circuit-Switched networks | EVSoCS-S4 | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Study on media, codecs and MBMS enhancements for MCPTT | MCPTT | Rel-13 |
Building Block: MCPTT Codecs and media handling | MCPTT | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: MBMS Extensions and Profiling | MEPRO | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Improved Support for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP in 3GPP | FS_IS_DASH | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Extensions of Acoustic Test Specifications in TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 | Ext_ATS | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Specification on Video Telephony Robustness Improvements | VTRI_EXT | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Mobile 3D Video Coding | M3DV | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements to Multimedia: PSS, MMS, and MBMS Enhancements and Performance Improvements | EMM | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Optimization of IMS based PSS and MBMS User Service | OPT_IMS_PSS_MBMS_US | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: HTTP-based Streaming and Download Services | HTTP_SDS | Rel-10 |
Building Block: HTTP-based Streaming and Download Services in 3GPP | HTTP_SDS | Rel-10 |
Building Block: SA4 part of Coordination of Video Orientation | CVO-SA4 | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications | ECSRA_LAA | Rel-10 |
Building Block: TR on Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications | ECSRA_LAA | Rel-10 |
Building Block: SA4 review of TR on Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications | ECSRA_LAA | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Distortion Measurement Test Methods and Requirements | DTMR | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: System aspects of vocoder rate adaptation for LTE | LTEimp-Vocoder | Rel-9 |
Building Block: SA4 system aspects of vocoder rate adaptation for LTE | LTEimp-Vocoder | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Timed Graphics | TG | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Managing MTSI Media Adaptation | M3A | Rel-9 |
Building Block: PSS and MBMS extensions | PMA-MBS_Ext | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Improved Video Support for PSS and MBMS | PMA-IVS | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: PSS and MBMS Aspects | PMA | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Syndicated Feed Reception within 3GPP environments | SFR | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Video Coding Enhancements in MTSI | VCEM | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: PSS and MBMS enhancements | MBS_Enh | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements and Addition of Audio Tests to 26.131 and 26.132 | EAAT | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Improved Video Coding Support | FS_IVCS | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Media Requirements for CS over IP based User Plane | AoIP-CSoIP | Rel-8 |
Building Block: SA4 aspects of Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications | ECSRA_LAA | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: 3G-324M Video Telephony Call Setup Times Improvements | VTCSTI | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: Optimizations for Multimedia Telephony over IMS | OMTIMS | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: End-to-End Multimedia Services Performance Metrics | E2EMSPM | Rel-7 |
Building Block: Deleted - Characterisation of Adaptive Jitter Management Performance for VoIP Services | OMTIMS-CAJMP | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: MBMS User Service Extensions | MBMSUSE | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: Packet Switched Streaming Enhancements | PSSe | Rel-7 |
Building Block: MTSI Video - Dynamic Rate Adaptation/Signalling of Image Size | MTSI_eMHI-DRASIS | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: eCall data transfer Phase 2: Comparison of alternative in-band modem solutions and standardization of one in-band modem solution | eCall_Phase2 | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: Extending PSS and MBMS User Services for optimized Mobile TV | PSS_MBMS_OMTV | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: Requirements and Test methods for Wideband Terminals | RETEM_WB_T | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: IMS initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS User Service | IMS_PSS_MBMS_US | Rel-8 |
Building Block: SA4, SA3 part of IMS initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS User Service | IMS_PSS_MBMS_US | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: Combinational Services | CSICS | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS | MTSI | Rel-7 |
Building Block: Media handling and interaction in MTSI | MTSI-MHI | Rel-7 |
Building Block: QoS for Speech and Multimedia Codec | QoS_for_Speech_&_MM_Codecs_/_AMR | R99 |
Building Block: Tandem Free Operation - Adaptive Multi-Rate codec types | TFOAMR | R99 |
Building Block: 3G Audio-Visual Terminal characteristics | WI5TAC,3G-AVT,Terminal_Acoustic_Characteristics | R99 |
Building Block: Noise Suppression for AMR | AMRNS | R99 |
Work task: Codecs for Multimedia Telephony Service | Multimedia_Codec | R99 |
Work task: Codecs for Multimedia Telephony Service | CSM | R99 |
Work task: Codecs for Multimedia Telephony Service | WI2MMC | R99 |
Work task: Codecs for Multimedia Telephony Service | Codec(s)_for_CS_MM_Tel._Serv | R99 |
Work task: Codecs for Multimedia Telephony Service | Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service | R99 |
Feature or Study Item: Global Text Telephony | GTT | Rel-4 |
Feature or Study Item: Transparent End-to-End PS mobile streaming application | PSTREAM | Rel-4 |
Feature or Study Item: Presence Capability | PRESNC | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service | MBMS | Rel-6 |
Building Block: Codecs for Multimedia Telephony Service | Codec_for_Multimedia_Telephony | R99 |
Feature or Study Item: 3GPP Enablers for services like Push to Talk over Cellular (PoC) | PoC | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Packet Switched Streaming Services Rel-6 | PSSrel6 | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: AMR-WB extension for high audio quality | AMRWB+ | Rel-6 |
Building Block: Stage 3 for Packet Switched Streaming Services Rel-6 | PSSrel6-Stage3 | Rel-6 |
Building Block: Media Codecs and Formats for IMS Messaging and Presence | PRESNC-COFIMP | Rel-6 |
Work task: Definition of MBMS user services, media codecs, formats and transport/application protocols using MBMS | MBMS-TSMBMS | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Codec Enhancements for Packet Switched Conversational Multimedia Applications | CEPSCM | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: 3G-324M Improvements | 3G-324MI | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Media and Quality Aspects of SRVCC Enhancements | FS_SETA_S4 | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Development of super-wideband and fullband P.835 | DESUDAPS | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Interactivity Support for 3GPP-based Streaming and Download Services | FS_IS3 | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Enhanced Acoustic Test Specifications | FS_SEATS | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on User Services Enhancements in 3GPP for TV Services | FS_USE_3GPP_4_TV | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Virtual Reality | FS_VR | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: STOPPED - Study on UE characteristics and performance for Video | FS_UE_VTPerf | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: FEC and ROHC Activation for GCSE over MBMS | FRASE | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Media Handling Aspects of 5G Conversational Services | 5G_MTSI_Codecs | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on 3GPP codecs for VR audio | FS_CODVRA | Rel-15 |
Work task: S4 aspects of FS_eVoLP | FS_eVoLP | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Receive acoustic output test in the presence of background noise | RAOT | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Speech quality in the presence of ambient noise for super-wideband and fullband modes | SPAN | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: SAND for MBMS | SAND4M | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Test Methodologies for the Evaluation of Perceived Listening Quality in Immersive Audio Systems | LiQuImAS | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Addition of HDR to TV Video Profiles | HDR | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Virtual Reality Profiles for Streaming Media | VRStream | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Update to fixed-point basic operators | FS_BASOP | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Server and Network Assisted DASH for 3GPP Multimedia Services | SAND | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on FEC for MC Services | FS_FEC_MCS | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Framework for Live Uplink Streaming | FLUS | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced QoE Reporting for MTSI | EQoE_MTSI | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on 5G enhanced Mobile Broadband Media Distribution | FS_5GMedia_Distribution | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on MBMS User Services for IoT | FS_MBMS_IoT | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Study on Media Handling Aspects of Conversational Services in 5G Systems | FS_5G_MEDIA_MTSI | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on QoE metrics for VR | FS_QoE_VR | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on V2X Media Handling and Interaction | FS_mV2X | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Study on E2E_DELAY | FS_E2E_DELAY | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on EVS Float Conformance Non Bit-Exact | FS_EVS_FCNBE | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Service Interactivity | SerInter | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements to Framework for Live Uplink Streaming | E_FLUS | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Alternative EVS implementation using updated fixed-point basic operators | Alt_FX_EVS | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Addition of HLG HDR to TV Video Profiles | HLG_HDR | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Usage of CAPIF for xMB API | CAPIF4xMB | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Removal of H.263 and MPEG-4 Visual from 3GPP Services | RM_H263_MP4V | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: EVS Floating-point Conformance for Non Bit-Exact | EVS_FCNBE | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Media streaming architecture | 5GMSA | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Media Handling Extensions for 5G Conversational Services | 5G_MEDIA_MTSI_ext | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on ambient noise test methodology for evaluation of acoustic UE performance | FS_ANTeM | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Stage 2 of E2E_DELAY | E2E_DELAY | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Media Handling Extensions for 5G Conversational Services | 5G_MEDIA_MTSI_ext | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Coverage and Handoff Enhancements for Multimedia | CHEM | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Stage 2 of MC_XMB | MC_XMB | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Typical Traffic Characteristics of Media Services | FS_TyTrac | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on eXtended Reality (XR) in 5G | FS_5GXR | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: VR QoE metrics | VRQoE | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G Media Streaming stage 3 | 5GMS3 | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Support of Hybrid DASH/HLS over eMBMS | DAHOE | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Ambient noise test methodology for evaluation of acoustic UE performance | ANTeM | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on UEs Supporting Handset Mode with Non-Traditional Earpieces | FS_HaNTE | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: RTCP Verification for Real-Time Services | RTCPVer | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: 5GMS AF Event Exposure | EVEX | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on VR Streaming Conformance and Guidelines | FS_VR_CoGui | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on 5G Glass-type AR/MR Devices | FS_5GSTAR | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Extension for headset interface tests of UE | HInT | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on 5G Video Codec Characteristics | FS_5GVideo | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on the use of NBMP in FLUS | FS_FLUS_NBMP | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Multicast Architecture Enhancements for 5G Media Streaming | FS_5GMS_Multicast | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Streaming Architecture extensions For Edge processing | FS_EMSA | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Handsets Featuring Non-Traditional Earpieces | HaNTE | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Support of Immersive Teleconferencing and Telepresence for Remote Terminals | ITT4RT | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G Multicast-Broadcast Protocols | 5MBP3 | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Edge Extensions to 5GMS Stage 3 | 5GMS_EDGE_3 | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on 5G media streaming extensions | FS_5GMS_EXT | Rel-17 |
Building Block: Stage 2 of EVEX | EVEX | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Edge Extensions to the 5G Media Streaming Architecture | 5GMS_EDGE | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G Multicast-Broadcast User Service Architecture and related 5GMS Extensions | 5MBUSA | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: 8K Television over 5G | 8K_TV_5G | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Media Production over 5G NPN | FS_NPN4AVProd | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Points for 8K VR 360 Video over 5G | 8K_VR_5G | Rel-17 |
Building Block: EVS Codec Extension for Immersive Voice and Audio Services | IVAS_Codec | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on 5G Media Service Enablers | FS_5G_MSE | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: IMS-based AR Conversational Services | IBACS | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: UE Testing Phase 2 | eUET | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Generic architecture for RT and AR/MR | GA4RTAR | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Split Rendering Media Service Enabler | SR_MSE | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Real-time Transport Protocol Configurations | 5G_RTP | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G Media Streaming Architecture Phase 2 | 5GMS_Ph2 | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Media Streaming aspects of Network Slicing Phase 2 | FS_MS_NS_Ph2 | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on AR and MR QoE Metrics | FS_ARMRQoE | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Audio Aspects for Glasses-type AR/MR Devices | FS_Audio_5GSTAR | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on immersive Real-time Communication for WebRTC Phase 2 | FS_eiRTCW | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Smartly Tethering AR Glasses | FS_SmarTAR | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Immersive Real-time Communication for WebRTC | iRTCW | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Media Capabilities for Augmented Reality | MeCAR | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Terminal Audio quality performance and Test methods for Immersive Audio Services | ATIAS | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Traffic Models and Quality Evaluation Methods for Media and XR Services in 5G Systems | FS_XRTraffic | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on new HEVC profiles and operating points | FS_HEVC_Profiles | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G Media Streaming Protocols Phase 2 | 5GMS_Pro_Ph2 | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G-Advanced media profiles for messaging services | PROMISE | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Multiparty RTT | MP_RTT | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Immersive Audio for Split Rendering Scenarios | ISAR | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: 5G Media Streaming Audio codec phase 2 for 5G-Advanced | 5GMS_Audio_Ph2 | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Diverse audio Capturing system for End-user Devices | FS_DaCED | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Film Grain Synthesis | FS_FGS | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Video Operating Points - Harmonization and Stereo MV-HEVC | VOPS | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Split rendering over IMS | SR_IMS | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Media enerGy consumption exposuRE and EvaluatioN framework | FS_MediaEnergyGREEN | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Media Messaging | FS_MeMe | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Advanced Media Delivery | FS_AMD | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study of 5G Real-time Transport Protocol Configurations, Phase 2 | FS_5G_RTP_Ph2 | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Beyond 2D Video | FS_Beyond2D | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Audio Codec APIs | FS_ACAPI | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study of Avatars in Real-Time Communication Services | FS_AVATAR | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on immersive Real-Time Communication for WebRTC, Phase 2 | FS_iRTCW_Ph2 | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Terminal Audio quality performance and Test methods for Immersive Audio Services, Phase 2 | ATIAS_Ph2 | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Haptics in 5G Media Services | FS_HapticsMedia | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: EVS Codec Extension for Immersive Voice and Audio Services, Phase 2 | IVAS_Codec_Ph2 | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Spatial Computing for AR Services | FS_ARSpatial | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for Media | FS_AI4Media | Rel-19 |