Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items per TSG/WG

Active 3GPP Work Items for group: R3

Note that this page shows only those active (i.e. not yet completed) WIs where R3 is the sole responsible group.
There may be other active WIs for which this group holds joint responsibility, particularly hierachically higher WIs which comprise WIs from several groups: such WIs are not shown on this page.

Click on WI title for details

Building Block: Location Services LCS R99
Building Block: Iub/Iur protocol aspects - for Low Chip Rate TDD option LCRTDD-IubIur Rel-4
Work task: implementation in UTRAN TrFO-OoBTC-UTRAN Rel-4
Work task: Iub/Iur interfaces for methods Rel 99 LCS1-UEpos-IubIur Rel-4
Work task: Deleted - Improvement of RRM across RNS and RNS/BSS RANimp-RRM1 Rel-6
Building Block: Deleted - FS on the evolution of the UTRAN architecture RANimp-FSEvo Rel-6
Building Block: FS of the improved access to UE measurement data for CRNC to support TDD RRM RANimp-RRMopt-FSUEMsD Rel-6
Work task: Deleted - Iu enhancements for IMS support in RAN RANimp-RABSE-IuEnhIMS Rel-6
Building Block: Remote Control of Electrical Tilting Antennas RANimp-TiltAnt Rel-6
Building Block: Network Assisted Cell Change (NACC) from UTRAN to GERAN - network-side aspects RANimp-NACC Rel-6
Building Block: Rel-6 RRM optimization for Iur and Iub RANimp-RRMopt-UEMsD Rel-6
Work task: Subscriber and equipment trace in UTRAN OAM-Trace-RAN Rel-6
Building Block: FS on Low Output Powers for general purpose FDD BSs RInImp-FSLoPw Rel-6
Building Block: Rel-6 Trace Management OAM-Trace Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: 7.68 Mcps TDD option VHCRTDD Rel-7
Building Block: VHCRTDD: UTRAN Iub/Iur Protocol Aspects VHCRTDD-IurIub Rel-7
Building Block: EDCHTDD: UTRAN Iub/Iur Protocol Aspects EDCHTDD-IurIub Rel-7
Building Block: UTRAN Architecture for 3G HNB HNB-arch Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: MBMS support in EPS MBMS_EPS Rel-9
Building Block: Positioning Support for LTE LCS_LTE Rel-9
Building Block: Extended UMTS/LTE 800 MHz RInImp9-UMTSLTE800 Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Rel-9 Self-Organizing Networks (SON) SON Rel-9
Building Block: Cell Portion for 1.28 Mcps TDD CP_LCRTDD Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Study on Enhanced Interference Management Mechanisms for HNBs FS_eInterfMgmtMchsm_HNB Rel-9
Building Block: Core part: Automatic Neighbour Relation (ANR) for UTRAN ANR_UTRAN-Core Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Automatic Neighbour Relation (ANR) for UTRAN ANR_UTRAN Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Control (ICIC) for non-Carrier Aggregation (CA) based deployments of heterogeneous networks for LTE eICIC_LTE Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: LTE TDD in 2600MHz for US LTE_TDD_2600_US Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: LTE Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancements SONenh_LTE Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Multi-User Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MU-MIMO) for 1.28Mcps TDD MUMIMO_LCR_TDD Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: LTE Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancements SONenh_LTE-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: MU-MIMO for 1.28Mcps TDD MUMIMO_LCR_TDD-Core Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN MDT_UMTSLTE Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Carrier Aggregation for LTE LTE_CA Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on Coordinated Multi-Point operation for LTE FS_CoMP_LTE Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Network-Based Positioning Support for LTE LCS_LTE-NBPS Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Network-Based Positioning Support for LTE LCS_LTE-NBPS-Core Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Non-contiguous 4C-HSDPA operation NC_4C_HSDPA Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Further Enhancements to CELL_FACH Cell_FACH_enh Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Further Enhanced Non CA-based ICIC for LTE eICIC_enh_LTE Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Eight carrier HSDPA 8C_HSDPA Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Extending 850 MHz Upper Band (814 – 849 MHz) e850_UB Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Uplink Transmit Diversity for HSPA HSPA_UL_TxDiv Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA rSRVCC Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Further Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancements SONenh2_LTE_UTRA Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTE COMP_LTE Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Enhancement of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN eMDT_UMTSLTE Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: HSDPA Multiflow Data Transmission HSDPA_MFTX Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Four Branch MIMO transmission for HSDPA 4Tx_HSDPA Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Network Energy Saving for E-UTRAN Netw_Energy_LTE Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Additional special subframe configuration for LTE TDD LTE_TDD_add_subframe-Core Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Additional special subframe configuration for LTE TDD LTE_TDD_add_subframe Rel-11
Building Block: RAN enhancements for Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications MTCe-RAN Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on RAN aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements for LTE FS_RSE-RAN_LTE Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Dual connectivity for LTE LTE_SC_enh_dualC-Core Rel-12
Work task: Core part: RAN enhancements for Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications MTCe-RAN-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Inter-eNB Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) for LTE COMP_LTE_IeNB-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Further Enhanced Uplink (EUL) enhancements EDCH_enh-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced Broadcast of System Information UTRA_SIBenh-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Positioning Enhancements for RF Pattern Matching in E-UTRA LCS_LTE_RFPMT Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Further MBMS operations support for E-UTRAN MBMS_LTE_OS-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Support for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) for UTRA and LTE LCS_BDS Rel-12
Building Block: RAN aspects for SIPTO at the Local Network LIMONET-RAN Rel-12
Building Block: Public Warning System - Reset/Failure/Restart in Warning Message Delivery in LTE REP_WMD-RFR_PWS Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON FS_LTE_HRPD_SON Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 3 (Stage 2/3) EHNB_enh3 Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Reporting Enhancements in Warning Message Delivery (Stage 2/3) REP_WMD Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation LTE_TDD_eIMTA Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation LTE_TDD_eIMTA-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: HSPA signalling enhancements for more efficient resource usage for LCR TDD LCR_TDD_HSPA_sign_enh-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancements for HeNB mobility-X2-GW EHNB_enh2_X2GW-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: LIPA Mobility and SIPTO at the Local Network LIMONET Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: RAN aspects for improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN Shared Network CSPS_Coord-UTRA-Core Rel-13
Work task: Core part: Support of EVS over UTRAN CS EVSoCS_UTRAN-Core Rel-13
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced LTE Device to Device Proximity Services LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core Rel-13
Work task: Core part: RAN aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements for LTE RSE-RAN_LTE-Core Rel-13
Building Block: Core part: Self Organizing Networks (SON) for Active Antenna System (AAS) based deployments UTRA_LTE_SON_AAS-Core Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on Small data transmission enhancements for UMTS FS_UTRA_SDATA Rel-13
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced Signalling for Inter-eNB Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) for LTE COMP_LTE_IeNB_sig-Core Rel-13
Building Block: RL Timing Adjustment RANimp-RLTA Rel-5
Building Block: Separation of resource reservation and radio link activation RANimp-SepRR Rel-5
Building Block: FS Improvement of Radio Resource Management across RNS and RNS/PSS RANimp-ImpRRM Rel-5
Building Block: Re-arrangements of Iub transport bearers RANimp-TTPS Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: GERAN/UTRAN interface evolution 1 (evolution of Iu PS) GERUEV1 Rel-5
Building Block: Evolution of Iu ps GERUEV1-IuPS Rel-5
Building Block: RRM optimization for Iur and Iub RANimp-RRMopt Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: IP transport in the UTRAN ETRAN-IPtrans Rel-5
Work task: Core part: RAN aspects of eDECOR for UMTS and LTE eDECOR-UTRA_LTE-Core Rel-14
Building Block: RAN aspects of eDECOR for UMTS and LTE eDECOR-UTRA_LTE Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Stopped - Study on SON for eCoMP for LTE delFS_LTE_SON_eCOMP Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Flexible eNB-ID and Cell-ID in E-UTRAN LTE_FNBID Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced LTE WLAN Radio Level Integration with IPsec Tunnel (eLWIP) LTE_WLAN_eLWIP Rel-14
Building Block: Core part: Flexible eNB-ID and Cell-ID in E-UTRAN LTE_FNBID-Core Rel-14
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced LTE WLAN Radio Level Integration with IPsec Tunnel (eLWIP) LTE_WLAN_eLWIP-Core Rel-14
Building Block: Study on flexible eNB-ID and Cell-ID in E-UTRAN FS_LTE_FNBID Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Study on HSPA and LTE Joint Operation FS_UTRA_LTE_JOP Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Study on Context Aware Service Delivery in RAN for LTE FS_LTE_context Rel-14
Building Block: RAN aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements for LTE RSE-RAN_LTE Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Support of EVS in 3G Circuit-Switched networks EVSoCS Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Self Organizing Networks (SON) for Active Antenna System (AAS) based deployments UTRA_LTE_SON_AAS Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on Network Assistance for Network Synchronization in LTE FS_LTE_NW_SYNC Rel-14
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Signalling for Inter-eNB Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) for LTE COMP_LTE_IeNB_sig Rel-13
Work task: Iur common transport channel efficiency optimization RANimp-RRMopt-ctc Rel-5
Work task: Iur neighbouring cell reporting efficiency optimization RANimp-RRMopt-ncr Rel-5
Work task: FS Introduction of direct transport bearers between SRNC and Node-B RAN-imp-RRMopt-DTB Rel-5
Building Block: FS SRNS Relocation Procedure Enhancement RANimp-SRNS Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: UTRAN Sharing in Connected Mode NETSHARE Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: GERAN/UTRAN interface evolution 2 (evolution of Iu CS) GERUEV2 Rel-5
Building Block: Evolution of Iu cs GERUEV2-IuCS Rel-5
Building Block: Iub/Iur protocol aspects - for High Speed Downlink Packet Access HSDPA-IubIur Rel-5
Building Block: Core part: LTE in the 1670-1675 MHz Band for US (on hold till 12/2014) LTE_FDD_1670_US-Core Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: LTE in the 1670-1675 MHz Band for US (on hold till 12/2014) LTE_FDD_1670_US Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: RAN Sharing Enhancements RSE Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Intra Domain Connection of RAN Nodes to Multiple CN Nodes IUFLEX Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: Rel-5 Location Services enhancements LCS1 Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: RAN aspects for improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN Shared Network CSPS_Coord-UTRA Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: HSPA signalling enhancements for more efficient resource usage for LCR LCR_TDD_HSPA_sign_enh Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Further enhancements for HeNB mobility-X2-GW EHNB_enh2_X2GW Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on LTE Device-to-Device Proximity Services - Radio Aspects FS_LTE_D2D_Prox Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Further Enhanced Uplink (EUL) enhancements FS_EDCH_enh Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Small Cell Enhancements for E-UTRA and E-UTRAN – Higher-layer aspects FS_LTE_SC_enh_hilayer Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Energy Saving Enhancement for E-UTRAN FS_Netw_Energy_enh_LTE Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on RAN Enhancements for UMTS/HSPA and LTE Interworking FS_HSPA_LTE_interworking Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Next-Generation SON for UTRA and LTE FS_UTRA_LTE_NG_SON Rel-12
Building Block: Deleted - Core part: Carrier based HetNet ICIC for LTE LTE_CA_HetNet_ICIC-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Extension of Dual Connectivity in E-UTRAN FS_LTE_dualC_ext Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on further enhancements of small cell higher layer aspects for LTE FS_LTE_SC_enh2_hilayer Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Study on RAN sharing enhancements for UMTS FS_RSE_UTRA_GUSH Rel-13
Building Block: Support of EVS over UTRAN CS EVSoCS_UTRAN Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Carrier based HetNet ICIC for LTE LTE_CA_HetNet_ICIC Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE LTE_NAICS-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Further MBMS operations support for E-UTRAN MBMS_LTE_OS Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Dedicated Channel (DCH) enhancements for UMTS UTRA_DCHenh Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Dedicated Channel (DCH) enhancements for UMTS UTRA_DCHenh-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: UMTS Mobility enhancements for heterogeneous networks UTRA_HetNet_mob-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: HNB Positioning for UTRA UTRA_HNB_Pos-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: L-band for Supplemental Downlink in E-UTRA and UTRA LTE_UTRA_SDL_BandL-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON LTE_HRPD_SON-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: HNB Positioning for UTRA UTRA_HNB_Pos Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on HNB Emergency Warning Area for UTRA FS_HNB_warn_area Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: L-band for Supplemental Downlink in E-UTRA and UTRA LTE_UTRA_SDL_BandL Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON LTE_HRPD_SON Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Support for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) for UTRA LCS_BDS-UTRA-Core Rel-12
Work task: Core part: RAN aspects for SIPTO at the Local Network LIMONET-RAN-Core Rel-12
Work task: Core part: PWS - Reset/Failure/Restart in Warning Message Delivery in LTE REP_WMD-RFR_PWS-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on Mobile Relay for E-UTRA FS_LTE_mobRelay Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Extension of Dual Connectivity in E-UTRAN LTE_dualC_ext Rel-13
Building Block: Dedicated Core Networks RAN Aspects DECOR-UTRA_LTE Rel-13
Feature or Study Item: RAN sharing enhancements for UMTS RSE_UTRA_GUSH Rel-13
Building Block: Core part: Positioning Enhancements for RF Pattern Matching in E-UTRA LCS_LTE_RFPMT-Core Rel-12
Building Block: Group Call eMBMS congestion management for LTE GCSE_LTE-MBMS_CM Rel-12
Work task: Core part: Group Call eMBMS congestion management for LTE GCSE_LTE-MBMS_CM-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Group Communication System Enablers for LTE GCSE_LTE Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Dual connectivity for LTE LTE_SC_enh_dualC Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 3 EHNB_enh3-Core Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on UMTS heterogeneous networks FS_UTRA_HetNet Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Inter-eNB Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) for LTE COMP_LTE_IeNB Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: UMTS Heterogeneous Networks enhancements UTRA_HetNet_enh Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Broadcast of System Information UTRA_SIBenh Rel-12
Building Block: Core part: Downlink TPC Enhancements for UMTS UTRA_EDL_TPC-Core Rel-13
Building Block: Core part: Extension of Dual Connectivity in E-UTRAN LTE_dualC_ext-Core Rel-13
Work task: Core part: Dedicated Core Networks DECOR-UTRA_LTE-Core Rel-13
Building Block: Core part: RAN sharing enhancements for UMTS RSE_UTRA_GUSH-Core Rel-13
Building Block: Core part: Non-contiguous 4C-HSDPA operation NC_4C_HSDPA-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Further Enhancements to CELL_FACH Cell_FACH_enh-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Further Enhanced Non CA-based ICIC for LTE eICIC_enh_LTE-Core Rel-11
Work task: Core part: LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements LTE_CA_enh-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Uplink Transmit Diversity for HSPA - Open Loop HSPA_UL_TxDiv-OL-Core Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on HetNet mobility enhancements for LTE FS_HetNet_eMOB_LTE Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on further enhancements for HNB and HeNB FS_EHNB_enh Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: LTE for 700 MHz Digital Dividend LTE_APAC700 Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: LTE for 700 MHz Digital Dividend LTE_APAC700-Core Rel-11
Building Block: RAN overload control for Machine-Type Communications SIMTC-RAN_OC Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Rel-11 LTE Carrier Aggregation LTE_CA_Rel-11 Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 1 EHNB_enh1-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 2 EHNB_enh2-Core Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 1 EHNB_enh1 Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 2 EHNB_enh2 Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: MIMO with 64QAM for HSUPA MIMO_64QAM_HSUPA-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN MDT_UMTSLTE-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: Inclusion of RF Pattern Matching Technologies as positioning method in the UTRAN LCS_UMTS_RFPMT-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: Carrier Aggregation for LTE LTE_CA-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: Four carrier HSDPA 4C_HSDPA-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: HNB and HeNB Mobility Enhancements HNB_HENB_mob_enh-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Deleted - Core part: Enhanced Interference Management for Home NodeBs HNB_IM-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Control (ICIC) for non-Carrier Aggregation (CA) based deployments of heterogeneous networks for LTE eICIC_LTE-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: LTE TDD in 2600MHz for US LTE_TDD_2600_US-Core Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE LTE_NAICS Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: 1.28 Mcps TDD Multi-carrier HSUPA TDD_MC_HSUPA Rel-10
Work task: Core part: RAN overload control for Machine-Type Communications SIMTC-RAN_OC-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Further Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancements SONenh2_LTE_UTRA-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTE – Uplink COMP_LTE_UL-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Enhancement of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN eMDT_UMTSLTE-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: HSDPA Multiflow Data Transmission HSDPA_MFTX-Core Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Four carrier HSDPA 4C_HSDPA Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on Solutions for Energy Saving within UTRA Node B FS_Energy_UMTS Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: UMTS/LTE 3500 MHz RInImp8-UMTSLTE3500 Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: UMTS/LTE 3500 MHz RInImp8-UMTSLTE3500 Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on RAN improvements for Machine-Type Communications FS_NIMTC_RAN Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Four Branch MIMO transmission for HSDPA 4Tx_HSDPA-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Network Energy Saving for E-UTRAN Netw_Energy_LTE-Core Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: MIMO with 64QAM for HSUPA MIMO_64QAM_HSUPA Rel-11
Building Block: LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements LTE_CA_enh Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Eight carrier HSDPA 8C_HSDPA-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Extending 850 MHz Upper Band (814 – 849 MHz) e850_UB-Core Rel-11
Building Block: Core part: Uplink Transmit Diversity for HSPA - Closed Loop HSPA_UL_TxDiv-CL-Core Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Study on HSDPA Multipoint Transmission FS_HSDPA_MP_TX Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Support for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Study on LTE-Advanced FS_RAN_LTEA Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: LCS for LTE and EPS LCS_LTE_EPS Rel-9
Building Block: MBMS support in LTE MBMS_LTE Rel-9
Building Block: UMTS/LTE 800 MHz for Europe RInImp9-UMTSLTE800EU Rel-9
Building Block: Dual-Cell HSUPA RANimp-DC_HSUPA Rel-9
Building Block: Support for different bands for Dual-Cell HSDPA RANimp-MultiBand_DC_HSDPA Rel-9
Building Block: Combination of DC-HSDPA with MIMO RANimp-DC_MIMO Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: UMTS Mobility enhancements for heterogeneous networks UTRA_HetNet_mob Rel-12
Feature or Study Item: Study on Group Communication for LTE FS_LTE_GC Rel-12
Building Block: Extended UMTS/LTE 1500 MHz UMTSLTE1500 Rel-9
Building Block: Public Warning System (PWS) – RAN aspects PWS-RAN Rel-9
Building Block: Home NB and Home eNB enhancements - RAN3 aspects EHNB-RAN3 Rel-9
Building Block: Transmit Antenna Array (TxAA) extension for non-MIMO UEs RANimp-TxAA_nonMIMO Rel-9
Building Block: Support for IMS Emergency Calls over LTE IMS_EMER_LTE Rel-9
Building Block: Core part: Service continuity improvements for MBMS for LTE MBMS_LTE_SC-Core Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Service continuity improvements for MBMS for LTE MBMS_LTE_SC Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: System Improvements to Machine-Type Communications SIMTC Rel-11
Feature or Study Item: Inclusion of RF Pattern Matching Technologies as positioning method in the UTRAN LCS_UMTS_RFPMT Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Further enhancements to MBMS for LTE MBMS_LTE_enh Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: Enhancements of Iur-g interface (Stage 2/3) eIurg-RAN Rel-10
Building Block: RAN mechanisms to avoid CN overload due to Machine-Type Communications NIMTC-RAN_overload Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancements to MBMS for LTE MBMS_LTE_enh-Core Rel-10
Building Block: Enhancements for Serving Radio Network Subsystem (SRNS) Relocation Procedure RANimp-SrnsReloc Rel-8
Building Block: Enhancements for FDD HSPA Evolution RANimp-HSPAEvo Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements of Iur-g interface eIurg Rel-10
Building Block: Core part: Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTE – Downlink COMP_LTE_DL-Core Rel-11
Building Block: UTRAN aspects of Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA rSRVCC-RAN_UTRA Rel-11
Work task: Core part: UTRAN aspects of Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA rSRVCC-RAN_UTRA-Core Rel-11
Building Block: LTE – eUTRAN Interfaces LTE-interfaces Rel-8
Feature or Study Item: Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications NIMTC Rel-10
Building Block: MIMO - Iub/Iur Protocol Aspects MIMO-IurIub Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: 1.28 Mcps TDD Enhanced Uplink LCRTDD-EDCH Rel-7
Building Block: 1.28 Mcps TDD Enhanced Uplink: UTRAN Iub/Iur Protocol Aspects LCRTDD-EDCH-IubIur Rel-7
Building Block: Interface to control Tower Mounted Amplifiers (TMAs) RANImp-TMA Rel-7
Building Block: Extended WCDMA Cell Range RANimp-ExtCell Rel-7
Feature or Study Item: GSM/UMTS interworking 2G3Ginterworking R99
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - RANimp-FSEarlyUE RANimp-FSEarlyUE R99
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - UTRAN 2 ms TTI uplink range improvement RANimp-2mTTI_ULimp Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on Potential solutions for energy saving for E-UTRAN FS_Energy_LTE Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Study on Improvements of distributed antenna for 1.28Mcps TDD FS_distr_ant_LCR_TDD Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: HNB and HeNB Mobility Enhancements HNB_HENB_mob_enh Rel-10
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Enhanced Interference Management for Home NodeBs HNB_IM Rel-10
Building Block: Deleted - GERAN MS Conformance test for inter-system and intra-system Packet data real-time Handover GERQoS-Mstest Rel-4
Building Block: QoS optimization for AAL2 connections over Iub and Iur interfaces ETRAN-QoSAAL2 Rel-4
Building Block: RAB Quality of Service (re)Negotiation over Iu QoSPS-MAPEND-RABQoS Rel-4
Building Block: PS-domain handover for real-time services QoSPS-PSdoRTS Rel-4
Work task: RAB Quality of Service Negotiation over Iu QoSPS-MAPEND-RABQoS-Negot Rel-4
Work task: RAB Quality of Service Re-Negotiation over Iu QoSPS-MAPEND-RABQoS-ReNegot Rel-4
Building Block: Transport bearer modification procedure on Iub, Iur, and Iu ETRAN-MigrMod Rel-4
Work task: RAB Quality of Service Negotiation over Iu during relocation QoSPS-MAPEND-RABQoS-NegotReloc Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: UMTS QoS Architecture for PS Domain QoSPS Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: Rel-4 Location Services enhancements LCS4 Rel-4
Building Block: UE positioning Rel-4 LCS1-UEpos Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: FDD Enhanced Uplink EDCH Rel-6
Building Block: FDD Enhanced Uplink - UTRAN Iub/Iur Protocol Aspects EDCH-IurIub Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Home NodeB / eNodeB EHNB Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Public Warning System PWS Rel-9
Feature or Study Item: Separation of CP and UP for Split Option 2 of NR NR_CPUP_Split Rel-15
Building Block: Core part: Separation of CP and UP for Split Option 2 of NR NR_CPUP_Split-Core Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Study on separation of CP and UP for split option 2 of NR FS_NR_CPUP_Split Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Study on Architecture Evolution for E-UTRAN FS_LTE_arch_evo Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Study on SON for eCoMP for LTE FS_LTE_SON_eCOMP Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Study on CU-DU lower layer split for New Radio FS_NR_CU_DU_LLS Rel-15
Building Block: Core part: eNB(s) Architecture Evolution for E-UTRAN and NG-RAN LTE_NR_arch_evo-Core Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: eNB(s) Architecture Evolution for E-UTRAN and NG-RAN LTE_NR_arch_evo Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Study on solutions for NR to support non-terrestrial networks (NTN) FS_NR_NTN_solutions Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Study on RAN-centric data collection and utilization for LTE and NR FS_LTE_NR_data_collect Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Transfer of Iuant interface specifications from 25-series to 37-series Iuant_transfer Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Direct data forwarding between NG-RAN and E-UTRAN nodes for inter-system mobility Direct_data_fw_NR Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: Transfer of Iuant interface specifications from 25-series to 37-series Iuant_transfer-Core Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: Direct data forwarding between NG-RAN and E-UTRAN nodes for inter-system mobility Direct_data_fw_NR-Core Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhancement for disaggregated gNB architecture FS_enh_disagg_gNB Rel-16
Building Block: Study on local NR positioning in NG-RAN FS_NR_local_pos Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Private Network Support for NG-RAN NG_RAN_PRN Rel-16
Building Block: NG interface usage for WWC 5WWC-NG_interface Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: Private Network Support for NG-RAN NG_RAN_PRN-Core Rel-16
Work task: Core part: NG interface usage for WWC 5WWC-NG_interface-Core Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: SON (Self-Organising Networks) and MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) support for NR NR_SON_MDT Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: SON (Self-Organising Networks) and MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) support for NR NR_SON_MDT-Core Rel-16
Building Block: Core part: LTE_NR_arch_evo_enh LTE_NR_arch_evo_enh-Core Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: Enhancement of data collection for SON (Self-Organising Networks)/MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) in NR standalone and MR-DC (Multi-Radio Dual Connectivity) NR_ENDC_SON_MDT_enh-Core Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on NR QoE (Quality of Experience) management and optimizations for diverse services FS_NR_QoE Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: User Plane Integrity Protection support for EPC connected architectures UPIP_SEC_LTE-RAN-Core Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: User Plane Integrity Protection support for EPC connected architectures UPIP_SEC_LTE-RAN Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: New bands and bandwidth allocation for 5G terrestrial broadcast - part 1 LTE_terr_bcast_bands_part1 Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: NR QoE management and optimizations for diverse services NR_QoE-Core Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: New bands and bandwidth allocation for 5G terrestrial broadcast - part 1 LTE_terr_bcast_bands_part1-Core Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhancement for data collection for NR and ENDC FS_NR_ENDC_data_collect Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Enhancement of Private Network support for NG-RAN NG_RAN_PRN_enh Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: Enhancement of Private Network support for NG-RAN NG_RAN_PRN_enh-Core Rel-17
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancement of data collection for SON (Self-Organising Networks)/MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) in NR and EN-DC NR_ENDC_SON_MDT_enh2-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: Enhancement on NR QoE management and optimizations for diverse services NR_QoE_enh-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: Mobile IAB (Integrated Access and Backhaul) for NR NR_mobile_IAB-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) for NG-RAN NR_AIML_NGRAN-Core Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhancement for resiliency of gNB-CU (Central Unit)-CP (Control Plane) FS_gNB_CU_CP_resiliency Rel-18
Building Block: Perf. part: Mobile IAB (Integrated Access and Backhaul) for NR NR_mobile_IAB-Perf Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: NR Timing Resiliency and URLLC enhancements TRS_URLLC-NR Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Network Slicing Phase 3: NR aspects eNS_Ph3-NR Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: NR Timing Resiliency and URLLC enhancements TRS_URLLC-NR-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: Network Slicing Phase 3: NR aspects eNS_Ph3-NR-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: Non-Public Networks Phase 2: NG-RAN aspects eNPN_Ph2-NGRAN-Core Rel-18
Building Block: Core part: Data collection for SON (Self-Organising Networks)/MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) in NR standalone and MR-DC (Multi-Radio Dual Connectivity) Phase 4 NR_ENDC_SON_MDT_Ph4-Core Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on additional topological enhancements for NR FS_NR_WAB_5GFemto Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhancements for Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) for NG-RAN FS_NR_AIML_NGRAN_enh Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements for Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) for NG-RAN NR_AIML_NGRAN_enh Rel-19
Building Block: Core part: Enhancements for Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) for NG-RAN NR_AIML_NGRAN_enh-Core Rel-19
Building Block: Core part: Additional topological enhancements for NR NR_WAB_5GFemto-Core Rel-19

page generated from database: 2025-03-28 08:25:09