Building Block: Location Services | LCS | R99 |
Building Block: Iub/Iur protocol aspects - for Low Chip Rate TDD option | LCRTDD-IubIur | Rel-4 |
Work task: implementation in UTRAN | TrFO-OoBTC-UTRAN | Rel-4 |
Work task: Iub/Iur interfaces for methods Rel 99 | LCS1-UEpos-IubIur | Rel-4 |
Work task: Deleted - Improvement of RRM across RNS and RNS/BSS | RANimp-RRM1 | Rel-6 |
Building Block: Deleted - FS on the evolution of the UTRAN architecture | RANimp-FSEvo | Rel-6 |
Building Block: FS of the improved access to UE measurement data for CRNC to support TDD RRM | RANimp-RRMopt-FSUEMsD | Rel-6 |
Work task: Deleted - Iu enhancements for IMS support in RAN | RANimp-RABSE-IuEnhIMS | Rel-6 |
Building Block: Remote Control of Electrical Tilting Antennas | RANimp-TiltAnt | Rel-6 |
Building Block: Network Assisted Cell Change (NACC) from UTRAN to GERAN - network-side aspects | RANimp-NACC | Rel-6 |
Building Block: Rel-6 RRM optimization for Iur and Iub | RANimp-RRMopt-UEMsD | Rel-6 |
Work task: Subscriber and equipment trace in UTRAN | OAM-Trace-RAN | Rel-6 |
Building Block: FS on Low Output Powers for general purpose FDD BSs | RInImp-FSLoPw | Rel-6 |
Building Block: Rel-6 Trace Management | OAM-Trace | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: 7.68 Mcps TDD option | VHCRTDD | Rel-7 |
Building Block: VHCRTDD: UTRAN Iub/Iur Protocol Aspects | VHCRTDD-IurIub | Rel-7 |
Building Block: EDCHTDD: UTRAN Iub/Iur Protocol Aspects | EDCHTDD-IurIub | Rel-7 |
Building Block: UTRAN Architecture for 3G HNB | HNB-arch | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: MBMS support in EPS | MBMS_EPS | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Positioning Support for LTE | LCS_LTE | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Extended UMTS/LTE 800 MHz | RInImp9-UMTSLTE800 | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Rel-9 Self-Organizing Networks (SON) | SON | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Cell Portion for 1.28 Mcps TDD | CP_LCRTDD | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Enhanced Interference Management Mechanisms for HNBs | FS_eInterfMgmtMchsm_HNB | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Core part: Automatic Neighbour Relation (ANR) for UTRAN | ANR_UTRAN-Core | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Automatic Neighbour Relation (ANR) for UTRAN | ANR_UTRAN | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Control (ICIC) for non-Carrier Aggregation (CA) based deployments of heterogeneous networks for LTE | eICIC_LTE | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: LTE TDD in 2600MHz for US | LTE_TDD_2600_US | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: LTE Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancements | SONenh_LTE | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Multi-User Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MU-MIMO) for 1.28Mcps TDD | MUMIMO_LCR_TDD | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Core part: LTE Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancements | SONenh_LTE-Core | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Core part: MU-MIMO for 1.28Mcps TDD | MUMIMO_LCR_TDD-Core | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN | MDT_UMTSLTE | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Carrier Aggregation for LTE | LTE_CA | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Coordinated Multi-Point operation for LTE | FS_CoMP_LTE | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Network-Based Positioning Support for LTE | LCS_LTE-NBPS | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Network-Based Positioning Support for LTE | LCS_LTE-NBPS-Core | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Non-contiguous 4C-HSDPA operation | NC_4C_HSDPA | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Further Enhancements to CELL_FACH | Cell_FACH_enh | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Further Enhanced Non CA-based ICIC for LTE | eICIC_enh_LTE | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Eight carrier HSDPA | 8C_HSDPA | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Extending 850 MHz Upper Band (814 – 849 MHz) | e850_UB | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Uplink Transmit Diversity for HSPA | HSPA_UL_TxDiv | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA | rSRVCC | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Further Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancements | SONenh2_LTE_UTRA | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTE | COMP_LTE | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhancement of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN | eMDT_UMTSLTE | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: HSDPA Multiflow Data Transmission | HSDPA_MFTX | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Four Branch MIMO transmission for HSDPA | 4Tx_HSDPA | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Network Energy Saving for E-UTRAN | Netw_Energy_LTE | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Additional special subframe configuration for LTE TDD | LTE_TDD_add_subframe-Core | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Additional special subframe configuration for LTE TDD | LTE_TDD_add_subframe | Rel-11 |
Building Block: RAN enhancements for Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications | MTCe-RAN | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on RAN aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements for LTE | FS_RSE-RAN_LTE | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: Dual connectivity for LTE | LTE_SC_enh_dualC-Core | Rel-12 |
Work task: Core part: RAN enhancements for Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications | MTCe-RAN-Core | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: Inter-eNB Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) for LTE | COMP_LTE_IeNB-Core | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: Further Enhanced Uplink (EUL) enhancements | EDCH_enh-Core | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced Broadcast of System Information | UTRA_SIBenh-Core | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Positioning Enhancements for RF Pattern Matching in E-UTRA | LCS_LTE_RFPMT | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: Further MBMS operations support for E-UTRAN | MBMS_LTE_OS-Core | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Support for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) for UTRA and LTE | LCS_BDS | Rel-12 |
Building Block: RAN aspects for SIPTO at the Local Network | LIMONET-RAN | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Public Warning System - Reset/Failure/Restart in Warning Message Delivery in LTE | REP_WMD-RFR_PWS | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON | FS_LTE_HRPD_SON | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 3 (Stage 2/3) | EHNB_enh3 | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Reporting Enhancements in Warning Message Delivery (Stage 2/3) | REP_WMD | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation | LTE_TDD_eIMTA | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation | LTE_TDD_eIMTA-Core | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: HSPA signalling enhancements for more efficient resource usage for LCR TDD | LCR_TDD_HSPA_sign_enh-Core | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancements for HeNB mobility-X2-GW | EHNB_enh2_X2GW-Core | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: LIPA Mobility and SIPTO at the Local Network | LIMONET | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: RAN aspects for improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN Shared Network | CSPS_Coord-UTRA-Core | Rel-13 |
Work task: Core part: Support of EVS over UTRAN CS | EVSoCS_UTRAN-Core | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced LTE Device to Device Proximity Services | LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core | Rel-13 |
Work task: Core part: RAN aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements for LTE | RSE-RAN_LTE-Core | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Core part: Self Organizing Networks (SON) for Active Antenna System (AAS) based deployments | UTRA_LTE_SON_AAS-Core | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Small data transmission enhancements for UMTS | FS_UTRA_SDATA | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced Signalling for Inter-eNB Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) for LTE | COMP_LTE_IeNB_sig-Core | Rel-13 |
Building Block: RL Timing Adjustment | RANimp-RLTA | Rel-5 |
Building Block: Separation of resource reservation and radio link activation | RANimp-SepRR | Rel-5 |
Building Block: FS Improvement of Radio Resource Management across RNS and RNS/PSS | RANimp-ImpRRM | Rel-5 |
Building Block: Re-arrangements of Iub transport bearers | RANimp-TTPS | Rel-5 |
Feature or Study Item: GERAN/UTRAN interface evolution 1 (evolution of Iu PS) | GERUEV1 | Rel-5 |
Building Block: Evolution of Iu ps | GERUEV1-IuPS | Rel-5 |
Building Block: RRM optimization for Iur and Iub | RANimp-RRMopt | Rel-5 |
Feature or Study Item: IP transport in the UTRAN | ETRAN-IPtrans | Rel-5 |
Work task: Core part: RAN aspects of eDECOR for UMTS and LTE | eDECOR-UTRA_LTE-Core | Rel-14 |
Building Block: RAN aspects of eDECOR for UMTS and LTE | eDECOR-UTRA_LTE | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Stopped - Study on SON for eCoMP for LTE | delFS_LTE_SON_eCOMP | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Flexible eNB-ID and Cell-ID in E-UTRAN | LTE_FNBID | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced LTE WLAN Radio Level Integration with IPsec Tunnel (eLWIP) | LTE_WLAN_eLWIP | Rel-14 |
Building Block: Core part: Flexible eNB-ID and Cell-ID in E-UTRAN | LTE_FNBID-Core | Rel-14 |
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced LTE WLAN Radio Level Integration with IPsec Tunnel (eLWIP) | LTE_WLAN_eLWIP-Core | Rel-14 |
Building Block: Study on flexible eNB-ID and Cell-ID in E-UTRAN | FS_LTE_FNBID | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on HSPA and LTE Joint Operation | FS_UTRA_LTE_JOP | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Context Aware Service Delivery in RAN for LTE | FS_LTE_context | Rel-14 |
Building Block: RAN aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements for LTE | RSE-RAN_LTE | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Support of EVS in 3G Circuit-Switched networks | EVSoCS | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Self Organizing Networks (SON) for Active Antenna System (AAS) based deployments | UTRA_LTE_SON_AAS | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Network Assistance for Network Synchronization in LTE | FS_LTE_NW_SYNC | Rel-14 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Signalling for Inter-eNB Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) for LTE | COMP_LTE_IeNB_sig | Rel-13 |
Work task: Iur common transport channel efficiency optimization | RANimp-RRMopt-ctc | Rel-5 |
Work task: Iur neighbouring cell reporting efficiency optimization | RANimp-RRMopt-ncr | Rel-5 |
Work task: FS Introduction of direct transport bearers between SRNC and Node-B | RAN-imp-RRMopt-DTB | Rel-5 |
Building Block: FS SRNS Relocation Procedure Enhancement | RANimp-SRNS | Rel-5 |
Feature or Study Item: UTRAN Sharing in Connected Mode | NETSHARE | Rel-5 |
Feature or Study Item: GERAN/UTRAN interface evolution 2 (evolution of Iu CS) | GERUEV2 | Rel-5 |
Building Block: Evolution of Iu cs | GERUEV2-IuCS | Rel-5 |
Building Block: Iub/Iur protocol aspects - for High Speed Downlink Packet Access | HSDPA-IubIur | Rel-5 |
Building Block: Core part: LTE in the 1670-1675 MHz Band for US (on hold till 12/2014) | LTE_FDD_1670_US-Core | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: LTE in the 1670-1675 MHz Band for US (on hold till 12/2014) | LTE_FDD_1670_US | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: RAN Sharing Enhancements | RSE | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Intra Domain Connection of RAN Nodes to Multiple CN Nodes | IUFLEX | Rel-5 |
Feature or Study Item: Rel-5 Location Services enhancements | LCS1 | Rel-5 |
Feature or Study Item: RAN aspects for improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN Shared Network | CSPS_Coord-UTRA | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: HSPA signalling enhancements for more efficient resource usage for LCR | LCR_TDD_HSPA_sign_enh | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Further enhancements for HeNB mobility-X2-GW | EHNB_enh2_X2GW | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on LTE Device-to-Device Proximity Services - Radio Aspects | FS_LTE_D2D_Prox | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Further Enhanced Uplink (EUL) enhancements | FS_EDCH_enh | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Small Cell Enhancements for E-UTRA and E-UTRAN – Higher-layer aspects | FS_LTE_SC_enh_hilayer | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Energy Saving Enhancement for E-UTRAN | FS_Netw_Energy_enh_LTE | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on RAN Enhancements for UMTS/HSPA and LTE Interworking | FS_HSPA_LTE_interworking | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Next-Generation SON for UTRA and LTE | FS_UTRA_LTE_NG_SON | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Deleted - Core part: Carrier based HetNet ICIC for LTE | LTE_CA_HetNet_ICIC-Core | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Extension of Dual Connectivity in E-UTRAN | FS_LTE_dualC_ext | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on further enhancements of small cell higher layer aspects for LTE | FS_LTE_SC_enh2_hilayer | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on RAN sharing enhancements for UMTS | FS_RSE_UTRA_GUSH | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Support of EVS over UTRAN CS | EVSoCS_UTRAN | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Carrier based HetNet ICIC for LTE | LTE_CA_HetNet_ICIC | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE | LTE_NAICS-Core | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Further MBMS operations support for E-UTRAN | MBMS_LTE_OS | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Dedicated Channel (DCH) enhancements for UMTS | UTRA_DCHenh | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: Dedicated Channel (DCH) enhancements for UMTS | UTRA_DCHenh-Core | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: UMTS Mobility enhancements for heterogeneous networks | UTRA_HetNet_mob-Core | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: HNB Positioning for UTRA | UTRA_HNB_Pos-Core | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: L-band for Supplemental Downlink in E-UTRA and UTRA | LTE_UTRA_SDL_BandL-Core | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON | LTE_HRPD_SON-Core | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: HNB Positioning for UTRA | UTRA_HNB_Pos | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on HNB Emergency Warning Area for UTRA | FS_HNB_warn_area | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: L-band for Supplemental Downlink in E-UTRA and UTRA | LTE_UTRA_SDL_BandL | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON | LTE_HRPD_SON | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: Support for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) for UTRA | LCS_BDS-UTRA-Core | Rel-12 |
Work task: Core part: RAN aspects for SIPTO at the Local Network | LIMONET-RAN-Core | Rel-12 |
Work task: Core part: PWS - Reset/Failure/Restart in Warning Message Delivery in LTE | REP_WMD-RFR_PWS-Core | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Study on Mobile Relay for E-UTRA | FS_LTE_mobRelay | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Extension of Dual Connectivity in E-UTRAN | LTE_dualC_ext | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Dedicated Core Networks RAN Aspects | DECOR-UTRA_LTE | Rel-13 |
Feature or Study Item: RAN sharing enhancements for UMTS | RSE_UTRA_GUSH | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Core part: Positioning Enhancements for RF Pattern Matching in E-UTRA | LCS_LTE_RFPMT-Core | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Group Call eMBMS congestion management for LTE | GCSE_LTE-MBMS_CM | Rel-12 |
Work task: Core part: Group Call eMBMS congestion management for LTE | GCSE_LTE-MBMS_CM-Core | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Group Communication System Enablers for LTE | GCSE_LTE | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Dual connectivity for LTE | LTE_SC_enh_dualC | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 3 | EHNB_enh3-Core | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on UMTS heterogeneous networks | FS_UTRA_HetNet | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Inter-eNB Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) for LTE | COMP_LTE_IeNB | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: UMTS Heterogeneous Networks enhancements | UTRA_HetNet_enh | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Broadcast of System Information | UTRA_SIBenh | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Core part: Downlink TPC Enhancements for UMTS | UTRA_EDL_TPC-Core | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Core part: Extension of Dual Connectivity in E-UTRAN | LTE_dualC_ext-Core | Rel-13 |
Work task: Core part: Dedicated Core Networks | DECOR-UTRA_LTE-Core | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Core part: RAN sharing enhancements for UMTS | RSE_UTRA_GUSH-Core | Rel-13 |
Building Block: Core part: Non-contiguous 4C-HSDPA operation | NC_4C_HSDPA-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Further Enhancements to CELL_FACH | Cell_FACH_enh-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Further Enhanced Non CA-based ICIC for LTE | eICIC_enh_LTE-Core | Rel-11 |
Work task: Core part: LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements | LTE_CA_enh-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Uplink Transmit Diversity for HSPA - Open Loop | HSPA_UL_TxDiv-OL-Core | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on HetNet mobility enhancements for LTE | FS_HetNet_eMOB_LTE | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on further enhancements for HNB and HeNB | FS_EHNB_enh | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: LTE for 700 MHz Digital Dividend | LTE_APAC700 | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: LTE for 700 MHz Digital Dividend | LTE_APAC700-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: RAN overload control for Machine-Type Communications | SIMTC-RAN_OC | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Rel-11 LTE Carrier Aggregation | LTE_CA_Rel-11 | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 1 | EHNB_enh1-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 2 | EHNB_enh2-Core | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 1 | EHNB_enh1 | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 2 | EHNB_enh2 | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: MIMO with 64QAM for HSUPA | MIMO_64QAM_HSUPA-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN | MDT_UMTSLTE-Core | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Core part: Inclusion of RF Pattern Matching Technologies as positioning method in the UTRAN | LCS_UMTS_RFPMT-Core | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Core part: Carrier Aggregation for LTE | LTE_CA-Core | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Core part: Four carrier HSDPA | 4C_HSDPA-Core | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Core part: HNB and HeNB Mobility Enhancements | HNB_HENB_mob_enh-Core | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Deleted - Core part: Enhanced Interference Management for Home NodeBs | HNB_IM-Core | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Core part: Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Control (ICIC) for non-Carrier Aggregation (CA) based deployments of heterogeneous networks for LTE | eICIC_LTE-Core | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Core part: LTE TDD in 2600MHz for US | LTE_TDD_2600_US-Core | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE | LTE_NAICS | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: 1.28 Mcps TDD Multi-carrier HSUPA | TDD_MC_HSUPA | Rel-10 |
Work task: Core part: RAN overload control for Machine-Type Communications | SIMTC-RAN_OC-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Further Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancements | SONenh2_LTE_UTRA-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTE – Uplink | COMP_LTE_UL-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Enhancement of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN | eMDT_UMTSLTE-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: HSDPA Multiflow Data Transmission | HSDPA_MFTX-Core | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Four carrier HSDPA | 4C_HSDPA | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Solutions for Energy Saving within UTRA Node B | FS_Energy_UMTS | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: UMTS/LTE 3500 MHz | RInImp8-UMTSLTE3500 | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Core part: UMTS/LTE 3500 MHz | RInImp8-UMTSLTE3500 | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on RAN improvements for Machine-Type Communications | FS_NIMTC_RAN | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Four Branch MIMO transmission for HSDPA | 4Tx_HSDPA-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Network Energy Saving for E-UTRAN | Netw_Energy_LTE-Core | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: MIMO with 64QAM for HSUPA | MIMO_64QAM_HSUPA | Rel-11 |
Building Block: LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements | LTE_CA_enh | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Eight carrier HSDPA | 8C_HSDPA-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Extending 850 MHz Upper Band (814 – 849 MHz) | e850_UB-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: Core part: Uplink Transmit Diversity for HSPA - Closed Loop | HSPA_UL_TxDiv-CL-Core | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on HSDPA Multipoint Transmission | FS_HSDPA_MP_TX | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Support for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS | IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on LTE-Advanced | FS_RAN_LTEA | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: LCS for LTE and EPS | LCS_LTE_EPS | Rel-9 |
Building Block: MBMS support in LTE | MBMS_LTE | Rel-9 |
Building Block: UMTS/LTE 800 MHz for Europe | RInImp9-UMTSLTE800EU | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Dual-Cell HSUPA | RANimp-DC_HSUPA | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Support for different bands for Dual-Cell HSDPA | RANimp-MultiBand_DC_HSDPA | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Combination of DC-HSDPA with MIMO | RANimp-DC_MIMO | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: UMTS Mobility enhancements for heterogeneous networks | UTRA_HetNet_mob | Rel-12 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Group Communication for LTE | FS_LTE_GC | Rel-12 |
Building Block: Extended UMTS/LTE 1500 MHz | UMTSLTE1500 | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Public Warning System (PWS) – RAN aspects | PWS-RAN | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Home NB and Home eNB enhancements - RAN3 aspects | EHNB-RAN3 | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Transmit Antenna Array (TxAA) extension for non-MIMO UEs | RANimp-TxAA_nonMIMO | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Support for IMS Emergency Calls over LTE | IMS_EMER_LTE | Rel-9 |
Building Block: Core part: Service continuity improvements for MBMS for LTE | MBMS_LTE_SC-Core | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Service continuity improvements for MBMS for LTE | MBMS_LTE_SC | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: System Improvements to Machine-Type Communications | SIMTC | Rel-11 |
Feature or Study Item: Inclusion of RF Pattern Matching Technologies as positioning method in the UTRAN | LCS_UMTS_RFPMT | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Further enhancements to MBMS for LTE | MBMS_LTE_enh | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Core part: Enhancements of Iur-g interface (Stage 2/3) | eIurg-RAN | Rel-10 |
Building Block: RAN mechanisms to avoid CN overload due to Machine-Type Communications | NIMTC-RAN_overload | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancements to MBMS for LTE | MBMS_LTE_enh-Core | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Enhancements for Serving Radio Network Subsystem (SRNS) Relocation Procedure | RANimp-SrnsReloc | Rel-8 |
Building Block: Enhancements for FDD HSPA Evolution | RANimp-HSPAEvo | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements of Iur-g interface | eIurg | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Core part: Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTE – Downlink | COMP_LTE_DL-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: UTRAN aspects of Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA | rSRVCC-RAN_UTRA | Rel-11 |
Work task: Core part: UTRAN aspects of Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA | rSRVCC-RAN_UTRA-Core | Rel-11 |
Building Block: LTE – eUTRAN Interfaces | LTE-interfaces | Rel-8 |
Feature or Study Item: Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications | NIMTC | Rel-10 |
Building Block: MIMO - Iub/Iur Protocol Aspects | MIMO-IurIub | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: 1.28 Mcps TDD Enhanced Uplink | LCRTDD-EDCH | Rel-7 |
Building Block: 1.28 Mcps TDD Enhanced Uplink: UTRAN Iub/Iur Protocol Aspects | LCRTDD-EDCH-IubIur | Rel-7 |
Building Block: Interface to control Tower Mounted Amplifiers (TMAs) | RANImp-TMA | Rel-7 |
Building Block: Extended WCDMA Cell Range | RANimp-ExtCell | Rel-7 |
Feature or Study Item: GSM/UMTS interworking | 2G3Ginterworking | R99 |
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - RANimp-FSEarlyUE | RANimp-FSEarlyUE | R99 |
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - UTRAN 2 ms TTI uplink range improvement | RANimp-2mTTI_ULimp | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Potential solutions for energy saving for E-UTRAN | FS_Energy_LTE | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Improvements of distributed antenna for 1.28Mcps TDD | FS_distr_ant_LCR_TDD | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: HNB and HeNB Mobility Enhancements | HNB_HENB_mob_enh | Rel-10 |
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Enhanced Interference Management for Home NodeBs | HNB_IM | Rel-10 |
Building Block: Deleted - GERAN MS Conformance test for inter-system and intra-system Packet data real-time Handover | GERQoS-Mstest | Rel-4 |
Building Block: QoS optimization for AAL2 connections over Iub and Iur interfaces | ETRAN-QoSAAL2 | Rel-4 |
Building Block: RAB Quality of Service (re)Negotiation over Iu | QoSPS-MAPEND-RABQoS | Rel-4 |
Building Block: PS-domain handover for real-time services | QoSPS-PSdoRTS | Rel-4 |
Work task: RAB Quality of Service Negotiation over Iu | QoSPS-MAPEND-RABQoS-Negot | Rel-4 |
Work task: RAB Quality of Service Re-Negotiation over Iu | QoSPS-MAPEND-RABQoS-ReNegot | Rel-4 |
Building Block: Transport bearer modification procedure on Iub, Iur, and Iu | ETRAN-MigrMod | Rel-4 |
Work task: RAB Quality of Service Negotiation over Iu during relocation | QoSPS-MAPEND-RABQoS-NegotReloc | Rel-4 |
Feature or Study Item: UMTS QoS Architecture for PS Domain | QoSPS | Rel-4 |
Feature or Study Item: Rel-4 Location Services enhancements | LCS4 | Rel-4 |
Building Block: UE positioning Rel-4 | LCS1-UEpos | Rel-4 |
Feature or Study Item: FDD Enhanced Uplink | EDCH | Rel-6 |
Building Block: FDD Enhanced Uplink - UTRAN Iub/Iur Protocol Aspects | EDCH-IurIub | Rel-6 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Home NodeB / eNodeB | EHNB | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Public Warning System | PWS | Rel-9 |
Feature or Study Item: Separation of CP and UP for Split Option 2 of NR | NR_CPUP_Split | Rel-15 |
Building Block: Core part: Separation of CP and UP for Split Option 2 of NR | NR_CPUP_Split-Core | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on separation of CP and UP for split option 2 of NR | FS_NR_CPUP_Split | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on Architecture Evolution for E-UTRAN | FS_LTE_arch_evo | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on SON for eCoMP for LTE | FS_LTE_SON_eCOMP | Rel-15 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on CU-DU lower layer split for New Radio | FS_NR_CU_DU_LLS | Rel-15 |
Building Block: Core part: eNB(s) Architecture Evolution for E-UTRAN and NG-RAN | LTE_NR_arch_evo-Core | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: eNB(s) Architecture Evolution for E-UTRAN and NG-RAN | LTE_NR_arch_evo | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on solutions for NR to support non-terrestrial networks (NTN) | FS_NR_NTN_solutions | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on RAN-centric data collection and utilization for LTE and NR | FS_LTE_NR_data_collect | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Transfer of Iuant interface specifications from 25-series to 37-series | Iuant_transfer | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Direct data forwarding between NG-RAN and E-UTRAN nodes for inter-system mobility | Direct_data_fw_NR | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Core part: Transfer of Iuant interface specifications from 25-series to 37-series | Iuant_transfer-Core | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Core part: Direct data forwarding between NG-RAN and E-UTRAN nodes for inter-system mobility | Direct_data_fw_NR-Core | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhancement for disaggregated gNB architecture | FS_enh_disagg_gNB | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Study on local NR positioning in NG-RAN | FS_NR_local_pos | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: Private Network Support for NG-RAN | NG_RAN_PRN | Rel-16 |
Building Block: NG interface usage for WWC | 5WWC-NG_interface | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Core part: Private Network Support for NG-RAN | NG_RAN_PRN-Core | Rel-16 |
Work task: Core part: NG interface usage for WWC | 5WWC-NG_interface-Core | Rel-16 |
Feature or Study Item: SON (Self-Organising Networks) and MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) support for NR | NR_SON_MDT | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Core part: SON (Self-Organising Networks) and MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) support for NR | NR_SON_MDT-Core | Rel-16 |
Building Block: Core part: LTE_NR_arch_evo_enh | LTE_NR_arch_evo_enh-Core | Rel-17 |
Building Block: Core part: Enhancement of data collection for SON (Self-Organising Networks)/MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) in NR standalone and MR-DC (Multi-Radio Dual Connectivity) | NR_ENDC_SON_MDT_enh-Core | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on NR QoE (Quality of Experience) management and optimizations for diverse services | FS_NR_QoE | Rel-17 |
Building Block: Core part: User Plane Integrity Protection support for EPC connected architectures | UPIP_SEC_LTE-RAN-Core | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: User Plane Integrity Protection support for EPC connected architectures | UPIP_SEC_LTE-RAN | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: New bands and bandwidth allocation for 5G terrestrial broadcast - part 1 | LTE_terr_bcast_bands_part1 | Rel-17 |
Building Block: Core part: NR QoE management and optimizations for diverse services | NR_QoE-Core | Rel-17 |
Building Block: Core part: New bands and bandwidth allocation for 5G terrestrial broadcast - part 1 | LTE_terr_bcast_bands_part1-Core | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhancement for data collection for NR and ENDC | FS_NR_ENDC_data_collect | Rel-17 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhancement of Private Network support for NG-RAN | NG_RAN_PRN_enh | Rel-17 |
Building Block: Core part: Enhancement of Private Network support for NG-RAN | NG_RAN_PRN_enh-Core | Rel-17 |
Building Block: Core part: Further enhancement of data collection for SON (Self-Organising Networks)/MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) in NR and EN-DC | NR_ENDC_SON_MDT_enh2-Core | Rel-18 |
Building Block: Core part: Enhancement on NR QoE management and optimizations for diverse services | NR_QoE_enh-Core | Rel-18 |
Building Block: Core part: Mobile IAB (Integrated Access and Backhaul) for NR | NR_mobile_IAB-Core | Rel-18 |
Building Block: Core part: Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) for NG-RAN | NR_AIML_NGRAN-Core | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhancement for resiliency of gNB-CU (Central Unit)-CP (Control Plane) | FS_gNB_CU_CP_resiliency | Rel-18 |
Building Block: Perf. part: Mobile IAB (Integrated Access and Backhaul) for NR | NR_mobile_IAB-Perf | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: NR Timing Resiliency and URLLC enhancements | TRS_URLLC-NR | Rel-18 |
Feature or Study Item: Network Slicing Phase 3: NR aspects | eNS_Ph3-NR | Rel-18 |
Building Block: Core part: NR Timing Resiliency and URLLC enhancements | TRS_URLLC-NR-Core | Rel-18 |
Building Block: Core part: Network Slicing Phase 3: NR aspects | eNS_Ph3-NR-Core | Rel-18 |
Building Block: Core part: Non-Public Networks Phase 2: NG-RAN aspects | eNPN_Ph2-NGRAN-Core | Rel-18 |
Building Block: Core part: Data collection for SON (Self-Organising Networks)/MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) in NR standalone and MR-DC (Multi-Radio Dual Connectivity) Phase 4 | NR_ENDC_SON_MDT_Ph4-Core | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on additional topological enhancements for NR | FS_NR_WAB_5GFemto | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhancements for Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) for NG-RAN | FS_NR_AIML_NGRAN_enh | Rel-19 |
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements for Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) for NG-RAN | NR_AIML_NGRAN_enh | Rel-19 |
Building Block: Core part: Enhancements for Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) for NG-RAN | NR_AIML_NGRAN_enh-Core | Rel-19 |
Building Block: Core part: Additional topological enhancements for NR | NR_WAB_5GFemto-Core | Rel-19 |