Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: TP-16 - 2002-06-05 to 2002-06-07, Marco Island, Florida

meeting id: TP-16 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
TP‑020090 - - -
TP‑020091 - - -
TP‑020092 DRAFT Agenda (version 2) Sang-Keun PARK, TSG-T Chairman -
TP‑020093 - - -
TP‑020094 Summary minutes, decisions and actions from 3GPP PCG Meeting#8, New Orleans, 25 April 2002 Secretary -
TP‑020095 Draft revised summary minutes, decisions and actions from 3GPP Organizational Partners Meeting#7, New Orleans, 26 April 2002 Secretary -
TP‑020096 - - -
TP‑020097 Liaison Statement on "IPv6 update of stage 3 specifications" CN WG3 -
TP‑020098 Liaison Statement on GUP work progress S2 -
TP‑020099 Response to the LS on "IPv6 update of stage 3 specifications" SA2 -
TP‑020100 - - -
TP‑020101 - - -
TP‑020102 Cat Title:"MExE" Change Requests -
TP‑020103 Cat Title:"Terminal Interfaces and Capabilities" Change Requests -
TP‑020104 Cat Title:"SMS/EMS/CBS" Change Requests -
TP‑020105 Cat Title:"MMS" Change Requests -
TP‑020106 - - -
TP‑020107 Problems Identified in 23.140 Release 5 Teleca, SchlumbergerSema, ATTWA -
TP‑020108 LS regarding MMS Rel-6 WID 3GPP T2 -
TP‑020109 Liaison Statement on criteria for 3GPP T2 to consider approving a new classmark 3GPP-T2 -
TP‑020110 T3-020387 Title:Change Requests to TS 03.19 SIM API – JavaTM -
TP‑020111 T3-020353 Title:Change Requests to TS 11.14 SIM application toolkit -
TP‑020112 T3-020336 Title:Change Requests to TS 31.102 Characteristics of the USIM Application -
TP‑020113 T3-020354 Title:Change Requests to TS 31.111 USIM application toolkit -
TP‑020114 T3-020340 Title:Change Requests to TS 31.112 USAT interpreter; stage 2; Architecture description -
TP‑020115 T3-020341 Title:Change Requests to TS 31.113 USAT interpreter; stage 3; Byte Codes -
TP‑020116 T3-020347 Title:Change Requests to TS 31.114 USAT interpreter; Protocol administration -
TP‑020117 T3-020400 Title:Change Requests to TS 31.121 UICC-Terminal Interface; Application Test specification -
TP‑020118 T3-020426 Title:Change Requests to TS 31.122 USIM conformance test specification -
TP‑020119 T3-020333 Title:Change Requests to TR 31.900 SIM-USIM interworking -
TP‑020120 T3-020388 Title:Change Requests to TS 43.019 -
TP‑020121 T3-020338 Title:Change Requests to TS 51.011 Specification of the SIM-ME Interface -
TP‑020122 - - WID
TP‑020123 3GPP TS ab.cde V1.0.0: Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification; T3 -
TP‑020124 TS 31.103 V1.0.0: Characteristics of the ISIM Application (Release 5) T3 -
TP‑020125 TS 31.111 V1.0.0: USIM Application Toolkit (USAT)(Release 4) based on the Card Application Toolkit specification TS 102 223. T3 -
TP‑020126 TS 31.115 V2.0.0: Secured packet structure for (U)SIM Toolkit applications (Release 6) T3 -
TP‑020127 TS 31.116 V2.0.0: Remote APDU Structure for (U)SIM Toolkit applications (Release 6) T3 -
TP‑020128 TS 53.013 V1.0.0: Test specification for SIM API for Java Card ™ (Release 4) T3 -
TP‑020129 - - -
TP‑020130 Liaison Statement on data inconsistency related to MMS support on the USIM TSG-T3 -
TP‑020131 Liaison Statement on Concatenated SMs handling on the UICC TSG-T3 -
TP‑020132 LS on an error discovered in TS 11.11 and TS 51.011 T3 -
TP‑020133 MMS UA Behaviour with Respect to Handling MMS Parameters on the USIM T3 -
TP‑020134 Approval of T3-020085 CR 13 to 43.019 TSG-T Vice Chairman (Kevin Holley) -
TP‑020135 - - -
TP‑020136 Draft report from T1#15 ETSI MCC -
TP‑020137 Revision of T1 work items - including WI on Testing of Extended RoHC (SIG/Rel 4) for approval T1 -
TP‑020138 - - -
TP‑020139 CR's to TS 34.121 v3.8.0 for approval T1 -
TP‑020140 CR's to TS 34.122 v3.7.0 and v4.3.0 for approval T1 -
TP‑020141 CR's to TS 34.108 v3.7.1 and v4.2.1 for approval T1 -
TP‑020142 CR's to TS 34.123-1 v4.2.0 related to package 1 test cases T1 -
TP‑020143 CR's to TS 34.123-1 v4.2.0 related to other packages test cases T1 -
TP‑020144 CR's to TS 34.123-2 v4.2.0 for approval T1 -
TP‑020145 CR's to TS 34.123-1 v4.2.0 for creation of Rel-5 specification for approval T1 -
TP‑020146 CR's to TS 34.123-2 v4.2.0 for creation of Rel-5 specification for approval T1 -
TP‑020147 - - -
TP‑020148 - - -
TP‑020149 - - -
TP‑020150 - - -
TP‑020151 - - -
TP‑020152 - - -
TP‑020153 - - -
TP‑020154 - - -
TP‑020155 - - -
TP‑020156 - - -
TP‑020157 - - -
TP‑020158 CR069 to 23.140 on MMS MM7 stage 3 T2 -
TP‑020159 - - -
TP‑020160 - - -
TP‑020161 - - -
TP‑020162 - - -
TP‑020163 LS on DCS values for SIM data download T2 -
TP‑020164 - - -
TP‑020165 [H8] Enter the source of the CR. This is either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the group as the source. T1 -
TP‑020166 - - -
TP‑020167 T3-020427 Title:Change Requests to TS 11.11 and TS 51.011 SIM-ME interface -
TP‑020168 LS on an error discovered in TS 11.11 and TS 51.011 T -
TP‑020169 Criteria for T2 to commence detailed discussion on a new classmark TSG-T -
TP‑020170 Criteria for T2 to commence detailed discussion on a new classmark TSG-T -

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