Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: SP-45 - 2009-09-21 to 2009-09-24, Seville

meeting id: SP-45 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
SP‑090466 Draft agenda for TSG SA meeting #45 TSG SA Chairman Approved
SP‑090467 Draft report of TSG SA Meeting #44 TSG SA Secretary Revised in SP-090621 to correct Voting list due to missing TSG SA#42 data
SP‑090468 CR0011R3 to 22.016 Rel-7 cat F: Clarify that each IMEI shall be unique Motorola, Samsung, Research In Motion Approved
SP‑090469 CR0012R3 to 22.016 Rel-8 cat A: Clarify that each IMEI shall be unique Motorola, Samsung, Research In Motion Approved
SP‑090470 CR0013R2 to 22.016 Rel-9 cat A: Clarify that each IMEI shall be unique Motorola, Samsung, Research In Motion Approved
SP‑090471 Status Report from SA WG1 to TSG SA#45 SA WG1 Chairman Noted
SP‑090472 New WID: WID H(e)NB enhancements SA WG1 Approved. SA WG AP
SP‑090473 Stage 1 CRs to clarify that each IMEI shall be unique SA WG1 Revised / Noted
SP‑090474 Stage 1 CRs on (Edata) - eCall Data Transfer SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090475 Conditionally approved Stage 1 CRs on (Edata) - eCall Data Transfer SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090476 Stage 1 CRs on (SAES) - 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System (non RAN aspects) SA WG1 22.278 CR0059R4; 22.278 CR0060R4 approved. 22.278 CR0068R1; 22.278 CR0069 returned to SA WG1
SP‑090477 Stage 1 CRs on (EHNB) - Enhanced Home NodeB / eNodeB SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090478 Stage 1 CRs on (eMMTel) - Multi-Media Telephony Service enhancements SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090479 Stage 1 CR on EPNM Clarification SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090480 Stage 1 CRs on (IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS) - Support for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090481 Stage 1 CRs on (IMS_SCC) - IMS Services Centralization and Continuity SA WG1 Revised in SP-090651
SP‑090482 Stage 1 CRs on (IMS_SC_eIDT) - IMS Service Continuity - Inter Device Transfer enhancements SA WG1 Revised in SP-090652
SP‑090483 Stage 1 CRs on (TEI10) - TEI-Rel 10 SA WG1 Approved, except CR0109 was revised in SP-090660
SP‑090484 Stage 1 CRs on Local IP Traffic Offload SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090485 Stage 1 CR on Enhancements for CPM-SMS Interworking SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090486 Stage 1 CR on Completion of Communications on Not Logged-in (CCNL) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090487 TS 22.368 v1.0.0 Network Improvements for Machine Type Communications SA WG1 Noted
SP‑090488 TR 22.947 v1.0.0 Study on Personal Broadcast Service SA WG1 Noted
SP‑090489 TR 22.893 v1.0.0 Study on Identification of Advanced Requirements for IP Interconnection of Services SA WG1 Noted
SP‑090490 Revised WID: Haptic services scope extension to IMS context. SA WG1 Revised in SP-090664
SP‑090491 New WID: Study on IMS based Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution Services SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090492 New WID: WID for IP-SM-GW enhancements for CPM-SMS Interworking SA WG1 Noted
SP‑090493 New WID: WID on CCNL SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090494 Rel-9 CR to TS 22.228 on 'Add the feature of completing dialed number to global form' Nokia Siemens Networks, China Mobile Approved
SP‑090495 CR to list of specs in 21.201 (Technical Specifications and Technical Reports relating to an Evolved Packet System (EPS) based 3GPP system) J Meredith (MCC Specifications Manager) Approved
SP‑090496 Specifications status at close of SA J Meredith (MCC Specifications Manager) Noted
SP‑090497 3GPP Support Team Report J Meredith (MCC Specifications Manager) Noted
SP‑090498 LS from CT WG1: Reply to LS on IMS media plane security CT WG1 Noted
SP‑090499 LS from CT WG1: LS on SMS support over SGs CT WG1 Noted
SP‑090500 LS from CT WG1: LS on ME support in Rel-9 CT WG1 Noted
SP‑090501 LS from CT WG4: REPLY LS on IMS Media Plane Security CT WG4 Noted
SP‑090503 LS from GSMA North America: Re: Response to Draft ITU-T Recommendation on Requirements for Land Mobile Alerting Broadcast Capabilities for Civic Purposes GSMA North America Noted
SP‑090504 LS from ITU-T SG 16 - Q10/16: LS to ETSI STQ and 3GPP SA, SA1, SA2, SA4 on lossless coding of G.711 bitstreams ITU-T SG 16 - Q10/16 Noted
SP‑090505 LS from ETSI TC M2M: ETSI TC M2M specifications ETSI TC M2M Noted
SP‑090506 LS from OMA: Response to question regarding release of 3GPP MBMS references in BCAST specifications OMA BCAST WG Noted
SP‑090507 LS from SA WG1: Change in eCall requirements SA WG1 Noted
SP‑090508 LS from SA WG1: LS on 3GPP specifying use of E.212 resource SA WG1 Noted
SP‑090509 LS from SA WG1: LS on LIPA WID and terminology for offload of selected IP traffic SA WG1 Noted
SP‑090510 LS from SA WG1: Answer LS on Local Call Local Switch SA WG1 Noted
SP‑090511 LS from SA WG2: LS on SMS support over SGs SA WG2 Noted
SP‑090512 LS from SA WG3: Reply LS on Local IP Access and Internet Offload SA WG3 Noted
SP‑090513 LS from SA WG3: LS on IMS media plane security SA WG3 Noted
SP‑090514 LS from SA WG5: LS on UE management over Itf-N SA WG5 Noted
SP‑090515 LS from TIA TR-45.8: Re: Response to Draft ITU-T Recommendation on Requirements for Land Mobile Alerting Broadcast Capabilities for Civic Purposes TR-45.8 Noted
SP‑090516 SA WG3 Status Report SA WG3 Chairman Noted
SP‑090517 Release 8 CRs to 33.401 (SAES) SA WG3 Revised in SP-090626
SP‑090518 Release 9 CRs to 33.401 SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090519 Release 8 CRs to 33.402 (SAES) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090520 CRs to 33.820 (FS_HNB_Sec) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090521 CRs to 33.203 SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090522 Release 8 CRs on Lawful Interception (LI8) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090523 Release 8 CRs to 33.223 (GBAPush) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090524 Release 9 CRs to 33.220 (eGBAPush) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090525 Release 9 CR on 128-bit key encryption (A5/4-GEA4) SA WG3 Revised in SP-090635
SP‑090526 CR to 33.234 on Addition of cipher suite for interworking WLAN (TEI9) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090527 TS 33.320 on 3GPP Security Aspects of Home NodeB and Home eNodeB v1.0.0 for SA information SA WG3 TS Noted. H(e)NB Sec Exception Granted
SP‑090528 TS 33.224 Generic Authentication Architecture (GAA); Generic push layer, Version 2.0.0 for SA approval SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090529 TR 33.924 'Identity Management and 3GPP Security Interworking', Version 1.0.0 for SA information SA WG3 Noted. GBA-IdM Exception Granted
SP‑090530 TS 33.328 on IMS Media Plane Security version 1.0.0 for SA information SA WG3 Noted
SP‑090531 TR 33.828 on IMS Media Plane Security version 1.4.2 for SA information SA WG3 Noted. Exception Granted *
SP‑090532 WID for Lawful Interception in Release 9 SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090533 SA WG5 Status Report SA WG5 Chairman Noted
SP‑090534 Rel-8 CRs on OAM&P (OAM8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090535 Rel-9 CRs on OAM&P (OAM9) SA WG5 Revised in SP-090627
SP‑090536 Rel-8 CRs on Charging Management (CH8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090537 Rel-9 CRs on Charging Management (CH9) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090538 Rel-9 CRs on Multi-Media Telephony Service enhancements (eMMTel) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090539 Rel-8 CRs on 3G Home NodeB OAM&P Type 1 Management Interface (HNB-3G_OAM) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090540 Rel-9 CR on 3G Home NodeB and LTE Home eNodeB OAM&P Type 1 definition (HNB_eHNB-OAM_Type1) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090541 Rel-9 CRs on MBMS Charging in EPS (MBMS_EPS) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090542 Rel-8 CRs on LTE SON (E_UTRAN-OAM, LTE_SON-OAM) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090543 TS 32.127 Telecommunication management; Advanced Alarm Management (AAM) Integration Reference Point (IRP); SOAP solution set for SA information SA WG5 Noted
SP‑090544 TS 32.447 Telecommunication management; Trace Management Integration Reference Point (IRP): SOAP Solution Set (SS) for SA Information SA WG5 Noted
SP‑090545 TR 32.822 Telecommunication management; Study on System Maintenance over Itf-N for SA approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090546 TR 32.823 Telecommunication management; Self-Organizing Networks (SON); Study on self-healing for SA approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090547 TS 32.452 Telecommunication management; Performance measurements Home Node B (HNB) SubSystem for SA information SA WG5 Noted
SP‑090548 TS 32.771 Telecommunication management; Home Node B (HNB) SubSystem Integration Reference Point (IRP); Requirements for SA information SA WG5 Noted
SP‑090549 TS 32.772 Telecommunication management; Home Node B (HNB) SubSystem Integration Reference Point (IRP); Network Resource Model (NRM) for SA information SA WG5 Noted
SP‑090550 TS 32.781 Telecommunication management; Home eNode B (HeNB) SubSystem Integration Reference Point (IRP); Requirements for SA information SA WG5 Noted
SP‑090551 TS 32.541 Telecommunication management; Self-Organizing Networks (SON); Self-healing concepts and requirements for SA information SA WG5 Noted
SP‑090552 TS 32.593 Telecommunication management; Procedure flows for Type 1 interface H(e)NB to H(e)NB Management System (H(e)MS) for SA information SA WG5 Noted
SP‑090553 Creation of Missing Rel-8 Specifications SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090554 Support of SDP in IMS Charging (IMSSDP-CH) SA WG5 Noted. Returned to SA WG5
SP‑090555 DRAFT 3GPP Work Plan before TSG SA#45 MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) Revised in SP-090675
SP‑090556 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #45 MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) WITHDRAWN
SP‑090557 DRAFT 3GPP Work Plan update end-of-CT/RAN#45 & post-GERAN#43 MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) WITHDRAWN
SP‑090558 Challenge concerning SA WG4 working agreement and CRs about push method (TD S4-090552 and TD S4-090473) DSNA-DTI, Institut Telecom Revised in SP-090637
SP‑090559 Release 9 CR on Lawful Interception (LI9) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090560 CR to 33.102 on Reformulation of security procedure of HSPA SRVCC (TEI8) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090561 TSG S4 Status Report at TSG-SA#45 SA WG4 Chairman Noted
SP‑090562 CRs to TS 26.234 on 'Packet Switched Streaming Service (Enhancements) (PSSe)' (Release 7 and Release 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090563 CR to TS 26.237 on 'IMS Initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS User Services (IMS_PSS_MBMS_US)' (Release 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090564 TR 26.969 (2009-06) 'eCall Data Transfer; In-band modem solution; Characterisation Report (Release 8)' V 2.0.0 SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090565 CRs to TS 26.267, TS 26.268 and TS 26.269 on '(Edata) - eCall Data Transfer (eCall_Phase2)' (Release 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090566 CRs to TS 26.114 on 'IMS Multimedia Telephony; Media Handling and Interaction Enhancements (MTSI-MHI and MTSI_eMHI)' (Release 7 and Release 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090567 CRs to TS 26.234, TS 26.244 and TS 26.346 on 'Extending PSS and MBMS User Services for optimized Mobile TV (PSS_MBMS_OMTV)' (Release 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090568 CRs to TS 26.102, TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 on 'Technical Enhancements and Improvements (TEI8)' (Release 8 and Release 9) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090569 CR to TS 26.142 on 'Clean-up corrections to TS 26.142 (DIMS)' (Release 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090570 CRs to TS 26.237 on 'IMS based PSS and MBMS User Service extensions (IMS_PSS_MBMS_US_EXT)' (Release 9) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090571 CR to TS 26.114 on 'Managing MTSI Media Adaptation (M3A)' (Release 9) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090572 CRs to TS 26.234 and to TS 26.346 on 'PSS and MBMS Aspects (PMA-MBS_Ext)' (Release 9) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090573 CRs to TS 26.114 and TS 26.132 on 'Technical Enhancements and Improvements (TEI9)' (Release 9) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090574 CR to TS 26.290 on 'Correction of references (AMRWB+)' (Release 9) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090575 New WID on 'Distortion Measurement Test Methods and Requirements (DTMR)' SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090576 CR 26.267-0003 rev 1 and CR 26.268-0007 on 'Integration of IVS-initiated signalling option (Release 8), put under 'working agreement' status at TSG SA WG4 #55 meeting SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090577 Mobile Terminated Emergency Call with CSFB feature Fujitsu, Hitach, KDDI, Kyocera, Mitsubishi, NEC, NTC, NTT DOCOMO, Panasonic, Sharp, Toshiba SA WG1 to discuss over e-mail and next meeting.
SP‑090578 SA WG2 Status Report to TSG SA SA WG2 Chairman Noted
SP‑090579 2 CRs to 23.292 on ICSRA-St2 (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090580 2 CRs to 23.401 on ETWS (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090581 1 CR to 23.237 on Reference correction for dual-stack MIPv6 in 23.327 (IWLAN_Mob, Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090582 8 CRs to 23.203 on SAES (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090583 12 CRs to 23.221, 23.272, 23.292 on SAES (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved (except CR0084, CR0085, CR0110 and CR0111 were revised in SP-090641)
SP‑090584 10 CRs to 23.060/23.401 on SAES (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090585 12 CRs to 23.060 on SAES (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090586 12 CRs to 23.401 on SAES (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090587 14 CRs to 23.401 on SAES (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090588 12 CRs to 23.401 on SAES (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090589 12 CRs to 23.401 on SAES (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090590 14 CRs to 23.402 on SAES (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090591 14 CRs to 23.402 on SAES (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090592 6 CRs to 23.060, 23.401, 23.203 on SAES (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090593 14 CRs to 23.272 on SAES-CSFB (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090594 2 CRs to 23.401 on SAES-SA-FP_LTE-GTP-St2 (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090595 10 CRs to 23.216 on SAES-SRVCC (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090596 10 CRs to 23.228, 23.002, 23.060 on Technical Enhancements (TEI8, Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090597 11 CRs to 23.002, 23.060, 23.203 on EHNB (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090598 12 CRs to 23.401 on EHNB (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090599 3 CRs to 23.402 on eANDSF (Rel-9) SA WG2 23.402 CR0767R1; 23.402 CR0788R1 approved. 23.402 CR0807R1 was revised in SP-090655
SP‑090600 15 CRs to 23.002, 23.060 on IMS_EMER_GPRS (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090601 12 CRs to 23.167, 23.203, 23.216, 23.221, 23.237 on IMS_EMER_GPRS (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090602 19 CRs to 23.401 on IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090603 12 CRs to 23.237 on IMS_SCC-SPI (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090604 12 CRs to 23.237 on IMS_SCC-SPI (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090605 7 CRs to 23.271, 23.401 on LCS_CPS_EPS (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090606 11 CRs to 23.246, 23.401 on MBMS_EPS (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090607 6 CRs to 23.203, 23.402 on MUPSAP (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090608 13 CRs to 23.060, 23.167, 23.203, 23.216 on Technical Enhancements (Rel-9, TEI9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090609 13 CRs to 23.221, 23.228, 23.246, 23.251, 23.272, 23.401 on Technical Enhancements (Rel-9, TEI9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090610 1 CR to 23.401: Adding Support for Explicit Congestion Notification (LTEimp-Vocoder, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090611 TR 23.830, Version 1.0.0: Architecture aspects of Home NodeB and Home eNodeB (Release 9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090612 TR 23.823 version 1.0.0: Feasibility Study on NAS Node Selection Function above BSC/RNC (Release 10) SA WG2 Noted
SP‑090613 New WID (BB): IMS Inter-UE Transfer enhancements SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090614 Revised WID: Multi Access PDN Connectivity SA WG2 Revised in SP-090659
SP‑090615 New WID for IP-SM-GW enhancements for CPM-SMS Interworking SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090616 New WID on IP Flow Mobility and seamless WLAN offload SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090617 New WID: Enabling Encoder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090618 New WID: Local IP Access and Selected IP Traffic Offload SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090619 New WID: Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications (NIMTC) SA WG2 Revised in SP-090658
SP‑090620 Description Alignment on Access Class Barring Between Stage 1 and Stage 3 Specifications NTT DOCOMO, KDDI, SOFTBANK MOBILE Revised in SP-090667
SP‑090621 Draft report of TSG SA Meeting #44 TSG SA Secretary Approved
SP‑090622 Finalization of eCall Release-8 Specifications Qualcomm Europe Noted
SP‑090623 On eCall finalization & the "PUSH" option Qualcomm Europe Noted
SP‑090624 IVS transmitter termination correction Qualcomm Europe Approved
SP‑090625 Introduction of test cases for IVS-initiated signalling Qualcomm Europe Approved
SP‑090626 Release 8 CRs to 33.401 (SAES) SA WG3 Revised in SP-090636
SP‑090627 Rel-9 CRs on OAM&P (OAM9) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090628 Report of TSG GERAN activities to TSG SA #45 TSG GERAN Chairman Noted
SP‑090629 A joint meeting between 3GPP and IETF on IPv6 migration China Mobile Endorsed
SP‑090630 TSG CT Plenary Status report TSG CT Chairman Revised in SP-090657
SP‑090631 Draft report of TSG CT#45 TSG CT Secretary Revised in SP-090645
SP‑090632 3GPP IETF Dependencies status for TSGs #45 TSG CT Chairman (IETF Liaison) Noted
SP‑090633 Rel-8/Rel-9 CSFB (to GERAN/UTRAN) performance evaluation and discussion China Unicom, Huawei Noted
SP‑090634 Discussion on 'Extended H(e)NB features' work item Deutsche Telekom Revised in SP-090639
SP‑090635 Release 9 CRs on 128-bit key encryption (A5/4-GEA4) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090636 Release 8 CRs to 33.401 (SAES) SA WG3 S3-091466 and S3-091460 had wrong CR numbers and were revised in SP-090676. Other CRs approved
SP‑090637 Challenge concerning working agrement and CRs about push method (TD S4-090552 and TD S4-090473) (update) DSNA-DTI, Institut Telecom Noted. Challenge WITHDRAWN after approval of LS in SP-090666
SP‑090638 Proposal for a workshop on BBF access to EPC Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Ericsson, Cisco Workshop agreed. LS in SP-090661
SP‑090639 Discussion on 'Extended H(e)NB features' work item Deutsche Telekom Noted. Response contribution in SP-090642
SP‑090640 LS from ITU-T SG13: LS to 3GPP and 3GPP2 on mobility coordination for NGN ITU-T SG13 Noted
SP‑090641 4 CRs to 23.221, 23.272, 23.292 on Support of SMS over SGs (SAES, Rel-8, Rel-9) MCC, SA WG2 chairman Approved
SP‑090642 Reaction to the discussion paper on 'Extended H(e)NB features' work item SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp., NEC Noted: Response to SP-090639
SP‑090643 LS from RAN: Reply LS on most recent SA WG2 Reply LS on data forwarding for inter RAT HO TSG RAN Noted
SP‑090644 LS from TC M2M: LS to ETSI Technical committees and 3GPP on the EU Smart meter mandate ETSI TC M2M Response in SP-090674
SP‑090645 Draft report of TSG CT#45 TSG CT Secretary Noted
SP‑090646 Draft Report of TSG RAN#45 meeting TSG RAN Secretary (MCC) Revised in SP-090656
SP‑090647 TS 55.226 'Specification of the A5/4 encryption algorithms for GSM and ECSD, and the GEA4 encryption algorithm for GPRS; Document 1: A5/4 and GEA4 specification', Version 2.0.0 SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090648 Way forward (from SA#45) on CSFB performance improvement Huawei Not agreed
SP‑090649 Answer to LS on the EU Smart meter mandate TSG SA Revised in SP-090672
SP‑090650 Report of TSG RAN activities to TSG SA #45 TSG RAN Chairman Revised in SP-090662
SP‑090651 Stage 1 CRs on (IMS_SCC) - IMS Services Centralization and Continuity SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090652 Stage 1 CRs on (IMS_SC_eIDT) - IMS Service Continuity - Inter Device Transfer enhancements SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090653 New WID: System aspects of vocoder rate adaptation for LTE Qualcomm Europe Approved
SP‑090654 LTE-Advanced ITU submission TSG RAN Chairman Endorsed
SP‑090655 23.402 CR0807R2 SA WG2 Chairman, TSG CT Chairman Wrong TD Uploaded: Revised in SP-090663
SP‑090656 Draft Report of TSG RAN#45 meeting TSG RAN Secretary (MCC) Noted
SP‑090657 TSG CT Plenary Status report TSG CT Chairman Noted
SP‑090658 Updated WID: Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications (NIMTC) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090659 Revised WID: Multi Access PDN Connectivity SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090660 22.228 CR0109R3 TSG SA Approved
SP‑090661 LS to BBF on workshop on BBF access to EPC TSG SA Revised in SP-090670
SP‑090662 Report of TSG RAN activities to TSG SA #45 TSG RAN Chairman Noted
SP‑090663 23.402 CR0807R2: Conflicting policies from V-ANDSF and H-ANDSF (Rel-9) Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks Rejected
SP‑090664 Revised WID: Haptic services scope extension to IMS context. SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090665 LS on Joint Workshop on IPv6 Migration TSG SA (China Mobile) Revised in SP-090671
SP‑090666 LS on eCall data transfer Drafting group (Airbiquity, DSNA-DTI, Nokia, SFR, Qualcomm) Approved
SP‑090667 Description Alignment on Access Class Barring Between Stage 1 and Stage 3 Specifications NTT DOCOMO, KDDI, SOFTBANK MOBILE Revised in SP-090669
SP‑090668 22.101 CRxxxx: Providing eCall indication to the PSAP DSNA-DTI, Institut telecom Noted
SP‑090669 Description Alignment on Access Class Barring Between Stage 1 and Stage 3 Specifications NTT DOCOMO, KDDI, SOFTBANK MOBILE Approved
SP‑090670 LS to BBF on workshop on BBF access to EPC TSG SA Revised in SP-090673
SP‑090671 LS on Joint Workshop on IPv6 Migration TSG SA Approved
SP‑090672 Answer to LS on the EU Smart meter mandate TSG SA Revised in SP-090674
SP‑090673 LS to BBF on workshop on FMC access to EPC TSG SA Approved
SP‑090674 Answer to LS on the EU Smart meter mandate TSG SA Approved
SP‑090675 3GPP Work Plan update post TSG SA#45 MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) Noted
SP‑090676 33.401 CR0360R1; 33.401 CR0361R1 (SAES) SA WG3 Approved after the meeting

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