Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: SP-38 - 2007-12-03 to 2007-12-06, CANCUN

meeting id: SP-38 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
SP‑070713 Draft report of TSG SA Meeting #37 TSG SA Secretary Approved
SP‑070714 Draft agenda for TSG SA meeting #38 TSG SA Chairman Approved
SP‑070715 LS from ETSI TISPAN: Transfer of Specifications Related to Common IMS ETSI TISPAN Noted
SP‑070716 LS from ETSI TISPAN: Way forward on the e2 and Gq' issue ETSI TISPAN Noted
SP‑070717 LS (from 3GPP2 TSG-C) on Codecs and Common IMS 3GPP2 TSG-C Response in SP-070948
SP‑070718 Letter to ETSI MSG Chairman from the European Commission: LS regarding suitability of proposed eCall solution European Commission (ICT) / ETSI MSG Noted
SP‑070719 LS (from ETSI MSG) regarding suitability of proposed eCall solution ETSI MSG Noted
SP‑070720 LS from the Cell Broadcast Forum: Cell Broadcast Message Identifiers Cell Broadcast Forum Noted
SP‑070721 Liaison (from ITU-T SG19 and WP 2/13) to 3GPP on approval of Recommendation Q.1762/Y.2802 d "Fixed-mobile Convergence General Requirements" ITU-T SG19 and WP 2/13 Forwarded to SA WG1
SP‑070722 LS from ITU FG FITCAR: Interaction of Mobile Phone Signal Processing with Network Signal Processing ITU FG FITCAR Response in SP-070907
SP‑070723 LS (from SA WG1) on requirement on Overlap Signalling (CIMS8-TIS) SA WG1 Noted
SP‑070724 LS (from SA WG1) on proposal for a new TR on "Emergency requirements in the PS domain for VoIP and emergency services" SA WG1 Noted
SP‑070725 LS from SA WG2: Overlap signalling at the I-MGCF SA WG2 Noted
SP‑070726 LS (from SA WG4) on new WID "IMS initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS user services" SA WG4 Noted. Attachment (S4-070736) is presented in SP-070758.
SP‑070727 LS (from SA WG5) on Transfer of work under "common IMS" SA WG5 Noted
SP‑070729 Status report of SA WG5 SA WG5 Chairman Noted
SP‑070730 Rel-6/Rel-7 CRs on OAM&P (OAM) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070731 Rel-7/Rel-8 CRs on OAM&P (OAM7) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070732 Rel-7 CRs on OAM&P (OAM7-NIM) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070733 Rel-7 CRs on OAM&P (RANImp-TMA-OAM) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070734 Rel-7 CRs on OAM&P (OAM7-PM) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070735 Rel-7 CR on OAM&P (OAM7-Trace) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070736 New WID on EPC Charging SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070737 New WID on EPC NRM IRP SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070738 New WID on E-UTRAN NRM IRP SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070739 New WID on Advice of Charge (AoC) support in IMS Charging SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070740 Rel-8 CRs on OAM&P NIM (OAM8) Small enhancements SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070741 Rel-8 CRs on OAM&P PM (OAM8) Small enhancements SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070742 Rel-8 CR on UID 35056 CS Bearer Transport NRM (OAM8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070743 Rel-8 CR on UID 35061 IP Measurements (OAM8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070744 Rel-8 CRs on UID 360001 HSUPA performance measurements (OAM8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070745 Rel-8 CRs on Charging Management (CH8) Small enhancements SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070746 Rel-8 CR on UID 350038 Online charging correlation (CH8) Small enhancements SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070747 Rel-8 CRs on UID 360003 SMS online charging (CH8) Small enhancements SA WG5 32.240 CR0014 approved. 32.299 CR0205 revised by Vodafone in SP-070925
SP‑070748 Rel-8 TS 32.274 v200 Charging management; SMS charging - for SA Approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070749 New WID on Multimedia Telephony Service and Supplementary Services (MMTel) Charging SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070750 New WID on WLAN Offline Charging SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070751 Rel-8 TR 32.820 v200 Study on Charging management; 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC): Charging aspects - for SA Approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070752 SA WG4 Status Report at TSG SA#38 SA WG4 Chairman Noted
SP‑070753 Documents from Laboratories contracted for the Performance Characterization of VoIMS over HSDPA/EUL Channels in Rel-7 (PCVoIMS) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑070754 3GPP TR 26.967 on "eCall Data Transfer -- in-band modem solution (Release 8)" v. 2.0.0 SA WG4 Approved
SP‑070755 New WID on "MTSI Video: Dynamic Rate Adaptation/Signalling of Image Size" SA WG4 Approved
SP‑070756 New WID on "eCall data transfer Phase 2: Comparison of alternative in-band modem solutions and standardization of one in-band modem solution" SA WG4 Approved
SP‑070757 New WID on "Extending PSS and MBMS User Services for optimized Mobile TV" SA WG4 Approved
SP‑070758 New WID on "IMS initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS User Service" SA WG4 Returned to SA WG4
SP‑070759 CRs TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 on "Sidetone requirement and sidetone test" (Release 7) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑070760 CR TS 26.235 on "Correction of video codecs for PS conversational multimedia applications" (Release 7) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑070761 CR TS 26.244 on "Correction of reference in the 3GP file format" (Release 7) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑070762 CRs TS 26.346 on "MBMS Enhancements & MBMS User Service Extensions" (Release 7) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑070763 CRs TS 26.114 on "Multimedia Telephony Capabilities for IMS (MTSI); Media Handling and Interaction" (Release 7) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑070764 CR TS 26.142 on "Reference correction in the DIMS specification" (Release 7) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑070765 CRs 26.935 on "PCVoIMS - Performance Characterization of VoIMS over HSDPA/EUL Channels" (Release 7) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑070766 CR TR 26.902 on "Various corrections to Video Codec Performance" (Release 7) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑070768 Introduction of SoftSIM into 3GPP Motorola Noted
SP‑070769 Regulatory Aspects ; Communalities between Home Base Stations and Direct Mode Operation BMWi Noted
SP‑070770 CRs to lists of specs MCC Specifications Manager Approved
SP‑070771 Specs lists per Release; a comparison MCC Specifications Manager Noted
SP‑070772 Specs status list prior to TSG meeting MCC Specifications Manager Noted
SP‑070773 Specs status list at the end of the present TSG SA meeting MCC Specifications Manager Noted
SP‑070774 3GPP Support Team report MCC Specifications Manager Noted
SP‑070775 Specs pertaining to frozen Releases not yet under change control MCC Specifications Manager Noted
SP‑070776 A5-3 spec set to enable use pre-Rel-6 MCC Specifications Manager Approved
SP‑070777 CR to working methods to clarify one-step TSG approval MCC Specifications Manager Revised in SP-070900
SP‑070778 Close R97, R98 MCC Specifications Manager Agreed
SP‑070779 Clarification of instructions for CRs MCC Specifications Manager Agreed with changes to add "rev of" to WG Headers
SP‑070780 SA WG3 Status Report to SA#38 SA WG3 Chairman Noted
SP‑070781 SA WG3#49 Draft Report v020 SAWG3 Secretary Noted
SP‑070782 New WID (Study item) for UTRAN key management enhancements SA WG3 Approved
SP‑070783 WID of H(e)NB security SA WG3 Approved
SP‑070784 CRs on A5/3 prohibition and new A5 for future releases SA WG3 Approved
SP‑070785 CRs on 2G GBA for 33.920 and 33.220 SA WG3 Approved
SP‑070786 CRs to 33.203 SA WG3 33.203 CR0114R1; 33.203 CR0110R2; 33.203 CR0115R1 approved. 33.203 CR0113R1 and 33.203 CR0117R1revised in SP-070927
SP‑070787 CRs on usage of OMA references - update of references SA WG3 Approved
SP‑070788 CR on LI Rel-8 SA WG3 Approved
SP‑070789 CRs on LI Rel-7 SA WG3 Approved
SP‑070790 CRs to 33.110 and 33.259 on Key establishment SA WG3 Revised to correct WI Codes in SP-070889
SP‑070791 CR to 33.246 on MBMS SA WG3 Approved
SP‑070792 CR to 33.220 on B-TID uniqueness SA WG3 Approved
SP‑070793 CR to 33.222 on GAA and use of subscriber certificates SA WG3 Approved
SP‑070794 CR to 33.234 on WLAN eCall support SA WG3 Revised to correct presentation sheet title in SP-070906
SP‑070795 CR to 22.022 on OTA key length SA WG3 RETURN TO SA WG3
SP‑070796 LS (from CT WG1) on Common IMS CT WG1 Noted
SP‑070797 LS (from CT WG1) on new WID "IMS initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS user services" CT WG1 Noted
SP‑070798 LS (from CT WG3) on protocol level support for the transfer of Gq' procedures to the Rx interface. CT WG3 Noted
SP‑070799 LS Reply (from OMA) to 3GPP on CMMC OMA-TP Noted
SP‑070800 Status report from SA WG2 to TSG SA#38 SA WG2 Chairman Revised in SP-070903
SP‑070801 1 CR to 23.203: Alignment of Charging requirements with IMS expectations (Rel-7) - PCC SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070802 6 Rel-7 CRs to 23.167 and 23.221 (EMC1) SA WG2 WITHDRAWN
SP‑070803 4 Rel7/Rel-8 CRs to 23.228 (FBI-PCBL) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070804 1 Rel7 CR to 23.206: Clarification of UE behaviour when engaged in more than one call and VCC to be invoked (Rel-7) - VCC SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070805 1 CR to 23.234: I-WLAN Off-line Charging (Rel-7) - CH7, I-WLAN SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070806 2 Rel7/Rel-8 CRs to 23.002: Incorrect text in section 6.3.2 on Iub specification set (TEI7) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070807 1 CR to 23.060: Update PDP Context process in PDP Modification Procedures (Rel-7) - TEI7 SA WG2 Revised to remove revisions on revisions in SP-070899
SP‑070808 16 Rel-7/Rel-8 CRs to 23.228 (TEI7) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070809 8 Rel-8 CRs to 23.204 (MESSIW-St2) SA WG2 CRs corrected and revised in SP-070898
SP‑070810 1 CR to 23.228: Support for Wildcarded public user identity for aggregated UNI support (Rel-8) - IMS_Corp SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070811 1 CR to 23.228: Alignment of the definition of II-NNI (Rel-8) - IMS_NNI SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070812 4 Rel-8 CRs to 23.203 and 23.246 (SAES) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070813 4 Rel-8 CRs to 23.228 (TEI8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070814 1 CR to 23.002: Alignment of TS 23.002 and TS 23.228 for Common IMS (Rel-8) - IMS SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070815 Updated WID: ETWS SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070816 Updated WID: MESSIW-St2 SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070817 Updated WID: SAES SA WG2 Revised in SP-070933
SP‑070818 Updated Study WID: MMSC_FS SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070819 New WID: Evaluation of LCS Solutions for EPS SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070820 New WID: GPRS and EPS support for IMS Emergency Calls SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070821 New WID: IMS Centralized Services SA WG2 Revised to add attachment in SP-070890
SP‑070822 New WID: Harmonization of Gq' / Rx for Common IMS SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070823 New WID: Documentation of TISPAN NGN R1 and R2 in 3GPP SA WG2 SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070824 New WID: Maintenance of TISPAN release 1 common IMS SA WG2 Revised in SP-070915
SP‑070825 New WID: Maintenance of TISPAN release 2 common IMS SA WG2 Revised in SP-070916
SP‑070826 Presentation of TR 23.892 to TSG SA Plenary for Information SA WG2 Noted
SP‑070827 Presentation of TR 23.811 to TSG SA Plenary for Information SA WG2 Noted
SP‑070828 Presentation of TS 23.401 to TSG SA Plenary for Approval SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070829 Presentation of TS 23.402 to TSG SA Plenary for Approval SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070830 Presentation of TR 23.847 to TSG SA Plenary for Approval SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070831 Presentation of TR 23.879 to TSG SA Plenary for Information SA WG2 Noted
SP‑070832 Presentation of TR 23.893 to TSG SA Plenary for Information SA WG2 Noted
SP‑070833 Report of TSG GERAN activities to TSG SA#38 TSG GERAN Chairman Noted
SP‑070834 Presentation of TS 33.223, Version 1.0.0 for information (Rel-8) SA WG3 Noted
SP‑070835 Updated WID on HSUPA performance measurements CS Bearer Transport NRM (OAM8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑070836 WID on Study of Architecture of Customized Alerting Tone China Mobile, SK Telecom , Comverse, Huawei, LG Electronics Revised in SP-070905
SP‑070837 22.101 CR0248: Requirements for transfer for data during emergency calls (Rel-8) T-Mobile International Postponed. T-Mobile to take to SA WG1
SP‑070838 New WID: System enhancements for the use of IMS services in local breakout and optimal routing of media SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070839 Report of SA WG1 to TSG SA#38 SA WG1 officials Noted
SP‑070840 CRs on 22.011 (Rel7&8) on EHPLMN case added to the optimisation for automatic network selection SA WG1 Revised in SP-070913
SP‑070841 CR on 22.101 Rel-7 on IMS Emergency Calls SA WG1 Revised in SP-070910
SP‑070842 CRs on 22.182 (CAT) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070843 CRs on 22.182 (CAT) on TISPAN text for CTMIF filtering services SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070844 CRs on 22.228 Rel-8 on Inclusion of TISPAN requirements to Service and Capability for Core IMS SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070845 CRs on 22.115 Rel-8 on Inclusion of TISPAN charging requirements SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070846 CRs on 22.228 and 22.173 on user busy SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070847 CRs to 22.173 on TISPAN Multimedia Telephony SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070848 CR to 21.905 Rel-8 on Addition of definitions of an End-User and End-User Identity SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070849 CRs to 42.068 on Enhancements to VGCS Applications SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070850 CRs to 22.101 Rel-8 on IMS Centralized Service SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070851 CRs to 22.011 and 22.908 on PPAC Requirement SA WG1 Revised in SP-070942 and SP-070953
SP‑070852 CRs to 22.259 on Personal Network Management SA WG1 22.259 CR0014R1 approved. 22.259 CR0013R2 revised in SP-070926
SP‑070853 CRs to 22.127 on OSA Rel-8 Stage 1 SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070854 CR to 22.278 on Addition of list of applicable specifications for the EPS and amended scope SA WG1 Revised in SP-070929
SP‑070855 CRs on EPS Stage 1 SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070856 CRs to 22.278 Rel-8 SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070857 CR to 22.115 on Unsuccessful Sessions and Calls SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070858 CRs to 22.246 on Requirement for (pre-)delivery verification in MBMS SA WG1 Postponed. Returned to SA WG1
SP‑070859 CR to 22.011 on Correction to EHPLMN terminology and editorials SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070860 CR to 22.011 on DSAC requirement in UMTS SA WG1 Revised in SP-070934
SP‑070861 CR to 22.101 on Requirements for Emergency Call-Back SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070862 CRs to 22.228 and 22.101 on IMS and CS IP interconnection SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070863 CR to 22.115 on Charging for two(multi)-phases services SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070864 CR to 22.101 on Requirements for "In Case of Emergency" (ICE) information SA WG1 Returned to SA WG1 (Postponed)
SP‑070865 TS 22.168 v1.1.0 Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System (and CP) SA WG1 Noted
SP‑070866 TS 22.142 v.1.0.0 VAS for SMS SA WG1 Noted
SP‑070867 TR 22.983 v.1.0.0 Service Alignment & Migration (and CP) (One step approval) SA WG1 Noted
SP‑070868 TR 22.812 v2.0.0 Network Selection Principles for non 3GPP Access (and CP) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070869 TR 22.937 V2.0.0 Requirements for service continuity between mobile and WLAN networks and CP SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070870 Stage 1 Specification of Requirements for Home NodeB / eNodeB SA WG1 Revised in SP-070952
SP‑070871 Specification of requirements for IP interconnect SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070872 Charging for two-phases services (CHRG2PH) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070873 Storage and easy access of ICE numbers on USIM. Agreed with objection from Telecom Italia SA WG1 Revised in SP-070944
SP‑070874 Network Selection for non-3GPP Access SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070875 CS Customized Ringing Signal SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070876 Public Warning System (PWS) Requirements SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070877 Stage 1 requirements for service continuity between mobile and WLAN networks. Agreed with objection from Deutsche Telekom and T-Mobile SA WG1 Rejected
SP‑070878 Study Item to study advanced requirements for IP interconnect SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070879 Revised WID on Enhancements for VGCS Applications SA WG1 Noted. Alternative proposal in SP-070904
SP‑070880 Update of TISPAN Customized Multimedia Information Services (TISCMI-R8) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070881 The Schemes of Voice Service Provision in LTE Deployment NTT DoCoMo Noted
SP‑070882 Optimized Handovers with mobile WiMAX BT, Rogers Wireless, Sprint, Alcatel-Lucent, Azaire Networks, Bridgewater Systems, Cisco, ETRI, Intel, IPWireless, Interdigital, Motorola, NEC, Nextwave, RIM, Samsung, Starent Networks, Telecommunication Systems, TTPCom Noted
SP‑070883 3GPP IETF Dependencies status for TSGs #38 TSG CT Chairman Noted
SP‑070884 Draft Response LS on proposal for a new TR on "Emergency requirements in the PS domain for VoIP and emergency services" Alcatel-Lucent Noted
SP‑070885 Optimized Handover with WiMAX: Status and Way Forward Proposal Intel, BT, Rogers Wireless, Sprint, Alcatel-Lucent, Azaire Networks, Bridgewater Systems, ETRI, IPWireless, Interdigital, Motorola, NEC, Nextwave, RIM, Samsung, Starent Networks, Telecommunication Systems, TTPCom, Cisco Revised to change supporting companies in SP-070902
SP‑070886 LS on EPS interworking with WiMAX accesses Telecom Italia Revised in SP-070912
SP‑070887 5 Rel-7 CRs to 23.167 and 23.221 (EMC1) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070888 Focussing SAE architecture work SA WG2 Chairman and SAE Rapporteurs Noted
SP‑070889 CRs to 33.110 and 33.259 on Key establishment SA WG3 Approved
SP‑070890 New WID: IMS Centralized Services SA WG2 Revised in SP-070924
SP‑070891 Planning of Release 8 and future 3GPP Releases Vodafone Noted
SP‑070892 Status Report of TSG CT meeting #38 to TSG SA#38 TSG CT Chairman Noted
SP‑070893 Draft report of TSG CT meeting #38 TSG CT Secretary Noted
SP‑070894 Presentation of 22.273 version 2.0.0 for approval (Rel-7) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070895 WiMAX Forum Correspondence: Re: Requirements for optimized handover between Mobile WiMAX and 3GPP systems WiMAX Forum Noted
SP‑070896 Optimized 3GPP Systems - WiMAX Handovers: Operator view Sprint, SK Telecom, BT Noted
SP‑070897 1 Rel-7 CR to 23.221: Removal of GPRS specific support for Emergency (EMC1) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070898 8 Rel-8 CRs to 23.204 (MESSIW-St2) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070899 1 CR to 23.060: Update PDP Context process in PDP Modification Procedures (Rel-7) - TEI7 SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070900 CR to working methods to clarify one-step TSG approval MCC Specifications Manager 21.900 CR0036R1 postponed, 21.900 CR0035 approved
SP‑070901 LS (from TSG RAN) on the documents to be considered for the version 8 of ITU-R Recommendation M.1457 TSG RAN Revised in SP-070954
SP‑070902 Optimized Handover with WiMAX: Status and Way Forward Proposal Intel, BT, Rogers Wireless, Sprint, Alcatel-Lucent, Azaire Networks, Bridgewater Systems, ETRI, IPWireless, Interdigital, Motorola, NEC, Nextwave, SK Telecom, Samsung, Starent Networks, Telecommunication Systems, TTPCom, Cisco Noted
SP‑070903 Status report from SA WG2 to TSG SA#38 SA WG2 Chairman Noted
SP‑070904 Revision to SP-070879, update to the WID on Enhancements for VGCS Applications Nokia Siemens Networks Approved
SP‑070905 WID on Study of Architecture of Customized Alerting Tone China Mobile, SK Telecom , Comverse, Huawei, LG Electronics Approved
SP‑070906 CR to 33.234 on support of IMS emergency call over I-WLAN SA WG3 Revised in SP-070911
SP‑070907 Response to ITU FG FITCAR (SP-070722) TSG SA Approved
SP‑070908 Presentation of the 3rd Emergency Services Workshop 3GPP-IETF Coordinator Noted
SP‑070909 Outcome of the offline Operator meeting on SAE/LTE Release 8 Project planning AT&T, BT, China Mobile, KDDI, KPN, NTT DoCoMo, Orange, SFR, Softbank Mobile, Telefonica S.A., Telefonica O2 Europe, Rogers Wireless, SK Telecom, T- Mobile, Telecom Italia, TeliaSonera, Verizon Wireless, Vodafone. Noted
SP‑070910 CR on 22.101 Rel-7 on IMS Emergency Calls SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070911 CR to 33.234 on support of IMS emergency call over I-WLAN SA WG3 Approved
SP‑070912 LS on EPS interworking with WiMAX accesses Telecom Italia Revised in SP-070950
SP‑070913 CRs on 22.011 (Rel7&8) on EHPLMN case added to the optimisation for automatic network selection SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070914 Response LS to 3GPP2 TSG-C on Codecs and Common IMS TSG SA (S. Hayes) Revised in SP-070948
SP‑070915 New WID: Maintenance of TISPAN release 1 common IMS SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070916 New WID: Maintenance of TISPAN release 2 common IMS SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070917 Draft minutes of TSG RAN-38, 27-30 November 2008, Cancun TSG RAN Secretary (MCC) Noted
SP‑070918 TSG-RAN #38 Report TSG RAN Chairman Noted
SP‑070919 Proposed Update reminder for the OPs on the compliance with ITU-R procedures as it relates to Revision 7 of Recommendation ITU-R M.1457 TSG RAN Endorsed
SP‑070920 ITU-R M.1457, section 5 description TSG RAN Endorsed
SP‑070921 Draft accompanying letter for the submission of the updated Global Core Specifications (GCS) and Draft Reminder for the OPs on the compliance with ITU-R procedures as it relates to Revision 8 of Recommendation ITU-R M.1457 TSG RAN Endorsed
SP‑070922 Guidance to SA WG2 on Rel-8 LTE/SAE Project Planning Offline session Convenor Revised in SP-070931
SP‑070923 SA WG2 Impacts of Operator priorities on SAE SA WG2 Chairman Principles agreed
SP‑070924 Updated WID: IMS Centralized Services SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070925 Rel-8 CR 32.299 on UID 360003 SMS online charging (CH8) to Introduce Diameter details for SMS charging Vodafone Approved
SP‑070926 CR to 22.259 on Personal Network Management SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070927 CRs to 33.203 SA WG3 Approved
SP‑070928 WITHDRAWN: SA3 used SP-070927 instead! SA WG3 WITHDRAWN
SP‑070929 CR to 22.278 on Addition of list of applicable specifications for the EPS and amended scope SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070930 Draft LS to 3GPP2 TSG-s on Mobility interworking between 3GPP and 3GPP2 systems KDDI, Verizon Wireless, Vodafone, Nortel, Ericsson, Nokia, Nokia Siemens Network, Alcatel-lucent Revised in SP-070955
SP‑070931 Guidance to SA WG2 on Rel-8 LTE/SAE Project Planning Offline session Convenor Revised in SP-070945
SP‑070932 WID: Single Radio VCC SA WG2 Chairman Revised in SP-070949
SP‑070933 Updated WID: SAES SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070934 CR to 22.011 on DSAC requirement in UMTS SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070935 Presentation of Specification to TSG: TS 23.406 Rel-7 / 23.506 Rel-8 (ETSI TS 182 006 R1 and R2 respectively) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070936 Presentation of Specification to TSG: TS 23.507 Rel-8 (ETSI TS 182 007 R2) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070937 Presentation of Specification to TSG: TS 23.417 Rel-7 / 23.517 Rel-8 (ETSI ES 282 007 R1 and R2 respectively) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070938 Presentation of Specification to TSG: TS 23.508 Rel-7 (ETSI TS 182 008 R1) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070939 Presentation of Specification to TSG: TS 23.509 Rel-7 (ETSI TS 182 009 R1) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070940 Presentation of Specification to TSG: TS 23.511 Rel-7 (ETSI TS 182 011 R1) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070941 Presentation of Specification to TSG: TS 23.521 Rel-8 (ETSI TS 182 021 R2) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑070942 CRs to 22.011 on PPAC Requirement SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070943 Resolution of Optmised Handover with mobile WiMAX Intel, Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks, Ericsson, Samsung, IPWireless, Nextwave, Motorola Agreed
SP‑070944 Storage and easy access of ICE numbers on USIM. SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070945 Guidance to SA WG2 on Rel-8 LTE/SAE Project Planning Offline session Convenor Endorsed as Guidance to SA WG2
SP‑070946 3GPP Work Plan MCC Work Plan coordinator Noted
SP‑070947 MCC Review of the 3GPP Work Plan Slides MCC Work Plan coordinator Revised in SP-070957
SP‑070948 Response LS to 3GPP2 TSG-C on Codecs and Common IMS TSG SA Approved
SP‑070949 WID: Single Radio VCC SA WG2 Chairman Approved
SP‑070950 LS on EPS interworking with WiMAX accesses TSG SA Approved
SP‑070951 CRs on 22.011 (Rel7&8) on EHPLMN case added to the optimisation for automatic network selection SA WG1 WITHDRAWN
SP‑070952 Stage 1 Specification of Requirements for Home NodeB / eNodeB SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070953 CR to 22.011 and 22.908 on PPAC Requirement SA WG1 Approved
SP‑070954 LS (from TSG RAN) on the documents to be considered for the version 8 of ITU-R Recommendation M.1457 TSG RAN Revised in SP-070956
SP‑070955 LS to 3GPP2 TSG-s on Mobility interworking between 3GPP and 3GPP2 systems TSG SA Approved
SP‑070956 LS to PCG on the documents to be considered for the Revision 8 of Recommendation ITU-R M.1457 TSG RAN Revised in SP-070958
SP‑070957 Updated MCC Review of the 3GPP Work Plan Slides MCC Work Plan coordinator Noted
SP‑070958 LS to PCG on the documents to be considered for the Revision 8 of Recommendation ITU-R M.1457 TSG RAN Endorsed

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