Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: R3-04 - 1999-06-01 to 1999-06-04, WARWICK

meeting id: R3-04 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
R3‑99223 General Protocol Model for UTRAN Interfaces, Iu, Iur and Iub, Revised Nokia -
R3‑99226 S3.01 UTRAN Overall Description V0.1.0 Editor -
R3‑99227 S3.10 UTRAN Iu Interface: General Aspects and Principles v0.1.0 Editor -
R3‑99228 S3.20 UTRAN Iur Interface: General Aspects and Principles v0.1.0 Editor -
R3‑99229 S3.30: UTRAN Iub Interface: General Aspects and Principles V0.1.0 Editor -
R3‑99233 - - -
R3‑99234 - - -
R3‑99235 S3.32: UTRAN Iub Interface: Signalling Transport V0.1.0 Editor -
R3‑99238 S3.33: NBAP Specification Editor -
R3‑99239 - - -
r3‑99240 - - -
R3‑99241 S3.34: UTRAN Iub Interface Data Transport and Transport Signalling Editor -
r3‑99243 - - -
R3‑99244 S3.35 Iub Interface User Plane Protocols for COMMON TRANSPORT CHANNEL Data Streams V0.1.0 Editor -
R3‑99245 S3.26: Iur and Iub Interface Data Transport & Transport Signalling for DCH Data Streams Editor -
R3‑99246 - - -
R3‑99247 I3.01 v0.1.0 Editor (CSELT) -
R3‑99248 I3.02 Manifestations of Handover and SRNS Relocation v.0.1.0 Editor -
R3‑99251 I3.05 – Node B O&M Functional Description v 0.1.0 Editor -
R3‑99252 Draft Minutes of Meeting #2 Secretary -
R3‑99253 1st Draft Agenda, Meeting #3 Chairman -
R3‑99254 Response to the Proposal for Iub Interface O&M Work Item and amendment of TSG-RAN Terms of Reference 3GPP-TSG-SA WG5 -
r3‑99256 Sequence charts of User Data Retrieve at SRNS Relocation for IP domain Alcatel -
r3‑99257 Load sharing on Iu for IP domain user plane Alcatel -
r3‑99259 RNSAP Signalling bearer on Iur Alcatel -
r3‑99261 Proposed RRC Connection Re-establishment Procedure Fujitsu -
r3‑99262 Clarity of Specifications and Confusion between RNS and RNC BT -
r3‑99263 Admission Control Based on Power and Interference Management BT -
R3‑99264 SSDT impacts on Iub and Iur Telecom Modus -
R3‑99281 Iu User Plane protocol towards the PSTN/ISDN Domain Ericsson -
R3‑99285 Final Minutes of 3GPP TSG RAN WG3 meeting #1, Interim Secretary -
r3‑99286 : Report of [ARC/1] Study Item “Common Transport Channels Source:ALCATEL -
R3‑99301 Liaison Statement to TSG RAN WG1 TSG RAN WG2 -
R3‑99302 Inter RNS Hard Handover via Iur Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99303 Radio Access Bearer Reconfiguration Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99304 RRC Connection Re-establishment Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99305 Study Item (ARC/3) “Overall Delay Budget within the Access Stratum” Siemens, Italtel -
R3‑99311 Transport of RACH and FACH over the Iub interface Nokia -
R3‑99312 Iu User data transport to IP domain Nokia -
R3‑99313 Transmission delay considerations Nokia -
R3‑99314 Specification Methods in UMTS Siemens -
R3‑99315 CN Distribution Function Siemens -
R3‑99316 LS on Ciphering Algorithm Selection TSG RAN WG3 -
R3‑99317 Meeting Report from 3GPP-TSG-RAN-WG3 Iub O&M Ad Hoc Meeting #1 Rapporteur, Iub O&M Ad Hoc -
R3‑99318 Ammendment to I3.03 for Iub O&M Work Item Vodafone -
R3‑99319 Contribution to I3.05 – Node B O&M Functional Description Vodafone -
R3‑99321 - - -
R3‑99322 - - -
R3‑99324 RNSAP Signalling Bearer Nokia -
R3‑99325 Updated proposed new presentation for Iu RANAP procedure Nokia -
R3‑99326 Updated proposed new presentation for Iu RANAP procedure Nokia -
R3‑99327 Message contents for the RANAP Radio Access Bearer Assignment and Iu Release procedures Nokia -
R3‑99328 Message contents for the RANAP Serving RNS Relocation and Inter RNS Hard Handover procedures Nokia -
R3‑99329 Message contents for the RANAP Overload Control and Reset procedures Nokia -
R3‑99330 Message contents for the RANAP Common ID and Paging procedures Nokia -
R3‑99331 - - -
R3‑99332 Message contents for the RANAP CN Information, Direct Transfer and Initial UE Message procedures Nokia -
R3‑99335 Editorial changes in S3.27 Nokia -
R3‑99336 RACH/FACH Frame Structure in Iub interface Nokia -
R3‑99337 RACH/FACH Frame Structure in Iur interface Nokia -
R3‑99338 Message contents for the NBAP RL Setup and RL Addition procedures Nokia -
R3‑99339 Merging of SRNC Relocation and Handover RANAP Procedures Nokia -
R3‑99340 SRNC Relocation Detect Message for SRNC Relocation Procedure Nokia -
R3‑99341 RNSAP elementary procedures to support RACH/FACH across Iur interface. Nokia -
R3‑99342 Amendment to ‘Measurement Termination Initiated by Node B’ procedure (S3.33) Vodafone -
R3‑99343 Proposal for amendment of TSG-RAN terms of reference Vodafone -
R3‑99344 Editor’s Proposal for changes to S3.10 Editor (BT) -
R3‑99348 Usage of ASN.1 for Application Part message definitions Nokia -
R3‑99355 Cell Update in DRNC without SRNC relocation Nokia -
R3‑99356 URA Update in DRNC without SRNC relocation Nokia -
R3‑99357 Paging procedure NEC -
R3‑99358 Inform UE Location information to CN NEC -
R3‑99359 Parameters with regard to the RANAP SRNS Relocation NEC -
R3‑99360 Parameters with regard to the RNSAP UPLINK Transfer NEC -
R3‑99366 LS to TSG SA 1: TSG RAN WG3 -
R3‑99368 Comments to “Iu User Plane protocol towards the PSTN/ISDN Domain” of Ericsson from the multi-RAB perspective Nortel Networks -
R3‑99375 TS 25.434: UTRAN Iub Interface Data Transport and Transport Signalling Editor -
R3‑99377 Study Item Iu/5 Separate or combined setup, modify and release of RAB - -
R3‑99378 Gs Interface and Paging Co-ordination description in UMTS23.20 NEC -
R3‑99385 - - -
R3‑99389 Updated RNSAP Specification from the Iur/Iub SWG Session Acting Editor -
R3‑99390 Initial list of Hybrid ARQ issues related to WG3 InterDigital -
R3‑99391 Draft Reply to TSG RAN WG2 Liaison Statement on Hybrid ARQ Type II/III Siemens, Italtel, Alcatel and InterDigital -
R3‑99392 Summary Iur Iub SWG Iub/Iur SWG interim Chairman -
R3‑99393 Proposed Liaison Statement to RAN WG2 on the possibility of having Multi-carrier Cells Ericsson -
R3‑99394 Draft LS regarding RNSAP signalling bearer on Iur RAN WG3 Chairman -
R3‑99395 Draft LS to RAN 2, Common channel management over Iur Nortel Networks -
R3‑99396 LS to TSG SA 2: TSG RAN WG3 -
R3‑99400 TS 25.434: UTRAN Iub Interface Data Transport and Transport Signalling Editor -
R3‑99402 - - -
R3‑99404 LS to TSG SA WG2 on Node Identification over Iu TSG RAN WG3 -
R3‑99405 Proposal answer to LS from RAN WG2 on support of DSCH on Iur and Iub Nokia -
R3‑99408 LS to TSG SA 2: Specification of GTP-U TSG RAN WG3 -
r3‑99410 TS25.424: UTRAN Iur Interface Data Transport and Transport Signalling for Common Transport Channel data streams Editor -
r3‑99411 TS 25.425: UTRAN Iur Interface User Plane protocols for Common Transport Channel data streams Editor -
R3‑99414 Reply to TSG RAN WG2 Liaison Statement on Hybrid ARQ Type II/III TSG RAN WG3 -
R3‑99415 TS 25.401 UTRAN Overall Description V1.0.2 Editor (Nortel Networks) -
R3‑99416 25.410 v0.1.1 Editor (BT) -
R3‑99417 25.420 UTRAN Iur Interface: General Aspects and Principles v0.1.1 Editor -
R3‑99418 25.430: UTRAN Iub General Aspects and Principles V0.1.1 Editor -
r3‑99419 25.442: UTRAN Implementation Specific O&M Transport V0.0.1 Editor -
R3‑99420 UMTS 25.413 UTRAN Iu Interface RANAP Signalling Editor -
r3‑99421 UMTS 25.423 UTRAN Iur Interface RNSAP Signalling Editor -
R3‑99422 - - -
r3‑99424 TS 25.425 v0.1.1: UTRAN Iur Interface User Plane protocols for Common Transport Channel data streams Editor -
R3‑99425 TS 25.435 UTRAN Iub Interface User Plane Protocols for COMMON TRANSPORT CHANNEL Data Streams V0.1.1 Editor (Nortel Networks) -
R3‑99426 - - -
R3‑99428 UMTS 25.832 Manifestations of Handover and SRNS Relocation v.2.0.1 Editor -
r3‑99429 UMTS 30.531 WG3 Work Plan and Study Items Editor -
R3‑99430 - - -
R3‑99431 I3.05 – Node B O&M Functional Description v 0.1.0 Editor -
R3‑99432 1st Draft Agenda, Meeting #4 Chairman -
R3‑99433 Status and Structure of I3.05 Mannesmann Mobilfunk -
R3‑99434 Implementation Specific O&M Transport Mannesmann Mobilfunk -
R3‑99435 List of important O&M procedures Mannesmann Mobilfunk -
R3‑99436 Support of automatic NodeB configuration Mannesmann Mobilfunk -
r3‑99437 Principles of User Data Retrieve at SRNS Relocation and GSM-UMTS Hand-Over for IP domain Alcatel -
r3‑99438 Sequence charts of User Data Retrieve at SRNS Relocation for IP domain Alcatel -
r3‑99439 Proposed RRC Connection Re-establishment Procedure Fujitsu -
r3‑99441 Draft Minutes of Meeting #3 Secretary -
R3‑99442 On O&M Requirements Clarification Lucent Technologies, Motorola -
R3‑99444 Classical IP over ATM used in Iu for SVC NEC -
R3‑99445 Paging procedure (Revision of R3-99357) NEC -
R3‑99446 Relocation Detect Message in RANAP NEC -
R3‑99447 Logical O&M NBAP Procedures Ericsson -
R3‑99448 NBAP Cell Configuration Procedures Ericsson -
R3‑99449 NBAP procedure inter-relation Ericsson -
R3‑99450 Coordinated Dedicated Transport Channels (DCHs) Ericsson -
R3‑99451 Dedicated Channel Frame Protocol Ericsson -
R3‑99452 Signalling for UL Outer Loop Power Control Ericsson -
R3‑99453 Handover UMTS <-> GPRS Ericsson -
R3‑99454 Node Identification Principles over Iu and Iur Ericsson -
R3‑99455 RANAP Relocation Procedure: transparent elements Ericsson -
R3‑99456 RANAP Error Indication procedure Ericsson -
R3‑99458 Initialisation Procedure used by the Iu UP protocol layer Ericsson -
R3‑99459 Primitives used by the Iu CS UP protocol layer Ericsson -
R3‑99460 Concept Proposal of RAB Sub-Flows Ericsson -
R3‑99461 CN type indicator in Paging message Ericsson -
R3‑99462 25.415: Iu Interface UTRAN-CN User Plane Protocols, Version 0.1.2 Editor (Ericsson) -
R3‑99463 Reply to the Liaison Statement from TSG RAN WG3 on the possibility of having multi-carrier cells TSG-RAN WG2 -
R3‑99465 Contribution to I3.05 – Node B O&M Functional Description Vodafone -
R3‑99466 Amendment to ‘Measurement Termination Initiated by Node B’ procedure (25.433) Vodafone -
R3‑99467 2nd Draft Agenda for Meeting#4 O&M Ad Hoc Rapporteur -
R3‑99468 Proposed changes to 25.433: NBAP Specification V1.0.1 Vodafone -
R3‑99469 Proposed changes to 25.430: UTRAN Iub General Aspects and Principles v.0.1.1 Vodafone -
R3‑99470 Corrections to Synchronisation section in 25.401 Motorola -
R3‑99471 Comments on Tdoc 465 (Vodafone) Motorola -
R3‑99472 25.931 v1.0.1 Editor (CSELT) -
R3‑99473 25.931 v1.0.2 Editor (CSELT) -
R3‑99474 Handling abnormal conditions in UTRAN Interfaces Nokia -
R3‑99475 Location Reporting Over Iu interface Nokia -
R3‑99476 Relocation Failure RANAP procedure Nokia -
R3‑99477 Relocation Preparation procedure Nokia -
R3‑99478 Modifications to Relocation Resource Allocation Nokia -
R3‑99479 Clarification of Binding ID usage Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99480 Classification of reconfiguration procedures Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99481 Inter RNS Hard Handover via Iur Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99482 SRNC Controlled Uncoordinated Physical Channel Reconfiguration Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99483 SRNC Controlled Coordinated Physical Channel Reconfiguration Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99484 Uncoordinated Transport Channel Reconfiguration Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99485 Coordinated Transport Channel Reconfiguration Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99486 Uncoordinated Radio Access Bearer Reconfiguration Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99487 Coordinated Radio Access Bearer Reconfiguration Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99488 RRC Connection Re-establishment – DCH Re-establishment Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99489 CRNC Controlled Physical Channel Reconfiguration Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99490 Radio Link Reconfiguration Required procedure Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99491 RRC Context Retrieval procedure Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99492 RRC Connection Re-establishment Notification procedure Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99493 CRNC Controlled Physical Channel Reconfiguration procedure Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99494 Proposal for a new TS “ UTRAN synchronisation principles & delay requirements” Italtel, Siemens, CSELT -
R3‑99495 Operation of UTRAN without user plane traffic over Iur Siemens, Italtel -
R3‑99496 Implications of Shared Channel Concept in TDD on the Iub Siemens, Italtel -
R3‑99497 Support of USCH on Iub Siemens, Italtel -
R3‑99498 - - -
R3‑99503 Message contents for the RANAP procedures Nokia -
R3‑99504 TS 25.401 UTRAN Overall Description V1.0.3 Editor (Nortel Networks) -
R3‑99505 Multiplexing of DCHs over the same transport bearer Nortel Networks -
R3‑99506 Iur Transport model for RACH and FACH. Nortel Networks -
R3‑99507 Iu/5 Study Item report Iu/5 rapporteur -
R3‑99508 Node B O&M Functional Description: splitting between logical and implementation specific O&M Nortel Networks -
R3‑99509 Concept proposal of Coordinated RABs Nortel Networks -
R3‑99510 : Associating failures with UEs Source: NTT DoCoMo -
R3‑99511 : Distributed implementation specific O&M architecture Source: NTT DoCoMo -
R3‑99512 : Extension of distributed implementation specific O&M architecture Source: NTT DoCoMo -
R3‑99513 : Implementation specific O&M information transfer on Iur Source: NTT DoCoMo -
R3‑99514 : Implementation specific O&M information transfer on Iub Source: NTT DoCoMo -
r3‑99515 Usage of CCCH, DCCH or DTCH for Cell/URA Update; Alcatel -
R3‑99516 Clarification on RNSAP procedures Load Information, Measurement Reporting and DL Power Control Nokia -
R3‑99517 - - -
R3‑99518 - - -
R3‑99519 - - -
R3‑99520 Iu transport: Support of Address Resolution in PVC scenario Nokia -
R3‑99521 Basic RANAP ASN.1 structure, Modules and General PDU definition Nokia -
R3‑99522 Basic RNSAP ASN.1 structure, Modules and General PDU definition Nokia -
R3‑99523 Basic NBAP ASN.1 structure, Modules and General PDU definition Nokia -
R3‑99524 - - -
R3‑99525 Liaison Statement on the UMTS Evolution of GTP TSG-N WG2 -
R3‑99526 - - -
R3‑99527 Report of the current status on terminal capabilities TSG-T2 -
R3‑99528 LS on ongoing work in T2 SWG5 – Multi-mode terminals TSG T2 -
R3‑99529 - - -
R3‑99530 Editor’s proposal for changes to 25.420 UTRAN Iur Interface: General Aspects and Principles Editor -
R3‑99531 Inter RNS Hard Handover via Iur InterDigital -
R3‑99532 Inter-Node B (Intra-RNS) Hard Handover InterDigital -
R3‑99533 Intra-Node B Hard Handover InterDigital -
R3‑99534 Inter RNS Hard Handover with switching in the CN InterDigital -
R3‑99535 Time alignment of DL DCH data frames Motorola -
r3‑99538 - - -
r3‑99539 - - -
r3‑99540 - - -
R3‑99541 - - -
R3‑99542 - - -
r3‑99543 Liaison statement to RAN WG3 on common transport channel management over Iur TSG RAN WG2 -
r3‑99544 CR to 25.931; GSM/BSS ==> UMTS Handover Telecom Modus -
R3‑99546 LS on the principles and the procedure to ensure packet data retrieve at SRNS relocation. TSG S2 -
R3‑99547 - - -
R3‑99548 - - -
R3‑99549 - - -
R3‑99550 - - -
R3‑99551 Reply to liaison statement from RAN WG3 on support of DSCH on Iur 3GPP TSG RAN WG2 -
R3‑99555 - - -
R3‑99556 - - -
R3‑99557 Draft Technical Report : Turbo Charger Nortel Networks -
R3‑99558 Liaison Statement on Node Identification over Iu & Iur 3GPP RAN WG3 -
R3‑99559 Reply to liaison statement from RAN WG3 3GPP TSG RAN WG2 -
R3‑99561 - - -
R3‑99562 Liaison Statement on RAB Sub Flows concept and associated definitions 3GPP RAN WG3 -
R3‑99566 Meeting Report from RAN-WG3 O&M Ad Hoc Meeting #2 WG3 O&M Ad Hoc Chairman -
R3‑99567 LS on Clarification on Use Of IMA for Iub Link Management WG3 O&M Ad Hoc -
R3‑99568 Contribution to I3.05 – Node B O&M Functional Description WG3 O&M Ad Hoc -
R3‑99569 Proposal of Response Liaison on GTP Evolution 3GPP RAN WG3 -
R3‑99570 Liaison Statement concerning Paging Co-Ordination BT, NEC(will be TSG RAN WG3) -
R3‑99572 Liaison on Cell Configuration and Management Philosophy 3GPP-TSG-RAN-WG3 -
r3‑99575 25.410 v0.1.2 Editor (BT) -
R3‑99576 High level principles for Cell Mobility and URA Mobility management over Iur Alcatel, Ericsson, Nokia, Nortel Networks -
R3‑99577 Proposed LS on Principles on Uu protocol specifications Chairman -
R3‑99578 Proposed LS on Comments on QoS report Chairman -
R3‑99579 - - -
R3‑99580 Summary of Iu SWG Iu SWG Chairman -
R3‑99581 Draft Liaison reply to LS from RAN WG2 on support of DSCH on the Iur interface Nokia -

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