Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: N3-13 - 2000-10-16 to 2000-10-20, Stuttgart

meeting id: N3-13 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
N3‑000493 Title Source -
N3‑000494 TCH/F32.0 reference models TSG-CN3 -
N3‑000495 Clean-up TSG_N3 -
N3‑000496 Clean-up TSG_N3 -
N3‑000497 - - -
N3‑000498 Synchronous BS for UMTS Nokia -
N3‑000499 Preparation of Stage 1 Specification Work NEC -
N3‑000500 Report: Interworking Mobile IP with MPLS in All-IP Based Core Networks InterDigital Communications Corp. -
N3‑000501 Answer to LS on 32 kbit/s UDI/RDI multimedia TSG GERAN Convenor (approved by TSG GERAN WG2) -
N3‑000502 Status Report CN3 Chairman CN3 ( ) -
N3‑000503 - - -
N3‑000504 - - -
N3‑000505 - - -
N3‑000506 Revised proposed work item description for interworking between IM CN subsystem and circuit switched networks TSG_N3 -
N3‑000507 Revised proposed work item description for interworking between IM CN subsystem and IP networks TSG_N3 -
N3‑000508 Draft Work Item description on "IWF at the CN Border" TSG_N3 -
N3‑000509 - - -
N3‑000510 3GPP specifications status list near end of TSG SA #9 MCC -
N3‑000511 Terms of Reference Agenda item:10.2.4 CN -
N3‑000512 Allocation of IM work to CN WGs CN Chairman -
N3‑000513 Work Planning Principles TSG CN -
N3‑000514 Guidance Document MCC -
N3‑000515 - - -
N3‑000516 CR to 22.002 on Deletion of bearer service BS 30 NT TSG SA1 -
N3‑000517 CRs to various specs. for Bearer Modification without pre-notification TSG SA1 -
N3‑000518 Global Text Telephony, Stage 1 description (22.226) TSG SA1 -
N3‑000519 TS22.228 v 1.0.0 “Service requirements for the IP Multimedia Core Network” TSG SA1 -
N3‑000520 23.228 v.1.0.0 TSG SA WG2 -
N3‑000521 - - -
N3‑000522 Title Source -
N3‑000523 - - -
N3‑000524 - - -
N3‑000525 - - -
N3‑000526 - - -
N3‑000529 Message flow for SMWOP NEC, NTT DoCoMo -
N3‑000530 Indication of prepared BC IE NEC, NTT DoCoMo -
N3‑000531 Reply to "LS on Service Modification without pre-notification" 3GPP TSG SA WG2 -
N3‑000532 - - -
N3‑000533 - - -
N3‑000534 - - -
N3‑000535 TCH/F32.0 reference models - -
N3‑000536 Comments on proposed WI "Interworking between IM CN Subsystem and IP Networks" Nokia -
N3‑000537 Removal of the 1200/75 bit/s data rate and general clean-up - -
N3‑000538 Removal of the 1200/75 bit/s data rate, and general clean-up TSG-CN WG3 -
N3‑000539 Removal of the 1200/75 bit/s data rate and general clean-up - -
N3‑000540 Reply to "LS on Service Modification without pre-notification" TSG_CN WG3 -
N3‑000541 LS on SA1’s CR for Bearer Modification without Pre-notification TSG_CN WG3 -
N3‑000542 LS on SA1’s CR for Bearer Modification without Pre-notification TSG_CN WG3 -
N3‑000543 Reply to "LS on Service Modification without pre-notification" TSG_CN WG3 -
N3‑000544 DRAFT LS requesting clarification on QoS work distribution TSG_CN WG3 -
N3‑000545 Reply to "LS on Service Modification without pre-notification" TSG_CN WG3 -
N3‑000546 LS requesting clarification on QoS work distribution TSG CN WG3 -
N3‑000547 DRAFT Intersystem handover problem TSG-CN WG3 -
N3‑000548 LS requesting clarification on Synchronous Bearer Services in UMTS TSG CN3 -
N3‑000549 Intersystem handover problem TSG-CN WG3 -
N3‑000550 LS requesting clarification on Synchronous Bearer Services in UMTS TSG CN3 -

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