Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: CP-50 - 2010-12-08 to 2010-12-10, Istanbul

meeting id: CP-50 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
CP‑100655 CT Agenda CT Chairman Revised in 656
CP‑100656 Revised CT Agenda CT Chairman -
CP‑100657 Proposed allocation of documents to agenda items Vice Chairman -
CP‑100658 Allocation of documents to agenda items: status on Wednesday morning Vice Chairman -
CP‑100659 Allocation of documents to agenda items: status After Wednesday Vice Chairman -
CP‑100660 Allocation of documents to agenda items: status After the Thursday Vice Chairman -
CP‑100661 Previous TSG CT meeting report for approval MCC -
CP‑100662 IETF status report CT Chairman -
CP‑100663 New WID on covering Policy Enhancements for Sponsored Connectivity and Coherent Access to Policy related Databases, Stage 3 Ericsson -
CP‑100664 Location Registration when entering new PLMN Vodafone, HTC, Research In Motion, Nokia Siemens N C1-104269 (by merging C1-105240 with CR#193 into this new CR)
CP‑100665 CT4 Status Report CT4 Chairman -
CP‑100666 CT4 meeting reports after CT#49 MCC -
CP‑100667 Essential corrections on GTP CT4 -
CP‑100668 Essential corrections on IMS CT4 -
CP‑100669 Corrections on Cause mapping PMIP-GTP CT4 -
CP‑100670 Corrections on ICSRA CT4 -
CP‑100671 Corrections on IMS CT4 -
CP‑100672 Corrections on MSB (GID/LAC) CT4 -
CP‑100673 Corrections on GTP Rel-8 Pack 1/2 CT4 -
CP‑100674 Corrections on GTP Rel-8 Pack 2/2 CT4 -
CP‑100675 Corrections on GTP Rel-9 CT4 -
CP‑100676 Corrections on MAP CT4 -
CP‑100677 Corrections on IMS CT4 -
CP‑100678 Corrections on DNS procedures CT4 -
CP‑100679 Corrections on MME-Diameter Interfaces CT4 -
CP‑100680 Corrections on User Data Convergence (UDC) CT4 -
CP‑100681 Corrections on Control plane LCS in the EPC CT4 -
CP‑100682 Corrections on AoIP CT4 -
CP‑100683 Enhancements on Local IP access CT4 -
CP‑100684 Enhancements on Selected IP Traffic Offload CT4 -
CP‑100685 Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Application CT4 -
CP‑100686 Enhancements on S2b Mobility based on GTP CT4 -
CP‑100687 Enhanced multimedia priority service CT4 -
CP‑100688 Enhancements on Network Improvements for Machine Type Communications CT4 -
CP‑100689 Corrections and enhancements related to Diameter based interfaces in EPC CT4 -
CP‑100690 Corrections on Basic call handling CT4 -
CP‑100691 Corrections on Cause mapping CT4 -
CP‑100692 Corrections on MSB (GID/LAC) CT4 -
CP‑100693 Corrections on DNS procedures CT4 -
CP‑100694 Corrections on PMIP CT4 -
CP‑100695 Corrections and enhancements on GTP CT4 -
CP‑100696 Corrections and enhancements on MAP CT4 -
CP‑100697 Corrections and enhancements on IMS CT4 -
CP‑100698 Corrections and enhancements on Multi Access PDN Connectivity CT4 -
CP‑100699 SRVCC enhancements CT4 -
CP‑100700 Updated WID on EPC Nodes Restoration CT4 -
CP‑100701 Updated WID on CT aspects of Multi Access PDN Connectivity CT4 Revised in 709
CP‑100702 Updated WID on Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications, CN impacts CT4 -
CP‑100703 PCRF failure and restoration CT4 -
CP‑100704 CT aspects of enhancement for MPS CT4 Revised in 710
CP‑100705 3GGP TS 23.284 v1.0.0 on Local Call Local Switch Stage 2 Rel-10 CT4 -
CP‑100706 3GPP TR 23.857 v1.0.0 on Study of EPC Nodes Restoration Rel-10 CT4 Revised in 816 Figure corrected before the Plenary.
CP‑100707 Corrections on Diameter interface for Release 8 CT4 -
CP‑100708 Corrections on Public Warning System CT4 -
CP‑100709 WID on CT aspects of Multi Access PDN Connectivity CT4 -
CP‑100710 CT aspects of enhancement for MPS CT4 -
CP‑100711 CT1 Chairman status report CT1 Chairman -
CP‑100712 C1-67 MCC report MCC -
CP‑100713 draft C1-68 MCC report MCC -
CP‑100714 revised WID on NIMTC CT1 -
CP‑100715 revised WID on IFOM-CT CT1 -
CP‑100716 new WID on IESE CT1 -
CP‑100717 new WID on eSRVCC CT1 -
CP‑100718 TR 24.837 for information CT1 -
CP‑100719 TS (NAS-L3 MO) for information CT1 -
CP‑100720 CR pack on IMS-CCR CT1 -
CP‑100721 CR pack on IMS2 CT1 -
CP‑100722 CR pack on PRESNC CT1 -
CP‑100723 CR pack on EMC1 CT1 -
CP‑100724 CR pack on FBI CT1 -
CP‑100725 CR pack on IMSProtoc CT1 -
CP‑100726 CR pack on MTSI CT1 -
CP‑100727 CR pack on ServID CT1 -
CP‑100728 CR pack on IMSProtoc2 CT1 -
CP‑100729 CR pack on CAT-SS CT1 -
CP‑100730 CR pack on MAINT_R2 CT1 -
CP‑100731 CR pack on CCBS_CCNR CT1 -
CP‑100732 CR pack on CW-IMS CT1 -
CP‑100733 CR pack on IMS_Corp CT1 -
CP‑100734 CR pack on REDOC_TIS-C1 CT1 -
CP‑100735 CR pack on IMS_RP CT1 -
CP‑100736 CR pack on eData CT1 -
CP‑100737 CR pack on IMS-Cont CT1 -
CP‑100738 CR pack on ICSRA CT1 -
CP‑100739 CR pack on IWLAN_Mob CT1 -
CP‑100740 CR pack on SAES-CSFB CT1 -
CP‑100741 CR pack on TEI8 CT1 -
CP‑100742 CR pack on TEI9 CT1 -
CP‑100743 CR pack on IMS_SCC-ICS_I1 CT1 -
CP‑100744 CR pack on PWS-St3 CT1 -
CP‑100745 CR pack on IMS_SCC-ICS CT1 -
CP‑100746 CR pack on IMS_SCC-SPI CT1 -
CP‑100747 CR pack on IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS CT1 -
CP‑100748 CR pack on EHNB-CT1 CT1 -
CP‑100749 CR pack on EMC2 CT1 -
CP‑100750 CR pack on IMSProtoc3 CT1 -
CP‑100751 CR pack on VAMOS CT1 -
CP‑100752 CR pack on IMSProtoc4 CT1 -
CP‑100753 CR pack on LIPA CT1 -
CP‑100754 CR pack on IFOM-CT CT1 -
CP‑100755 CR pack on SMOG-St3 CT1 -
CP‑100756 CR pack on eAOC CT1 -
CP‑100757 CR pack on AT_UICC CT1 -
CP‑100758 CR pack on eMPS-CN CT1 -
CP‑100759 CR pack on NITMC, TEI10 CT1 -
CP‑100760 CR pack on NIMTC CT1 -
CP‑100761 CR pack on TEI10 pack 1 CT1 -
CP‑100762 CR pack on TEI10 pack 2 CT1 Revised in 842
CP‑100763 CR pack on TEI10 pack 3 CT1 -
CP‑100764 CR pack on TEI10 pack 4 CT1 -
CP‑100765 CR pack on TEI10 eSRVCC CT1 Revised in 843
CP‑100766 CR pack on IESE CT1 -
CP‑100767 CR pack on MOCN-GERAN CT1 -
CP‑100768 CR pack on TEI11 CT1 -
CP‑100769 CT3 Status Report to CT Plenary CT3 Chairman -
CP‑100770 Draft Report from CT3#60 MCC Revised in 840
CP‑100771 CRs on PCC with mirrors CT3 -
CP‑100772 CRs on IMS-CS interworking (Rel-7 and mirrors) CT3 -
CP‑100773 CRs on PCC in SAE, part 1 (Rel-8 and mirrors) CT3 -
CP‑100774 CRs on PCC in SAE, part 2 (Rel-8 and mirrors) CT3 -
CP‑100775 CRs on the Inter-IMS NNI (Rel-8 and mirrors) CT3 -
CP‑100776 CRs to CCBS/CCNR CT3 -
CP‑100777 CRs on Communication Waiting CT3 -
CP‑100778 CRs on ICS CT3 -
CP‑100779 CRs to correct non-specific external references CT3 -
CP‑100780 CRs on IMS-CS interworking (Rel-8 and mirrors) CT3 -
CP‑100781 CRs on the Inter-IMS NNI (Rel-9 and mirrors) CT3 -
CP‑100782 CR on PCC Enhancements CT3 -
CP‑100783 CRs on PCC in SAE (Rel-9 and mirror) CT3 -
CP‑100784 CRs on IMS-CS Interworking (Rel-9) CT3 -
CP‑100785 CRs on Inter-IMS NNI (Rel-10) CT3 -
CP‑100786 CRs on IFOM CT3 -
CP‑100787 CRs on ECN CT3 -
CP‑100788 CRs on GTP-based S2b CT3 -
CP‑100789 CRs on Evolved Multimedia Priority Service CT3 -
CP‑100790 CR on MAPCON CT3 -
CP‑100791 CRs on PCC Evolution, PEST CT3 -
CP‑100792 CRs on PCC in SAE (Rel-10) CT3 -
CP‑100793 CR on TEI10 CT3 -
CP‑100794 CR on MBMS in EPS CT3 -
CP‑100795 Dynamic view of Headers in Messages for II-NNI CT3 -
CP‑100796 CT3 aspects of Policy Enhancements for Sponsored Connectivity and Coherent Access to Policy related Databases CT3 -
CP‑100797 Optimal Media Routeing within the IP Multimedia Subsystem CT3 -
CP‑100798 Reply LS on direct stage 3 work for NIMTC functionality TSG CT WG3 -
CP‑100799 LS on direct stage 3 work for NIMTC functionality TSG CT WG1 -
CP‑100800 Reply LS on direct stage 3 work for NIMTC functionality TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑100801 LS to RAN3 on Hosting Party Module for H(e)NB TSG CT WG6 -
CP‑100802 LS to SA1 on Hosting Party application in UICC TSG CT WG6 -
CP‑100803 Proposed enhancement to Amendment of E.123 on Emergency Contact Number Notation ITU-T Study Group 2 -
CP‑100806 LS reply on MSISDN relationship with C-MSISDN TSG SA WG2 -
CP‑100807 LS on CN node selection TSG SA WG2 -
CP‑100808 LS on Relay Node Security TSG SA -
CP‑100809 Response to ITU-R WP5A on “Mobile Wireless access systems providing telecommunications for a large number of ubiquitous sensors and/or actuators scattered over wide areas in the land mobile service” TSG SA -
CP‑100810 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #50 MCC/AZ -
CP‑100811 Standardization of Machine-type Communications MCC/AZ -
CP‑100812 3GPP Green activities / Energy Saving MCC/AZ -
CP‑100813 3GPP work items on HN(e)B and SON MCC/AZ -
CP‑100814 3GPP Releases Descriptions Rel-9 to Rel-11 MCC/AZ -
CP‑100815 Support Team Report MCC/JM -
CP‑100816 3GPP TR 23.857 v1.0.1 on Study of EPC Nodes Restoration Rel-10 CT4 -
CP‑100817 Liaison Statement from the DVB Project to 3GPP DVB Project -
CP‑100818 Chairman's status report for CT6#57 CT6 Chairman -
CP‑100819 Draft report of CT6#57 MCC -
CP‑100820 TR 31.828 v1.0.0 Rel-10: UICC access to IMS CT6 -
CP‑100821 USAT via AT-commands CT6 -
CP‑100822 Introduction of Smart Card Web Server launch functionality CT6 -
CP‑100823 1 CR against TS 31.102 for CC_IMS_USIM CT6 -
CP‑100824 1 CR against TS 31.103 for CC_IMS_USIM CT6 -
CP‑100825 1 CR against TS 31.111 for CC_IMS_USIM CT6 -
CP‑100826 2 CRs (and mirrors) against TS 31.102 for TEI8 CT6 -
CP‑100827 2 CRs against TS 31.102 for TEI9 CT6 -
CP‑100828 2 CRs (and mirrors) against TS 31.111 for TEI8 CT6 -
CP‑100829 1 CR against TS 31.111 for TEI9 CT6 -
CP‑100830 2 CRs against TS 31.121 and TS 31.124 for SAES-ISIM_IMS_Test CT6 -
CP‑100831 2 CRs against TS 31.121 for TEI9 CT6 -
CP‑100832 1 CR against TS 31.122 for TEI9 CT6 -
CP‑100833 2 CRs (and mirrors) against TS 51.010-4 for TEI4 CT6 -
CP‑100834 4 CRs against TS 31.124 for TEI9 CT6 -
CP‑100835 1 CR against TS 31.124 for SAES-USIM_LTE-Test CT6 -
CP‑100836 3 CRs on TS 31.130, TS 31.133 and TS 31.221 for TEI9: update of Java Card reference CT6 -
CP‑100837 Revision of LCLS WID Vodafone -
CP‑100838 CT aspect of SRVCC in alerting phase ZTE Revised in 839
CP‑100839 CT aspect of SRVCC in alerting phase ZTE -
CP‑100840 Draft Report from CT3#60 MCC -
CP‑100841 Clarification on EVENT DOWNLOAD - CSG cell selection CT6 -
CP‑100842 CR pack on TEI10 pack 2 CT1 -
CP‑100843 CR pack on TEI10 eSRVCC CT1 -
CP‑100844 LS on ISIM test cases CT6 -
CP‑100845 Correction of C-MSISDN definition CT4, MCC CR was taken out from CP-100671
CP‑100846 S6a Error Diagnostic CT4, MCC CR was taken out from CP-100679
CP‑100847 Definition of Alias Public User Identities CT4, MCC CR was taken out from CP-100697
CP‑100848 Subscriber's data for MAPCON CT4, MCC CR was taken out from CP-100698
CP‑100849 CRs on ICS CT3 -
CP‑100850 - - -
CP‑100851 Updated WID Local Call Local Switch Vodafone, Ericsson -
CP‑100852 - - -
CP‑100853 [DRAFT][D1] LS on Proposed enhancement to Amendment of E.123 on Emergency Contact Number Notation 3GPP TSG-CT -
CP‑100854 - - -
CP‑100855 Draft Report from CT3#60 MCC -
CP‑100856 Status report from CT4 to TSG-CT Plenary Meeting #50 CT4 Chairman -
CP‑100857 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. LM Ericsson, ST-Ericsson -
CP‑100858 - - -
CP‑100859 - - -
CP‑100860 New WID on CT3 aspects of Policy Enhancements for Sponsored Connectivity and Coherent Access to Policy related Databases. CT3 -
CP‑100861 - - -
CP‑100862 - - -
CP‑100863 CR pack on aSRVCC CT1-Chairman -
CP‑100864 CR pack on TEI10 – pack 2 CT1 -
CP‑100865 LS on MI blocks for Civil Alerting 3GPP TSG-CT -
CP‑100866 LS on enhanced SRVCC 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑100867 Updated WID Local Call Local Switch Vodafone, Ericsson -
CP‑100868 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Source to TSG:?[H11] -
CP‑100869 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. LM Ericsson, ST-Ericsson -
CP‑100870 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. LM Ericsson, ST-Ericsson -
CP‑100871 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. LM Ericsson, ST-Ericsson -
CP‑100872 CR pack on REDOC_TIS-C1 CT1 -
CP‑100873 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. LM Ericsson, ST-Ericsson -
CP‑100874 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. LM Ericsson, ST-Ericsson -
CP‑100875 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. LM Ericsson, ST-Ericsson -
CP‑100876 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. LM Ericsson, ST-Ericsson -
CP‑100877 - - -
CP‑100878 Updated WID on CT aspects of enhancement for MPS 3GPP TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑100879 LS on updated CT WI for LCLS 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑100880 Title *[Help1] :IMS Emergency Session Enhancements (Stage 3) - -
CP‑100881 Title * : SRVCC enhancements - -
CP‑100882 WID: USAT using AT-commands 3GPP CT -
CP‑100883 New Work Item on Introduction of Smart Card Web Server launch functionality 3GPP CT -
CP‑100884 WID: USAT using AT-commands 3GPP CT -
CP‑100885 Restoration procedures: the procedures for the IM CN subsystem and the UE to handle S-CSCF and P-CSCF service interruption scenarios (see 3GPP TS 23.380 [7D]). Ericsson, ST-Ericsson -
CP‑100886 - - -
CP‑100887 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Alcatel-Lucent, ZTE -
CP‑100888 - - -
CP‑100889 Title *[Help1] : Stage 3 for Network Improvements for Machine Type Communications - -
CP‑100890 LS on Proposed enhancement to Amendment of E.123 on Emergency Contact Number Notation 3GPP TSG-CT -
CP‑100891 LS on MI blocks for Civil Alerting 3GPP TSG-CT -
CP‑100892 - - -
CP‑100893 - Source -

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