Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items associated with Specification

3GPP Spec = 36.413 : Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); S1 Application Protocol (S1AP)

This page lists the 3GPP Work Items which are or might in future be associated with or have an effect upon the above Technical Specification or Technical Report. Click on the WI unique ID number to go to its entry on the Gantt chart page.

Unique ID Code Title Release
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870099 Rel-19
941004 IoT_NTN_enh IoT (Internet of Things) NTN (non-terrestrial network) enhancements Rel-18
870027 eQoE Enhancement of QoE Measurement Collection Rel-18
920069 LTE_NBIOT_eMTC_NTN NB-IoT/eMTC support for Non-Terrestrial Networks Rel-17
910059 IIoT Support of Enhanced Industrial IIoT Rel-17
860044 NB_IOTenh4_LTE_eMTC6 Additional enhancements for NB-IoT and LTE-MTC Rel-17
860144 NB_IOTenh4_LTE_eMTC6-Core Core part: Additional enhancements for NB-IoT and LTE-MTC Rel-17
860053 NR_ENDC_SON_MDT_enh Enhancement of data collection for SON (Self-Organising Networks)/MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) in NR and EN-DC Rel-17
860153 NR_ENDC_SON_MDT_enh-Core Core part: Enhancement of data collection for SON (Self-Organising Networks)/MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) in NR standalone and MR-DC (Multi-Radio Dual Connectivity) Rel-17
840049 MUSIM Support for Multi-USIM Devices Rel-17
860063 LTE_NR_MUSIM Support for Multi-SIM devices for LTE/NR Rel-17
860163 LTE_NR_MUSIM-Core Core part: Support for Multi-SIM devices for LTE/NR Rel-17
910025 UPIP_SEC_LTE User Plane Integrity Protection for LTE Rel-17
941011 UPIP_SEC_LTE-RAN User Plane Integrity Protection support for EPC connected architectures Rel-17
941111 UPIP_SEC_LTE-RAN-Core Core part: User Plane Integrity Protection support for EPC connected architectures Rel-17
830080 NR_IIOT Support of NR Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Rel-16
830180 NR_IIOT-Core Core part: Support of NR Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Rel-16
820067 NR_unlic NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum Rel-16
820167 NR_unlic-Core Core part: NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum Rel-16
800083 LTE_eMTC5 Additional MTC enhancements for LTE Rel-16
800183 LTE_eMTC5-Core Core part: Additional MTC enhancements for LTE Rel-16
800084 NB_IOTenh3 Additional enhancements for NB-IoT Rel-16
800184 NB_IOTenh3-Core Core part: Additional enhancements for NB-IoT Rel-16
830078 5G_V2X_NRSL 5G V2X with NR sidelink Rel-16
830178 5G_V2X_NRSL-Core Core part: 5G V2X with NR sidelink Rel-16
840054 RACS Optimisations on UE radio capability signalling Rel-16
830079 RACS-RAN Optimisations on UE radio capability signalling – NR/E-UTRA Aspects Rel-16
830179 RACS-RAN-Core Core part: Optimisations on UE radio capability signalling – NR/E-UTRA Aspects Rel-16
800022 enh2MCPTT Enhanced Mission Critical Push-to-talk architecture phase 2 Rel-16
800087 NR_Mob_enh NR mobility enhancements Rel-16
800187 NR_Mob_enh-Core Core part: NR mobility enhancements Rel-16
800089 LTE_feMob Even further mobility enhancement in E-UTRAN Rel-16
800189 LTE_feMob-Core Core part: Even further mobility enhancement in E-UTRAN Rel-16
840091 NR_SON_MDT SON (Self-Organising Networks) and MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) support for NR Rel-16
840191 NR_SON_MDT-Core Core part: SON (Self-Organising Networks) and MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) support for NR Rel-16
820072 Direct_data_fw_NR Direct data forwarding between NG-RAN and E-UTRAN nodes for inter-system mobility Rel-16
820172 Direct_data_fw_NR-Core Core part: Direct data forwarding between NG-RAN and E-UTRAN nodes for inter-system mobility Rel-16
880009 UPIP_SEC User Plane Integrity Protection Rel-16
820070 NR_IAB Integrated access and backhaul for NR Rel-16
820170 NR_IAB-Core Core part: NR_IAB Rel-16
740005 5GS_Ph1 5G System - Phase 1 Rel-15
750035 EDCE5 EPC enhancements to support 5G New Radio via Dual Connectivity Rel-15
750067 NR_newRAT New Radio Access Technology Rel-15
750167 NR_newRAT-Core Core part: New Radio Access Technology Rel-15
750059 LTE_eMTC4 Even further enhanced MTC for LTE Rel-15
750159 LTE_eMTC4-Core Core part: Even further enhanced MTC for LTE Rel-15
750066 NB_IOTenh2 Further NB-IoT enhancements Rel-15
750166 NB_IOTenh2-Core Core part: Further NB-IoT enhancements Rel-15
710006 USOS Unlicensed Spectrum Offloading System Rel-15
760038 EQoE_MTSI Enhanced QoE Reporting for MTSI Rel-15
750014 LI15 Lawful Interception Rel-15 Rel-15
770067 LTE_UDC UL data compression in LTE Rel-15
770167 LTE_UDC-Core Core part: UL data compression in LTE Rel-15
730080 LTE_FNBID Flexible eNB-ID and Cell-ID in E-UTRAN Rel-14
770068 LTE_CA_4DL4UL_B41_B41_B42_B42 LTE Advanced inter-band CA (4DL/4UL) of Band 41C and Band 42C Rel-15
710073 LTE_LIGHT_CON Stopped - Signalling reduction to enable light connection for LTE Rel-15
710173 LTE_LIGHT_CON-Core Stopped - Core part: Signalling reduction to enable light connection for LTE Rel-15
750070 LTE_QMC_Streaming Quality of Experience (QoE) Measurement Collection for streaming services in E-UTRAN Rel-15
750170 LTE_QMC_Streaming-Core Core part:Quality of Experience (QoE) Measurement Collection for streaming services in E-UTRAN Rel-15
780068 LTE_MDT_BT_WLAN Bluetooth/WLAN measurement collection in LTE Minimization of Drive Tests (MDT) Rel-15
780168 LTE_MDT_BT_WLAN-Core Core part: Bluetooth/WLAN measurement collection in LTE Minimization of Drive Tests (MDT) Rel-15
780069 LTE_Aerial Enhanced LTE Support for Aerial Vehicles Rel-15
780071 NR_CPUP_Split Separation of CP and UP for Split Option 2 of NR Rel-15
720090 LTE_V2X RAN aspects of LTE-based V2X Services Rel-14
720190 LTE_V2X-Core Core part: LTE-based V2X Services Rel-14
700061 LTE_SL_V2V Support for V2V services based on LTE sidelink Rel-14
700161 LTE_SL_V2V-Core Core part: Support for V2V services based on LTE sidelink Rel-14
720093 NB_IOTenh Enhancements of NB-IoT Rel-14
720193 NB_IOTenh-Core Core part: Enhancements of NB-IoT Rel-14
730359 CIoT_Ext Extended architecture support for Cellular Internet of Things Rel-14
720006 eDecor Enhancements of Dedicated Core Networks selection mechanism Rel-14
740067 eDECOR-UTRA_LTE RAN aspects of eDECOR for UMTS and LTE Rel-14
680004 - Stage 1 of Evolution to and Interworking with eCall in IMS Rel-14
730078 LTE_VoLTE_ViLTE_enh Voice and Video Enhancement for LTE Rel-14
740167 eDECOR-UTRA_LTE-Core Core part: RAN aspects of eDECOR for UMTS and LTE Rel-14
730178 LTE_VoLTE_ViLTE_enh-Core Core part: Voice and Video Enhancement for LTE Rel-14
730180 LTE_FNBID-Core Core part: Flexible eNB-ID and Cell-ID in E-UTRAN Rel-14
620064 MCPTT Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE (MCPTT) Rel-13
600045 RSE RAN Sharing Enhancements Rel-13
650021 RSE-RAN_LTE RAN aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements for LTE Rel-13
650121 RSE-RAN_LTE-Core Core part: RAN aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements for LTE Rel-13
630016 CSPS_Coord Improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN/GERAN Shared Networks Rel-13
650034 UTRA_LTE_SON_AAS Self Organizing Networks (SON) for Active Antenna System (AAS) based deployments Rel-13
650134 UTRA_LTE_SON_AAS-Core Core part: Self Organizing Networks (SON) for Active Antenna System (AAS) based deployments Rel-13
660042 WSR_EPS Warning Status Report in EPS Rel-13
660074 LTE_eD2D_Prox Enhanced LTE Device to Device Proximity Services Rel-13
660174 LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core Core part: Enhanced LTE Device to Device Proximity Services Rel-13
670055 LTE_dualC_enh Dual Connectivity enhancements for LTE Rel-13
670060 CSPS_Coord-UTRA RAN aspects for improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN Shared Network Rel-13
670160 CSPS_Coord-UTRA-Core Core part: RAN aspects for improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN Shared Network Rel-13
680065 LTE_dualC_ext Extension of Dual Connectivity in E-UTRAN Rel-13
680165 LTE_dualC_ext-Core Core part: Extension of Dual Connectivity in E-UTRAN Rel-13
690065 LTE_eMDT2 Further Enhancements of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN Rel-13
430011 LCS_LTE-NBPS Network-Based Positioning Support for LTE Rel-11
670042 FS_LTE_eMDT2 Study on further Enhancements of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN Rel-13
690165 LTE_eMDT2-Core Core part: Further Enhancements of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN Rel-13
700012 CIoT Cellular (Narrowband) Internet of Things Rel-13
690063 NB_IOT RAN aspects of CIoT aka Narrowband Internet of Things (IOT) Rel-13
690163 NB_IOT-Core Core part: Narrowband Internet of Things (IOT) Rel-13
650033 LTE_MTCe2_L1 Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC Rel-13
650133 LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Core part: Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC Rel-13
640046 DECOR Dedicated Core Networks Rel-13
680066 DECOR-UTRA_LTE Dedicated Core Networks RAN Aspects Rel-13
680166 DECOR-UTRA_LTE-Core Core part: Dedicated Core Networks Rel-13
660072 LTE_CA_enh_b5C LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancement Beyond 5 Carriers Rel-13
660172 LTE_CA_enh_b5C-Core Core part: LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancement Beyond 5 Carriers Rel-13
500028 LIMONET LIPA Mobility and SIPTO at the Local Network Rel-12
590020 LIMONET-RAN RAN aspects for SIPTO at the Local Network Rel-12
590120 LIMONET-RAN-Core Core part: RAN aspects for SIPTO at the Local Network Rel-12
640137 GCSE_LTE-MBMS_CM-Core Core part: Group Call eMBMS congestion management for LTE Rel-12
560022 MTCe Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications enhancements Rel-12
560722 MTCe-SA3TR TR on Security aspects of Machine-Type Communications Rel-12
600012 LC_MTC_LTE Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE Rel-12
600112 LC_MTC_LTE-Core Core part: Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE Rel-12
620043 MTCe-RAN RAN enhancements for Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications Rel-12
620143 MTCe-RAN-Core Core part: RAN enhancements for Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications Rel-12
600116 IMS_RegCon-CT1 Deleted - CT1 aspects of CT aspects of IMS registration control (Stage 2/3) Rel-12
580059 ProSe Proximity-based Services Rel-12
630030 LTE_D2D_Prox LTE Device to Device Proximity Services Rel-12
630130 LTE_D2D_Prox-Core Core part: LTE Device to Device Proximity Services Rel-12
590043 MI MBMS Improvements Rel-12
580009 REP_WMD Reporting Enhancements in Warning Message Delivery (Stage 2/3) Rel-12
590021 REP_WMD-RFR_PWS Public Warning System - Reset/Failure/Restart in Warning Message Delivery in LTE Rel-12
590121 REP_WMD-RFR_PWS-Core Core part: PWS - Reset/Failure/Restart in Warning Message Delivery in LTE Rel-12
570121 EHNB_enh3-Core Core part: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 3 Rel-12
600027 LTE_HRPD_SON LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON Rel-12
600127 LTE_HRPD_SON-Core Core part: LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON Rel-12
510133 LTE_CA_HetNet_ICIC-Core Deleted - Core part: Carrier based HetNet ICIC for LTE Rel-12
580127 LTE_TDD_eIMTA-Core Core part: Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation Rel-12
580029 HetNet_eMOB_LTE HetNet Mobility enhancements for LTE Rel-12
580129 HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core Core part: HetNet Mobility enhancements for LTE Rel-12
580030 EHNB_enh2_X2GW Further enhancements for HeNB mobility-X2-GW Rel-12
560014 EHNB_enh2 Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 2 Rel-11
580130 EHNB_enh2_X2GW-Core Core part: Further enhancements for HeNB mobility-X2-GW Rel-12
610024 MBMS_LTE_OS Further MBMS operations support for E-UTRAN Rel-12
610124 MBMS_LTE_OS-Core Core part: Further MBMS operations support for E-UTRAN Rel-12
620040 LTE_SC_enh_dualC Dual connectivity for LTE Rel-12
620041 LTE_SC_enh_L1 E-UTRA Small cell enhancements - Physical layer aspects Rel-12
620141 LTE_SC_enh_L1-Core Core part: E-UTRA Small cell enhancements - Physical layer aspects Rel-12
550020 FS_LTE_HRPD_SON Study on LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SON Rel-12
480030 SIMTC System Improvements to Machine-Type Communications Rel-11
530009 SIMTC-RAN_OC RAN overload control for Machine-Type Communications Rel-11
530109 SIMTC-RAN_OC-Core Core part: RAN overload control for Machine-Type Communications Rel-11
460026 BBAI Support for BroadBand Forum Accesses Interworking Rel-11
480038 NWK-PL2IMS Network-provided Location information for IMS (NETLOC) Rel-11
520030 SEC11 Rel-11 Security small Enhancements Rel-11
440055 EEA3_EIA3 ZUC EEA3 and EIA3 (new Encryption & Integrity EPS security Algorithms) Rel-11
530030 SONenh2_LTE_UTRA Further Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancements Rel-11
530130 SONenh2_LTE_UTRA-Core Core part: Further Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancements Rel-11
530033 eMDT_UMTSLTE Enhancement of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN Rel-11
530036 Netw_Energy_LTE Network Energy Saving for E-UTRAN Rel-11
530136 Netw_Energy_LTE-Core Core part: Network Energy Saving for E-UTRAN Rel-11
560013 EHNB_enh1 Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 1 Rel-11
530133 eMDT_UMTSLTE-Core Core part: Enhancement of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN Rel-11
560113 EHNB_enh1-Core Core part: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 1 Rel-11
560114 EHNB_enh2-Core Core part: Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 2 Rel-11
430111 LCS_LTE-NBPS-Core Core part: Network-Based Positioning Support for LTE Rel-11
510121 eICIC_enh_LTE-Core Core part: Further Enhanced Non CA-based ICIC for LTE Rel-11
510030 LTE_CA_enh LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements Rel-11
510130 LTE_CA_enh-Core Core part: LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements Rel-11
510036 FS_EHNB_enh Study on further enhancements for HNB and HeNB Rel-11
390073 eMPS Enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service Rel-10
410030 NIMTC Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications Rel-10
490024 NIMTC-RAN_overload RAN mechanisms to avoid CN overload due to Machine-Type Communications Rel-10
450035 LIPA_SIPTO Local IP Access and Selected Internet IP Traffic Offload Rel-10
450238 LIPA Stage 2/3 for Local IP Access Rel-10
450038 SIPTO Stage 2/3 for SIPTO for macro networks Rel-10
450138 - Stage 2 for SIPTO for macro networks Rel-10
500010 eSRVCC Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) enhancements (Stage 3) Rel-10
460007 LTE_CA Carrier Aggregation for LTE Rel-10
460107 LTE_CA-Core Core part: Carrier Aggregation for LTE Rel-10
460207 LTE_CA-Perf Perf. part: Carrier Aggregation for LTE Rel-10
460013 LTE_Relay Relays for LTE Rel-10
460113 LTE_Relay-Core Core part: Relays for LTE Rel-10
500138 - Security for LTE Relay Nodes (Stage 2) Rel-10
470107 eICIC_LTE-Core Core part: Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Control (ICIC) for non-Carrier Aggregation (CA) based deployments of heterogeneous networks for LTE Rel-10
470011 SONenh_LTE LTE Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancements Rel-10
470111 SONenh_LTE-Core Core part: LTE Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancements Rel-10
460003 MDT_UMTSLTE Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN Rel-10
460103 MDT_UMTSLTE-Core Core part: Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRAN Rel-10
470005 HNB_HENB_mob_enh HNB and HeNB Mobility Enhancements Rel-10
470105 HNB_HENB_mob_enh-Core Core part: HNB and HeNB Mobility Enhancements Rel-10
400035 EHNB Enhanced Home NodeB / eNodeB Rel-9
430005 HeNB-RF_TDD LTE TDD Home eNodeB RF Requirements Rel-9
430025 EHNB-RAN3 Home NB and Home eNB enhancements - RAN3 aspects Rel-9
380057 PWS Public Warning System Rel-9
440005 PWS-RAN Public Warning System (PWS) – RAN aspects Rel-9
400034 UDC User Data Convergence (UDC) Rel-9
420041 IMS_EMER_LTE Support for IMS Emergency Calls over LTE Rel-9
420006 LCS_LTE Positioning Support for LTE Rel-9
430007 MBMS_LTE MBMS support in LTE Rel-9
430013 - Rel-9 RAN improvements Rel-9
420011 SON Rel-9 Self-Organizing Networks (SON) Rel-9
380081 WiMAX_LTE_Mobility Deleted - Support of WiMAX - LTE Mobility Rel-9
390058 FA Flexible Alerting Rel-8
390059 - Stage 1 FA Rel-8
320005 SAES 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System (non RAN aspects) Rel-8
390015 - Stage 3 FA Rel-8
390033 HNB UTRA HNB Rel-8
400054 HNB-arch UTRAN Architecture for 3G HNB Rel-8
380024 eMp Conferencing enhancements for Mp interface Rel-8
20068 LTE Rel-8 LTE – 3G Long Term Evolution - Evolved Packet System RAN part Rel-8
330020 LTE-interfaces LTE – eUTRAN Interfaces Rel-8
370035 - Rel-8 RAN improvements Rel-8
390029 RANimp-HSPAVoIP HSPA VoIP to WCDMA/GSM CS continuity Rel-8
32085 FS_SAE Study on 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Rel-8
7038 MTSI Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS Rel-7
32091 VCC Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN) Rel-7
14012 Mp Mp (MRFC - MRFP) interface Rel-7
20029 - Rel-7 RAN improvements Rel-7
9 - Rel-6 RAN improvements Rel-6
2544 MBMS Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service Rel-6
31012 WLAN WLAN-UMTS Interworking Rel-6 Rel-6
35016 CH Rel-6 Charging Management Rel-6
500009 - Rel-5 RAN improvements Rel-5
1273 IMS Provisioning of IP-based multimedia services Rel-5
400009 - Rel-4 RAN improvements Rel-4
60124 UMTS UMTS R99
60121 LCS Location Services R99
60174 USIM Characteristics of the USIM application R99
60192 LI Lawful Interception for GSM Features transposed to UMTS R99
60051 HS Harmonized Standard R99

page generated from database: 2024-09-26 11:02:35