Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items associated with Specification

3GPP Spec = 24.302 : Access to the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC) via non-3GPP access networks; Stage 3

This page lists the 3GPP Work Items which are or might in future be associated with or have an effect upon the above Technical Specification or Technical Report. Click on the WI unique ID number to go to its entry on the Gantt chart page.

Unique ID Code Title Release
- - - -
- - - -
870099 Rel-19
960057 SAES18 Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development Rel-18
960008 - Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development general Rel-18
960058 SAES18-CSFB Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development CSFB Rel-18
960059 SAES18-non3GPP Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development non 3GPP Rel-18
950040 NSWO_5G Non-Seamless WLAN offload in 5GS Rel-17
950041 - CT1 aspects of NSWO Rel-17
950002 - CT4 aspects of NSWO Rel-17
950042 - CT6 aspects of NSWO Rel-17
880019 5GProtoc17 Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 17 Rel-17
880045 5GProtoc17-non3GPP Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 17 non-IETF aspects Rel-17
880021 SAES17 Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development Rel-17
880046 - Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development general aspects Rel-17
880047 SAES17-CSFB Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development CSFB aspects Rel-17
880048 SAES17-non3GPP Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development non 3GPP aspects Rel-17
830050 5WWC Wireless and Wireline Convergence for the 5G system architecture Rel-16
820038 IMSProtoc16 IMS Stage-3 IETF Protocol Alignment Rel-16
870078 5GProtoc16 (IETF) Location Source Parameter for the SIP Geolocation Header Field (draft-ietf-sipcore-locparam) Rel-16
820050 5GProtoc16-non3GPP Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development for support for non-3GPP accesses Rel-16
820042 SAES16 Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development for Rel16 Rel-16
820046 - Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development for Rel16 general aspects Rel-16
820047 SAES16-CSFB Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development for Rel16 for CS Fallback in EPS Rel-16
820048 SAES16-non3GPP Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development Rel16 for support for non-3GPP accesses Rel-16
740005 5GS_Ph1 5G System - Phase 1 Rel-15
750025 5GS_Ph1-CT CT aspects of 5G System - Phase 1 Rel-15
760020 VoWLAN Complementary Features for Voice services over WLAN Rel-15
760022 VoWLAN-CT CT aspects of VoWLAN Rel-15
760023 - CT1 aspects of VoWLAN Rel-15
790035 INOBEAR Increasing the number of EPS bearers Rel-15
790036 INOBEAR-CT Stage 3 of INOBEAR Rel-15
760016 SAES6 Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development - Phase 6 Rel-15
760017 SAES6-CSFB SAES6 CS Fallback in EPS Rel-15
760018 SAES6-non3GPP SAES6 for support for non-3GPP accesses Rel-15
720031 EWE EIR check for WLAN access to EPC Rel-14
720002 EWE-CT CT aspects of EWE Rel-14
720032 - CT1 aspects of EWE Rel-14
730048 ERP Support of EAP Re-authentication Protocol for WLAN Interworking Rel-14
730003 ERP-CT CT aspects of ERP Rel-14
730045 - CT1 aspects of ERP Rel-14
720019 SEW2 Phase 2 of the Support of Emergency services over WLAN Rel-14
730017 SEW2-CT CT aspects of SEW2 Rel-14
730018 - CT1 aspects of SEW2 Rel-14
680004 - Stage 1 of Evolution to and Interworking with eCall in IMS Rel-14
710017 SAES5 Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development - Phase 5 Rel-14
710018 SAES5-CSFB SAES5 CS Fallback in EPS Rel-14
710019 SAES5-non3GPP SAES5 for support for non-3GPP accesses Rel-14
720037 IOC_UE_conf Improved operator control using new UE configuration parameters Rel-14
720038 - CT1 aspects of IOC_UE_conf Rel-14
640047 NBIFOM IP Flow Mobility support for S2a and S2b Interfaces Rel-13
680019 NBIFOM-CT CT aspects of IP Flow Mobility support for S2a and S2b Interfaces Rel-13
680020 - CT1 aspects of IP Flow Mobility support for S2a and S2b Interfaces Rel-13
660030 ePCSCF_WLAN Enhanced P-CSCF discovery using signalling for access to EPC via WLAN Rel-13
660014 - CT1 aspects of Enhanced P-CSCF discovery using signalling for access to EPC via WLAN Rel-13
660028 PCSCF_RES_WLAN P-CSCF Restoration Enhancements with WLAN Rel-13
660041 - CT1 aspects of P-CSCF Restoration Enhancements with WLAN Rel-13
680012 MEI_WLAN Mobile Equipment Identity signalling over WLAN Rel-13
680039 - CT1 aspects of Mobile Equipment Identity signalling over WLAN Rel-13
680041 ASI_WLAN Authentication Signalling Improvements for WLAN Rel-13
660016 SAES4 Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development - Phase 4 Rel-13
670039 SAES4-non3GPP SAE for support for non-3GPP accesses - Phase 4 Rel-13
660017 IMSProtoc7 IMS Stage-3 IETF Protocol Alignment Rel-13
690008 SEW1 Support of Emergency services over WLAN – phase 1 Rel-13
690009 SEW1-CT CT aspects of Support of Emergency services over WLAN – phase 1 Rel-13
690022 - CT1 aspects of Support of Emergency services over WLAN – phase 1 Rel-13
690005 eDRX Extended DRX cycle for Power Consumption Rel-13
699999 DUMMY Awaiting formal work item Rel-13
510049 OPIIS Operator Policies for IP Interface Selection Rel-12
600047 OPIIS-CT Stage 3 for Operator Policies for IP Interface Selection Rel-12
600012 LC_MTC_LTE Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE Rel-12
560024 P4C Policy and Charging Control for supporting fixed broadband access networks Rel-12
560124 P4C-F BB1: Policy and Charging Control for supporting traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO (Non Seamless WLAN Offload) traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks (P4C-F) Rel-12
610012 P4C-F-CT3 Stage 3 for BB1: Policy and Charging Control for supporting traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks Rel-12
620009 - CT1 part of Stage 3 for BB1: Policy and Charging Control for supporting traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks Rel-12
560026 WLAN_NS WLAN Network Selection for 3GPP Terminals Rel-12
620005 WLAN_NS-CT CT aspects of WLAN Network Selection for 3GPP Terminals (Stage 3) Rel-12
610038 eSaMOG Enhanced S2a Mobility Over trusted WLAN access to EPC Rel-12
610009 eSaMOG-St3 Stage 3 for Enhanced S2a Mobility Over trusted WLAN access to EPC Rel-12
610109 - CT1 part of Stage 3 for Enhanced S2a Mobility Over trusted WLAN access to EPC Rel-12
610039 WORM Optimized Offloading to WLAN in 3GPP-RAT Mobility Rel-12
620003 WORM-CT CT aspects of Optimized Offloading to WLAN in 3GPP-RAT Mobility (Stage 3) Rel-12
580064 TURAN Tunneling of UE Services over Restrictive Access Networks (Stage 2/3) Rel-12
600050 TURAN-CT CT aspects of Tunneling of UE Services over Restrictive Access Networks (Stage 3) Rel-12
580016 SAES3 SAE Protocol Development - Phase 3 Rel-12
580017 SAES3-CT1 SAE Protocol Development (Stage 3) - Phase 3 Rel-12
580018 SAES3-CSFB CS Fallback in EPS - Phase 3 Rel-12
580019 SAES3-non3GPP SAE for support for non-3GPP accesses - Phase 3 Rel-12
620048 UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking Rel-12
640006 UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw-CT CT aspects of WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking (Stage 2/3) Rel-12
610004 PCSCF_RES Proxy Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF) restoration enhancements (Stage 2/3) Rel-12
640106 - CT1 part of CT aspects of WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking (Stage 3) Rel-12
600015 FS_COMP_LTE_nibackhaul Study on Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) operation for LTE with Non-Ideal Backhaul Rel-12
460026 BBAI Support for BroadBand Forum Accesses Interworking Rel-11
530012 BBAI_BBI-CT Stage 3 BB I - Core Network impacts: BBF interworking with home routed traffic for WLAN and H(e)NB Rel-11
530013 BBAI_BBII-CT Stage 3 BB II - Core Network impacts: BBF interworking with offload in access network for WLAN and for H(e)NB Rel-11
550003 DIDA-CT CT aspects of Data Identification in Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) Stage 3 Rel-11
510050 LOBSTER LOcation-Based Selection of gaTEways foR WLAN Rel-11
540010 LOBSTER-CT CT aspects of LOcation-Based Selection of gaTEways foR WLAN Rel-11
540210 - Deleted - CT1 part of CT aspects of LOcation-Based Selection of gaTEways foR WLAN Rel-11
530046 SaMOG_WLAN S2a Mobility based On GTP and WLAN access to EPC Rel-11
540011 SaMOG_WLAN-CN CN aspects of Mobility based On GTP & PMIPv6 for WLAN access to EPC Rel-11
540211 - Deleted - CT1 part of CN aspects of Mobility based On GTP & PMIPv6 for WLAN access to EPC Rel-11
560027 IOC IMS Overload Control Rel-11
530019 SAES2 SAE Protocol Development - Phase 2 Rel-11
530119 - SAE Protocol Development (Stage 3) - Phase 2 Rel-11
530219 SAES2-CSFB CS Fallback in EPS - Phase 2 Rel-11
430035 MAPCON Multi Access PDN Connectivity Rel-10
500004 MAPCON-St3 CT aspects of Multi Access PDN Connectivity Rel-10
500204 - CT1 aspects of Multi Access PDN Connectivity Rel-10
450041 IFOM IP Flow Mobility and seamless WLAN offload Rel-10
480009 IFOM-CT Stage 3 for IP Flow Mobility and seamless WLAN offload Rel-10
480109 - CT1 part of Stage 3 for IP Flow Mobility and seamless WLAN offload Rel-10
480037 SMOG S2b Mobility based on GTP Rel-10
490009 SMOG-St3 Stage 3 for S2b Mobility based on GTP Rel-10
490309 - CT1 part of Stage 3 for S2b Mobility based on GTP Rel-10
380064 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Support for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS Rel-9
440036 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPSC1 CT1 aspects - Stage 3 for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS Rel-9
420024 eANDSF Access Network Discovery and Selection Function enhancements Rel-9
420040 - Stage 2 for Access Network Discovery and Selection Function enhancements Rel-9
450006 - CT1 aspects of Access Network Discovery and Selection Function enhancements Rel-9
430034 MUPSAP Multiple PDN Connection to the Same APN for PMIP-based Interfaces Rel-9
450008 - CT1 aspects of Multiple PDN Connection to the Same APN for PMIP-based Interfaces Rel-9
320005 SAES 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System (non RAN aspects) Rel-8
390044 - Stage 2 Security Architecture Rel-8
340051 - Stage 3 (CT1) for SAE impact on services, network functions and capabilities Rel-8
340054 - Stage 3 SAE impact on existing capabilities Rel-8
340062 - Stage 3 (CT4) of SAE impact on existing capabilities Rel-8
340049 - Stage 2/3 for Network selection procedures Rel-8
340028 - Stage 3 for SAE / LTE identities Rel-8
340060 - CT4 Stage 3 for protocol between EPCs Rel-8
340055 - CT4 Stage 3 for GTP v2 protocol Rel-8
370018 - CT4 Stage 3 for PMIP protocol within EPC Rel-8
410004 - Mobile IPv4 (MIPv4) based Mobility protocols Rel-8
340020 - Stage 3 for UE Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) mobility procedures in idle and active mode Rel-8
340050 - Stage 3 for Session management, bearer control and QoS aspects Rel-8
340053 - Stage 3 for security aspects of LTE Access Rel-8
340025 - Stage 3 for QoS mechanisms Rel-8
340026 - Stage 3 for EPC - HSS interface Rel-8
380031 - Stage 3 for Inter-system mobility between E-UTRAN and 2G/3G Rel-8
390008 - Stage 2 GPRS for EPC (23.060, etc.) Rel-8
340056 - Stage 3 for EPC - GPRS Rel-8
380032 - Stage 3 for EPC to UTRAN Rel-8
380033 - Stage 3 for EPC to 3GPP2 Rel-8
360023 - Stage 3 for Inter-system mobility between E-UTRAN and CDMA2000 Rel-8
340061 - Stage 3 for MME - SGSN signalling free protocol Rel-8
360022 - Stage 3 for Mobility management based on DSMIPv6 Rel-8
521011 - (IETF) Stage 3 for Mobility management based on DSMIPv6 (draft-ietf-mip6-hiopt) Rel-8
521012 - (IETF) Stage 3 for Mobility management based on DSMIPv6 (RFC6275) Rel-8
390009 - Stage 3 for Mobility management based on MIP v4 Rel-8
380030 - Stage 3 for Inter-system mobility between E-UTRAN and non 3GPP accesses Rel-8
390045 - Stage 2 Security aspects for non-3GPP Access Rel-8
370010 - Stage 3 security aspects for DSMIPv6 Access Rel-8
390172 - Stage 3 security aspects for MIPv4 Access Rel-8
360021 - Stage 3 for Access to the EPC via non-3GPP access networks Rel-8
370011 - Stage 3 for interfaces within EPC Rel-8
340057 - Stage 3 for Interfaces EPC - non-3GPP IP access Rel-8
521013 - (IETF) Stage 3 for Interfaces EPC - non-3GPP IP access Rel-8
340058 - Stage 3 for AAA/HSS related Rel-8
340059 - Stage 3 for EPC - AAA interface Rel-8
390021 - CT6 aspects of SAE Rel-8
390121 - Core specification for CT6 aspects of SAE Rel-8
390018 - Issues for CT1 TR 24.801 Rel-8
390019 - Issues for CT3 TR 29.804 Rel-8
390020 - Deleted - Issues for CT4 TR 29.803 Rel-8
20068 LTE Rel-8 LTE – 3G Long Term Evolution - Evolved Packet System RAN part Rel-8
32085 FS_SAE Study on 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Rel-8
711052 IMSProtoc IMS Stage 3 IETF Protocol Alignment Rel-7
31012 WLAN WLAN-UMTS Interworking Rel-6 Rel-6
1273 IMS Provisioning of IP-based multimedia services Rel-5
50033 EPC Enhanced Power Control Rel-5
60132 GPRS General Packet Radio Service R99

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