3GPP Specification Change Requests
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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 29.198-03
CR no. | rev | cat | Release | CR written to vers | new vers | CR title | TSG meeting | TSG doc | TSG status | source | WG meeting | WG doc | WG status | cover date | work item | remarks | database record created |
0001 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.0.0 | 4.1.0 | Corrections to OSA API REL4 | NP-12 | NP‑010330 | approved | N5 | N5-11 | N5‑010262 | agreed | 2001‑05‑24 | OSA1 | - | ‑ |
0002 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Changing references to JAIN | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010676 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0003 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Update to the definitions of method svcUnavailableInd | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010534 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0004 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Only one subject per method invocation for fault and load management | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010537 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0005 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Fault management is missing some *Err methods | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010538 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0006 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Method balance on Fault management interfaces | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010539 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0007 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Change TpString into TpOctetSets in authentication and access | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010673 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0008 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Replacement of register/unregisterLoadController | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010686 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0009 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Redundant Framework Heartbeat Mechanism | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010688 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0010 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Add a releaseInterface() method to IpAccess | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010689 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0011 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Removal of serviceID from queryAppLoadReq() | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010691 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0012 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Addition of listInterfaces() method | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010695 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0013 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Introduction and use of new Service Instance ID | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010697 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0014 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | P_UNAUTHORISED_PARAMETER_VALUE thrown if non-accessible serviceID is provided | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010699 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0015 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Introduction of Service Instance Lifecycle Management | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010703 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0016 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Add support for multi-vendorship | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010708 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0017 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Removal of P_SERVICE_ACCESS_TYPE | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010712 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0018 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Confusing meaning of prescribedMethod | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010713 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0019 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | A client should only have one instance of a given service | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010714 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0020 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Some methods on the IpApp interfaces should throw exceptions | NP-13 | NP‑010466 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010715 | agreed | 2001‑08‑30 | OSA1 | 0 | ‑ |
0021 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.2.0 | 4.3.0 | Replace Out Parameters with Return Types | NP-14 | NP‑010596 | approved | N5 | N5-12 | N5‑010563 | agreed | 2001‑07‑19 | OSA1 | - | ‑ |
0022 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.2.0 | 4.3.0 | Correctionto Framework (FW) | NP-14 | NP‑010596 | approved | N5 | N5-15 | N5‑011241 | agreed | 2001‑11‑30 | OSA1 | - | ‑ |
0023 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.3.0 | 4.4.0 | Add P_INVALID_INTERFACE_TYPE exception to IpService.setCallback() and IpService.setCallbackWithSessionID() | NP-15 | NP‑020105 | approved | N5 | N5-16 | N5‑020020 | agreed | 2002‑02‑08 | OSA1 | - | ‑ |
0024 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.3.0 | 4.4.0 | Replace erroneous mention of P_OSA_ACCESS by the correct value P_OSA_AUTHENTICATION | NP-15 | NP‑020105 | approved | N5 | N5-16 | N5‑020046 | agreed | 2002‑02‑08 | OSA1 | - | ‑ |
0025 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.3.0 | 4.4.0 | Add missing inheritance in service agreement management interfaces | NP-15 | NP‑020105 | approved | N5 | N5-16 | N5‑020073 | agreed | 2002‑02‑08 | OSA1 | - | ‑ |
0026 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.3.0 | 4.4.0 | Include Operation Set as part of General Service Properties | NP-15 | NP‑020105 | approved | N5 | N5-16 | N5‑020095 | agreed | 2002‑02‑08 | OSA1 | - | ‑ |
0027 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.3.0 | 4.4.0 | Improved description of activityTestReq with respect to ServiceInstanceID | NP-15 | NP‑020105 | approved | N5 | N5-16 | N5‑020137 | agreed | 2002‑02‑08 | OSA1 | - | ‑ |
0028 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.3.0 | 4.4.0 | OSA Framework - Generate statistics records on behalf of another entity using genFaultStatsRecordReq | NP-15 | NP‑020105 | approved | N5 | N5-16 | N5‑020140 | agreed | 2002‑02‑08 | OSA1 | - | ‑ |
0029 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.3.0 | 4.4.0 | Update the interface names for alignment between 3GPP and ETSI/Parlay | NP-15 | NP‑020105 | approved | N5 | N5-16 | N5‑020160 | agreed | 2002‑02‑08 | OSA1 | - | ‑ |
0030 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.4.0 | 4.5.0 | Solving the problem in the OSA Framework with method appUnavailableInd() in a scenario with multiple service sessions per access session | NP-16 | NP‑020179 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020471 | agreed | 2002‑05‑17 | OSA1 | ‑ | |
0031 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.4.0 | 4.5.0 | Adding missing mandatory method (authenticationSucceeded) to sequence flow | NP-16 | NP‑020179 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020494 | agreed | 2002‑05‑30 | OSA1 | ‑ | |
0032 | - | F | Rel-5 | 4.5.0 | 5.0.0 | Remove redundant data type definition TpServiceSpecString | NP-16 | NP‑020186 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020364 | agreed | 2002‑05‑17 | OSA2 | ‑ | |
0033 | - | B | Rel-5 | 4.5.0 | 5.0.0 | Addition of support for Java API technology realisation | NP-16 | NP‑020181 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020368 | agreed | 2002‑05‑17 | OSA2 | ‑ | |
0034 | - | F | Rel-5 | 4.5.0 | - | Delete description of P_APPLICATION_NOT_ACTIVATED conflicting with 29.198-02 | NP-16 | NP‑020186 | withdrawn | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020374 | agreed | 2002‑05‑17 | OSA2 | ‑ | |
0035 | - | B | Rel-5 | 4.5.0 | 5.0.0 | Addition of support for WSDL realisation | NP-16 | NP‑020182 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020389 | agreed | 2002‑05‑17 | OSA2 | ‑ | |
0036 | - | F | Rel-5 | 4.5.0 | 5.0.0 | Clarify semantics of service properties of type BOOLEAN_SET | NP-16 | NP‑020186 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020401 | agreed | 2002‑05‑17 | OSA2 | ‑ | |
0037 | - | B | Rel-5 | 4.5.0 | 5.0.0 | Addition of version management support to the Framework (29.198-03) in run-time | NP-16 | NP‑020186 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020467 | agreed | 2002‑05‑17 | OSA2 | ‑ | |
0038 | - | B | Rel-5 | 4.5.0 | 5.0.0 | Enhancements on subscription management error information | NP-16 | NP‑020186 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020470 | agreed | 2002‑05‑17 | OSA2 | ‑ | |
0039 | - | F | Rel-5 | 4.5.0 | 5.0.0 | Delete conflicting description of P_APPLICATION_NOT_ACTIVATED | NP-16 | NP‑020186 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020472 | agreed | 2002‑05‑17 | OSA2 | ‑ | |
0040 | - | D | Rel-5 | 4.5.0 | 5.0.0 | Note added for P_SERVICE_INSTANCE Choice Element Name | NP-16 | NP‑020186 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020485 | agreed | 2002‑05‑17 | OSA2 | ‑ | |
0041 | - | F | Rel-5 | 4.5.0 | 5.0.0 | Correcting the method descriptions for abortAuthentication and for initiateAuthentication | NP-16 | NP‑020186 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020495 | agreed | 2002‑05‑30 | OSA2 | ‑ | |
0042 | - | F | Rel-5 | 4.5.0 | 5.0.0 | Correcting the description of heartbeat failure | NP-16 | NP‑020186 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020496 | agreed | 2002‑05‑30 | OSA2 | ‑ | |
0043 | - | F | Rel-5 | 4.5.0 | 5.0.0 | Correcting erroneous FW<->Service instance sequence diagrams | NP-16 | NP‑020186 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020497 | agreed | 2002‑05‑30 | OSA2 | ‑ | |
0044 | - | F | Rel-5 | 4.5.0 | 5.0.0 | Correcting the scope of TpFwID, which currently is giving it false limitations | NP-16 | NP‑020186 | approved | N5 | N5-18 | N5‑020498 | agreed | 2002‑05‑30 | OSA2 | ‑ | |
0045 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.5.0 | 4.6.0 | Correction on use of NULL in Framework API | NP-17 | NP‑020423 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020711 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA1 | - | ‑ |
0046 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Correction to description of TpServicePropertyTypeName | NP-17 | NP‑020428 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020755 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
0047 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Remove undefined exception in registerService | NP-17 | NP‑020428 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020606 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
0048 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Remove ServiceIDs from IpFwFaultManager.genFaultStatsRecordReq() | NP-17 | NP‑020428 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020691 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
0049 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Correct appUnavailableInd and related methods | NP-17 | NP‑020428 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020692 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
0050 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Remove unusable exception from IpFaultManager.appActivityTestRes() | NP-17 | NP‑020428 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020693 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
0051 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Clarify the sequence of events in signing the service agreement | NP-17 | NP‑020428 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020695 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
0052 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Correct use of electronic signatures | NP-17 | NP‑020428 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020704 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
0053 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Addition of Sequence Diagrams for terminateAccess | NP-17 | NP‑020428 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020705 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
0054 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Add indication what part of service agreement must be signed | NP-17 | NP‑020428 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020710 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
0055 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Add text to clarify requirements on support of methods | NP-17 | NP‑020428 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020716 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
0056 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Introduce types and modes for generic properties | NP-17 | NP‑020428 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020741 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
0057 | - | A | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Correction on use of NULL in Framework API | NP-17 | NP‑020428 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020751 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
0058 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Add Negotiation of Authentication Mechanism for OSA level Authentication | NP-17 | NP‑020428 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020760 | agreed | 2002‑07‑12 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
0059 | - | D | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Add text to clarify relationship between 3GPP and ETSI/Parlay OSA specifications | NP-17 | NP‑020395 | approved | N5 | N5-19 | N5‑020769 | agreed | 2002‑08‑30 | OSA2 | - | ‑ |
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