Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 29.198-03

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0001 - F Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Corrections to OSA API REL4 NP-12 NP‑010330 approved N5 N5-11 N5‑010262 agreed 2001‑05‑24 OSA1 -
0002 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Changing references to JAIN NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010676 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0003 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Update to the definitions of method svcUnavailableInd NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010534 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0004 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Only one subject per method invocation for fault and load management NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010537 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0005 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Fault management is missing some *Err methods NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010538 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0006 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Method balance on Fault management interfaces NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010539 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0007 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Change TpString into TpOctetSets in authentication and access NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010673 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0008 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Replacement of register/unregisterLoadController NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010686 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0009 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Redundant Framework Heartbeat Mechanism NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010688 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0010 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Add a releaseInterface() method to IpAccess NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010689 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0011 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Removal of serviceID from queryAppLoadReq() NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010691 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0012 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Addition of listInterfaces() method NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010695 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0013 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Introduction and use of new Service Instance ID NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010697 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0014 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 P_UNAUTHORISED_PARAMETER_VALUE thrown if non-accessible serviceID is provided NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010699 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0015 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Introduction of Service Instance Lifecycle Management NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010703 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0016 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Add support for multi-vendorship NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010708 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0017 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Removal of P_SERVICE_ACCESS_TYPE NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010712 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0018 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Confusing meaning of prescribedMethod NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010713 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0019 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 A client should only have one instance of a given service NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010714 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0020 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Some methods on the IpApp interfaces should throw exceptions NP-13 NP‑010466 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010715 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0021 - F Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 Replace Out Parameters with Return Types NP-14 NP‑010596 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010563 agreed 2001‑07‑19 OSA1 -
0022 - F Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 Correctionto Framework (FW) NP-14 NP‑010596 approved N5 N5-15 N5‑011241 agreed 2001‑11‑30 OSA1 -
0023 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 Add P_INVALID_INTERFACE_TYPE exception to IpService.setCallback() and IpService.setCallbackWithSessionID() NP-15 NP‑020105 approved N5 N5-16 N5‑020020 agreed 2002‑02‑08 OSA1 -
0024 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 Replace erroneous mention of P_OSA_ACCESS by the correct value P_OSA_AUTHENTICATION NP-15 NP‑020105 approved N5 N5-16 N5‑020046 agreed 2002‑02‑08 OSA1 -
0025 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 Add missing inheritance in service agreement management interfaces NP-15 NP‑020105 approved N5 N5-16 N5‑020073 agreed 2002‑02‑08 OSA1 -
0026 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 Include Operation Set as part of General Service Properties NP-15 NP‑020105 approved N5 N5-16 N5‑020095 agreed 2002‑02‑08 OSA1 -
0027 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 Improved description of activityTestReq with respect to ServiceInstanceID NP-15 NP‑020105 approved N5 N5-16 N5‑020137 agreed 2002‑02‑08 OSA1 -
0028 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 OSA Framework - Generate statistics records on behalf of another entity using genFaultStatsRecordReq NP-15 NP‑020105 approved N5 N5-16 N5‑020140 agreed 2002‑02‑08 OSA1 -
0029 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 Update the interface names for alignment between 3GPP and ETSI/Parlay NP-15 NP‑020105 approved N5 N5-16 N5‑020160 agreed 2002‑02‑08 OSA1 -
0030 - F Rel-4 4.4.0 4.5.0 Solving the problem in the OSA Framework with method appUnavailableInd() in a scenario with multiple service sessions per access session NP-16 NP‑020179 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020471 agreed 2002‑05‑17 OSA1
0031 - F Rel-4 4.4.0 4.5.0 Adding missing mandatory method (authenticationSucceeded) to sequence flow NP-16 NP‑020179 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020494 agreed 2002‑05‑30 OSA1
0032 - F Rel-5 4.5.0 5.0.0 Remove redundant data type definition TpServiceSpecString NP-16 NP‑020186 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020364 agreed 2002‑05‑17 OSA2
0033 - B Rel-5 4.5.0 5.0.0 Addition of support for Java API technology realisation NP-16 NP‑020181 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020368 agreed 2002‑05‑17 OSA2
0034 - F Rel-5 4.5.0 - Delete description of P_APPLICATION_NOT_ACTIVATED conflicting with 29.198-02 NP-16 NP‑020186 withdrawn N5 N5-18 N5‑020374 agreed 2002‑05‑17 OSA2
0035 - B Rel-5 4.5.0 5.0.0 Addition of support for WSDL realisation NP-16 NP‑020182 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020389 agreed 2002‑05‑17 OSA2
0036 - F Rel-5 4.5.0 5.0.0 Clarify semantics of service properties of type BOOLEAN_SET NP-16 NP‑020186 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020401 agreed 2002‑05‑17 OSA2
0037 - B Rel-5 4.5.0 5.0.0 Addition of version management support to the Framework (29.198-03) in run-time NP-16 NP‑020186 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020467 agreed 2002‑05‑17 OSA2
0038 - B Rel-5 4.5.0 5.0.0 Enhancements on subscription management error information NP-16 NP‑020186 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020470 agreed 2002‑05‑17 OSA2
0039 - F Rel-5 4.5.0 5.0.0 Delete conflicting description of P_APPLICATION_NOT_ACTIVATED NP-16 NP‑020186 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020472 agreed 2002‑05‑17 OSA2
0040 - D Rel-5 4.5.0 5.0.0 Note added for P_SERVICE_INSTANCE Choice Element Name NP-16 NP‑020186 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020485 agreed 2002‑05‑17 OSA2
0041 - F Rel-5 4.5.0 5.0.0 Correcting the method descriptions for abortAuthentication and for initiateAuthentication NP-16 NP‑020186 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020495 agreed 2002‑05‑30 OSA2
0042 - F Rel-5 4.5.0 5.0.0 Correcting the description of heartbeat failure NP-16 NP‑020186 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020496 agreed 2002‑05‑30 OSA2
0043 - F Rel-5 4.5.0 5.0.0 Correcting erroneous FW<->Service instance sequence diagrams NP-16 NP‑020186 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020497 agreed 2002‑05‑30 OSA2
0044 - F Rel-5 4.5.0 5.0.0 Correcting the scope of TpFwID, which currently is giving it false limitations NP-16 NP‑020186 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020498 agreed 2002‑05‑30 OSA2
0045 - F Rel-4 4.5.0 4.6.0 Correction on use of NULL in Framework API NP-17 NP‑020423 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020711 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA1 -
0046 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Correction to description of TpServicePropertyTypeName NP-17 NP‑020428 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020755 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0047 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Remove undefined exception in registerService NP-17 NP‑020428 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020606 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0048 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Remove ServiceIDs from IpFwFaultManager.genFaultStatsRecordReq() NP-17 NP‑020428 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020691 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0049 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Correct appUnavailableInd and related methods NP-17 NP‑020428 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020692 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0050 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Remove unusable exception from IpFaultManager.appActivityTestRes() NP-17 NP‑020428 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020693 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0051 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Clarify the sequence of events in signing the service agreement NP-17 NP‑020428 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020695 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0052 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Correct use of electronic signatures NP-17 NP‑020428 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020704 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0053 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Addition of Sequence Diagrams for terminateAccess NP-17 NP‑020428 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020705 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0054 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Add indication what part of service agreement must be signed NP-17 NP‑020428 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020710 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0055 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Add text to clarify requirements on support of methods NP-17 NP‑020428 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020716 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0056 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Introduce types and modes for generic properties NP-17 NP‑020428 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020741 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0057 - A Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Correction on use of NULL in Framework API NP-17 NP‑020428 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020751 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0058 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Add Negotiation of Authentication Mechanism for OSA level Authentication NP-17 NP‑020428 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020760 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0059 - D Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Add text to clarify relationship between 3GPP and ETSI/Parlay OSA specifications NP-17 NP‑020395 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020769 agreed 2002‑08‑30 OSA2 -

page generated from database: 2025-01-24 14:24:14