Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 11.10-3

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0002 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Parameterisation of timing advance smg-18 212/96 approved SMG7 -  174/96 agreed - -
0009 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Clarification of OC_RachSlots smg-18 211/96 approved SMG7 -  315/96 agreed - -
0015 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Clarification of OO_PressKeyWhenInService and OO_key smg-18 212/96 approved SMG7 -  187/96 agreed - -
0017 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Change in OC_TimingCHK smg-18 211/96 approved SMG7 -  189/96 agreed - -
0023 - A Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Supporting speech for emergency call testing smg-18 211/96 approved SMG7 -  195/96 agreed - -
0024 - A Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Reject cause Nr 13 roaming not allowed smg-18 211/96 approved SMG7 -  196/96 agreed - -
0025 - A Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Inhibit timer value for cell reselection smg-18 211/96 approved SMG7 -  309/96 agreed - -
0031 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 4 TSOs provoking an MO call smg-18 212/96 approved SMG7 -  202/96 agreed - -
0032 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Initialisation of TCV_slot and TCV_tsc smg-18 212/96 approved SMG7 -  203/96 agreed - -
0033 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Too long identifiers in TTCN smg-18 212/96 approved SMG7 -  204/96 agreed - -
0035 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Wrong control channel description value in TC_26_6_2_1_2 smg-18 212/96 approved SMG7 -  206/96 agreed - -
0036 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Mandatory mobility identity in LUP_ACP_PDU smg-18 212/96 approved SMG7 -  207/96 agreed - -
0038 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Replacement of OC_ChModGen, OC_ChModGen1, OC_ChModGenE with test steps smg-18 211/96 approved SMG7 -  209/96 agreed - -
0040 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Clarification of OC_CnvtMax smg-18 213/96 approved SMG7 -  211/96 agreed - -
0043 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Clarification of OC_CnvtTx smg-18 213/96 approved SMG7 -  214/96 agreed - -
0044 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Clarification of OC_IncTmsi smg-18 213/96 approved SMG7 -  215/96 agreed - -
0045 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Clarification of OC_SubOctet smg-18 213/96 approved SMG7 -  216/96 agreed - -
0050 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Several TSOs need a logical channel parameter smg-18 213/96 approved SMG7 -  221/96 agreed - -
0051 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Add WaitForInService in preambles smg-18 213/96 approved SMG7 -  222/96 agreed - -
0055 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Timer value for assignment failure smg-18 211/96 approved SMG7 -  326/96 agreed - -
0060 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Replacement of OC_TimingCHK with TTCN timer in TC_26_8_1_2_3_3 smg-18 211/96 approved SMG7 -  231/96 agreed - -
0061 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Replacement of OC_TimingCHK with TTCN timer in TC_26_8_1_2_7_3 smg-18 211/96 approved SMG7 -  232/96 agreed - -
0063 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Clarification on OM_NoUAforDISC & OM_ResumeUAforDISC smg-18 211/96 approved SMG7 -  328/96 agreed - -
0069 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Correction of the procedure 4 in TC_26_2_2 smg-18 211/96 approved SMG7 -  240/96 agreed - -
0070 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Change of TTCN timers in ms smg-18 211/96 approved SMG7 -  241/96 agreed - -
0075 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 References to PICS items in TTCN test suite PICS parameters smg-18 213/96 approved SMG7 -  246/96 agreed - -
0078 1 F Ph2 4.15.0 - Clarification of OM_Deactivate & OM_Activate (part1) smg-19 382/96 approved SMG7 - 361/96 - 1996‑06‑11 - -
0082 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Clarification of the description of OO_HookOff TSO smg-18 214/96 approved Motorola - - - -
0085 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Correction of paging request type 2 PDU constraints smg-18 214/96 approved PT79 - - - -
0087 - F Ph2 4.14.0 4.15.0 Incorrect use of MDL error indication in TC_26_6_2_1_1 smg-18 214/96 approved PT79 - - - -
0091 - F Ph2 4.15.0 - Correction of ARFCN for traffic channel smg-19 382/96 approved SMG7 - 361/96 - 1996‑06‑17 - -
0101 2 F Ph2 4.15.0 - Change of computation of timing advance smg-19 382/96 approved SMG7 - 361/96 - 1996‑06‑17 - -
0102 1 F Ph2 4.15.0 - Change coding of mobile time difference smg-19 382/96 approved SMG7 - 361/96 - 1996‑06‑11 - -
0107 2 F Ph2 4.15.0 - Guard time for TC1M expiry in SM group smg-19 382/96 approved SMG7 - 361/96 - 1996‑06‑17 - -
0109 - F Ph2 4.15.0 - Wrong TI flag value in TC_26_8_1_2_4_6 smg-19 382/96 approved SMG7 - 361/96 - 1996‑06‑17 - -
0110 1 F Ph2 4.15.0 - Cause location value in Cause_18 smg-19 382/96 approved SMG7 - 361/96 - 1996‑06‑11 - -
0120 - F Ph2 4.15.0 - Wrong TI flag value in TC_26_8_1_2_4_4 smg-19 382/96 approved SMG7 - 364/96 - 1996‑06‑17 - -
0122 - F Ph2 4.15.0 - Inconsistent ARFCN value of Cell B smg-19 382/96 approved SMG7 - 366/96 - 1996‑06‑17 - -
0128 - F Ph2 4.15.0 - Use of T_dly in ms in TC_26_6_1_3 smg-19 383/96 approved SMG7 - 372/96 - 1996‑06‑17 - -
0130 - F Ph2 4.15.0 - Conditional statement in TC_26_2_4_3 smg-19 383/96 approved SMG7 - 374/96 - 1996‑06‑17 - -
0135 - F Ph2 4.15.0 - Improvement of IdleUpdated test step smg-19 383/96 approved SMG7 - 379/96 - 1996‑06‑17 - -
0142 - F Ph2 4.15.0 - Missing Signal IE in Setup of TC_26_5_7_3 smg-19 383/96 approved SMG7 - 386/96 - 1996‑06‑17 - -
0148 - F Ph2 4.15.0 - OC_IntToSN smg-19 383/96 approved SMG7 - 432/96 - 1996‑06‑17 - -
0150 - F Ph2 4.15.0 - Unnecessary steps in TC_26_3_3 smg-19 383/96 approved SMG7 - 436/96 - 1996‑06‑17 - -
0152 - F Ph2 4.15.0 - Invalid string lengths and values for Freqchseq_** smg-19 383/96 approved SMG7 - 456/96 - 1996‑06‑17 - -
0153 - F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Incorrect expected sequence in TC_26_7_4_3_4 smg-20 585/96 approved SMG7 - 495/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0155 1 F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Error causes TC_34_2_5_3 smg-20 585/96 approved SMG7 - 495/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0161 - F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Short IMSI used in TC_26_7_3_2 smg-20 585/96 approved SMG7 - 495/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0169 - F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Downloading ciphering parameters to TCH channel (part 1) smg-20 585/96 approved SMG7 - 495/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0169 - F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Downloading ciphering parameters to TCH channel (part 2) smg-20 586/96 approved SMG7 - 496/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0171 1 F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Replacement of OM_L2FillFrmCHK, OM_L2FrameRcved OM_WaitnomoreSacchinUL in TTCN smg-20 585/96 approved SMG7 - 495/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0177 - F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 CM_SERVICE_REQUEST delivered by DL_DATA_INDICATION smg-20 586/96 approved SMG7 - 499/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0181 3 F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Clarification of wait time & OC_SaveAndRetrv in TC_26_6_1_3 smg-20 586/96 approved SMG7 - 541/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0183 - F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Correction of calculation formula in TC_26_2_1_1 smg-20 586/96 approved SMG7 - 505/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0184 - F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Password handling in test subgroup TC_31_8_1_? smg-20 586/96 approved SMG7 - 506/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0185 - F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Use of IMSI or IMEI in test step MM_check_ecall1 smg-20 586/96 approved SMG7 - 507/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0190 - F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Loop counter in TC_26_2_1_2 smg-20 586/96 approved SMG7 - 512/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0192 - F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Wrong message type in PAGING REQUEST TYPE 3 constraints smg-20 586/96 approved SMG7 - 514/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0193 1 F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 TSPC_AutoAutoMode in TC_26_7_4_2_2_? smg-20 586/96 approved SMG7 - 515/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0197 1 F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Defaul test step in TC_26_6_12_2 & TC_26_6_12_4 smg-20 587/96 approved SMG7 - 519/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0198 - F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Corrections in TC_26_7_4_5_1 smg-20 587/96 approved SMG7 - 520/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0199 2 F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Power level changes in TC_26_7_4_2_1 and TC_26_7_4_2_3 smg-20 587/96 approved SMG7 - 521/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0201 - F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Configuration of CBCH channel in TC_34_3 smg-20 587/96 approved SMG7 - 522/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0205 3 F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Time duration between channel request and next paging in TC_26_2_1_3 smg-20 587/96 approved SMG7 - 549/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0208 1 F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Wrong constraints in TC_34_2_1, TC_34_2_2 smg-20 587/96 approved SMG7 - 544/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0212 1 F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 OM_Reactivate smg-20 587/96 approved SMG7 - 533/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0214 - F Ph2 4.16.0 4.17.0 Modification of the constant values for timers smg-20 587/96 approved SMG7 - 535/96 - 1996‑10‑03 - -
0218 - F Ph2 4.17.0 4.18.0 CM service REQUEST & ACCEPT smg-21 008/97 approved SMG7 13 14/97 - - -
0221 - F Ph2 4.17.0 4.18.0 Reconfigure test system during test in TC_26_6_2_3_1 smg-21 008/97 approved SMG7 13 14/97 - - -
0225 1 F Ph2 4.17.0 4.18.0 Corrections in TC_26_7_4_3_2 smg-21 009/97 approved SMG7 13 14/97 - - -
0226 - F Ph2 4.17.0 4.18.0 Default RELEASE message in section 26.9 smg-21 009/97 approved SMG7 13 14/97 - - -
0237 - - Ph2 4.17.0 4.18.0 T_guard time too short in TC_34_2_1, TC_34_2_2 smg-21 010/97 approved SMG7 13 22/97 - - -
0239 - F Ph2 4.17.0 4.18.0 Wrong TI flag in TC_31_8_1_1, TC_31_8_3_1, TC_34_2_3 smg-21 010/97 approved SMG7 13 24/97 - - -
0241 - F Ph2 4.17.0 4.18.0 Corrections of TC_31_6_2_5 smg-21 010/97 approved SMG7 13 26/97 - - -
0245 1 F Ph2 4.17.0 4.18.0 Corrections in TC_26_9_4 & 26_9_5 smg-21 010/97 approved SMG7 13 37/97 - - -
0249 - F Ph2 4.17.0 4.18.0 Call Hold in TC_31_6_1_7 smg-21 010/97 approved SMG7 13 34/97 - - -
0257 - F Ph2 4.18.0 4.19.0 Corrections in TC_26_7_4_6 smg-22 97‑336 approved SMG7 14 157 - 1997‑06‑06 - -
0267 - F Ph2 4.19.0 4.20.0 Correct cell for paging and access grants after checking for no-paging in cell-B in TC_26_7_5_7_1 smg-23 97‑672 approved SMG7 15 335 - 1997‑10‑13 - -
0268 - F Ph2 4.19.0 4.20.0 Test step RcvSetupOrEsetup consumes messages in error in TC_26_7_5_3 smg-23 97‑672 approved SMG7 15 335 - 1997‑10‑13 - -
0271 - F Ph2 4.19.0 4.20.0 Use correct channels in TC_34_2_2 for SMS smg-23 97‑673 approved SMG7 15 336 - 1997‑10‑13 - -
0283 - F Ph2 4.19.0 4.20.0 Correction to TC_26_6_5_5_1 smg-23 97‑674 approved SMG7 15 336 - 1997‑10‑13 - -
0284 - F Ph2 4.19.0 4.20.0 RcvSetupotEsetup not setting Emergency TC variable smg-23 97‑674 approved SMG7 15 339 - 1997‑10‑13 - -
0286 - F Ph2 4.19.0 4.20.0 Ciphering between changes of radio rate needs to be disabled smg-23 97‑674 approved SMG7 15 336 - 1997‑10‑13 - -
0295 - F Ph2 4.19.0 4.20.0 Structured rest octet definitions for SI 3 & 4 smg-23 97‑676 approved SMG7 15 324 - 1997‑10‑13 - -
0298 - F Ph2 4.19.0 4.20.0 MS receiving AoCC parameters midway through a call smg-23 97‑676 approved SMG7 15 327 - 1997‑10‑13 - -
0299 - F Ph2 4.19.0 4.20.0 Error in BS61or81MT prevents checking of MS abilities to service smg-23 97‑676 approved SMG7 15 369 - 1997‑10‑13 - -
0300 - F Ph2 4.19.0 4.20.0 Ciphering key problem in MM_LupAuthRpt smg-23 97‑676 approved SMG7 15 330 - 1997‑10‑13 - -
0303 - F Ph2 4.19.0 4.20.0 Wildcards used in a qualifier expression smg-23 97‑677 approved SMG7 15 341 - 1997‑10‑13 - -
0304 - F Ph2 4.19.0 4.20.0 Handling non CC MS smg-23 97‑677 approved SMG7 15 349 - 1997‑10‑13 - -
0306 - F Ph2 4.19.0 4.20.0 Structured rest octet definitions for SI 2ter, 5ter, 7 and 8 smg-23 97‑677 approved SMG7 15 385 - 1997‑10‑13 - -
0313 - F Ph2 4.20.0 4.21.0 Cell Selection Implementation Errors smg-24 97‑892 approved SMG7 16 462/97 agreed 1997‑12‑12 - -
0316 - F Ph2 4.20.0 4.21.0 Corrections to handover test case 26_6_5_5_1 smg-24 97‑891 approved SMG7 16 465/97 agreed 1997‑12‑12 - -
0319 - F Ph2 4.20.0 4.21.0 Corrections to handover test case 26_6_5_8 smg-24 97‑891 approved SMG7 16 468/97 agreed 1997‑12‑12 - -
0320 - F Ph2 4.20.0 4.21.0 TTCN modifications to C_26_8_1_4_5_1, TC_26_8_1_4_4_1, Setup_10_3100, Setup_11_3100 and Setup_10_UDI smg-24 97‑891 approved SMG7 16 469/97 agreed 1997‑12‑12 - -
0321 - F Ph2 4.20.0 4.21.0 Corrections to handover test case 26_6_5_5_2 smg-24 97‑891 approved SMG7 16 470/97 agreed 1997‑12‑12 - -
0324 - F Ph2 4.20.0 4.21.0 Simplification for checking of Mobile Time Difference IE in TCs 26_6_5_5_2, 26_6_5_6 and 26_6_5_7 smg-24 97‑891 approved SMG7 16 473/97 agreed 1997‑12‑12 - -
0326 - F Ph2 4.20.0 4.21.0 Test case 26_8_2_1 problems smg-24 97‑891 approved SMG7 16 475/97 agreed 1997‑12‑12 - -
0329 - F Ph2 4.20.0 4.21.0 Problem with use of lists as parameters smg-24 97‑891 approved SMG7 16 478/97 agreed 1997‑12‑12 - -
0331 - F Ph2 4.20.0 4.21.0 Problems with TC 26_10_2_5 smg-24 97‑891 approved SMG7 16 480/97 agreed 1997‑12‑12 - -
0334 - F Ph2 4.20.0 4.21.0 Use correct channels in TC_26_5_7_1_4 smg-24 97‑891 approved SMG7 16 483/97 agreed 1997‑12‑12 - -
0336 - F Ph2 4.20.0 4.21.0 Problems with TC 26_10_2_3 smg-24 97‑891 approved SMG7 16 485/97 agreed 1997‑12‑12 - -
0338 - F Ph2 4.20.0 4.21.0 CS ATS implementation errors smg-24 97‑892 approved SMG7 16 487/97 agreed 1997‑12‑12 - -
0341 - F Ph2 4.20.0 4.21.0 Adjusting RF power levels in TC 26_7_4_3_1 smg-24 97‑891 approved SMG7 16 490/97 agreed 1997‑12‑12 - -
C343 - F Ph2 4.21.0 4.22.0 Problem with test case TC_26_6_13_10 smg-25 98-0057 approved SMG7 17 28‑98 - 1998‑03‑12 - -
C344 - F Ph2 4.21.0 4.22.0 Problem with test case TC_26_6_5_4_2 Corrections to test case TC_26_6_13_6 smg-25 98-0057 approved SMG7 17 29‑98 - 1998‑03‑12 - -
C349 - F Ph2 4.21.0 4.22.0 Implementation of Tdoc in test case smg-25 98-0057 approved SMG7 17 34‑98 - 1998‑03‑12 - -
C350 - F Ph2 4.21.0 4.22.0 Problems with TC 26_6_2_5 smg-25 98-0057 approved SMG7 17 35‑98 - 1998‑03‑12 - -
C351 - F Ph2 4.21.0 4.22.0 Problems with test case TC_26_6_6_1 smg-25 98-0057 approved SMG7 17 36‑98 - 1998‑03‑12 - -
C352 - F Ph2 4.21.0 4.22.0 Incorrect TDMA offset for SDCCH8 channel in Test Cases 26_6_13_8/9 and 10 smg-25 98-0057 approved SMG7 17 37‑98 - 1998‑03‑12 - -
C359 - F Ph2 4.21.0 4.22.0 Implementation of Tdoc 125/97 - correction of defaults RP_ERROR smg-25 98-0057 approved SMG7 17 44‑98 - 1998‑03‑12 - -
C361 - F Ph2 4.21.0 4.22.0 Implementation errors with Test Cases smg-25 98-0057 approved SMG7 17 47‑98 - 1998‑03‑12 - -
C362 - F Ph2 4.22.0 4.23.0 Test steps Checkhoacc_Timing and Checkhoacc_Pwr have TTCN implementation errors which cause incorrect handling of negative numbers smg-26 98‑0348 approved SMG7 18 171/98 agreed 1998‑06‑15 - -
C367 - F Ph2 4.22.0 4.23.0 Implementation errors In Test Case smg-26 98‑0348 approved SMG7 18 176/98 agreed 1998‑06‑15 - -
C370 - F Ph2 4.22.0 4.23.0 Incorrect frequency hopping parameters used in 26.6.13 series frequency hopping checks smg-26 98‑0348 approved SMG7 18 179/98 agreed 1998‑06‑15 - -
C374 - F Ph2 4.22.0 4.23.0 Test Case 20.10 TTCN implementation error regarding Carrier 2 RACH timing smg-26 98‑0349 approved SMG7 18 183/98 agreed 1998‑06‑15 - -
C376 - F Ph2 4.22.0 4.23.0 Test Case 20.1 TTCN implementation error regarding Carrier 2 RAM value smg-26 98‑0349 approved SMG7 18 185/98 agreed 1998‑06‑15 - -
C379 - F Ph2 4.23.0 4.24.0 SI3 coding conflict in and smg-27 98-0540 approved SMG7 19 262/98 agreed 1998‑09‑21 - -
C382 - F Ph2 4.23.0 4.24.0 Correction for DCS frequencies for 26_6_4_1 smg-27 98-0540 approved SMG7 19 265/98 agreed 1998‑09‑21 - -
C388 - F Ph2 4.23.0 4.24.0 Problem with conflicting carrier initialisation in TC_20_15 smg-27 98-0540 approved SMG7 19 272/98 agreed 1998‑09‑21 - -
C391 - F Ph2 4.23.0 4.24.0 Problem in MO test cases for Dual Rate phones smg-27 98-0540 approved SMG7 19 279/98 agreed 1998‑09‑21 - -
C392 - F Ph2 4.23.0 4.24.0 RF Signal parameter change for TC_20_1 smg-27 98-0540 approved SMG7 19 280/98 agreed 1998‑09‑21 - -
C400 - F Ph2 4.24.0 4.25.0 EFR test cases implementation problems with a dual rate MS smg-28 P‑99‑023 approved SMG7 20 402/98 agreed 1998‑12‑17 - -
C401 - F Ph2 4.24.0 4.25.0 Increasing the time to read BCCH, in TTCN Test Case 26.2.2 smg-28 P‑99‑023 approved SMG7 20 403/98 agreed 1998‑12‑17 - -
C402 - F Ph2 4.24.0 4.25.0 Wrong combination of PIXIT values in TTCN Test Cases and smg-28 P‑99‑023 approved SMG7 20 404/98 agreed 1998‑12‑17 - -
C411 - F Ph2 4.24.0 4.25.0 Timeslots and cell control channels used in TTCN Test Case series smg-28 P‑99‑023 approved SMG7 20 414/98 agreed 1998‑12‑17 - -
C412 - F Ph2 4.24.0 4.25.0 Using 3 Speech Preferences in the TTCN Test Case 26.12.5 smg-28 P‑99‑023 approved SMG7 20 415/98 agreed 1998‑12‑17 - -
C413 - F Ph2 4.24.0 4.25.0 Modifying RF levels in implementation of test case smg-28 P‑99‑023 approved SMG7 20 533/98 agreed 1998‑12‑17 - -
C417 - F Ph2 4.25.0 4.26.0 Changes to the Implementation of 20 series test cases for EGSM smg-29 P‑99‑364 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑007 agreed 1999‑03‑25 - -
C420 - F Ph2 4.25.0 4.26.0 DCS handover corrections in implementation of TC_26_6_5_2_9 smg-29 P‑99‑364 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑010 agreed 1999‑03‑25 - -
C421 - F Ph2 4.25.0 4.26.0 Implementation of SI 5ter messages in and smg-29 P‑99‑364 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑011 agreed 1999‑03‑25 - -
C422 - F Ph2 4.25.0 4.26.0 Implementation of DCS handover frequencies in test cases 26_6_5_2_3 and _4 smg-29 P‑99‑364 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑013 agreed 1999‑03‑25 - -
C424 - F Ph2 4.25.0 4.26.0 Implementation of Tdoc 471/98 in TC_26_6_1_3 smg-29 P‑99‑364 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑015 agreed 1999‑03‑25 - -
C430 - F Ph2 4.25.0 4.26.0 L2 pseudo length of SI4 in implementation of test case 34.3 smg-29 P‑99‑364 approved SMG7 22 7‑99‑158 agreed 1999‑06‑11 - -
C431 - F Ph2 4.25.0 4.26.0 Correction of a DCS constraint in the implementation of test case smg-29 P‑99‑364 approved SMG7 22 7‑99‑159 agreed 1999‑06‑11 - -
C433 - F Ph2 4.25.0 4.26.0 Implementation error in DCS frequency list in test case smg-29 P‑99‑364 approved SMG7 22 7‑99‑161 agreed 1999‑06‑11 - -
C435 - F Ph2 4.25.0 4.26.0 PIXIT errors in the implementation of test cases and smg-29 P‑99‑364 approved SMG7 22 7‑99‑167 agreed 1999‑06‑11 - -
C439 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 Errors in the implementation of test case 11.1.1 smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑286 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C440 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 Implementation errors in test case smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑291 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C441 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 Correction of the implementation of the second SETUP message in test case 11.1.1 smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑287 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C442 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 DTMF signalling for a multiparty call in the implementation of smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑288 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C443 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 EGSM changes required to the implementation of test cases 20.20.1 and 20.20.2 smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑283 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C444 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 Stop paging in carrier 2 in the implementation of test case 20.5 smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑281 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C445 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 Addition of timer in implementation of test case smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑289 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C446 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 Minor changes to CBA and EXT-IND bits changes in implementation of 20.1 and 20.5 smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑282 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C447 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 PIXIT alignment with 11.10-1 in implementation of test case smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑290 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C448 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 Implementation error in the classmark checking in dual band test cases smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑284 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C449 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 Correction of Dual Rate problem in implementation of TC smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑292 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C450 - B R96 4.26.0 5.0.0 Creation of GSM 11.10-3, version 5.0.0 incl. ASCI and R-GSM tests (TTCN coding) smg-30 P‑99‑562 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑329 agreed 1999‑10‑22 REN/SMG071110Q3 -
C451 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 Correction of check of BS-PA-MFRMS in TC. smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑293 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C452 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 Minor implementation error in test case smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 21 7‑99‑294 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C453 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 Implementation of Default Behaviours in the ATS smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 22 7‑99‑295 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C454 - F Ph2 4.26.0 4.27.0 PIXIT comment changes to the 11.10-3 document smg-30 P‑99‑561 approved SMG7 22 7‑99‑297 agreed 1999‑10‑22 - -
C455 - F Ph2 4.27.0 4.28.0 Implementation error in TC EGSM path missing. smg-31 P‑00‑019 approved SMG7 24 7‑00‑034 - 2000‑02‑04 TEI -
C456 - F Ph2 4.27.0 4.28.0 11.10-3, handover test cases. Addition of test step to delay handovers. smg-31 P‑00‑019 approved SMG7 24 7‑00‑035 - 2000‑02‑04 TEI -
C457 - F Ph2 4.27.0 4.28.0 DISCONNECT Cause Value check in TCs and smg-31 P‑00‑019 approved SMG7 24 7‑00‑036 - 2000‑02‑04 TEI -
C458 - F Ph2 4.27.0 4.28.0 Implementation error in TC Incorrect Hopping Sequence Number. smg-31 P‑00‑019 approved SMG7 24 7‑00‑037 - 2000‑02‑04 TEI -
C459 - F Ph2 4.28.0 4.29.0 Proposal to change the guard timer in smg-32 P‑00‑265 approved SMG7 25 7‑00‑139 agreed 2000‑06‑13 TEI -
C460 - F Ph2 4.28.0 4.29.0 Alignment of 11.10-3 TC_26_10_2_4_1 with 11.10-1 smg-32 P‑00‑265 approved SMG7 25 7‑00‑140 agreed 2000‑06‑13 TEI -
C461 - F Ph2 4.28.0 4.29.0 Proposal to modify implementation of tests smg-32 P‑00‑265 approved SMG7 25 7‑00‑141 agreed 2000‑06‑13 TEI -
C462 - F Ph2 4.28.0 4.29.0 Minor changes to implementation of and smg-32 P‑00‑265 approved SMG7 25 7‑00‑142 agreed 2000‑06‑13 TEI -
C463 - F Ph2 4.28.0 4.29.0 TC_20_6. Alignment with 11.10-1 smg-32 P‑00‑265 approved SMG7 25 7‑00‑143 agreed 2000‑06‑13 TEI -
C464 - F Ph2 4.28.0 4.29.0 BasicServiceMO, CallCfmGen. Alignment with 11.10-1 - Autobauding Modem smg-32 P‑00‑265 approved SMG7 25 7‑00‑144 agreed 2000‑06‑13 TEI -
C465 - F Ph2 4.28.0 4.29.0 Minor change to 11.10-3 TC_26_5_7_1_4 smg-32 P‑00‑265 approved SMG7 25 7‑00‑145 agreed 2000‑06‑13 TEI -
C466 - F Ph2 4.28.0 4.29.0 Minor change to 11.10-3 TC_26_9_4 and TC_26_9_5 smg-32 P‑00‑265 approved SMG7 25 7‑00‑146 agreed 2000‑06‑13 TEI -
C467 - F Ph2 4.28.0 4.29.0 TC_20_4. Change to EXT_IND bit in the SI2 message for EGSM smg-32 P‑00‑265 approved SMG7 25 7‑00‑147 agreed 2000‑06‑13 TEI -
C468 - F Ph2 4.28.0 4.29.0 Minor implementation error in 11.10-3 TC smg-32 P‑00‑265 approved SMG7 25 7‑00‑148 agreed 2000‑06‑13 TEI -
C469 - F Ph2 4.28.0 4.29.0 Minor PIXIT change to 11.10-3 TC_26_6_5_3 series smg-32 P‑00‑265 approved SMG7 25 7‑00‑149 agreed 2000‑06‑13 TEI -
C470 - B R00 5.0.0 - Creation of a merged version of GSM 11.10 part 3 and new test cases for the UUS and Follow Me services smg-32 P‑00‑266 revised SMG7 25 7‑00‑268 agreed 2000‑06‑13 UUS, FM presented to SMG by mistake - 7-00-276 should have been presented
C470 1 B R00 5.0.0 9.0.0 Creation of a merged version of GSM 11.10 part 3 and new test cases for the UUS and Follow Me services smg-32 P‑00‑328 approved SMG7 25 7‑00‑276 agreed 2000‑06‑13 UUS, FM -
C471 - F Ph2 4.29.0 4.30.0 Changes to TC_26_6_4_1 GP-02 GP-000493 approved G4 G4-01 G4‑000023 agreed 2000‑10‑06 TEI -
C472 - F Ph2 4.29.0 4.30.0 Correction to TC_26_5_6_3 GP-02 GP-000493 approved G4 G4-01 G4‑000024 agreed 2000‑10‑06 TEI -
C473 - F Ph2 4.29.0 4.30.0 PIXIT change to TC_26_8_1_4_3_1 GP-02 GP-000493 approved G4 G4-01 G4‑000025 agreed 2000‑10‑06 TEI -
C474 - B Ph2 4.29.0 4.30.0 Addition of Test Case 33.6 to Layer 3 ATS GP-02 GP-000493 approved G4 G4-01 G4‑000026 agreed 2000‑10‑06 TEI -
C475 - F Ph2 4.29.0 4.30.0 PIXIT change to TC_26_6_12_4 GP-02 GP-000493 approved G4 G4-01 G4‑000027 agreed 2000‑10‑06 TEI -
C476 - F Ph2 4.29.0 4.30.0 Training sequence code PIXIT changes to TC_26_11_2_1 and TC_26_11_2_2_1 GP-02 GP-000493 approved G4 G4-01 G4‑000029 agreed 2000‑10‑06 TEI -
C477 - B Ph2 4.29.0 4.30.0 Addition of Test Case 20.19 to Cell Selection ATS GP-02 GP-000493 approved G4 G4-01 G4‑000031 agreed 2000‑10‑06 TEI -
C478 - F Ph2 4.29.0 4.30.0 PIXIT change in test step 'VarInit_fix_Dual' for test cases 20.20.1, 20.20.2 and GP-02 GP-000493 approved G4 G4-01 G4‑000115 agreed 2000‑10‑06 TEI -
C479 - F Ph2 4.30.0 4.31.0 TC_20_19 alignment with 51.010-1 GP-03 GP-010089 approved G4 G4-02 G4‑000181 agreed 2001‑01‑09 TEI -
C480 - F Ph2 4.30.0 4.31.0 Alignment of 11.10-3 TC_26_6_5_9 to 51.010-1 GP-03 GP-010089 approved G4 G4-02 G4‑000182 agreed 2001‑01‑09 TEI -
C481 - F Ph2 4.31.0 4.32.0 TC_20_1. Proposal to change to final Pass verdict. GP-04 GP-010471 approved G4 G4-03 G4‑010080 agreed 2001‑03‑05 TEI -
C482 - F Ph2 4.31.0 4.32.0 Test case implementation of ready to transmit GP-04 GP-010471 approved G4 G4-03 G4‑010081 agreed 2001‑03‑05 TEI -
C483 - F Ph2 4.32.0 4.33.0 Alignment of TC_20_5 with 51.010-1 section 20.5 GP-05 GP-011152 approved - - G4‑010251 - 2001‑04‑27 TEI -
C484 - F Ph2 4.33.0 4.34.0 Inclusion of pointer to the maintained specification GP-06 GP-011475 approved G4 ---- ‑‑‑‑ - 2001‑08‑07 TEI Presented directly to plenary
C485 - F R96 5.0.1 5.1.0 Inclusion of pointer to the maintained specification GP-06 GP-011476 approved G4 ----- ‑‑‑‑ - 2001‑08‑07 TEI Presented directly to plenary

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