The 5G Standard

3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 07.05

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
A021 - B R96 4.7.0 5.0.0 Support of status report memory (ph 2+) smg-19 397/96 approved SMG4 3/96 363/96 agreed 1996‑05‑30 - second revised page: + CMGL changed to
A026 - B R96 5.0.0 5.1.0 Enhanced SMS storage handling in AT modes smg-20 612/96 approved SMG4 4/96 96P446 agreed 1996‑09‑30 TEI -
A035 - B R97 5.2.0 5.3.0 More messages to send smg-22 415/97 approved SMG4 9705 97p106 agreed 1997‑06‑03 - -

page generated from database: 2024-07-12 23:13:41