This workshop has sucessfully brought the 3GPP community closer to the initiatives of regional & global research organizations, market partners (MRPs), operators’ associations and the ITU.
3GPP WG SA1 now has the task to define the 6G stage 1 requirements to be met by future 3GPP specifications.
Links to the presentations are embedded below.
Day 1: Opening, Operators, Verticals
Speakers: Puneet Jain (Intel), SA Chair and Jose Almodovar (TNO), SA1 Chair
- GSMA - GSMA Proposal on 6G - Speaker: Barbara Pareglio (GSMA)
- NGMN - NGMN’s 6G Vision - Speakers: Sparsh Singhal & Quan Zhao (NGMN)
Panel#1: “6G Drivers for Operators”
- Automotive - 5GAA input to 3GPP Stage-1 workshop on IMT-2030 Use Cases. Speaker: Maxime Flament (5GAA)
- Industry - 5G-ACIA, Considerations on 6G Use Cases & Requirements. Speaker: Andreas Müller (Bosch)
- Multimedia - 5G-MAG: Views from 5G-MAG towards IMT-2030. Speaker: Jordi Gimenez (5G-MAG).
- Satellite - GSOA, NTN Evolution into 6G for IMT-2030 Use Cases. Speaker: Munira Jaffar (Echostar)
- Public Safety - TCCA, Can societies depend on 6G? Speaker: Tero Pesonen (TCCA Critical Communications Broadband Group)
- Wireless Broadband Alliance, Next Generation of Access. Speaker: Bruno Tomas (WBA)
Panel#2 : “6G Drivers for Verticals”
Day 2: Research Alliances
- Japan, B5GPC’s Views on IMT2030 use cases - Speaker: Satoshi Konishi, KDDI / B5G Promotion Consortium
- South Korea, 6G Forum’s View on IMT-2030 Use Cases - Speaker: Namseok Ko, ETRI / 6G Forum
- China, Use cases towards 2030 and beyond - Speaker: Du Ying, IMT2030 Promotion Group
- India, Bharat 6G vision - Speaker: Rajesh Kumar Pathak, Bharat 6G Alliance
- North America, NGA Vision for 6G - Speaker: Amitava Ghosh (Nokia), Next G Alliance
- Europe, The European view on 6G use cases - Speaker: Gustav Wikström, 6G-SNS
Panel#3: “Building a Global 6G View”
Day 3: ITU, 3GPP, Closing
- ITU-R - Update from ITU-R on IMT-2030 - Speaker: Uwe Loewenstein (ITU)
- 3GPP - 3GPP Intro & 6G Planning - Speaker: Puneet Jain (Intel), SA Chair
Panel#4: ITU & 3GPP synergies for 6G”
Speakers: Puneet Jain (Intel), SA Chair; Jose Almodovar (TNO), SA1 Chair; Alain Sultan (ETSI MCC), SA1 Secretary & 3GPP Work Plan Coordinator
Further information
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