The 3rd FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System) Plugtests event will be hosted by UIC in Paris, FR from 3 to 7 July 2023.
The concept of Mission Critical Services such as “Mission Critical Push To Talk" (MCPTT), “Mission Critical Data" (MCData) and “Mission Critical Video" (MCVideo) started with 3GPP Release-13 and is ongoing in current Releases. The Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) is based on these Mission Critical Features.
The goal of the FRMCS Plugtests event is to validate the interoperability of a variety of implementations using different test scenarios based on the 3GPP Mission Critical Services framework with focus on the rail specific features. The FRMCS Plugtests event will test railways-oriented capabilities defined in 3GPP. This FRMCS Plugtests event is part of the MCX Plugtests programme.
The tests will be based on 3GPP, ETSI and IETF standards.
See for full details.