Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Item mapping to Change Requests

3GPP Work Item = 830080 (NR_IIOT)

This page lists the approved Change Requests to 3GPP Technical Specifications and Reports associated with the above work item. Click on the CR find it in the CR table associated with the spec to which it pertains. Click on the spec to open its web page.

Spec CR number and Revision CR Title
23.502 2348 rev 1
36.300 1276
38.300 0203
38.300 0215
38.300 0215 rev 1
38.306 0244
38.306 0244 rev 1
38.321 0727
38.321 0888
38.331 1558
38.413 0097
38.413 0097 rev 1
38.413 0097 rev 2
38.413 0097 rev 3
38.413 0097 rev 4
38.413 0098
38.413 0098 rev 1
38.413 0098 rev 2
38.413 0098 rev 3
38.413 0116
38.413 0128
38.413 0129
38.413 0167
38.413 0170
38.413 0171
38.413 0203
38.413 0204
38.413 0207
38.413 0208
38.413 0209
38.413 0228
38.413 0238
38.413 0263
38.413 0277
38.413 0277 rev 1
38.413 0346
38.413 0448
38.413 0448 rev 1
38.413 0451
38.413 0465
38.413 0521
38.415 0006
38.415 0008
38.423 0097
38.423 0097 rev 1
38.423 0097 rev 2
38.423 0097 rev 3
38.423 0103
38.423 0103 rev 1
38.423 0103 rev 2
38.423 0103 rev 3
38.423 0103 rev 4
38.423 0115
38.423 0119
38.423 0120
38.423 0150
38.423 0155
38.423 0156
38.423 0157
38.423 0183
38.423 0184
38.423 0185
38.423 0186
38.423 0207
38.423 0224
38.423 0230
38.423 0230 rev 1
38.423 0230 rev 2
38.423 0230 rev 3
38.423 0230 rev 4
38.423 0251
38.423 0265
38.423 0265 rev 1
38.423 0323
38.423 0457
38.423 0515
38.425 0088
38.425 0090
38.425 0090 rev 1
38.425 0090 rev 2
38.425 0093
38.425 0093 rev 1
38.425 0095
38.425 0098
38.425 0099
38.463 0066
38.463 0069
38.463 0070
38.463 0080
38.463 0100
38.463 0101
38.463 0102
38.463 0113
38.463 0114
38.463 0135
38.463 0135 rev 1
38.463 0135 rev 2
38.463 0136
38.463 0153
38.463 0154
38.463 0154 rev 1
38.463 0154 rev 2
38.463 0154 rev 3
38.463 0154 rev 4
38.463 0156
38.463 0159
38.463 0173
38.463 0173 rev 1
38.463 0486
38.463 0522
38.463 0535
38.463 0535 rev 1
38.463 0564
38.473 0320
38.473 0320 rev 1
38.473 0320 rev 2
38.473 0320 rev 3
38.473 0338
38.473 0378
38.473 0430
38.473 0430 rev 1
38.473 0430 rev 2
38.473 0442
38.473 0477
38.473 0477 rev 1
38.473 0477 rev 2
38.473 0691
38.473 0691 rev 1
38.822 0002
38.822 0002 rev 1

page generated from database: 2024-11-12 10:16:04

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