Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Item mapping to Change Requests

3GPP Work Item = 820039 (SINE_5G)

This page lists the approved Change Requests to 3GPP Technical Specifications and Reports associated with the above work item. Click on the CR find it in the CR table associated with the spec to which it pertains. Click on the spec to open its web page.

Spec CR number and Revision CR Title
24.008 3167
24.008 3167 rev 1
24.008 3167 rev 2
24.008 3167 rev 3
24.008 3167 rev 4
24.008 3195
24.301 3143
24.301 3143 rev 1
24.301 3143 rev 2
24.301 3143 rev 3
24.301 3143 rev 4
24.301 3222
24.301 3222 rev 1
24.301 3494
24.301 3543
24.368 0040
24.368 0040 rev 1
24.368 0043
24.368 0043 rev 1
24.368 0043 rev 2
24.501 0730
24.501 0730 rev 1
24.501 0730 rev 2
24.501 0730 rev 3
24.501 0730 rev 4
24.501 1053
24.501 1053 rev 1
24.501 1053 rev 2
24.501 1053 rev 3
24.501 1249
24.501 1249 rev 1
24.501 1339 rev 1
24.501 1339 rev 2
24.501 1403
24.501 1403 rev 1
24.501 1404
24.501 1404 rev 1
24.501 1404 rev 2
24.501 1404 rev 3
24.501 1434
24.501 1434 rev 1
24.501 1434 rev 2
24.501 1452
24.501 1452 rev 1
24.501 1452 rev 2
24.501 1452 rev 3
24.501 1570
24.501 1570 rev 1
24.501 1699
24.501 1699 rev 1
24.501 1700
24.501 1700 rev 1
24.501 1728
24.501 1943
24.501 1944
24.501 2026
24.501 2205 rev 2
24.501 2210
24.501 2286
24.501 2286 rev 1
24.501 2531 rev 1
24.501 2576
24.501 2576 rev 1
24.501 2576 rev 2
24.501 2690
24.501 2690 rev 1
24.501 3039
24.501 3039 rev 1
24.501 3039 rev 2
24.501 3070
24.501 3070 rev 1
24.501 3071
24.501 3325
24.501 4095
27.007 0677
27.007 0677 rev 1
27.007 0677 rev 2
27.007 0683
27.007 0683 rev 1
27.007 0683 rev 2
27.007 0683 rev 3
27.007 0703
27.007 0703 rev 1
27.007 0708
27.007 0708 rev 1

page generated from database: 2024-11-12 10:16:04

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