Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Item mapping to Change Requests

3GPP Work Item = 60188 (MNP)

This page lists the approved Change Requests to 3GPP Technical Specifications and Reports associated with the above work item. Click on the CR find it in the CR table associated with the spec to which it pertains. Click on the spec to open its web page.

Spec CR number and Revision CR Title
03.18 A030 rev 5 Introduction of Mobile Number Portability
03.18 A038 rev 1 Mobile Number Portability
03.66 0000 Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
03.66 A001 rev 1 Alignment between 03.66 Part 1 and Part 4 description of call related functionality
03.66 A002 rev 1 Editorial clarifications and alignments
03.66 A003 rev 1 Routeing conventions in a portability Cluster
03.66 A004 rev 1 Adding of MNP-indicator to the SRI ack
03.66 A005 Correction on Number Portability
03.66 A006 rev 1 Terminology alignment
03.66 A007 Proposed changes to B.4.2 Delivery of SMS to a Non-ported Number - Direct Routeing - MNP-SRF acts as Higher-level Relay
03.66 A009 rev 1 Clarification of NPLR functionality in not known to be ported case
03.66 A014 rev 2 Results of Public Enquiry 9953
09.02 A175 rev 4 Addition of Originating IMSI to MO-ForwardSM-Arg
09.02 A176 rev 1 Translation Type for MNP
09.02 A193 rev 2 Mobile Number Portability
09.02 A204 rev 3 Adding of MNP-indicator to the SRI ack
09.02 A264 Clarification of returning the MSISDN in SRIack
23.018 0043 rev 1 Clarification of NPDB error detection and MNP specific call handling
23.018 0050 rev 3 ISUP release cause value
23.018 0052 rev 2 North American Service Provider Number Portability impacts for Mobile Number Portability
23.066 0001 Harmonisation of terminology
23.066 0002 Proposed changes to B.4.2 Delivery of SMS to a Non-ported
23.066 0003 Clarification of NPLR functionality in not known to be ported case
23.066 0007 rev 1 Editorial clean up
23.066 0008 rev 4 Alignment of IN interface with Fixed Networks
23.066 0009 rev 3 Detection of database synchronisation errors in SRF
23.066 0012 rev 2 Results of Public Enquiry 9953
23.066 0015 rev 1 Clarification of NPDB error detection and MNP specific call handling
23.066 0019 rev 2 23.018-052 on North American Service Provider Number Portability impacts for Mobile Number Portability
23.066 0023 rev 1 IN-based solution for correct charging of calls to ported or non-ported subscribers originated by pre-payed subscribers
23.066 0024 rev 2 SRF-based solution for correct charging of calls to ported or non-ported subscribers originated by pre-payed subscribers
23.066 0026 rev 1 Incorrect CAMEL pre-paid charging in MNP networks
23.066 0027 Incorrect implementation of 023r1
23.066 0028 rev 1 MNP correction for prepaid charging
29.002 0047 Clarification of returning the MSISDN in SRIack
29.002 0063 rev 4 MNP Data base mismatch
29.002 0596 rev 1 SRF-based solution for correct charging of calls to ported or non-ported subscribers originated by pre-payed subscribers
29.002 0597 rev 1 SRF-based solution for correct charging of calls to ported or non-ported subscribers originated by pre-payed subscribers
29.002 0615 rev 2 Incorrect Charging with MNP
29.002 0616 rev 2 Incorrect Charging with MNP
29.002 0675 rev 2 MNP correction for prepaid charging
29.002 0676 rev 2 MNP correction for prepaid charging

page generated from database: 2024-09-26 11:02:35

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