Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Item mapping to Change Requests

3GPP Work Item = 600002 (LTE_Interf_Rej-UEConTest)

This page lists the approved Change Requests to 3GPP Technical Specifications and Reports associated with the above work item. Click on the CR find it in the CR table associated with the spec to which it pertains. Click on the spec to open its web page.

Spec CR number and Revision CR Title
36.521-1 1081 LTE Type A performance requirements - Changes to clause 3
36.521-1 1082 LTE Type A performance requirements - Changes to clause 8.1.1
36.521-1 1083 LTE Type A performance requirements - Changes to Annex A
36.521-1 1084 LTE Type A performance requirements - Introduction of Annex B.5
36.521-1 1085 LTE Type A performance requirements - Introduction of the new test case
36.521-1 1150 Addition of new TC for FDD PDSCH Single-layer Spatial Multiplexing on antenna ports 7 or 8 with TM9 Interference Model
36.521-1 1151 Addition of new TC for TDD PDSCH Single-layer Spatial Multiplexing on antenna ports 7 or 8 with TM9 Interference Model
36.521-1 1194
36.521-1 1195
36.521-1 1215
36.521-1 1216
36.521-1 1247
36.521-1 1254
36.521-1 1272
36.521-1 1323
36.521-1 1362
36.521-1 1363
36.521-1 1364
36.521-1 1382
36.521-1 1423
36.521-1 1461
36.521-1 1516
36.521-1 1517
36.521-1 1518
36.521-1 1544
36.521-1 1564
36.521-1 1585
36.521-1 1586
36.521-2 0128 Addition of applicability for new TCs and
36.521-2 0143
36.521-2 0145
36.521-2 0169
36.904 0001
36.904 0002
36.904 0003
36.904 0004
36.904 0016

page generated from database: 2024-09-26 11:02:35

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