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3GPP Work Item mapping to Change Requests

3GPP Work Item = 530051 (OAM-SON-LTE_COORD)

This page lists the approved Change Requests to 3GPP Technical Specifications and Reports associated with the above work item. Click on the CR find it in the CR table associated with the spec to which it pertains. Click on the spec to open its web page.

Spec CR number and Revision CR Title
32.251 0257 CR R11 32.521 Add requirements for SON coordination
32.500 0006 rev 2 Adding requirement for SON coordination
32.521 0006 Rel-11 CR 32.521 Add SON coordination concept description
32.521 0006 rev 1 Rel-11 CR 32.521 Add SON coordination concept description
32.521 0006 rev 2 Rel-11 CR 32.521 Add SON coordination concept description
32.521 0006 rev 3 Add SON coordination concept description
32.521 0007 Rel-11 CR 32.521 Add requirement of fetching SON capabilty information in coordination
32.521 0007 rev 1 Rel-11 CR 32.521 Add requirement of fetching SON capabilty information in coordination
32.521 0010 rev 1 Add requirements for SON coordination
32.521 0257 rev 1
32.522 0068 rev 1 Adding definition of SON coordination
32.522 0078 rev 1 CR R11 TS 32.522 Adding coordination use case among CCO, COC and ESM
32.522 0088 rev 1 CR 32.522 R11 Add Coordination scenario between SON functions below itf-N and CM operations over itf-N
32.522 0091 rev 2 CR R11 32.522 Common SON coordination solution
32.522 0104 rev 1 CR R11 32.522 SON coordination modelling
32.522 0104 rev 2 CR R11 32.522 SON coordination modelling
32.522 0104 rev 3 CR R11 32.522 SON coordination modelling
32.522 0104 rev 4 CR R11 32.522 SON coordination modelling
32.522 0104 rev 5 CR Rel-11 32.522 SON Coordination NRMs
32.522 0104 rev 6 CR Rel-11 32.522 SON Coordination NRMs
32.522 0104 rev 7 CR Rel-11 32.522 SON Coordination NRMs
32.522 0105 Move SON coordination concept description to TS 32.521
32.522 0106 Rel-11 CR 32.522 coordination between ES and cell outage
32.522 0107 Rel-11 CR 32.522 coordination between ES and cell compensation
32.522 0107 rev 1 Coordination between ES and cell compensation
32.522 0108 Rel-11 CR 32.522 Change description of Coordination between SON functions below Itf-N and CM operations over itf-N
32.522 0108 rev 1 Rel-11 CR 32.522 Change description of Coordination between SON functions below Itf-N and CM operations over itf-N
32.522 0108 rev 2 Rel-11 CR 32.522 Change description of Coordination between SON functions below Itf-N and CM operations over itf-N
32.522 0108 rev 3 Change description of Coordination between SON functions below Itf-N and CM operations over itf-N
32.522 0109 Rel-11 CR 32.522 Enhancement of general SON coordination solutions
32.522 0109 rev 1 Rel-11 CR 32.522 Enhancement of general SON coordination solutions
32.522 0109 rev 2 Enhancement of general SON coordination solutions
32.522 0110 rev 2 Add examples of how to use general SON coordination solutions
32.522 0111 CR 32.522 Rel-11 Correcting function name
32.522 0111 rev 1 CR 32.522 Rel-11 Correcting function name
32.522 0111 rev 2 Correct erroneous function name
32.522 0112 Add support to SON coordination
32.522 0113 CR R11 32522 SON coordination for ESM, COC and CCO functions
32.522 0115 CR R11 32.522 Further enhancement of general SON coordination solutions
32.522 0115 rev 1 CR R11 32.522 Further enhancement of general SON coordination solutions
32.522 0115 rev 2 Further enhancement of general SON coordination solutions
32.522 0116 CR R11 32.522 Coordination between ES and Cell outage
32.522 0116 rev 1 CR R11 32.522 Coordination between ES and Cell outage
32.522 0117 CR R11 32.522 Add resolution clarification for Coordination between SON functions below Itf-N and non-SON operations over Itf-N
32.522 0117 rev 1 CR R11 32.522 Add resolution clarification for Coordination between SON functions below Itf-N and non-SON operations over Itf-N
32.522 0117 rev 2 Add description for Coordination between SON functions below Itf-N and non-SON operations over Itf-N
32.522 0119 CR R11 32.522 Add conflict detection for general SON coordination solutions
32.522 0119 rev 1 CR R11 32.522 Add conflict detection for general SON coordination solutions
32.522 0119 rev 2 Add conflict detection for general SON coordination solutions
32.522 0121 Add SON coordination example based on cell state
32.522 0122 Add enhancements to SON coordination
32.522 0125 rev 1 Coordination between COC and ANR
32.522 0126 Rel-11 CR 32.522 Coordination between HOO and LBO
32.522 0126 rev 1 Coordination between HOO and LBO
32.522 0127 Rel-11 CR 32.522 Add relationship diagram for SON coordination
32.522 0127 rev 1 Add relationship diagram for SON coordination
32.522 0129 CR R11 32.522 Addition of text for selection of SON coordination architectures
32.522 0129 rev 1 CR R11 32.522 Addition of text for selection of SON coordination architectures
32.522 0129 rev 2 CR R11 32.522 Addition of text for selection of SON coordination architectures
32.522 0130 CR R11 32.522 SON coordination for ESM, COC and CCO functions
32.522 0130 rev 1 CR R11 32.522 SON coordination for ESM, COC and CCO functions
32.522 0130 rev 2 CR R11 32.522 SON coordination for ESM, COC and CCO functions
32.522 0133 Add SON coordination example based on cell state
32.522 0133 rev 1 Add SON coordination example based on cell state
32.522 0133 rev 2 Add SON coordination example based on cell state
32.526 0024 rev 1 CR R11 32.526 SON coordination modelling
32.526 0024 rev 2 CR Rel-11 32.526 SON Coordination NRMs
32.526 0025 CR R11 32526 Addition of SON coordination policies for ESM and COC
32.762 0087 Add new attribute to support SON coordination
32.762 0087 rev 1 Enhance an attribute to support SON coordination
32.762 0095 Add CCOInformation IOC to support SON coordination (Stage 2)
32.762 0095 rev 1 Add CCOInformation IOC to support SON coordination (Stage 2)
32.762 0095 rev 2 Add CCOInformation IOC to support SON coordination (Stage 2)
32.766 0044 rev 1 Add new attribute to support SON coordination
32.766 0044 rev 2 Add new attribute to support SON coordination
32.766 0052 rev 1 Add CCOInformation IOC to support SON coordination (stage 3)

page generated from database: 2025-01-13 14:12:40

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