Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Item mapping to Change Requests

3GPP Work Item = 450022 (DSMIPv6_UEConTest)

This page lists the approved Change Requests to 3GPP Technical Specifications and Reports associated with the above work item. Click on the CR find it in the CR table associated with the spec to which it pertains. Click on the spec to open its web page.

Spec CR number and Revision CR Title
36.508 0123 Addition of WLAN test cell
36.508 0124 Addition of default message contents for mobility management based on DSMIPv6 testing
36.508 0135 Addition of generic procedures for mobility management based on DSMIPv6 testing
36.508 0150 Update of default message contents for DSMIPv6 testing
36.523-1 0457 Addition of new DSMIPv6 test case for Discovery of the Home Agent via DNS
36.523-1 0458 Addition of new DSMIPv6 test case for Security association establishment without Home Agent reallocation procedure
36.523-1 0604 Addition of new DSMIPv6 test case for Registration of a new IPv6 CoA (Binding Update/Acknowledgment procedure in IPv6 network)
36.523-1 0605 Addition of new DSMIPv6 test case for Re-registration of IPv6 CoA
36.523-1 0606 Addition of new DSMIPv6 test case for Return to home link
36.523-1 0607 Addition of new DSMIPv6 test case for Dual-Stack Mobile IPv6 detach in IPv6 network
36.523-1 0640 Addition of new DSMIPv6 test case for Registration of a new IPv4 CoA (Binding Update/Acknowledgment procedure in IPv4 network)
36.523-1 0641 Addition of new DSMIPv6 test case for Re-registration of IPv4 CoA
36.523-1 0642 Addition of new DSMIPv6 test case for Dual-Stack Mobile IPv6 detach in IPv4 network
36.523-1 0768 GCF Priority 2 - Correction of Minimum Cell Configuration
36.523-1 0841 Addition of new DSMIPv6 test case for Discovery of the Home Agent address via DHCPv6
36.523-1 0842 Addition of new DSMIPv6 test case for Security association establishment with Home Agent reallocation procedure
36.523-1 0844 Addition of new DSMIPv6 test case for Discovery of the Home Agent address via IKEv2 during tunnel setup to ePDG
36.523-1 0928 Update of DSMIPv6 test cases
36.523-1 0929 Removal of DSMIPv6 test case 15.3
36.523-2 0051 Addition of applicability for new DSMIPv6 test cases
36.523-2 0067 Addition of applicability for new DSMIPv6 test cases
36.523-2 0107 Removal of applicability for DSMIPv6 test case 15.3

page generated from database: 2024-09-26 11:02:35

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