Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Item mapping to Change Requests

3GPP Work Item = 440001 (EHNB-GERAN)

This page lists the approved Change Requests to 3GPP Technical Specifications and Reports associated with the above work item. Click on the CR find it in the CR table associated with the spec to which it pertains. Click on the spec to open its web page.

Spec CR number and Revision CR Title
24.008 1593 Introduction of MS CSG interworking capabilities
24.008 1593 rev 1 Introduction of MS CSG interworking capabilities
24.008 1593 rev 2 Introduction of MS CSG interworking capabilities
43.129 0078 rev 2 Introduction of PS handover to CSG cells
44.018 0821 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG
44.018 0821 rev 1 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG
44.018 0821 rev 2 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG
44.018 0821 rev 3 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG (Rel-9)
44.018 0821 rev 4 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG
44.018 0821 rev 5 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG
44.018 0822 Measurement Report for CSG cells
44.018 0822 rev 1 Measurement Report for CSG cells
44.018 0822 rev 2 Measurement Report for CSG cells
44.018 0822 rev 3 Measurement Report for CSG cells (Rel-9)
44.018 0822 rev 4 Measurement Report for CSG cells
44.018 0854 Introduction of inbound mobility to CSG cells (Rel-9)
44.018 0854 rev 1 Introduction of inbound mobility to CSG cells
44.018 0854 rev 2 Introduction of inbound mobility to CSG cells
44.018 0858 rev 1 Correction on 3G CSG parameters
44.018 0858 rev 2 Correction on 3G CSG parameters
44.018 0862 Introduction of inbound mobility to CSG cells
44.018 0864 Addition of Packet Cell Change Order for CSG cells
44.018 0864 rev 1 Addition of Packet Cell Change Order for CSG cells
44.018 0864 rev 2 Addition of Packet Cell Change Order for CSG cells
44.018 0868 Reporting Rules for Hybrid Cells
44.018 0868 rev 1 Reporting Rules for Hybrid Cells
44.018 0871 Addition of Packet Cell Change Order for CSG cells
44.018 0871 rev 1 Addition of Packet Cell Change Order for CSG cells
44.018 0876 Reporting Rules for Hybrid Cells not on the CSG Whitelist
44.018 0877 Reporting Rules for Hybrid Cells not on the CSG Whitelist
44.018 0890 Correction to CSG measurement reporting
44.018 0891 Correction to CSG measurement reporting
44.018 0899 Correction on CSG reporting criteria
44.018 0899 rev 1 Correction on CSG reporting criteria
44.018 0900 Correction on CSG reporting criteria
44.018 0900 rev 1 Correction on CSG reporting criteria
44.018 0900 rev 2 Correction on CSG reporting criteria
44.018 0929 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
44.018 0929 rev 1 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
44.018 0929 rev 2 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
44.018 0930 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
44.018 0930 rev 1 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
44.018 0948 CSG access check in dedicated/DTM mode following handover
44.018 0948 rev 1 CSG access check in dedicated/DTM mode following handover
44.018 0948 rev 6 CSG access check in dedicated/DTM mode following handover
44.018 0949 CSG access check in dedicated/DTM mode following handover
44.018 0949 rev 1 CSG access check in dedicated/DTM mode following handover
44.018 0949 rev 5 CSG access check in dedicated/DTM mode following handover
44.018 0965 rev 3 CSG access check in dedicated/DTM mode following handover
44.060 1335 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG
44.060 1335 rev 1 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG
44.060 1335 rev 2 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG
44.060 1335 rev 3 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG (Rel-9)
44.060 1335 rev 4 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG
44.060 1335 rev 5 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG
44.060 1336 Measurement Report for CSG cells
44.060 1336 rev 1 Measurement Report for CSG cells
44.060 1336 rev 3 Measurement Report for CSG cells (Rel-9)
44.060 1336 rev 4 Measurement Report for CSG cells
44.060 1336 rev 5 Measurement Report for CSG cells
44.060 1388 Signalling changes for CSG inbound mobility in connected mode
44.060 1388 rev 1 Introduction of inbound mobility to CSG cells (Rel-9)
44.060 1388 rev 2 Introduction of inbound mobility to CSG cells
44.060 1388 rev 3 Introduction of inbound mobility to CSG cells
44.060 1409 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG (Rel-10)
44.060 1410 Measurement Report for CSG cells (Rel-10)
44.060 1416 Introduction of inbound mobility to CSG cells
44.060 1427 Provision of information for inbound mobility to CSG
44.060 1428 Measurement Report for CSG cells
44.060 1430 Introduction of inbound mobility to CSG cells
44.060 1430 rev 1 Introduction of inbound mobility to CSG cells
44.060 1431 Introduction of inbound mobility to CSG cells
44.060 1436 Signalling CSG dedicated frequencies by PMO
44.060 1437 Signalling CSG dedicated frequencies by PMO
44.060 1441 PLMN-ID Signalling for CSG Cells
44.060 1441 rev 1 PLMN-ID Signalling for CSG Cells
44.060 1441 rev 2 PLMN-ID Signalling for CSG Cells
44.060 1441 rev 3 PLMN-ID Signalling for CSG Cells
44.060 1442 PLMN-ID Signalling for CSG Cells
44.060 1442 rev 1 PLMN-ID Signalling for CSG Cells
44.060 1442 rev 2 PLMN-ID Signalling for CSG Cells
44.060 1442 rev 3 PLMN-ID Signalling for CSG Cells
44.060 1443 Addition of Packet Cell Change Order for CSG cells
44.060 1443 rev 1 Addition of Packet Cell Change Order for CSG cells
44.060 1443 rev 2 Addition of Packet Cell Change Order for CSG cells
44.060 1443 rev 3 Addition of Packet Cell Change Order for CSG cells
44.060 1444 Addition of Packet Cell Change Order for CSG cells
44.060 1444 rev 1 Addition of Packet Cell Change Order for CSG cells
44.060 1444 rev 2 Addition of Packet Cell Change Order for CSG cells
44.060 1445 Optimising CSG Cells Signalling in PACKET MEASUREMENT ORDER
44.060 1445 rev 1 Optimising CSG Cells Signalling in PACKET MEASUREMENT ORDER
44.060 1446 Optimising CSG Cells Signalling in PACKET MEASUREMENT ORDER
44.060 1446 rev 1 Optimising CSG Cells Signalling in PACKET MEASUREMENT ORDER
44.060 1458 Reporting Rules for Hybrid Cells
44.060 1458 rev 1 Reporting Rules for Hybrid Cells
44.060 1461 Reporting Rules for Hybrid Cells
44.060 1461 rev 1 Reporting Rules for Hybrid Cells
44.060 1462 Reporting PLMN ID for CSG cell
44.060 1462 rev 1 Reporting PLMN ID for CSG cell
44.060 1462 rev 2 Reporting PLMN ID for CSG cell
44.060 1463 Reporting PLMN ID for CSG cell
44.060 1463 rev 1 Reporting PLMN ID for CSG cell
44.060 1463 rev 2 Reporting PLMN ID for CSG cell
44.060 1464 Corrections to CSG and hybrid cell mobility
44.060 1464 rev 1 Corrections to CSG and hybrid cell mobility
44.060 1464 rev 2 Corrections to CSG and hybrid cell mobility
44.060 1464 rev 3 Corrections to CSG and hybrid cell mobility
44.060 1465 Corrections to CSG and hybrid cell mobility
44.060 1465 rev 1 Corrections to CSG and hybrid cell mobility
44.060 1465 rev 2 Corrections to CSG and hybrid cell mobility
44.060 1465 rev 3 Corrections to CSG and hybrid cell mobility
44.060 1466 Correction on Cell Change Notification procedure for CSG cell
44.060 1466 rev 1 Correction on Cell Change Notification procedure for CSG cell
44.060 1466 rev 2 Correction on Cell Change Notification procedure for CSG cell
44.060 1466 rev 3 Correction on Cell Change Notification procedure for CSG cell
44.060 1467 Correction on Cell Change Notification procedure for CSG cell
44.060 1467 rev 1 Correction on Cell Change Notification procedure for CSG cell
44.060 1467 rev 2 Correction on Cell Change Notification procedure for CSG cell
44.060 1467 rev 3 Correction on Cell Change Notification procedure for CSG cell
44.060 1468 Measurement report for CSG cells in case of not supporting PS HO
44.060 1468 rev 1 Measurement report for CSG cells in case of not supporting PS HO
44.060 1469 Measurement report for CSG cells in case of not supporting PS HO
44.060 1469 rev 1 Measurement report for CSG cells in case of not supporting PS HO
44.060 1470 Reporting Rules for Hybrid Cells not on the CSG Whitelist
44.060 1471 Reporting Rules for Hybrid Cells not on the CSG Whitelist
44.060 1475 Mobility to CSG cells in NC2 mode
44.060 1475 rev 1 Mobility to CSG cells in NC2 mode
44.060 1475 rev 2 Mobility to CSG cells in NC2 mode
44.060 1482 Correction to CSG measurement reporting
44.060 1482 rev 1 Correction to CSG measurement reporting
44.060 1482 rev 2 Correction to CSG measurement reporting
44.060 1483 Correction to CSG measurement reporting
44.060 1483 rev 1 Correction to CSG measurement reporting
44.060 1483 rev 2 Correction to CSG measurement reporting
44.060 1496 Correction on CSG reporting criteria
44.060 1496 rev 1 Correction on CSG reporting criteria
44.060 1497 Correction on CSG reporting criteria
44.060 1497 rev 1 Correction on CSG reporting criteria
44.060 1519 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
44.060 1519 rev 1 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
44.060 1519 rev 2 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
44.060 1519 rev 3 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
44.060 1520 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
44.060 1520 rev 1 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
44.060 1520 rev 2 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
45.008 0405 Support of hybrid cells
45.008 0422 rev 3 Support of inbound mobility to CSG cells
45.008 0460 rev 1 Definition of hybrid cells
45.008 0477 rev 5 Measurement reporting limits for CSG cells
45.008 0478 rev 3 Corrections to CSG requirements
45.008 0479 rev 2 Reselection rules for hybrid cells
45.008 0480 rev 1 Reporting rules for hybrid cells
45.008 0489 Corrections to CSG requirements
45.008 0490 rev 3 Rules for reporting of detected hybrid cells not as CSG cells
45.008 0514 Reporting priority between CSG cells from different RATs/modes
45.008 0515 Reporting priority between CSG cells from different RATs/modes
45.008 0516 rev 1 Corrections to CSG reporting thresholds
45.008 0517 rev 1 Corrections to CSG reporting thresholds
45.008 0520 rev 1 Completion of the autonomous search function performance requirements for CSG cells and hybrid cells, correction to CSG cells re-selection requirements and to inbound mobility to CSG cells in packet
45.008 0521 rev 1 Completion of the autonomous search function performance requirements for CSG cells and hybrid cells, correction to CSG cells re-selection requirements and to inbound mobility to CSG cells in packet
45.008 0532 rev 2 Measurement reporting limits for CSG cells
45.008 0533 Measurement reporting for CSG cells – missing reference
45.008 0534 Measurement reporting for CSG cells – missing reference
45.008 0536 Validity of stored measurement parameters correction
45.008 0537 Validity of stored measurement parameters correction
45.008 0542 rev 2 Correction on CSG membership check in idle mode
45.008 0543 rev 2 Correction on CSG membership check in idle mode
45.008 0544 rev 2 Correction on CSG membership check in idle mode
45.008 0555 rev 2 Measurement reporting limits for CSG cells – removal of brackets
45.008 0556 rev 2 Measurement reporting limits for CSG cells – removal of brackets
45.008 0557 rev 1 Correction on CSG membership check in connected mode
45.008 0558 rev 1 Correction on CSG membership check in connected mode
45.008 0564 rev 2 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
45.008 0565 rev 1 Clarification on CSG reporting requirements and procedures
48.008 0323 Introduction of handover to CSG cells
48.008 0323 rev 1 Introduction of handover to CSG cells
48.008 0323 rev 2 Introduction of handover to CSG cells
48.008 0323 rev 3 Introduction of handover to CSG cells
48.008 0323 rev 4 Introduction of handover to CSG cells
48.008 0323 rev 5 Introduction of handover to CSG cells
48.008 0355 Support DTM handover to a CSG cell
48.008 0356 Support DTM handover to a CSG cell
48.008 0357 Support DTM handover to a CSG cell
48.018 0298 Introduction of PS handover to CSG cells
48.018 0298 rev 1 Introduction of PS handover to CSG cells
48.018 0298 rev 2 Introduction of PS handover to CSG cells
48.018 0298 rev 3 Introduction of PS handover to CSG cells
48.018 0298 rev 4 Introduction of PS handover to CSG cells
48.018 0298 rev 5 Introduction of PS handover to CSG cells

page generated from database: 2024-09-26 11:02:35

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