Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Item mapping to Change Requests

3GPP Work Item = 390046 (GBAPush)

This page lists the approved Change Requests to 3GPP Technical Specifications and Reports associated with the above work item. Click on the CR find it in the CR table associated with the spec to which it pertains. Click on the spec to open its web page.

Spec CR number and Revision CR Title
24.109 0037 Introduction of GBA Push within TS 24.109 – Upa Interface
24.109 0037 rev 1 Introduction of GBA Push within TS 24.109 – Upa Interface
24.109 0037 rev 2 Introduction of GBA Push within TS 24.109 – Upa Interface
24.109 0038 Correction of key material on Upa Interface
29.109 0048 GBA Push Scope, References and Definitions
29.109 0049 GBA Push Introduction of Zpn Interface
29.109 0049 rev 1 GBA Push Introduction of Zpn Interface
29.109 0049 rev 2 GBA Push Introduction of Zpn Interface
29.109 0050 GBA Push - Impacts on Zh Interface
29.109 0050 rev 1 GBA Push - Impacts on Zh Interface
29.109 0057 rev 1 Additional GBA Service Codes
29.109 0059 Use of MSISDN in Zh
29.109 0059 rev 1 Use of MSISDN in Zh
29.109 0059 rev 2 Use of MSISDN in Zh
29.109 0080 Introduction of GBA Push within TS 29.109 – Zpn Interface
29.109 0081 Introduction of GBA Push within TS 29.109 – Zpn Interface
29.109 0082 Introduction of GBA Push within TS 29.109 – Zpn Interface
29.109 0083 Introduction of GBA Push within TS 29.109 – Zpn Interface
29.230 0134 rev 2 AppId and command code for Zpn
33.223 0001 Identity handling for GBA push
33.223 0002 Clarifications to S2c access
33.223 0002 rev 1 33.223: GPI Protection
33.223 0003 Use of public identities
33.223 0004 UE registration at Push NAF
33.223 0004 rev 1 UE registration at Push NAF
33.223 0005 rev 1 GBA-Push resolution of editors notes and corrections
33.223 0006 Introduction of UE-Id type indicator
33.223 0007 Push NAF authorization
33.223 0008 Editorial corrections
33.223 0009 Alignment of TS 33.223 with TS 33.220
33.223 0010 rev 1 Clarification of GUSS usage in case of HLR
33.223 0012 Editorial corrections on
33.223 0013 Remove replay window
33.223 0014 Clarifications to GBApush
33.223 0016 Changing GBA push registration annex to be normative
33.223 0023 rev 1
33.223 0024
33.223 0025
33.223 0026
33.223 0027
33.223 0028

page generated from database: 2024-11-12 10:16:04

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