The 5G Standard

3GPP Work Item mapping to Change Requests

3GPP Work Item = 380085 (FS_HNB_Sec)

This page lists the approved Change Requests to 3GPP Technical Specifications and Reports associated with the above work item. Click on the CR find it in the CR table associated with the spec to which it pertains. Click on the spec to open its web page.

Spec CR number and Revision CR Title
33.820 0001 rev 1 Correction of text on autonomous validation
33.820 0002 rev 2 Introducing semi-autonomous validation
33.820 0003 Further description of Semi-Autonomous validation
33.820 0003 rev 1 Further description of Semi-Autonomous validation
33.820 0007 Update to H(e)NB system architecture
33.820 0008 Update of Access Control Mechanisms for H(e)NB
33.820 0009 Clarification of Section 7.4 Authentication Method Selection
33.820 0011 Conclusions on Location Security
33.820 0012 Clarification of Certificate Profile
33.820 0013 to H(e)NB validation
33.820 0014 to section H(e)NB Authentication
33.820 0021 rev 2 H(e)NB handover threat
33.820 0024 Complement of section H(e)NB Authentication
33.820 0025 rev 1 Clarification of the text on Hosting Party authentication in the conclusion section
33.820 0026 Remove Duplicate Section Number in
33.820 0030 rev 1 H(e)NB Validation
33.820 0032 Device Revalidation
33.820 0033 Analysis of Device Integrity Validation Methods
33.820 0036 Conclusion subsection on recommending variants for validation
33.820 0037 to TR33.820 H(e)NB validation
33.820 0040 rev 2 CSG Requirements
33.820 0042 rev 2 Enhancements to SAV Description
33.820 0043 rev 1 H(e)NB Distress Indication
33.820 0045 rev 1 Storage of CSG Lists and CSG Type in the USIM
33.820 0046 rev 2 Analysis of Device Integrity Validation Methods
33.820 0048 rev 1 Hybrid Validation Questionnaire
33.820 0050 rev 2 Feasibility Study for Semi-Autonomous Validation

page generated from database: 2024-06-24 21:26:04

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