Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items per TSG/WG

Active 3GPP Work Items for group: S6

Note that this page shows only those active (i.e. not yet completed) WIs where S6 is the sole responsible group.
There may be other active WIs for which this group holds joint responsibility, particularly hierachically higher WIs which comprise WIs from several groups: such WIs are not shown on this page.

Click on WI title for details

Building Block: Deleted (duplicated): Application Architecture to support MCPTT MCPTT Rel-13
Building Block: Study on Application Architecture to support MCPTT MCPTT Rel-13
Building Block: Functional architecture and information flows to support MCPTT MCPTT Rel-13
Work task: Stage 2 for MCVideo MCImp-MCVideo Rel-14
Work task: Stage 2 for MCData MCImp-MCData Rel-14
Building Block: Common functional architecture to support mission critical services MCImp-MC_ARCH Rel-14
Work task: Stage 2 of Enhancements for Mission Critical Push To Talk MCImp-eMCPTT Rel-14
Building Block: Deleted (duplicated): SA6 aspects for MCPTT MCPTT Rel-13
Building Block: Stage 2 for MBMS_Mcservices MBMS_Mcservices Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Study on MC system migration and interconnect between MCPTT systems FS_MCSMI Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: Study on MC Communication Interworking between LTE and non-LTE Systems FS_MCCI Rel-15
Building Block: Stage 2 of enhMCPTT enhMCPTT Rel-15
Building Block: Stage 2 of eMCData eMCData Rel-15
Building Block: Stage 2 of eMCVideo eMCVideo Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: MC system migration and interconnection MCSMI Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: MC Communication Interworking between LTE and non-LTE Systems (Stage 3 in Rel16) MCCI Rel-15
Building Block: Stage 2 of MONASTERY MONASTERY Rel-15
Building Block: Stage 2 of CAPIF CAPIF Rel-15
Feature or Study Item: MBMS usage for MC communication services MBMS_Mcservices Rel-15
Building Block: Study on Application Architecture for the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (stage 2) FS_FRMCS_ARCH Rel-15
Building Block: Study on CAPIF FS_CAPIF Rel-15
Building Block: Study on V2XAPP FS_V2XAPP Rel-16
Building Block: Study on MBMS APIs for MC Services FS_MBMSAPI_MC Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Study into discreet listening and logging for mission critical services FS_MCLOG Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of eMCData2 eMCData2 Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Mission Critical System Migration and Interconnection eMCSMI Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of MBMS APIs for MC Services MBMSAPI_MCS Rel-16
Building Block: Enhanced Mission Critical Communication Interworking with Land Mobile Radio Systems eMCCI Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Mission Critical Push-to-talk architecture phase 2 enh2MCPTT Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: MBMS APIs for Mission Critical Services MBMSAPI_MCS Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 for eCAPIF eCAPIF Rel-16
Building Block: Study on application architecture for the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) Phase 2 FS_FRMCS2_SA6 Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Study on MC services access aspects FS_MCSAA Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of V2XAPP V2XAPP Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of SEAL SEAL Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Enhancements to Functional architecture and information flows for Mission Critical Data eMCData2 Rel-16
Building Block: Stage 2 of enh2MCPTT enh2MCPTT Rel-16
Building Block: Application Architecture for MONASTERY2 MONASTERY2 Rel-16
Feature or Study Item: Study on Mission Critical services over 5G multicast-broadcast system FS_MC5MBS Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhancements to application layer support for V2X services FS_eV2XAPP Rel-17
Building Block: Study on support of the 5GMSG Service FS_5GMARCH Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of eMONASTERY2 eMONASTERY2 Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: MC services support on IOPS mode of operation MCIOPS Rel-17
Building Block: Study on Application Architecture for enabling Edge Applications FS_EDGEAPP Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 aspects of enh3MCPTT enh3MCPTT Rel-17
Building Block: Architecture for enabling Edge Applications EDGEAPP Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of MCData3 eMCData3 Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on application layer support for Factories of the Future in 5G network FS_FFAPP Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on application layer support for Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS) FS_UASAPP Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on location enhancements for mission critical services FS_enhMCLoc Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of eSEAL eSEAL Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of Application layer support for Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS) UASAPP Rel-17
Building Block: Application Architecture for MSGin5G Service 5GMARCH Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of MCOver5GS MCOver5GS Rel-17
Building Block: Stage 2 of eV2XAPP eV2XAPP Rel-17
Feature or Study Item: Study on Mission Critical services support over 5G System FS_MCOver5GS Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on application enablement aspects for subscriber-aware northbound API access FS_SNAAPP Rel-18
Building Block: Study on 5G-enabled fused location service capability exposure FS_5GFLS Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on Application Capability Exposure for IoT Platforms FS_ACE_IOT Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhanced architecture for enabling Edge Applications FS_eEDGEAPP Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on Network Slice Capability Exposure for Application Layer Enablement FS_NSCALE Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Application Data Analytics Enablement Service FS_ADAES Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on sharing of administrative configuration between interconnected MC service systems FS_MCShAC Rel-18
Building Block: Study on Application layer support for Personal IoT Networks FS_PINAPP Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on Mission Critical ad hoc group communications FS_MCAHGC Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of Mission Critical Services over 5GProSe MCOver5GProSe Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of SEAL_Ph3 SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of enh4MCPTT enh4MCPTT Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhanced architecture for UAS Applications FS_eUASAPP Rel-18
Building Block: Study on SEAL data delivery enabler for vertical applications FS_SEALDD Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on enhancements to application layer support for V2X services; Phase 2 FS_eV2XAPP2 Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Application layer support for Factories of the Future (FF) FFAPP Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of Mission Critical Services over 5MBS MCOver5MBS Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 of) Gateway UE function for Mission Critical Communication MCGWUE Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of Irail IRail Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of 5GMARCH_Ph2 5GMARCH_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Study of Gateway UE function for Mission Critical Communication FS_MCGWUE Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study of Interconnection and Migration Aspects for Railways FS_IRail Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Mission Critical ad hoc group Communications MC_AHGC Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of ADAES ADAES Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 of Seal DD) SEAL data delivery enabler for vertical applications SEALDD Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of UASAPP_Ph2 UASAPP_Ph2 Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of V2XAPP_Ph3 V2XAPP_Ph3 Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 of EDGEAPP_Ph2) Architecture for enabling Edge Applications Phase 2 EDGEAPP_Ph2 Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Edge Application Standards in 3GPP and alignment with External Organizations EDGEAPP_EXT Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of SNAAPP SNAAPP Rel-18
Building Block: (Stage 2 of NSCALE) Network Slice Capability Exposure for Application Layer Enablement NSCALE Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of 5GFLS 5GFLS Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of Mission Critical ad hoc group Communications MC_AHGC Rel-18
Building Block: Stage 2 of PINAPP PINAPP Rel-18
Feature or Study Item: Study on Service aspects for supporting the eMMTel service FS_eMMTelAPP Rel-19
Building Block: Study on enhanced application layer support for location services FS_eLSAPP Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Sharing of administrative configuration between interconnected MC service systems MCShAC Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: 5GMSG Service phase 3 5GMARCH_Ph3 Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of Railways specific Enhancements to Mission Critical Services FRMCS_Ph5 Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced Mission Critical Architecture enhMC Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on application layer support for AI/ML services FS_AIMLAPP Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of SEAL DD (Data Delivery) Phase 2 SEALDD_Ph2 Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of enabling Edge Applications Phase 3 EDGEAPP_Ph3 Rel-19
Building Block: Application Architecture for UAS applications Phase 3 UASAPP_Ph3 Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Guidelines for CAPIF Usage CAPIF_EXT Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on CAPIF Phase 3 FS_CAPIF_Ph3 Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on Application enabler for XR Services FS_XRApp Rel-19
Building Block: Study on application enablement for Localized Mobile Metaverse Services FS_Metaverse_App Rel-19
Building Block: Study on application enablement for Satellite access enabled 5G Services FS_5GSAT_Ph3_App Rel-19
Building Block: Study on Sensing application enabler for vertical applications FS_SensingAPP Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on MC services support on IOPS mode of operation for 5G FS_Generic_IOPS Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of Enhanced application layer support for location services eLSAPP Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Application enablement aspects for MMTel MMTel_App Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Application enablement for XRM Services Phase 2 XRM_Ph2_App Rel-19
Building Block: Stage 2 of Application enablement for AI/ML services AIML_App Rel-19
Building Block: Application enablement for mobile metaverse services Metaverse_App Rel-19
Building Block: Application enablement for satellite access Phase 3 5GSAT_Ph3_App Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Study on Service Enabler Architecture Layer (SEAL) Phase 4 FS_SEAL_Ph4 Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Common API Framework (CAPIF) Phase 3 CAPIF_Ph3 Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: MC services for generic support on IOPS mode of operation Generic_IOPS Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Application enablement for AI/ML services AIML_App Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: Enhanced application layer support for location services eLSAPP Rel-19
Feature or Study Item: SEAL DD (Data Delivery) Phase 2 SEALDD_Ph2 Rel-19

page generated from database: 2025-01-13 14:12:40