Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items per TSG/WG

Active 3GPP Work Items for group: N3

Note that this page shows only those active (i.e. not yet completed) WIs where N3 is the sole responsible group.
There may be other active WIs for which this group holds joint responsibility, particularly hierachically higher WIs which comprise WIs from several groups: such WIs are not shown on this page.

Click on WI title for details

Work task: Circuit Switched Bearer Services Circuit_switched_Bearer_Services R99
Work task: CS_Bearers CS_Bearers R99
Work task: CS_Bearerss CS_Bearerss R99
Work task: CS_Data CS_Data R99
Work task: CS_Data_Bearers CS_Data_Bearers R99
Work task: Deleted - CN3 poart of Circuit Switched Bearer Services CSBS R99
Work task: Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution EDGE R99
Work task: Frame Tunnelling Mode FTM R99
Building Block: UMTS UMTS R99
Work task: General Packet Radio Service GPRS R99
Feature or Study Item: Enable bearer independent CS architecture CSSPLIT Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: Presence Capability PRESNC Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service MBMS Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: CAMEL prepay interworking with SCUDIF SCCAMEL Rel-6
Building Block: Interworking between IMS and CS networks IMS-CCR-IWCS Rel-6
Building Block: Interworking between IMS and IP networks IMS-CCR-IWIP Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Rel-6 Charging Management CH Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Service Change and UDI Fallback SCUDIF Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: End to End QoS for PS Domain including IMS E2EQoS Rel-5
Building Block: E2E QoS interworking E2EQoS-IW Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: R99_Service_Clean_up R99_Service_Clean_up R99
Feature or Study Item: Realtime_NT_FAX_in_UMTS Realtime_NT_FAX_in_UMTS R99
Feature or Study Item: Streamlining of specifications Streamlining R99
Work task: Support_of_PIAFS_in_UMTS Support_of_PIAFS_in_UMTS R99
Feature or Study Item: (Small) Technical Enhancements and Improvements for R99 TEI R99
Building Block: TEI_[CS_Data] TEI_[CS_Data] R99
Building Block: TEI_[GPRS] TEI_[GPRS] R99
Building Block: Updates_for_UMTS Updates_for_UMTS R99
Work task: Access to ISPs and Intranets – Wireless/Remote access to LANs InterworkingwithPDN(DHCP) R99
Building Block: General Packet Radio Service enahancements GPRSenhancements R99
Building Block: Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution - Phase 1 EDGE-Phase1 R99
Feature or Study Item: WLAN-UMTS Interworking Rel-6 WLAN Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: QoS Improvements QoS1 Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: Reorganisation of CS Data Specifications CSData Rel-6
Building Block: Overall architectural aspects of IP flow based bearer level charging CH-FBC Rel-6
Feature or Study Item: GPRS_Mobile_IP_interworking GPRS_Mobile_IP_interworking R99
Feature or Study Item: Intranet / ISP access with DHCP end-to-end ISPaccess R99
Feature or Study Item: Multimedia Multimedia R99
Work task: PHS Internet Access Forum Specification PIAFS R99
Feature or Study Item: Point_to_Multipoint_Services Point_to_Multipoint_Services R99

page generated from database: 2025-01-24 14:24:14