Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items per TSG/WG

Active 3GPP Work Items for group: N2

Note that this page shows only those active (i.e. not yet completed) WIs where N2 is the sole responsible group.
There may be other active WIs for which this group holds joint responsibility, particularly hierachically higher WIs which comprise WIs from several groups: such WIs are not shown on this page.

Click on WI title for details

Feature or Study Item: GSM/UMTS interworking 2G3Ginterworking R99
Feature or Study Item: Handover Handover R99
Feature or Study Item: Deleted - Long_Forwardedto_Numbers Long_Forwardedto_Numbers R99
Building Block: MultiCall Multicall R99
Work task: GPRS2 GPRS2 R99
Work task: GPRS Tunnelling Protocol enhancement GTP_enhancement R99
Building Block: Security for UMTS and GSM Features Security R99
Building Block: CAMEL control of IMS services IMS-CAMEL Rel-5
Building Block: Handling of partial implementations of CAMEL4 CAMEL4-SUB Rel-5
Building Block: Provision of location information of called subscriber CAMEL4-LOCB Rel-5
Building Block: Notification of GPRS mobility management to CSE CAMEL4-NMM Rel-5
Building Block: Inclusion of ODB data in the CSE_HLR interface CAMEL4-ODB Rel-5
Building Block: Location information during an ongoing call (Handover DP) CAMEL4-HODP Rel-5
Building Block: GPRS Any Time Interrogation CAMEL4-ATI Rel-5
Building Block: Call Party Handling CAMEL4-CPH Rel-5
Building Block: Mid call procedure for MO and MT calls CAMEL4-MCP Rel-5
Building Block: Interactions with Optimal Routing CAMEL4-IOR Rel-5
Building Block: Inclusion of flexible tone injection CAMEL4-IFTI Rel-5
Building Block: CSE control over MT SMS CAMEL4-CCSMS Rel-5
Feature or Study Item: Prepaging Prepaging R99
Building Block: End-to-end UMTS Quality of Service management QoS R99
Building Block: QoS_enhancements QoS_enhancements R99
Work task: Immediate Service Termination / SECurity Immediate Service Termination IST,SECIST R99
Feature or Study Item: Sub-System Number allocation for RANAP, RNSAP SSN_allocation R99
Building Block: Super Charger mechanism for signalling traffic associated with mobility Super_Charger R99
Building Block: General Packet Radio Service enahancements GPRSenhancements R99
Building Block: GSM mobile number portability euro MNP / North American MNP MNP R99
Feature or Study Item: Rel-4 Evolutions of the transport in the CN CNTRSP Rel-4
Feature or Study Item: Enhancement of dialled service for CAMEL EDCAMEL Rel-6
Building Block: Call Forwarding enhancements CF_enhancements R99
Building Block: Follow_Me service Follow_Me R99
Building Block: Call_Forwarding Call_Forwarding R99
Building Block: Customised Application for Mobile network Enhanced Logic Phase 3 CAMEL3 R99
Building Block: Location Services LCS R99
Feature or Study Item: Support of Localised Service Area SoLSA R99
Work task: General Packet Radio Service GPRS R99

page generated from database: 2025-01-13 14:12:40