The 5G Standard

3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 29.198-08

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0001 - F Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Corrections to OSA API Rel4 NP-12 NP‑010330 approved N5 N5-11 N5‑010266 agreed 2001‑05‑24 OSA1 0
0002 - F Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Changing references to JAIN NP-13 NP‑010471 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010681 agreed 2001‑08‑30 OSA1 0
0003 - F Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 Replace Out Parameters with Return Types NP-14 NP‑010601 approved N5 N5-12 N5‑010568 agreed 2001‑07‑19 OSA1 -
0004 - F Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 Corrections and alignment additions to the Data Session Control SCF NP-14 NP‑010601 approved N5 N5-15 N5‑011244 agreed 2001‑11‑30 OSA1 -
0005 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 Add P_INVALID_INTERFACE_TYPE exception to IpService.setCallback() and IpService.setCallbackWithSessionID() NP-15 NP‑020110 approved N5 N5-16 N5‑020025 agreed 2002‑02‑08 OSA1 -
0006 - B Rel-5 4.4.0 5.0.0 Addition of support for WSDL realisation NP-16 NP‑020182 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020394 agreed 2002‑05‑17 OSA2
0007 - B Rel-5 4.4.0 5.0.0 Addition of Support for Network Controlled Notifications DSC NP-16 NP‑020183 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020490 agreed 2002‑05‑17 OSA2
0008 - F Rel-5 4.4.0 5.0.0 Adding missing text concerning the activity timer and criteria overlap NP-16 NP‑020192 approved N5 N5-18 N5‑020505 agreed 2002‑05‑30 OSA2
0009 - F Rel-4 4.4.0 4.5.0 Introduce new method getNotifications to correct the result type of IpDataSessionControlManager.getNotification() to permit retreival of all created notifications. NP-17 NP‑020426 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020713 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA1 -
0010 - F Rel-4 4.4.0 4.5.0 Correction on use of NULL in Data Session Control API NP-17 NP‑020426 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020761 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA1 -
0011 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Remove duplicate exception from IpDataSessionControlManager.createNotification() NP-17 NP‑020435 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020633 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0012 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Remove P_SERVICE_INFORMATION_MISSING and P_SERVICE_FAULT_ENCOUNTERED exceptions from DataSessionControl methods. NP-17 NP‑020435 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020635 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0013 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Introduce new method getNotifications to correct the result type of IpDataSessionControlManager.getNotification() to permit retreival of all created notifications. NP-17 NP‑020435 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020714 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0014 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Add P_INVALID_INTERFACE_TYPE exception to IpDataSessionControlManager.createNotification(), resulting in new createNotifications() method NP-17 NP‑020435 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020715 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0015 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Add text to clarify requirements on support of methods NP-17 NP‑020435 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020721 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0016 - A Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Correction on use of NULL in Data Session Control API NP-17 NP‑020435 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020764 agreed 2002‑07‑12 OSA2 -
0017 - D Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Add text to clarify relationship between 3GPP and ETSI/Parlay OSA specifications NP-17 NP‑020395 approved N5 N5-19 N5‑020777 agreed 2002‑08‑30 OSA2 -

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