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3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 05.03

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
A003 3 C R96 5.1.0 5.2.0 Moving of the pre-channel coding from 06-serie to 05-serie smg-19 506/96 approved SMG2 18 Not All agreed 1996‑05‑28 - -
A005 - D R96 - 5.0.0 Clarification on the use of BSIC smg-17 114/96 approved SMG2 12/96 agreed - -
A007 - F Ph2 4.3.0 4.4.0 Incorrect G6 polynomial smg-21 284/97 approved SMG2 - - 1997‑02‑06 - -
A009 - F R96 5.2.1 5.3.0 Error in the preliminary channel coding smg-21 284/97 approved SMG2 - - 1997‑02‑06 - -
A010 - B R96 5.2.1 5.3.0 Support of 14.4 kbit/s (Radio interface related) smg-21 232/97 approved T1P1 - - 1997‑02‑12 14, 4kbit/s -
A015 - B R97 6.0.0 6.1.0 14.4kbps Data Service smg-25 98-0183 approved SMG2 SMG2-25 14/98 agreed 1998‑03‑13 14, 4kbit/s -
A017 - F R97 6.1.2 6.2.0 Clarification on the definition of USF precoding smg-28 P‑99‑170 approved SMG2 - S298‑452 agreed 1999‑02‑08 GPRS -
A019 2 C R98 - - Introduction of AMR (A*) smg-28 P‑99‑169 rejected SMG2 - 2P99‑175 agreed 1999‑02‑08 AMR -
A021 - C R98 7.0.1 7.1.0 Introduction of AMR smg-29 P‑99‑486 approved SMG2 - 2‑99‑233 agreed AMR -
A023 2 B R99 8.0.0 8.1.0 Introduction of Fast Power Control for ECSD in 05.03 smg-30 P‑99‑587 approved SMG2 - 2‑99‑A08 agreed EDGE-Compact -
A024 - F R98 7.1.0 7.2.0 AMR channel coding smg-30 P‑99‑576 approved SMG2 - 2‑99‑917 agreed AMR See also A113 rev1, 05.05 (version 7.1.0)
A025 - B R99 8.0.0 8.1.0 EGPRS Channel coding smg-30 P‑99‑587 approved SMG2 - 2‑99‑999 agreed EDGE-Compact -
A026 - A R99 8.0.0 8.1.0 AMR channel coding smg-30 P‑99‑576 approved SMG2 - 2‑99‑B58 agreed AMR See also A120 rev1, 05.05 (version 8.0.0)
A027 1 B R99 8.0.0 8.1.0 EDGE Compact logical channels smg-30 P‑99‑587 approved SMG2 - 2‑99‑D95 agreed EDGE-Compact See also 03.64, 04.03, 05.01, 05,02, 05.10
A028 - F R98 7.1.0 7.2.0 Correction of several small bugs in the AMR section / Optimization of the transmission of the in-band parameter Mode Indication smg-30 P‑99‑576 approved SMG2 - 2‑99‑A32 agreed AMR See also A029 for 05.03, V 8.0.0, R99
A029 - A R99 8.0.0 8.1.0 Correction of several small bugs in the AMR section / Optimization of the transmission of the in-band parameter Mode Indication smg-30 P‑99‑576 approved SMG2 - 2‑99‑A33 agreed AMR See also A028 for 05.03, V 7.1.0, R98
A030 - F R99 8.0.0 8.1.0 E-FACCH/F interleaving smg-30 P‑99‑587 approved SMG2 - 2‑99‑B93 agreed EDGE-Compact -
A031 1 B R98 7.1.0 7.2.0 Introduction of RATSCCH for AMR smg-30 P‑99‑576 approved SMG2 - 2‑99‑E13 agreed AMR -
A032 1 A R99 8.0.0 8.1.0 Introduction of RATSCCH for AMR smg-30 P‑99‑576 approved SMG2 - 2‑99‑E14 agreed AMR -
A033 - F R98 8.1.0 8.2.0 Correction of EGPRS channel coding smg-30b P-99-794 approved SMG2 - 2‑99‑H66 agreed 1999‑12‑07 EDGE -
A034 - F R98 7.2.0 7.3.0 Correction concerning AMR - SID_FIRST signalling and clarification concerning bit order of codec mode code words smg-31 P‑00‑073 approved SMG2 01/00 2‑00‑039 agreed 2000‑02‑13 AMR -
A035 - A R99 8.2.0 8.3.0 Correction concerning AMR - SID_FIRST signalling and clarification concerning bit order of codec mode code words smg-31 P‑00‑073 approved SMG2 01/00 2‑00‑040 agreed 2000‑02‑13 AMR -
A036 - D R99 8.2.0 8.3.0 Editorial correction for ECSD channel coding smg-31 P‑00‑088 approved SMG2 01/00 2‑00‑253 agreed 2000‑02‑13 EDGE-ECSD 2009-07-08: WI code corrected.
A037 - F R99 8.2.0 8.3.0 Correction for EGPRS Channel Coding smg-31 P‑00‑085 approved SMG2 01/00 2‑00‑352 agreed 2000‑02‑13 EDGE-EGPRS -
A039 - D R99 8.3.0 8.4.0 Fast Inband Signalling: E-IACCH smg-31b P-00-213 approved SMG2 S2-35 737/00 agreed 2000‑04‑13 EDGE -
A040 - F R99 8.4.0 8.5.0 Clarification of stealing bits for MCS-1 to 4. smg-32 P‑00‑282 approved SMG2 05/00 2‑001012 agreed 2000‑06‑28 EDGE -
A041 - F R99 8.4.0 8.5.0 Correction to the interleaving formula of MCS-8 case smg-32 P‑00‑282 approved SMG2 05/00 2‑001025 agreed 2000‑06‑28 EDGE -
A042 - F R96 5.5.1 5.6.0 05.03-A042 Removal of GPRS related text (R96) GP-01 GP-000108 approved G1 G1-01 GP‑000108 agreed 2000‑09‑18 TEI -
A043 - F R99 8.5.0 8.6.0 Correction of errors in coding schemes GP-02 GP-000540 approved G1 G1-02 GP‑000540 agreed 2000‑11‑14 EDGE -
A044 - - Rel-5 - - Coding and Interleaving Proposal for O-FACCH/F and O-FACCH/H GP-03 GP-010130 postponed Ericsson - - 2001‑01‑31 - -
A045 - F Rel-4 8.6.0 4.0.0 Editorial Correction to SACCH Block Coding GP-03 GP-010261 approved Siemens - - 2001‑01‑31 TEI -
A046 - - Rel-5 - - Channel coding for TCH/WFS GP-03 GP-010242 revised Nokia - - 2001‑01‑31 - -
A046 1 B Rel-5 8.6.0 5.0.0 Channel coding AMR Wide band codec on GMSK full rate traffic channel GP-03 GP-010333 approved Nokia - - 2001‑01‑31 Wideband_Telephony_Service -

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